Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 13, 1943, p. 6

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the geotftfetowii hewu weatetday january 13th 1943 oatvx mms catcstcsj b good oid0tax wmkiton all thuuhn reporud rwliiyvs eo tad to tun th year isu u th mmi mming o noml dotted rjfaurcb htld at noon on friday janu ary 1th la the sunday school room a noon dinner prepared by th lad- is af the church opened the caeet- az frank j- tmjop minister 4x7 the church- a chairman eonduet- xt th tmrlriri iwrtnn the scrip ts u read and prayer n offer ed followed by the itngtnt ol hymnx 1si secretary was thro called upon fa nad us m of ih last an- fisxel meetma t eirvtvm1 ttathbrlu of each of the uo drpartrztent in th church sara gtoen by the officers of th or- ga a total ol i1gt730 had been racerved by all the department to- social and personal ur ocorg o brown wa elected to tta board of stewards to fill a va- canry and uesirs j n cameron n t laidlaw and w j cleave were re- alaeted to the board for another thre ywir ut ja laidlaw was elactad to tin board of trustee 001alaxunobl was reelected auditor for u eoo- pjatlon for 1mj rev ur dunlop voiosd in ntrrx all frit at th passing of their for mer paator rev ut osnmtng who had unid thr church faithfully and well and ur edward i orrfruwortt an ardent churchman empathy wa extended to thrtr wives and fastinc durtnt hi term at rmruster re duruop reported two marriage fwr feaptlam and tm mrmbm admitted to th church family by crrtineat ulai laarla btraus and ubaa uarglt samxi both of torosto vlsstad ut and ur t h- scott tut week and ulss sarblf maaonnsld toronto spent th weak and with bar parents ur and ura victor uarrwwsh ur norman urnnniui of toronto spent the week end at hi noma at dolly varacn ut and ura john l rounsoo of uuton spent sunday with thatr daughter ura- oku davidson uu betty bpelght of toronto bobooli trartitng ttaff rutted her parmta ur and ura a r bprtght ovrr tha y end- ur c sargent and children wal ter and uartarat rprnt mr vart uh ur and urs d ooartan in faramnton ura stuart ouohanan and daugh- ur carol of nrandon uinltnria u vujung to lovn with her parmta ur and ura thomu dobblr vlr lunry bovan jr rprnt ctirut- maa and nrv yrar at thr borne of ulu buaan oojman uj hamta u from coboura ootarto un c oolman or hu returned home aftrr apendlns a rry enjoyable csirlatinu and nev year with her family in toronto at thetr dlffrrent taaa amd luorji at the tonrlnavm of tba tb fjore bcou wjl bk at tha home of ura john r barber laat tbunday nltnt with fii turn out ol marabata ura w uenrrram red cross news nkabbt extxttion hshu1t1i iiiiowtns are reaulu of th munlrt- pal electlona held laat uoadar tn vhleri herald rradm win be tntereav ad there sere many acclamauona thli j ear neilion townihlp betns the only townihlp tn halton to hold an taction nuhon townfranr reeve w j rtobrrtton ullton wtl rdefeatcd john ucnlren oamn- bellrule all rjotrtyrcevt oaltn smith preaman 9m i drf rated o lttlle peer ullton 0j ooommjorts three elected ura uary a pvttlt meman t50 herbert alton tamley d and ti mer o tartar campbrlmtir m3 1e- feated wufrrd b imbrr port netton ms townhmp acaiool area hoard i five elected w ijaurte flmlth 831 wmiam o breckon all onarks readhrad 513 bradford clemcnta b1 and r martin undlry uo drfeatedlohn y duff 300 bjlaurton mayor wmiam a batea accla mation rzlrtrr ommcmor b harper hull 6b3 defeated reeve c oarmui oora 58 demjtyreevx ttrold r law- rcrtoe acclamation oocncojxms irx elected itaac kellam vts oouncmor chma f ready 5d2 john wtuls 880 w a vrxmi 653 w o trnrrrpbon ssi and councillor w a rurarll m0 de feated councillor norman e scarlett 4m and edward waller 2551 uj w j ucdonald and doru of oeorgrtuwn itennrth ucxkonald of bpoaldr and urs jean dmtr of ytrvu ulted ui angu ucdonald on sunday ura bert tudi was hoatrsa to the dome flcota wa on monday nlotii the eanlns aas enahly spent play ing cards a special collection was taken up for ditty ban un c sargent was convener in charge of the refreshments which were tenrd a surprise mfeoruanrous shower was held tn honour of uus elsie bullock brideelect ut her home on tursda night by members of the uonday night knitting club after the guest of honour had opened the many pretty and useful gifts received the girls en oyed a hudily entertaining evening of games a naiad supper was served the close the monday night knitting club met at the home of mrs jaoa wat son cits area tn spite of a t1 shortage the knitted garments of thr club are keeping well up to the svrr- aire number in response to an sp- peal from thr navy league tn town membrrs decided to lend their assist ance tn filling dlu bags the hus- apoka to tha organisation on behalf of tha navy league and appealed for imtmnw to this work tha w a decided to help the league with dttty bags- tha possibility of holding a valentine due wa distuned the serving of lunch brought the evening to a close- on sunday last ihe and ura a barry clara jr left georgetown lor victoria do where tha former la stationed on active service with headquarters detachment of tha 8th division lome scot regiment on saturday evening a number of friends and nelghboura of this popular couple gathered at their home on durham uirm tn a surprise party to wish thera farewrtl amor those present were uj and urs james roe ui b atcltarg uz and urs lome oar- vtn it e burt pte cub webster pie vic ctreygoos ur and urs jamee clark ut and mrs a b clsrkr or ulssea lizzie edle and annie wlle ur and urs r anth ony ulss d clarke ui eric clarke ui dan norton mr c kcarn mr joe rice ur and urs bob lane urs oecrgr chapman ulss d hcr- rtrurton ulss ree mullui urs p uur- ftn urs c e clarke ulss eleanor anthony csgaotatznt mr and urs llrrbert bullock an- nomor the engagement of thrtr daughter elsie edna to pt prrclval a king son of mrs king and thr late prank king thr marriage to take pure saturday january 33rd at three oclock in bt oeorgea anglican church local wtjmt nold frht mecttoo the local ration board met tn the municipal office last thursday night wtth tfrlt a paster of the toron to wartime prices ana trade board aa speaker he gave an interesting history of the formation of the board and outlined clearly and spectftoally k purpose alms and functions as it affecta every cltlren he afndally started the local board on its duties although it had ahrady begun to function the temporary permit al ready issued were sanctioned all members of the board were present but one who was unavoidably through inneaa your eyes clearing auction sale the pablle are gelling t know oar new lew prlee far glasses la a real bargain far the high qnalily glasses supplied why pay mare than our new low price our eye eaamlnallon has al ways beenshorooth aa we bars the finest equipment and ever tt years experience tha people when we ham ser ved are earning back t ns be came they realise our eye service la tharengb came in and bt as show yea use newest styles in glstse all at elty price consult ot walker ro bsbnosr 8fccmust to hj to at all atfiee arar usa ball iwtepluusa oe mraat qin the f aaab ov wajkar yauosmt tbliolflswla raonii yyji ifr irc farm stock luplemknt8 hay grain and poixtry the undersigned ha received in- utructlon from mr caedsn qalnun to sell by public auction at lot 31 fourth line west chlntruacousy or wednesday january 19 im3 at one oclock the folloalng horses tram of general purpose mares six years old hoos and fowl 3 yortshlrc sons due march 1st s hogs weighing 160 lbs each 4 hags 3 months old 100 plymouth pullets laying well 3 geese 1 gander 1 good collie dog cattle houtcin clow treat calf at side holstcln cow in full flow due june 27th holiteln cow in full now due june itth holsteln cow in full flow due june 13th holsteln cow in full flow due june 6th holsteln cow in full flow due may 28th holsteln cow in full tow due may 13th llo- steln heifer due march 7th holsteln cow due peh 11th holsteln cow due feb ish holsteln cow due feb 23rd holsteln cow due feb 37th 11 hol steln heifers 1 year old not bred 3 spring hcilstetn heifer calves holsteln bull it months old these are all a good type of orade holateins and are all young hay and ora1n 35 tons ood mlx- rd hay o0 bushels good oats 600 bushels mixed grain to bushels fall wheat half ton of fertilizer imptjementb mroormlck scoring tractor 10 x 30 in perfect running or der uahsey harrlb 3furrow tractor plough new mocormlck deerlng walking plough 407 new lover spring tooth tinrrowa 3sectlons new oord jolllet 10inch plate grain grinder frost ex wood grain binder 7 ft cut deerlng mower 6 ft out sulky rake maasey harris groin drm act drag harrows steel truck woeon rack 1h h p morse fairbanks gas engine 75 cedar posts quantity of lumber steel culvert ran of 40 rods woven wire new 30 rod roll of wire brooder house on skids rein shelter for fowl wheel barrow vega cream separator new set of platform scales 3000 lbs a gas barrels heavy steel water trough 140 ft tuty fork rope quantity of corn in silo new set of double harness 3 horse collars forks dotablfttrees and many other articles itosltiwrj no reserve a tha proprie tor hu sold his farm txmcb oath nottttat to be re moved until settled tor ulan was j impjiuiavl r ttomlvh work committee as usual this committee met at thr home of mrs mrndhsm lost thurs day nlkht and our aork is brglnntng to take form several warm quill are thr making we ore hoping soon to ruie a display of our newtng and knltung at thee meeting a small oollecuon is taken and this money will be used to fill ditty hags mrs uendliam duty bag oonven- hss been and is interviewing the various urbanizations in unn and has been able to place ditty baits with the womens institute and the lome scots auxiliary she is very pleased with her reception and their re maoazinvh books and oameh we liope you are bearing in mind this vtry important part of our work in just a week or tsu now those books and mnuaxlnca you rune been saving for us will be taken cure of rev mr todd and his trail rangrrs are en deavouring to locale a ccntntl depot to which these can be brought for pock- intt after all it is utile to ask that we civilians should take the trouble to collect the reading matter and pomes we have scattered around our homes our treasury mr a c welk our treasurer in- furms us that he has arnt in to the ontario division navy league head- quurters at toronto the sum of 140 61 well uils is a start and a very good one but we can do better no sum is too large or too small for mr wclk to handle out of tmy acorns giant oaks do grow let us show our tluinks to the navy in a tangible form the shore mother tlie navy league will see that our money is well opent from iieanovaittfuh the hon angus mardonald mini ster of delrnce naval affairs branch tn opening tine canadian naval war exhibition said i cannot say too much of what the nnvy league has done for the men of the canadian navy and merchant marine 1 ask you to think what it mtra be like on the north atlantic at this time of the year our men have to undergo nil the hsrdhhlps to be encountered in thc water under the water and tn the air in all kinds of weather what the navy league has done and la doing is for as deserving nnd valiant a group as ever engaged itself in any cause in history itk a womanh world a few years back a story was told of an old lady upon being asked her opinion of women voting replied quite testily for goodness bake if there is one thing a man can do without asking a womans help why not let him do it well time marches on and opinions change we women thought we were doing all we could when we made the wool lies nnd filled the ditty baas for our sailors but there are now women shipbuilder yes 300 of them in a nova sootla yard the first on the continent they range from grand mothers to teenage youngsters they dress in mens clothes and several heavyweights ore over 330 pounds whether h is the stitches or rivets uhe women of canada ore ready and willing to help our gallant lads in navy blue rmom an old kauflfjt i pray that risen from the dead 1 may in glory stand a crown perhaps upon my bead but a needle tn my hand ive never learned to sing or play so let no harp be mine prom birth unto my dying day plain sewings been my line thartfure actmyimad to the end in plying useful stiuhea id be content if asked to mend the uule angels brceche from live complete poems of eugene fleld uyostxkooh kntttlno thrie teems to be a grrut shortage of wool but we are try ing to obtain our share we have written headqusrtrrs and should have their reply by friday our regular wool day we very much regret that mrs john olbbrns a very faithful member of this committee has been forced hrousji lllheslth to 0ve up for a time only tliose in the know realize how ulusble hrr service have been since our organization in 1930 we hope she will soon be feeung utter und for now can only say from the buuom of our hrune tliank you tor a good job aril done sewtno well they will soon be back again those buxllnlngs ae all enjoyed working on these are used to line the mesi bases w khold the dreaurure mrs vsnce k r enjoys assembling them to that is going to take ail the sting oit til tlvr aork for incsa of us if you con bsste you can ivclp muke tiief so comr along and und a hand iiohtital this committees work ik steadily mounting they are ship ping out 1300 comprrftms this week to complete a quota of 300 they are storting on unit of live dressings each which are urvinuy needed ii you ore interested in clean instructive work aon t you cume along on wednelsy afternoons at to o clock and join this busy group who are msktng the dress ings to bind up the mounds of the men a ho are lighting for us pur hr today that sheds his blood for me shall be my bro ther king henry v shake- sneore yes the dlood donorn mobile unit is comlns to oeomrursn uunrtimc thr end of jonusry are you not gutd of this opportunity ol serving in a very iwrwmu way you have plven your umr talents and money to our war effort but you have oftrn frit that whvt you arre giving seemed very rmull indeed compared to thor who are willing to give tholr life for iree- doms cause now ywu may be able to that life which was offered so gauanuy for you u you do not volunteer you will be asked by a member of the lions club to beeorm a blood donor the actual taking of the blood l painless and if vou are in average good health and between the an of 18 snd s5 there l practically no possibility ol ill ef fect a local anaesthetic is tlven the arm punctured with a needle and ap proximately 430 re of yviur blood about threeqiiortrrr of a plnli taken the procedure lakes only about fifteen mlnirtee and you win be able to return to vour work or home after n short in terval loct thursday night ken sable of uie did i bay thai radio program carrlrd out his duties aa master of ceremonies over the air while giving a donation here i a rift which unlike money unlike ume or even work is a part of yourself a gift most literally from your heart stntlghl to the heart of another to a canadian soldier sail or or airman who may live to help save all you count precious in this world becnuse you took one simple generous step to help snve him produce not all the glamour belongs to the stars ltn is lovely kay steven son cbc producer ut the toronto emiv who gives the signals through tlie piste glasa window to such important people as the folks of newbridge three utile bis ters qurntin maclean the brilli ant organist and all the actors and authorities who come your way on thr cbo farm broadcast originating tn ontario kay got hex radio start is an associate producer of srvrrul wellknown commercials before joining ihr stun ol u- cbc she could hsve all the silver fox she wanted to wear her father is a silver fox foxmrr but instead you will see her trimly turned out in a wall tailored sult hans fur and fur belows hrr first chief wa ed mund o rise and they would still be working together only ed went to luvuywood to cxproduc croitrys music hall koy wl forty minutes lute for her own wedding radio business wa to blame but shes never missed a broadcast cmmxttt lodost onas chrratxn fob lmt tivwnsumv of ameers of ckwht lode no m0 a j ajc we bekt on friday evening january kh wor bra bugh dsekl assisted by an installing board of part uuter el credit lodge and visitors installed and invested the orscers of credit lodge for 141 the following ottcr were installed lpjjl war bro k u ungdon wil wor bro e v uaoootmaoit bw bro f wilson j w bro rots t chaplain v w bro w o ol ttynrnpann treasurer wor bro e col secretary wor bro w o ford d of cwor bro it dirju so bro d charles jd bro t wold io bro ii wrigglasworth tyler bro t eason 8b llro k charlea jb bro w o cleave the installing master was tiillta by past masters of credit lodge obej the following visiting past uasters wor bro ii rltohl and itt wor nfr dean leslie of acton and wor bro a c welk following the ceremony the brethren assembled around the banquet labia presided over by wor bro e v uac- oormack visitors were present tram acton brampton campbrllvule and streetsvule your agricultural representative this is irdormullun which should be in the hands of all hogproducers even un der normal conditions und certainly in tlmrv like the ikxsenl no sones hhould br 1 ft unturned to ensure maximum results with the labour and equipment available the georgetown herald sokbe- cornloru fund forwarded to oeorgetcrsn soldiers comfort com mittee an understatement of to 00 in the amount for warded to the commltxee has appeared in the puper lncc the last cheque for 449 00 was forwarded to them the amount an it now stands is correcti s473m cosh on hand acknow ledged s3 40 bank intcrtst nov 30 04 less exchange on an out- oftown cheque total jan 13th 4557 07 blame the war not uk idundalk herald with this issue and much agalnsa our wui the herald goes on s war standard ported to it due to s ahortagr of labor caused directly by the war our depleted staff cannot ofias unue to ptabush an 6page stj-hom- print paper as ha been done for hy past four years when recently member of our staff erulrted and wa sought to secure a rrplsremeot w cere informed by an official in clot touch with the situation that it is al most an impossibility to secure skilled labor such s we required the publication of an spage oil- homeprint paprr involve a tremen dous amount of labor and with prin ters almost impossible to securw there is little we can do but face th facts and bow to the inevitable for th duration of the war ours is not the only ncwipaner hit by wars farreaching sotlrltie uore than one newspaper has been comzruf to this ofbce lately only half it ori ginal size not because of a threaten ed rationing order but because of shortage of help in the office con cerned caused by rnhstroent and oallupe the editor would ask herald reader to bear with us tn thl war emergeney and accept this type of a newspaper till the labor shortage is r when this war i over and won we give you our word that the herald will return to an ollhomeprtnt nera- poper as soon as possible in the meantime we will do our level beat to moke the most of the space at our dis posal the erraestng aerlctdtursl so ciety twkued they would be able to nay 108 per cent of the pruts money won at e annual rati fair tn bep- tetnber at a mexetlnr htu ijexwmber 3siv1 at the urx3wion house ur betrbrh clsam rr4dtrty fjivsalded at th reejn i tii v jf 1 stiel mid j t lu ic ur oil ui in tie j roar owners report increau ed rreebinoh of sows the quarterly pig mirvey conducted by the local branch of the ontario de partment of agriculture in coopera tion with n number of hnlton boar- owners indicates a 10 to 13 per cent increase tn the number of saws bred in halton for thr period september october anil november of 1043 in com parison to the same period in 1041 state agrienluiral representative j e whltelock fifty per cent of those reporting definitely show clear cut in crease while the remainder report breeding much the some as in the same period of 104t in a few comb there would appear to be slight reduc tions ontarios objective for 1043 of a 38 per increase over 1043 definitely necessltcs immediate action if can adas quota of 675 million pounds of bacon to britain is to be filled w p watson of the ontario livestock branch points out two methods which can enable ontario to do her share the first is to breed on additional cow on every ontario farm where nigs are now being raised providing the necessary accommodation l available the second step is to curtail materi ally the mortality in winter and spring uuers which u stated to ranee all the way from 35 to 35 per cent every extra pig aved means 180 prviind more bacon for britain cer tain authorities state that it takes fire pigs in a utter for the sows keep and their own fedcci0iibntly proftt cyymmenom with the sixth pis a new puhucatlon erhuled sam the latter which 4vm valuable hi tormatjcti on this auhjeot aa wen as on uc4arajtn devloe feadlat eta it now aatautreeof chanw trotn annual meeting esquesing agricultural society trie nnnuni meeting of esquesing aariculturol society will be held in the mcglbbon house georgetown on saturday january 16th 1941 at 3 pm dst your attendance at this meeting will be appreciated herb cleave frank petch president secretary m b gfiessyl t h e a t re friday january is wild bill hickok rides nttslnf cmtertwlnment ui cfeiutanre bcnncll sing anothbr chorus jey jamboree with jane praree mlscha aorr fox news saturday january 16 matsttee at 3 ship ahoy with a cargo el fan with bed skeltan bteanw fewest march of time men in washington cartoon ah out for victory chapter 9 spy smasher tuesday and wr3dney january 10 and 20 bedtime story rand eeraeay with rname march lsgatta twsr submarine raider utfwalbc with jabjs bssyjrdburfaast dsxujassk a caiwrla carries on battle of tha harvesta

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