Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 13, 1943, p. 4

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the georgetown ehrtjcl wedae january 13 1942 the georgetown herald jvbitiiig canadas army ebaa hocval olbi wtiiw iswlstfowm axaosovs gttifwiwb huu cora ecsecjajrioii haths cwmht ottiud stale iad c m r sale cwfc b m mfaj balaa si to put ca mmnllm js90stii via wtxsls o bbb3i pitiatr uabv 11 bosh editor oabpzsld l iteoilv8ay j betay roa 1113 merrrirt ol tnt rtojn wfciy lievsptp atrrtirvn and u oztutoqotsat dtaefaa el us ovju fire editors corner a new angle there ar definitely some advantage to this thing we call the war effort thint of all the attic aad cellar that have been cleared of junk of all the tin can that arent cluttering vacant lot or dangling from puppy dog tail it amazing when you think of it the amount of trash that ha suddenly removed itself from our way of living take banana peel no banana no peel- lag so that take care of itself we no longer leave flint and dip scattered around because theyre not worth the picking up tack and nail may be scarce one of these day so we gather those up too even an old silk stocking is nothing to be tossed bout carelessly these day it also ha it place in the war effort dresses that used to droop unworn on their hanger are coming in for new attention and re pair balky curtain spring are brought under control for diraout duty and rusty flashlights are pulled out of discard unused book too are sent to the soldier and tailor and the shelves dusted another year or two of thi kind of war effort and housewives may be in the position of spotless housekeeper maybe its yours spring and fall may be the housecleaning season for housewives but the beginning of the new year is the accustomed time for business offices to sort the ntl from the chaff so to speak in order to make toota for new material which will come in during the new year we think it take less time for a newspaper office to become cluttered up than any other branch of enterprise and when we stort sorting the countless folder circulars bulletins magazines and newspapers which we have saved for reference purposes during the past year it i a real job much a we dislike dispos ing of them it is a real necessity otherwise we would toon find ourselves in the position of the man who tried to share hi tent with his camel there b one accumulation in our office how ever which we do not like to summarily dispose of without mentioning first we refer to our collection of found article which people bring in to us and which we in turn place in the right hand corner of the herald office window so that passersby who may have lost an article may see it and come in and claim it we have had many people take advantage of this service and it is not often lost belongings stay in the window for any length of time however since last january we have managed to gather up quite a few articles which nobody has claimed to date and a our display of these ha become quite sizable we are listing the article below so that owners of same may call in at the herald office and claim them 1 ladys black furtimmed golosh size 6 i mail boys brown cloth cap i mans lowcut rubber large size i ball kahki yarn i radiator cap i pair ladys brown suede gloves i mans figured blue scarf 1 boys wool sock red blue and grey diamond pat tern 1 ladys rubber size si 1 leather strop off baby carriage 2 yale keys i ordinary key i tangec lipstick 1 leather wallet with identification card w h be van 1 ladys white silk glove i black silk glove i medium blue wool mitt 1 pink angora mitt 1 pr boys khaki wool mitts test of character the greatest test of character is to be found in what is common rather than in what is extraordinary it is easier for the soldier to be faithful in the rush of battle when sustained by a catching enthusiasm than to maintain a high note of consistent principle under the many trials of daily drill norman macleod the legion and politics from many sources has come the suggestion that the legion organization should enter the political arena in canada the legionary official publica tion of the canadian legion takes the opposite stand and voices the opinion of the majority of canadian legion men the first stumbling block would be a fundamental change in the legions constitution which could only be done by the dominion convention which dow not meet again until 1944 then of course to engage in active politic it would be necessary for them b form party or become an appendage of a party and toe legion would have to lay down its policy on alu problems with wbjtn government and parliament have fe deal not nvkrery confine itself to expiestlng ft pole ok tb war emit- lana rehabilitation and another in a tertes of arudea written by w r lesjr end c v c8iarcrr io rrpreunled uie canadian wwj kra leaner as sociation in j jrriil toor orr- lrat article kj 10 b waller n uit wtuie in cigund uv cii0un u- lor were ikjuti in grral detail all lor tanou acllwurt cl u qjniliin arm tn lnuxul tnrrc a n- esari lo ttun all vs uje arm oteraestt but at leav one unit ol fttcn kind u vulied and tutdled and u ramlllcauona o u varloue trtivturt are truly tmtrng ttie lint unit tltllrd aat an ord nance oorpa aoratlapp manned try iugruy tallied mrn making ali kind ot rrtpalja tttrrr wat an armourere tnop maxlng repair and adjuerornu to ali kind o gun an optical itop making rrtialrv u field glaatea mxro- hnupea and tlmltir tnstnazsrat a wlrrlrat uot repairing and m ftlrfm rwttti4 iu and uanimll- uwa and a fine instrument tnop whlon cook m mate part and re pair to a aauit the main tltup at uua unit it in charge ol cwpl tl ii llaaunta arno oomea from i que and vt retnnrd inat he rrrntrt tn otan- td journal rrsuiary and enjoy rtrry vord ol it it ha omi oiex- i tine brpcrmoar imo anouur man at lhu unit u v llravlr of ouelph ont ano a a runner up tor tnr kinjia prlar lor cujouuk at niiley a lev year ago the atjrk of malnlenarur ol equip ment u a wry important pjrl of titr army at i realurd more and more aa the lour proonscxd wliur e aaa many piaom wtkere rrulnlenance and repair vortt la carried on thu flrii unit u uie only otir dolna the lugsuy peclaliird aork on uutrumrnu ahich me vulied net battery operauaaa ttie ame aflernaort a atudy ua made of field ilatlery oprrationa ttila aaa an ulumlntlnr drmnrutra- lion of the zarx llalwjn belaren army atd air force ii wa pjkh how the declmon l mode a to arfirthrr air or irround irun action l to be rmnord overseas iti england and bow uh one l called tnlo action at put of thli demositrauon to ballerlea vere et up in mtny under canmnfliae and a patrol of hisonea aere called out from ft nearoy air ikld it aaa their job to locate the battrrb and photoxraph tbem thete extremely fait and povertul plane gate the ecaiora a real thrill as they urded and alted over uie nem raooptng down at umea o clot uit it fceeened aa u they sera going to take os our naia it did not tax them long to tpot the hidden batter- lea and with a sar flourttfi they aarr 00 we tt hurried atr to tha aero drome and on our arrival vera ihown the ftnlihed plcturea of the batiarla taken from the planea talng the drome w drow for many mliea etooptng for our even lng meal at lal ortnstead hee at in the room vtilah the local notary ci jb uaea for their meetlnga patting utrouitt many knely old rulagh fuially arrlied at the hotel shton ww to be our rteadouartara for the nest ten day ancenttillf ditaeshlm t it u moat dlnvrili at ihtt tins to llnd aconmmodthon for a party auch at oura stilob uh drlrara photo grapher and oficrra ruimberad about titeen uany hotelt an ctoad many takrei oer by tha govetrunent and thofa which hare raoma ar ihort of food or if they hare food art ahort of roomt itowtver a quiet hotel tn a aaa- tide revert a at able to look alter tht party and to arrangetnenta had been made there tn advance such reaoru tody are almott decertad plcaturt uatrl u moat definitely dltrouraeed and moit teatlde plarea are under w- trre rettrlctloni aa to vltltora rach day wt atarted out early and travelled many mtte tn our prlrmte but to vartoua units and moat nlchta arrhed at the hotel tery late uiually tratrulng for many milet in the blacjt- ouu the may our advance rtdrr and our bua drler could drive at good ipeem throueh tht darfmaee aat al- wijt a thrilling experience to a party who had alwaa been uxed to driving with powerful headltghu to add to our wonderment there never waa a tisw dinoiiaa uto or asras pott sad ho tbe ound ubalr way wttbout paut at tnutanttonj waa s uyitwy rwm tiaiu vuu4 wfatn srrttwd to sagjaad us thruiinf atory of oticvt had ju bro- kao and tytrytoay u a tb thartlort the next item on our pro gramme vult vtth uou that had jott rruimed from ouppe sat of pedal iniereat wt wre grttted by oeseral j u- robtru who ltd the oteppe exprdluon and who okt tn tdflzi praise of tht men and officera ihera- the men thtzi broka rank and w liad a moat inlormal talk vttb than- uung on tht ground with email group of tsao ho gyoupad ihemtel- va aooarding- to their bozo dlitricxa in thli way i talked wkh p utroer of sherbrooka o pigeon who m tor- mtrly on tht shrttjeooka polloa pont oermaln aurprenanl of bc jobna b vennu ol su at bhawtslgan palla p of eharbroote j u poo- taint of t pie and claude n of at- oatatrt ttfiy apok rarretfudy of many mlaxtng oomraflea and ware concern ad w to whether they would find tht raplatemrala utx aa oonfenlal their ttortra of duprt e grtp- plng oct lad told of being tn chars of two camera which they ftoany landed alter bso atlempta after ea- tahllihing a marmna gun pc they came off again and landed ammunj ta sttrwat hi l pleae wstkat tt vs ttsastlfy b uu f atd i sad s iri ilalllialilf coold boh and botb tak tnts bh oaf ton of turns yrrrtchtrieei i tn thwa m vult vtidwoos of m a ttary they ew ennrthrn waa of tome men wbo fiadlsg bring tamt took ratugw torn cats wfaka they toon toum were fclad with dynamlt uany of theat boy bjl back touvenlra of the raid mxfy sa oerman badge penrlli tnhacvo uj j u pontalna cald thli it vaihs grandfather who uted to 0cru poualnttoll brtdgt nearulkooc lie tald that be bad wr rf ura j partteao of bhtebrooka had beeo very kind to him anc derated the opinion that if ralaf kept in data touch with b boyt l would roora cbcttfulry oarry on tht puiuten d mnntratl cartamli made gnat nam for theentattt st oteppt and a4t a tradttiob fey tb ptmeh oinavwtn troopa and it israat oprsortomy to meat sad ufit with tbtra tnlormady ion another told of taetn bomta drop- sweet caporal itt ruiiti fot ti4 hkm ipittyo tu ii mono nrrtttttt- 1r tlj directory j f r watson tkdjs aldj- otast hours to s bbspi tttttirsday sftareobbj dr j burns milne bcntsx suttuson xaav kindred matters especially close to veterans heart all soldiers would have to think alike on all the issues an other requisite would be the dropping of their old party affiliations the argument ha been put forth that wartime comradeship would enable veteran in parliament to work together despite differing interests this in the legionarys opinion is true only where the differing interests are not brought into play the troops are content so long as politics do not intrude the moment politics do intrude they become antagonist just as their civilian fellowcitizens to expect veterans to treat other veterans differently over political differences is to expect the impossible human nature is not built that way if such a thing did happen the legionary claims that for from achieving unity among veterans making the legion a political force would on the con trary split it wide open and before long it would cease to exist as a united veterans organization under its present constitution the legion is able to exert its influence on all parties and all govern ments keeping itself free from political and biased taint the legions position is unassailable whatever its spokesmen say carries weight with the government because parliament knows that there are no political motives behind their representations give the legion a political colour and every remark of its leaders would be suspect immediately so the legionary urges legionnaires to have one place where we can meet in harmony let us keep our organization as a united alert and mobile force ready to apply our experience and influence where they can be most effective let us keep what we have a great and strong fightin organization with a magnificent record of service to our country and comrades achieved only by a splendid unity cannot use expired butter coupons retailers were warned january 9th that they must not detach and keep the expired butter coupons nos i and 2 from the ration books of consumers who did not use these two coupons before the expiry date january 3 likewise consumers were warned by the ration administration of wartime prices and trade board that if they did not use the two expired coupons while they were valid they should detach and destroy them before presenting their ration books at the store to buy butter on coupons nos 3 and 4 this warning resulted from reports that some retailers when selling butter on coupons nos 3 and 4 which were good from january 4 to january 7 are also taking coupons nos i and 2 to which they have no right retailers replace their stocks of butter by turn ing in coupons to the amount of their replacements the ration admiiustration pointed out that it retailer collect the no i and 2 couponswithout setting butter they obtain an uksfagsmmhsbipcm which do not iepre t a m nielsen smi tr fwrtln j xray dragkt tbcnptst 14 srlmstwl bonn 1 tjo sj aa chat tkltlay fa us clifford g reid udjt lumk dentist phone 410 oeorgatown leroy dale k c m sybil bennett b a barrtattm aa saaeuar ifffi etrttt utargateva kenneth m ijingrlnn bantrtar salkttaenatarypauli tot uortcsg uonty to lass omc oratory theatre bid mil street ueaefetam radio r we specialize in this work u tear j stanford son rfcenai osxistosrrown is frank petch ucsntam aocnonm and ii cutlass or insiibancb prompt betriot ffcane ml o pa bos til monuments memns and ugntrawo pollock a ingham oealsns on raquotpbob un tntpeot our jrott tn oratrrwaag ocramsfw elmer c thompson insinunob mnvtcs fin auto wlndttorm c p banway sad alha tvmhta exccksiows phase lltw ar j ralph gordon tea teraatne mtattslnsr te your next program mustrstsd dreular prat toaonto stsb orawfetw st gray coach lines timetable how m bppswt oayhgtit sattngtfa lxavs obobobtown 4l tim bjn sjuaas jmpjb uaaaa bumsaa lsmato u1jbsjb ubtuti cnr time table dayhget sattng ika oatar ttgm till am pationger and uall hmm sat natater sad ltjl tsi p passenger sunday only ul sa ratairiswr dstty u that tnen wi flwt dttk bflrv gainc wasl psjaftnter and

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