Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 13, 1943, p. 5

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the georg ehrald wednea january 13 1942 we see it at 3 a 0 the rationing of sjgar jaoy ct us bae iramm to uir foer carbon dr tea to eatiuy our for taeet w he uird hoary or instance altthmth it ttat arurir eer once uvt ttirn r look wr ilc- l j d too and vied turn t run about bit umr that r liad bc- utod to it a a trarelnrr it too acirr wr luiitnl trr ubv gr toy of h at all tlncr rarly in although e ha aiid for continually now von nunn along t w ult com ayrup utobr irlrak- tofhe retail trad ltd area but nth this good new romn thr that ox retailer la eipected to ho u ooli to those customers who may be lucky enough to haie a baby tn ihai home thoe of ua out thin of the 0unct af 11 ftnul u auu an baby tad find that they air nm llllar now than wr air air rompxr- v lucked by this new ruling wi buhetltul for sugar will w try nrmt of eours w all know that dun ere many food that con lata starch and w alio know that thla starch u changed into urn try rnrymr euoh aa duitas that i found tn our eallra tat n co we ok to cm tn tatt t haj ifeiar on of the day a are going to haw eprtng and eprtng esak ua thtnk of msple aynrp leva fcap that thar la no ruling from wmrtiyiirura ng it illegal to tap ooooo ioat mtcatioh looks to b wa sofa than tt was bank tn dawmbar last th majority of canadian haw born used to h fat meat at least one a day and prr- atpa du to our northern cumat r tally faquir mtat but it aapma that people ef other nation do get along without wat w raad of thou canadian trtaonenofwer at lions konsj being fed ras a utile black braad and a kit flaw prlsonersofwar get the aw rsltons that he people of the njrr l arhlob they are imprisoned regular far and from thu w conclude that th rice black bread and flab u th regular jap far th gfrrlos green ua from th aulhor1ll la to ua substitute for beef and thry arc uatd aa of bnns fuh brana and towl bat w wo to tt urrd of thca ao qukfclj cvcn th beat of fowl turkey arcma to laat too long altocacher after ohrutmaa fuh la ox onoe in awnb and taate brat tn rwtaurant wtirrr wr dont either bar to cook tt nor waah the dlahea afterwards of the three recommend ed cubtututea for beef well take brana v think and no doubt may anon or ef them alaa the wont part of th vbsl thing aa w aw it la the tack of being able to make any gravy from beana pernana headquarteni may in form o how to make bean grary to ivouoc th taaty brown gray that e alwayi auocutc with the word beef ooooo tbb distmbcrnon of honora at new tear urn each year makra one wonder what kind of a yard attck they ua to determine who get hoa honor and we might make the earn atatement tn regard to the winner of medals for instance the that make an exceptional flight be mentioned in despatch and doubt deaervtngly ao but no men- would be made of the ground uts a s cison b t i balgjtfllltf triir ii 1 1 hi i ii sat ui ittio fna a teabjuasa id utii a ttl h mapaw vaarbwjafwai m cawjbi lareal nleg lb t1ih1 imhiovco unifotm irlttlhattolial sunday i chool lesson wr kaaold u untwiuift d o of fuhe3tju7ioi- ot irnfit wmrm w vuaava leisoa for january 17 cmu of rail- ytulki wu4 t jec8 w1nkiko 0vxs le1cxn tstxt ju ftcl golptm tcjlth uji rupartfc rrr tu hl i r jttvt lor lic tjjjijig up of uiat wamr punr tn tttikti lwf ovaujr uv luxht and ttfitxii hicji hr mould ltr brrti utaaut u do j yu xu3kscl iam clui luir hj u kion icrut irun tr mrm- tirrt ol uiit amj uun acldoo miir uvr rral tram ttiry air ual iwd cr praclkr and uatr to lair all thr autr tnat uw rrrular tram can tiand out ajd rt uy arc jurt tu t annual to thr rral uania ttftu aa air tnr mrmbrr u t2i rveular trazu lurlf tt acrub tram mmvbrr rrrf grt a thought m the nvular tnam vln th fftaatv lholijtfv ynrtiapa ihr od quutatlon itul holft good tvy al- o arnr who oxuy aland and valt ooooo a bhand wew nkl la brbig in- lrodxjrrd uua monilx you wtu rr- oail tnat a niai- aa tried out laat fall but many ol ua nrvtr ern aa one of courw lhrr u rruy rkoiluna unuaual about tfiat aa any alnd of toonry la ax umr tllfllcui to catch up with thit new nickrl u tvrhr 4dj w undttttand uutrad of brins round and uv admnlaff ot out u tnr raar with wtiich onr hboud be ajblr to ouuntjulab tl from othft coin in oora pooltrt tor ln tlanc if ou havr brcn in the haui of tipping you wtu now be able to gtt hold of a quarter rtgltt off the bat and will not be ajttymed of hartna band ed out a rucail it 1u be tntereauna to know vbrther uila nav nickel be- cornea aa regular an attendant at churti aa wa the big ruck von t it ntwb niou oilh bohool reopened aa expected on the morning of january 4th uh1 and it rwuly aeempd a cold and froaty lion- day altar our welcome holldaya de- coaw of the eefccnd tnowfluxtlrs many of the rural atudenta vera ab- aent u some roada vre atul snov bound our annual rink u gelung under way and tt the weather permlta there ahould aoon be plenty of ice for the benefit of thoe who enoy aaating or chaulng a hockey puck de8ttnkd fob bono utt nonohh rammy kavth tune choice a ong thai haa what it takea to reach the top wtu be found with complete words and uubxc in n american weekly with this sunday january 17 uwue of the detroit sunday time ita babbl- ee dabbleo selected by bammy kaye and the aeoond song tn the acrtca of hlu to be for in the american weekly be eure to get oundaya detroit time bbsure isl isfl you have the right number consultthe directory j5an clear telephone tines for allout production mtl uan nd is th aam wnrrcvrr and whovr h my b tn christ who mt th nrad ot th distin guished tauglou ladr nlcodimu 6ia th sam for th poor alnhil woman of samaria th incident at jacob wall in bychar took ptac wba jrau uav- tcg jerusalem bscaus ef lncra- tng hindrance to ills work went up tooalllwr unuk 111 jwtab breth ren who datourad around th land of th hated halfbread samari tans he must dsadj go through samaria cr thr was a elnelck aoul that naadad him our uaaaa abounds with instruc tion regarding soulwinning both tn principle and in practlc w hr snd j reus i wlasmf a haajwtmrr w 17- m th faithful and kindly ministry of christ lad th woman to faith tn him as th usesiah sh tart her water pot and ran at sec into th city to thar hr nawfound joy with everyone aha knw sine th first expression of spirit ual ufa la tstlmony th on who brings a sinner to christ not only eavca aoul but also wins a worker for christ one fear that we often assuro that winning men to christ is enough w should aspect that th nw light should shin forth into th darkness so w have a twofold reason for soulwinning saving a aoul from ptrcutlon and setting a life on tin tor testimony its a great business why dont w do mora of it n lastretttag fteajwtasxr w jlss this work of botuwtsnlng raqutx a sustaining grace which this world cannot give jesus by his owi ample snowed his disciples how strength comas from above he who had seated himself at the well tired and hungry to await th return of th disciple with food had bean refreshed tn th doing ef th fethere will in reaching this for lorn woman th greatest thing that ever occur in the world la the transformation ef a human aoul and the greatest joy anyon can ever have is to act aa tn divtn egent tn bringing about eucb transformation douglass there la another thing these soul- winners needed to learn even as w need to learn and relearn it that th urn to win souls la sew how prona the human being is to procrsstlnst tomorrow nest sun day ngxt week w will speak to someone about his spiritual need nest year we will give more liber ally tor missions or or the work of soulwinning tn our local church but look on the fields do you not see that they are rip already unto harvesft again soulwlnnsrs need to re member our lords words in verses 3638 not only the reapers receive the reward but also those who sow and those who labor tn order that the harvest may come the man who plows is just aa important aa the one who reap perhaps some would say more important some ot ua who ece called to be gods plow men should remember thst and be encouraged in our labors like the perfect leader that he was jesus did not require ot his disciples what he did not do him self so we find him again in the work ot evangelism he practiced what he preached iii practicing soolwlnnlng w 3042 there is real danger that those ot us who have a measure of leader ship in the church may be quick to tell others what they ought to do and not do it ourselves this is particularly true in thla matter o soulwinning one la apt to write preach and teach about it and then neglect to do it- the disciples had been to town for bread one wonders whether they had talked to the storekeeper about christ have yout jesus did not theorize about it- he really sought men for god the testimony of the woman he had won sent a host of people out from the city he spoke to them the word of ufe and they believed this was evidently group evan gelism as distinguished tram the personal evangelism which won the woman they are both impor tant and belong together some are saying that the day of group evan gelism are gone we doubt that but certainly the day of personal evan gelism are always her let us be busy about that kind ot sotuvwinnlng and dad may ao blsss that w will have a real revival am you ready far ut wmmm kktijutfoa oouuu ass wo gronsoasa by tuxaon aomxxvnmal w aatvksss owing to th ahoruge of cuj and in eoruvcjurnt dlfoculiy in securing new farm equipment tt la eatmtlal cnat muting farm equipment be put into thap at once to that it may tine at least until the duration of trie r or until ujrh umr aa nrv ecjjlp- mrni t again available oo toe znar- ut oruy with farm cqutpcornt tn good burking co can the trrmendous agricultural prodruon obycuvr aiilth havr brn art for iftu be ar- tirrd rteotunn uii fact tn ontario drpajtmrni of agriculture u kjwwlng iraornjilp by undrrtaaing to hold 310 loday farm mpctianlc oourwa ln 2 flouthrm onlarto ooun- tw during ihr nrat tu month pre paratory to thra courwe a threlay rrftrahrr court wu lirld at trie on- arto agricultural oolivge tn decem ber thla court aa atunded by an- iwilriiatcly 100 farm equipment di- rrv garage mrananlc and handy far- mrrv who in turn will arrv a tn- ilrurtora tn their reapeotlve counura in llalton thr agrtrulturml war hrr- ka onmmltlr u undrrtaklng to iponsor 1ir urh today couna wuloh wul or hrlo aa fulkm janu ary 7 and a tn uilion january ia and u nrlaon tvanciin hall janu ary it and 15 trafalgar township tail january ii and 30 nuaagmaey tovnarrio flail and january 71 and 27 ui oronrrtown elarahrre tn uiu uau mill be found an adimluenrnl prrtatnlng to the ounc to be told for oua duiricc in- ktrurtion will be given on binder moarrs piowm rope apudng labour 4lng drvlrra tractor maintenance pump motor ate ttieee eboold b not only ot interest to all farm workara whether men or aumrn but of real vaki tn the crlti cal day ahead llnports indicate that the wjrw iwld at uilton on january i and wa not only well attended by farmers of all agr from the aurrouncung district but that they were highly delighted with th tntnfypanr gun by thosr tn charge i emeus jbvzaly since w2 ike saladname assures you efa uniform blend of fine teas c ai aha tea more bacon for britain in 1942 canarjtan farmers produced the moat bacofs and other food stuffs in canada history a tremen dous achievement under any condjtiona marveuooa when the labour shortage and weather condition art considered ikmua vttuanh tne imperial veteran of the oeor- kttuati dranch of the canadian le gion post 130 have realised a total of 1115 00 from a sertra of btngos sponsored by their organlramnn all uua money haa been donated to ohan- tahle cauera and we uat below the donatlone glen oeorgetown herald diiuah war vtouma fund aid to russia fund ullk far trruatn- fund polio fund poatal fund fire ftgraer fund lesion ctutstmea tree tor ovenea boldlera children s25 00 jo 00 1000 1000 1000 1000 woo overseas commitments require an additional 1 million market hogs in 1943 hiltons share of this quota calls for the breeding of one additional sow on every halton farm where horjs are now beina po doced providing aecommodation la available immediate action can produce an additional ton of fork in ten months save that utter i beery extsa fig baead almiav kiou bacon for britain s fig per utter fay fee th bw k and tbatr owa feat frafu caeasaenea with th fuzta tig becur a copy of duuetln cd enutled save that utter from your agricultural repreaeotatm now atanhils ontario department of agriculture hon p w dcwan ulnlrter of agriculture j t uitiuwinrsr agrlcultural hum til urel j must register oho mmeomrtlyafrtb your 16 th birthdw imagtrrayat ha erayeth mat wto towttb beat aq talnaa bath raat vl taah

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