Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 13, 1943, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wedneadoy january 13th 1943 local news buy an appl and hhp the olrl oulde on saturday jan letn z o d e- tournament nrldgr vriday january 29ih filler particulars later jumnnbrr the dance in tne arena saturday nlht- um4c t modem aln otxheatra admlulon lie thr tkatlng fans in town are en joying the tne sheet of ice in the arena the day- the at john ambulance brigade cluies ere mumwl uut nliiht in the legion iu11 8et- major carney in itructed the claw in stretcher ditll come to the valentine dance tn the arena friday february 12th doiuored by the ldle auxiliary to che lome ocote modem and old time dancing a danoe orange iuu ilomby prt laj january 32nd ampler young peoples association proceed war u you cannot get dovtitown regu larly oil wednesday to buy our oop or the herald why not roti economy 1th oonwnlence and add our name to our malltng hat qubccrtpuon rate u woo per year if our akates or acluort want wsharpenlna bring them to ed holme fe repairer uu1 btreet hour 8 sun till 11 jo an 100 pm tin 4 4ft pjn the annual meeting of the local council of women will be held at the home of urs j b mackenzie on frl- 4 january 32nd at 3 oclock all busnber and affiliated membrrs are rcquevted to be prearat 3t mil byrne bander director of the consumer branch and wornrna representative on the wartime price and trade board at ottawa will be fumt speaker in the auditorium ot fit paula church brampton the even ing of thursday january 31 it the executives of the nation board sub committees of oeorgetown milton port credit and oaavtlle expect to be preent jtm stark urn of mr and mr nelson start n ii no 3 ckeorgetovn report tht he can break the record of one spring lamb reported bom on ad ontario farm in andy clarks wmtty new broadcast oer o b l flddday morning he has no leas than ftvea sprtng lambs some of which wvt ban in the utter part of nov ember jim say he 1 en en looking for more in the near future one sot ha had four lamia n a year attention men of oeorgetown and ticmstyl lf you are between the age t 0f is and g6 in average good health smd want to render the greatest pos sible aarrtoe of a civilian in this war j wffl ran please register as a volun tary blood donor to the red crou at the municipal office drills store or dales office oeorgetown carney and qulnton norval gchenke store aj eon stewarttown bchenks store olen williams bentons store lime- houae merrtama store balllna- fad at your earlleat convenience botln hakoock to mr and mrs charlea hancock nee clarice engweu at bumalde hospital toronto on de cember 37th the gift of a daughter gall margarette wilson mr and mrs frank wilson announce the birth of their daugh ter at peel memorial hospital dnunplon on mondu january 11 1013 in memoejaw marcjtttent in loving memory of toy mother mr richard march ment alio died wednrday decim- ber 30th you oft time ald id mlu ou thoie aorda hae proved too true i lmt my beit my dearest friend dear mother when i luit ou badly mlued by daughter ethel hobetttb in loving mtmor of mr a roberu ho died junuao 2nd 1041 memories of liie pa bllll linger on mhen ton lt left and motht r has gunt beyond fladly mumxl by tier aon uamurl roy lotuh top ah ifnver at vaiwity the herald bntklt war victim fund tonrarded to toronto evening telegram 1314336 anonymous 300 imperial veterans branch 130 canadian legion 35 00 total january 13 8310025 roy poults whom ue can recall iu being an athlrtlc atar in oeurgrtoun high school duy tuu not lort any of his pruvrwi since alteimug utv unl- erit of toronto wtirre he is in hi last ear ut the school of practical science tlir follualng eatruct from a recent uur of the univrnlt paper varsity ue in his suceas in distance running alui thr laurels won by lae crlchton there bgt dae is now ith the roap in ceion tlie nor eg lam referred to in tlie ortlcr are boys from the norwegian air forte nut since the days of treat date crlchtan and forest lings klblewlilte and ooodwln if ou can recall them has there been euoh a gutiierlrur of track uiunt and prospect he talent around old varsity just about one of the biibt distance men in some time li in the person of roy poull fourth ear 8cloolman cuming from crtch- ton hometo7i oeorkeown he ls tope as a miur and divuincr wuinliut uie mile interfaculty and eicelltng ln the harrern he nabbed flrit spot omonr man in iast haturda mrvt aith the norwegians womxvh instittti hlltt ciianiottf mecllxoloil the january mertlng of the george town womens lnntltute was held at the home of mr fred armstrong on wtdncsday afternoon january 8th thirty members and 3 ultorn being present the meeting opened with the institute ode and praer alter which the minute of the previous meeting were read and adopted the main item of buslnefts arising out of the correspond enoe wna the nutrition coume to be held in georgetown on wednesday january 37th from 10 am to 4 pm a government speaker is to i be present and it ta expected that all who attend wld find it very interest ing mrs w mendham on behalf of the navy league asked the institute if they could help with the packing of more ditty boga for the bailor she read a letter from a sailor who had received a ditty bag f or christmas and after bearing his words or gratitude all realised what a worth while work this ti and it was moved and seconded pure food store canada dry ginger ale 30 oz bottle 24c mm ocpatlt drink it far campbells tomato juice ii m una 3 tins 25c jast mix with inter and baka bltlrritfh gingerbread mix 16 oz pkg 29c domestic shortening i lb carton 19c i a delidaaa podding minute tapioca 8 oa pkc 2 pltgg 25c congress brans pink salmon ka 2 tins 25c gold bibbon bband dessert pears s u tin 3 for 25c debvdrated pard dog food 8 oz pice 20e a meal far 4 in 7 mlnatta kraft dinner plcg 19c ewingh club lemon pie filler mikn 3 ihnu 4 oz tin 15c junket ice cream mix maple choealate strawberry pkg 10c oeeoe u nat rationed clubhouse pure cocoa i lb 25c we have a limited supply of schneiders cooked meat bacon 3tuwe and pork roll a e far nell wtffi georgetown i iawbsabthhflaamumiba w honeymoon mountain continued from last week lf this isdi lwuvfo rally elghthl lonkldg about irer in euprvroe etottnt itieo dont botber to tell me im not dead 1 dont want to tie duturlred khe sat on the eol grat in the waverlns hlmdow of the tree aculnul uiiimu snitwth trunk deborah wir leim litg the ltaea otfrtteal rtimtln mftlv in itie fnlnf nmimtuj lirwjp nothing flue anhere in the wtmlf iltiiaiiil iuture bpreail beftiiv itteni tuored un it r the uhltr kuollftit tbe had cn gregated all lis of tfieui on the tilti et corner nf ihe sloping lan lit- on tun ttehlnd ihem a moth htnti h of iwgril unrulllnjc down to hit lnt- uhiu twlow broken only hy ttie bnm flume of m bed of wallflowf r half nu down the alope me too blmoo multervd he luy srvtcbed ogj lo the gruw ma pipe in hi mouth hi head on rally km llrn sighed he shifted his poltln ami roofed a few inchee eior to dti orah lie turned on hla atom h proppel hltnmlf on hie elbow enl gated op at her a few daya ago he fnre th- other had come and afirr he and llr o had decided to be frleu she woulj tiave smllrd drmo at him a little it was fun to smile at ilrjn once ne bad starteh he always lookeil a if he liked being smiled at hut aow dtborab pretended not to know that he a looking at her and re garded steadily the hllle far away be eaae uadellae wma here now and maffellne might ant like it a sn i tt eume into her eye as stie ihougbt of madeline and the hill- warn to a noonday fog poor um line umot happy for all tier preteiim- al light bearlednemt itrhorah told hrr self ham could she he happy seeing itryn married actually married lo no other girt e girl who wore a wedding ring that be bad given her who hml taken hla name hryn wea lovely kvtn with madeline here he hadn i ehungtd hla attltode to detnirab a hit lie acted eiaetly as if they really uere nmrrled really toted each oilier und h didnt try t keep madeline frm atlng tltat night ae snaal irborb went info jrundmolhire room to mnke iir ttiut nhf wa aertled comfortably unil i klui her good night iruntnintlitr un mlttlng up in tier bis bi1 lnr nil it tiulr hrtinheil mintkith und ilruun hrk into a neat mm braid ihlhritb yf triindinothrrt io you not like theae frlendn of pryna ro tlurllngr tkiruh inokfl up in urprinr lh yr n of rtir i think tin nrr faj sully u mm sh- i tlk- it rhlkltig doll nd ile a i ry kind and mud ilrifr noihij mull hlp liking madeline- ifetxirati replliil sht n charntlnc lint t tlranduoihert i i to iieir tin lit a lla ao alow und lasy its hv- lunr ttht ii nd nhmin utv frnrn terns sally ami mndllae i beautiful u t you think rhea heiiutlful iruud uiuthrl t an treuiitlful as you ure my chlitl iranduiotint ormwirvd fomli hut lie i ut uttraitlvv blie uui uiat uu- inmlttite pack 3 boffs and that a ithoaer of article be held at uie neat meeting mrs w peck and mr fred arm- htrorut were the programme con venon for the mecurur and their ffuswt speaaer was ktue cbarh tt tc- cullourh who save a moat binrcstlng account ot her trip to onlcao last fall mim mcoiuoufih obtained this trip for navlnit tlie hlgheet martm in the achievement day contest spon sored by the junior farmers and the wovnenfa institutes of the country paid her expenses misses norah cleave and alvacrlpps favored the meetlntr with seeml piano duet a vote of thank was riven miss mooulloufth mlsseh cue and crlpptv ulho the hoatesa mr armstrong after vhlch the meetlnr clued with god save the kliuj georgetown council continued from page 1 langdon for the law mr uinudon nlfto introduced the mieat nhukcr of the evening mr lejboy dale ko mr dale was oeometowns first mnyor twentyone years ano when the municipality was incorporated and had been reeve for two yearn before that ho had served the town faith fully as mayor for ten years and needed no introduction to hi audience he nave a very fine address one which we retrret space does not permit us to print in detail on canada and the empire he went back many yearn into the history of the brltwi people and cited the reasons why the british empire held euoh a honorable place in the world today he predicted the fall of hitler ln the not too distant fu ture and also n much more stable and better world ln the yearn followlnff the war among those prwient at the banquet table were rev r c todd mr clifford bradley mr k r maodon- ald mr h c wruralmworlh rev w o o thompson dr o v wil liams bit a o welk mtb i bohrtuj mir hedley flhov mr henry march- men t mr t x ztyona mr k m lancdon bit ray mftjon mr oarfteld moouvray mr donald latkner rev o ta cochrane mr wuham bnmer- un ool jamee watuntlne ur wal ter carpenter ut o mflqalrum ur iwfflkm marhau uayor jdaifsh ojb- bow mr p m ttuftea ut uboy pa im mr wutar mafaeu rw jti tvtmui ut otuttdi arwgfit cart a a ueom ur wttjfm allent again then if you like them deborah and and tlrfm pleafaint vtnu pany what u it that haa been trou hllng you ever since they arrledt trttubllng met deborah unhuerwi gturtltl hut i um not trouhiel oh imxirub irundnvither uai repniuelifully 9 immjibii rulal her eyea und lh r bm a p liaini mlle in tluiu l utu litip- tarhnduiotlier 1uiiln alt- iuld and oii lovt- ilrjnt he line mi of tlmt i uni mre hut of iu on- for hint rirn l i him nt j mire you ltd in lr wilm llilnk hi in klroii and thoughtful sod uult un klmir i fruiidntoiher ou nt hloit vou are proud of utiuteter he ve orundmothit and he put her hand otjt gentj and llfliil fwlmimhtt etiln tvliy hi art munmuc etilltl surety that oughi to te surlclent anawer to iny ntt quilun tut i miml bate jour wonta iuiriili krg1te u hut you know your ntupliie impplnea means eter tldiiu to iw ihlhirah tell roe wt n u imv him and he ktralta thst twin ktliiic andlt of ids doot you wtinl to go to tiliu and eurvas hla ehtk n yoa re esrmming mine and put your hand on hi hair and toueh his ahoul dfrt isnt that uhst youd like to d rt-rohr- fmfnrah caught tir tirtath it r rytm dnrkened ii r dps quuert fjlntly and thr n va clrandmotlnr tf knld tit eorrrse fjrtiridioother astd hnp pll well thrn ou inte hlru vou eoiildnl help httlng tilm ray etilld kion ru grwht night and ifnve un i ahull rewt tonight i am tuppy tint in he hall kafrl awa frttui lh dmr ilfirab stood and put both inr iuiimih otr her fare llir brain u 1- tthlrlliig there was a dreadful tump in fitr ihrout and twwnethlng udied in tn r tin ut alone tn the durknimh alo aiimmt trylrur to eahn hnulf trying to t imii ind unearlruf again a tolre ajhike to iwr ii waa lrn lie hi in the hall bealde her lie whli ring tut ua not to dlsturti irund mother f- irorah h ua aaylng anslnusly frtonih what hua happenedt rerorth did not aimer inndud he dropmhl her hands and atared up ttirncigti the shadows ut hla fare lit- drt w a qultk hreath thes pot bis arm- out and h1d her close to him ilia enti wsa rough under her eherk itehornh sweetheart he i4 brtu enly w tints happen- tw yoot why ar yao tn uihllngt for only a second she lay there ami ititn abe llftetl her head and pulled tirr mif away dont touch me ste said in a furious whlmr ob doot you lare lo toueh roe and she flew don n ihe stair and out to the other sit ting talking in the welcome drknw of the teranda ivborab ast 00 the coueb before the lung balcony window id her own sit ting room the afternoon waa very hot itryn and tuhhy und hlmnn had gone following the brook looking far e poo tn tni is there waa a knock at her door deborah ran quick finger over her eje ifer heart humped mb scrum bled from the couch preparing to duh into her bedroom before callltur out to itryn that he might so throegh to hl own room it waa not brya kall n tolce flaated plaintively thmngti tl 4tehoie deborah slay we come inr oh deborah said limply nnd then yea of enarae hally please do ami she tightened her drees eg gou n arounil her hally in floating black chiffon py jamas and tiny black mule ennie through the door followed by madeline in dull green were you alceplng hully inquired curl yourself up aguln deborah rverytblns about yoo u ukr thr sleeping reuuty hertalf rally aid deborah looked at bally i think youre tweet too bally ahe aald shyly flally flew op from her cbalr flung her anna around deborah and kissed her that waa darling she anld wasnt that darling madeline r madeline sighed yea abe agreed hut yeu dont deed it toove got hluon tou dont have bt goffer ln alienee and alone as i do hully began to laugh too dont exactly go around languishing you know idiot abe aald madeline alghed not outwardly perhapa not inwardly i taffer piffle bally answered bbe turned to deborah does abe look as if ahe were buffering not exactly deborah aald faintly she lint either she knows per fectly well its all a question of time and i must say madeline it look much more hopeful lately than it ever did doopnt itt deborah couldnt stand it any longer does she mean shes id love with somebodyr she miked faintly tubby bally answered can you imagine itr tobbyr rmbby isnt it ridlcaloosr 1 dont ass anything ridiculous about it msdeuas objected he nay est be what oa would call romantic flgiirs i admit he is a bomber of pounds overweight but hes vary food tempered and his hair woat us flat hot i always liked originality and i uks his dimple and vm erssy about his lisp i could listen is urn forever if only hsm say n urn l tbs right thuuts dwbofah iwnsstly saw dont yw tuik twwtyw n dsur dehathk wis stffl tcauhsg at liar mm im itif tth u ian mek against ths eowsn s said tss i this lawmtafwlt l talak btkw marrwlem i tfclsli hes gfew red oos will spomor blood doucr choic a spclj meeting of the red cross was held in the offlos of the preal- dent ur lelloy dale kx7- on tues day evening january ttth owing to the inclemency of the weather the atundanoe was small it was official ly and unanimously decided to co operate with the uobue unit of tae blood donor clinic and hold a clinic ln oeorgetown sometime the last of january in a building suitable for this purpose the following chairmen were appointed d brill for blood donor mrs john campbell for hos pital and equipment mr ann law- son rtfrsahmrnt mrs ray watson reception mrs w v grant clerk- it was also decided to hold the an nual meeting of the red cross on january 36th as the annual red cross drive begins the first of march tt was thought that the new ofsoars would want to have pleny of ume for arrangtoig- their program mew advertisements rom rale an outlda pump u for fanner ln good condition i ruu in vu ao oould be triad bafore bought apply a ityde uatn ot rom halt 30 yonuhir pica 7 mil old ajuo 300 whjt lahom hrfu sood latera apply oerald il oraiiam itp ofiorson 84 r 11 wanted llv and drrurd poultry nibat market prlou applj a najunrrr ti oon fhone nrampton 343 r 14 u ttavcra charge btamin vitamin bcomtixx tablttt lbcunx tired ilun doara taju immartrbuu netamdj u-cum- plcx tajjlcta ooce a day mxioollmacais druo utore roans druo arroile mkcskm 8 toomed houu on outlpb imjmc apply phone soi bodbic to watt houu to rent on chaptj bt ceuu 6 room all oontenlenoea nnrly d- coraud apply ujta ucdodoall pbona rtt foe kzny 3 roomed apartment oa ground floor separate entrance continuous hot waler and all convenience firncn ed or otntnrtie apply it herald office or pbone u fob hale w have a mmltel number woo feed orlndrra ullk ooolcra and ullklng uacnlnea for immediate da- llrrry alio uount forest threthlsf uachlnea dutrlct repretenuth wuloughby farm acesey t e irrwoow ocorcetown rhone ul u px b wt lost kewako a aum of money and a cheque eith er feetwem toemwnda house to tna hlfthvay tn norval or between uao kenxlea coal abed and lull atar to oeontetown finder kindly lese at the orbce of itp j b uaokznziz et boh fob balk tf ford ooatax ut daaa urea al condition throughout with oil fdttr and heater alio 1041 ford treetsr ibm pontile ibm chevrolet coach and 1m1 nub aedan an with food tbm alio ibm oherroiet bedan vlth s4 uraa apply drakes oaltaoe u aabcree wanted wanted oockerala auluhu for braid- era bamd rooks new lumpahlrm white lrchoma oood prlea paid ate flocka to rupply hatohlnj em for mm 1b43 hatching ieaaon flodu euqtd and bloodtested under oorcrameal supervtilon tna of charge omranlaed bonus paid for egga artth aawifcta- premiums write for full pertlctushs alio wasted to purchaae puueta twesa chirk battherta uacud u303tf fergui onlui carrolls aylmer toeuto or vegitmble soup 10cw taw 15 1 oats s h salt hg i it i ii urij aew ituj to kiaju ae ritti4 aleee h after key nhihiir eeaeae ea ike uiuiliu lauv nnnii tinii w tk iila ef fcaae latf aea mam iiltoui ml u extom nnlilfi urtf auk itetlet la ik tutm wm boat lib tkat fae maa fear eaaaaa kwaa te ear ten iia anrkr ua cehuaj aaetor er aaev w m a ajne tkmt im tea vat we etaaai leue fke najwllj 1 baking powder carrelt lje soma coffee 1 grapefruit large 4 tor 25c oranges 35c and 48c doz emperor grapes 19c lb prolt aul wfubi prleaa until satarttay nlglit only cowan prfction cocoa lib ua xdc ooilvibs cercals tonk wheat germ celio wheat hearts ooilvie8 minute oats aylmer pimientos kellogg8 allbran cornflakes queue corn starch c 1 keens mustard u h o ammonia carrolls cleanser pis- se peg- lie ipv- le soi tin s3 i pw xte pbl- iso lb pkg ioe xoe x7e pi- so tin so palmollve wa phncest ph rr pbwr357 ike rliu te ueell quutaharewkrh

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