Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 20, 1943, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfifth year of publication wedaeatlay january 20th 1943 deputation discuss public health matters with council mn w hsdtsy head st altais udia aid towb appointaeau made at firrt regular meeting salar- ie aeain stepped up regular meeting night to be first monday thl year ohinrtl met on tuesday earning for their itnt regular meeting with mayor joseph gibbon tn th chair lleeve ii h brown and councillors k r mfcft ludlay chaw joseph 1u11 clifford bradley william thompson and thomss l lyons present a deputation including members of th local hoard of health public and lugh school boards and tuff waited on council in regard to hiring a pub- be health nurse for the schools dr c v williams m oil outlined a plan whereby the towns of milton acton and oecrgetown could be served by a tuny qualified public health nurss h aald th towns of milton and al ton vera in full accord tui a pro- itetsd ptan whereby th three schools could be served br the on nun he amid the situation was tiecomtng acute in oorgetown ncb th retiring of the school nurse soma months ago it was public service which could not b nelcted any longer miss edna squires of provincial board of ifcalth tbronto was al pnunt and briefly outlined the du ties which might be expected of a mine in this capacity aha believed a qualified public health nunc could handle the achools to the three towns and the espense would not bear too heavily on any one place the 111 ton town ooundl had for warded a resolution to the george town ooundl tn which they stated they were agreed to pay up to 1 00000 to secure the services of a public health nun and asked that oeorgetoaro also pau a similar resolution after hearing the matter discussed by various roembrn of the deputation council named the following resolution that the ooundl of th town of oeorjrtorn fivorw the forma tion of a committee oompoaed of a representative from the public school board the nigh school board board of health and the ooundl to confer with a commit tee of the town of milton and village of adon for the purpose of eatabuihlng a public health nursing service in the aforesaid municipalities and that we further agree to reimburse aald committee with the necessary amount of money up to 1100000 per year to cover georgetown s share of the expenses in connection with said nursing service councillor hedley shaw was ap pointed by council aa their represen tative at a meeting to be vld tn mil ton ahortly might constable william emmerton asfcsd council for a salary boost and ooundl went further ano adjusted the salaries of other town employees 8a lanes affected are night constable diunrnon 1300 per annum clerk und treasurer p d harruon 11300 per annum ii marchment 13300 per week w openoe 13300 per week the rate per hour for day labour was art at 40c council granted billiard room licen ces to llughey a mcdonald and e it lluttloukhlen at the same fee aa last year plre jlrliiade appotntmrnts as sug gested by th nremen were made aa follows e latimer chief t75 00 per annum prad mccartney deputy chief 133 00 per annum j tost truest driver and caretaker i000 per an num it was decided to offer the old fire truck for tale a grant of 113 00 was made to the solvation army wntrr ratee arreora of m mcoann for 133 73 dating back number of veur mere written off as uncollectible other appointment made included miss annie ryan and w p bradley to the cemetery doard rev woo thompson to the public library boim dr p r walton to the high school board w o marshall actlng- sanltary and mitk inspector tuury ooldham to the board of health council agreed to hold their regu lir meeting night on the flnt monday of each month instead of the first tuesday as has been the case for a numbrr of yean the following accounts were passed wm ward court services i 4 00 p o thompson court services 4 00 w ii kentner son welfare 7v hnelirht s oarage fire prot 30 u hair motors town truck ii 44 hydro electric 6337 k m langdon postage 3000 w c anthony est m44 georgetown herald printing 30 30 mrs jos emmerson w w rebate 43 welfare accounts 15 08 standing committees georgetown council for 1943 th following tending oom- mlturr for uw rar 1m3 wrrc appotntrd at u flru rrnuur run tlntf of oroiurtuwn ooundl on iiradaiy evrnlnu tyr tlnx i nunxl to br ctoumaui bmudimi and rfrtj lyonm onidlry uvc donald vliuar llolj uhaw hron tywmfaun indththaj mnd ciwu kt-cuab- uahmnt bhjkv umcixma id l6oru ttvompton the importance of air raid precautions mrh c v wtixiams fattier dies tnr njmpathy of thr oomm unity in rxtrndtxl to mm c v wlllums in the drnth of her fnthrr mr p b tiujf on january 2nd mr parlce made hi immi here with hln deushter but had rone out to winnipeg to trpond the winter aftrr being out there two monuu he wu taken nuddcnly 111 and pived aa a ueek later in the win nipeg hospital walter c anthony well known merchant buried last friday ills wide circle of friends and busi ness associates tn oeornclonn were shocked and saddened by the sudden death on tuesday january 13th of walter o anthony highly raspectad merchant of this town far the past forty yean mr anthony had started out to drive to norval early that even- tnff to attend to some business he had in the village when he became 111 he turned back and managed to reach the office of dr r t paul where he succumbed to a heart attack within few minutes of entering the late mr anthony will be greatly missed by the people of georgetown he hod always the community in terests at heart and served in n quiet unobtrusive way a faithful membtrof the united church lie served 38 years on the itoml or stewards firs in 1 knox pttflbvterliin church und then in the united church he was a direc tor of the- fsqucrlnor aatlmltural society for n number of yrnrs and nl- ways lent his bet cfiorth to the uc- cess of the rail tnlr mr anthony v ono or the fir t mc mben of vf rl in reorkih niitp of wlilch ho hnrt h in made a charer munbrr he was ulsn a member of thi ioo p the ooon e town cemetery tlonrd vvlll feel hi -vb- senne for he worked on it ever mnre it was flr orranled mr anthonv took a grc u interest in tho arena and was also a member of tho arena board he derived rrcat enjoyment from the snort of curling born in norm 80 years ago he was the only son of the late mr and mrs andrew anthony and was the eldest of the family he learned his trade as plumber and tinsmith at peaker at bona brampton under mr thoross ixara who to atffl tn btunneae at brampton though ever ninety yem af at ur anthonj later went to wurton aa head phanbar for the lata mr k if ubo to te year 10o he married elizabeth j morrow of drampton and arter living in wlorton for a few years they moved to oeorpe town and bought the hardware busi ness of the late w p moore in 1003 they have lived here ever since he is mourned by his wife 6 sisters mn martha j alexander of llstowcl mn bertha m wilson of ouclph mr- clara m leslie aylmer mn josephine cleave georgetown mrs gertrude bingham georgetown and mrs emllv btvsey of toronto also six nephews und six nieces tho funeral service was held at his late residence with rev r c todd officiating osslsted by dr ewlng reld of alhambru united church toronto poll nrers were four cousins messrs frl cunnlnt ham woodstock william c cunnlm hum oeon etown robert cunningham norval herbert anthony mount plensant and 3 nephews nor- m m hows toronto and carl hln hum gforf etown a n imber of relitlves and friend u e tin ibli to nttiih tin fintrnl due lo lh form which mn li trivclllnp 1m- 11 in intiih ci es tlin i from n dlstnnr who wire prf nt il the funi nil included mrs prlnet toronto mr ned an- hi nv tninnto mr and mrs walter 1 silt tor crlt mrs joseph a leslie avlmcr mr and mrs will wallace london mr fred cunningham woort- ito k mn borlhn m wilson ouclph mr and mrs ocorgo itlod ouelph mr j a wluoughby tbronto mr and mrs ajbort rogers streetavulo mr and mn norman howes toronto mr and mrs win potts and mrs bull besscy toronto miss betty otta and marshall otta bjoap mr and mrs victor tjkwhast brampton mr land mn oleb morrow starlmtt harold and margaret arobdekta bramnton mr david otarke toronto uacdonald lons brown water and fire prectun bradlo shaw hall helfsre ufht and pallea tliompflon hall drudlry utt d w ixter prwident of w a tii annual meeting of st decree ilrunrji of the women a auxiliary was lit id in the bavment of the church on wrunrvjay aft moon of last eek the hit vice prraldent mrs d w dax ur in the choir thi lux or conducted uu opining dxjuotiav after the minutes hod been read mxb baxter requested the rector to ake the chair mr thompson ad dressed few remarks to the iodic- oase mbkd oommendlna thrlr uxsit and calling for renewed aclut iulortf erc prmrnted by the ttea- hurt r fkcritary ejttlc helpers secrc tan uvtntf mivarvaffe secreary extra cint a da fund ltnitod thank olftrliir soclul service dorcas and durational brcretary tlie electlonn mrr m follows hun irtml nu mrs woo tlompson hon vln presidtnt mrs coffin 8r pn sldent mrs d w baxter first vlre presltunt mrs w v cirunt cund vice f laws tten surer mrs p blackburn secretary mr woo thomp son dwrcus convenor mrs 8 mackcn- zle aamritmiu mm mcmnm mrs scott khfcfttlonal secretary mrs w v a rant uttle helpers conenor mr 8 demh unu living measare secretaries mrs weston and mrs burteashnw extmccntadtiy fund mrs j d kelly united thank offering mrs w bulhvant pianists mrs t fatten the rector then asked mrs baxter to aaaumc the chnlr the new president said she needed the strong support of eery member of the w a and hoped that all would rally to make the year an effect le one it uns decided that ueekly meetings shuuh be held with eneh meeting having lta own ehnraeter nuslneu and devotional dorcas educational so lnl the social mectlnrs would be held in the evening tho rector then closed tho mectlni ttlth the benediction a pleasnnt feature of the meetlnp uns tho presentation to mrs thompson of a handsome cushion with verses composed and rend h mrs orant tll ycit is an out tmullng one in mir hlston of rt nonrpor w a helnu tin fiftieth rnr of its exlstencc pre- pttntlons will be mid to eclcbrntr mils olden nnnherrnrv which will be t pirtiillj observed in the comlni mitumn the annual miitlnt of ot albans ladles oulld a luld lut thursday evening tt the home of the treasurer mrv arthur beaumont in olen wl- listns the rector occuptd the choir and opened the meeting with the ould praers after the minute ere read reports en prcftented by the secretary and the treasurer and by the convenor of ork tue election were umii proceeded with and mul ed as fouows hon president mrs woo thompson president mrs w ludley vice prssident mrs t ilsines secretary mrs j ltepim treasurer mrs- a beaumont sewing gommlttee mrs ludley and mrs haines with all the oulld a membsrs sic commltte oonvrnor mrs j dickenson with any members she might ask for help it was decided to hold evening meet tngi every othrr thursday for the pre sent and to meet at the home of members the oeod decided to hold a bazaar on tho tuesday in easter week april 27th ingham quebec wu best man and the turn of unntyflt atowoljjlj j voted to the church wardens rst it u t allowing the aervloe a reception was oulld for their work and asked them ot the nonmt of to give their uiuuntod loyalty to the t300 earl bt one of the guestswasprof church and the oulld prophesying a jojm a uju kingston grand w cj l v mwter of the orand lodge of canada mw presidrnt ur hsdle to uk a p fc a 0uwu from loll- 0 uv orlula i later the bride and groom left for montreal the bride travelling tn a wnart grey and blue wool dress blue rutiwov weddtns of itttcfttt lrkally a dicembrr wixlding of bite rest lo many ptople of georuttown and vicinity look plsce in st james an- r 1 1 can diurci kin o tun when miu i uirl wumllred luiurogr daugiiter of i ivt lru travrr rutledgr of queens university kingston and orulis be came the bride of mr 1 aland peter- wn ktnvhton wn of mr robert boott ivurum toronto during the signing of uw register mrs d o patmore of oruua song o prumlse me the sedding was tvomniied by rev j d mackenzie naughton d d the bride given in marriage by her fauur wore a gown of ivory satin cut on phnoeu lines with lace yoke and a long full skirt falling into strain ittr ivory uiur veil ttu from a headdress o pearls and she carried a cascade bou qutt of rosea and bouvardla mlu lil han derry kingston frocked tn tur quoise velvet and miss fannla wu llama ottawa in rose velvet were her attendants both carried cascade bou- qurts mrs howard a ba rends of mw presidrnt mrs hsdlcv to tost the chair mrs lladlc then thanked members for the office they had u warded her and asked their coopera tlon in tin oulld s work for alban s church w frtshrmnti utre served and the hat grey accessortce and a frey flector diainlsmyl the meeting with the mjulrril coat they will reside tn benediction kingston successful year reported by esquesing agricultural society lyons mrcitacken a nulct bu pretty wcdrtlnu look place nt uie united church parsonnre mom toronto when mnry may mc- crnrken elniiftriter or mr nnd mrs william mrcraclcen mcadowvtile was united in marriage to james itenry lyons youngest son of mr and mrs thomas lyons georgetown reverend 3 a dyer officiated tho bride wore a street length dress of lemtie faille raatohtaf telfe turban with shoulder lemth van and won a ooftaae of sweetheart nee after the honertnoon the bride and groom wm make their home tn hfwuuptois ttajf reld elected hocltty preslden for lnupun for fair this vrar 1 nles gas ratlsnlnr etc csu pawn on motor travel tlurt nus a good turnout at the an nuiil naxiing u tbqutbing agrlculturoj buia hi id in the mcolbbon llouie uu baturdoy atf i rnon january 16ui lltrb cltavt prvilutnt of the society lor the pat few 5 car presided in thi tliur ajui the nunutib of the last an nual meeting wirt read by secretary trunk pitch and adopted as read a rt solution wab pumxl extending sympatliy to his widow and friends o ihi latt walter c antliony mr anthony hud been a director and faith ful worker in the efforts of the bo clcty for inuny iun and it wus with ugici that all learned ut tils audden ikusiiif inasuni p w cliuvi read the fi nancial staumcnt fur the puit iar it sliowid a viry hucctful one in 1041 u dtftcit of about 1000 was carried over into 1043 this was partly and will bo completely wiped out last v tar u 11 gun showed u tu f iclt of jo 00 with sufficient donations yet to conn in to balance this figure directors of the different branches ul thi fair gave gratifying reports in all clisjwsta wlille the quantity of ex hlbtts were down somowhat last year due to war condition uie quality was inure uian leu affected and showed much effort on the part of the exhi bitors ways nnd meansuere projected uhtreby more exhibitors could be in- tinhtid in exhibiting at the george town pair hit meeting wus in high hopes ol being able to carry on the show in lt4j but thought it rather hard o look so tar ahead due to government t- is nitlonlnc nnd other restrictions flic ontario department still urucd tin continuance of the fall fnlrs as inn comix tltlon would be n benefit tn tho wnr effort rho incoming president and secrc- t ir wire named as ilelcgntcs to uie out irlo cnmciitlon of the rln ab-so- iilm to br li id in toronto in ftb- iiury mr frnnk pt tch who hns been sec- il i of th socltv for the pnst tvvt vtirs endued his resipimtlon nt the in ttlnr nnd no npnnlntmrnt hni vet lesn nindo for this position other ofllccrs ant directors wcro elected ns follow s president crnlg held plrst vlceprcflltlent w j alex ander second vtco prealdent o ohailes treasurer p w cleave directors spencer wilson d charlm o reld w j aleiflnder os car lento n a robinson harding price t j brownridw jinsherjohn bird wilfred leh howard may hedley bhaw o w uduntotk o aioouvnt herb w t l taatte and w o ftsliagham the weather dyll l hutt tiki temperature last week vas on uie whole much lets severe than the previous eek tho dally mean tem perature for the week being 181 de cree as compared with us of the week before but snow and more enow has been the feature of tost week with coal being doled out in small loads ot a ton or less at a time hoiueholders who were not fortunate enough to get their bins filled earlier in the year are be- dinning to wonder what will happen if uie snow gets so deep that deliveries cannot be made out there u atlll plenty of uma for th oaoal january thaw following are last weeks records date ii and l bnow- tvmp fall tues jan 13 33 17 js wed jan 13 33 0 m thurs jan 14 34 10 300 fti jan is 23 30 sat jon 10 34 is 3 00- sun jon 17 23 13 mon jan 18 17 13 800 halton county council met on tuesday when halton county council met for their first 1043 session on tucs da january 10th they had the job of electing a warden for the ensuing iiik iar tnree nanus ucrc mention ed ns passible candidates reeve o h ma of fcsquchtng reeve j m mc donald acton und rcovo w norman ollbcrt trafalgar this is probably uio ytar for diooblnn a warden from this end of uio county and should ibttt ma bo elected ue feel uio county need hac no uorrlcs with him its lis clilcr arbitrator for 1043 count council mill bo composed tills jcir or the rolloulnit members ocor recvt norman ii mown actoi iiim j m mi donald mlliuii itilvi dr c 11 heslop linlln ton rtcvc john blair dc- uit icivi n cratir oikllll lunc j m campbell dc- putyrllve c v hlllmer lsqutslnu itecvo c howard may doimlyrccvo a wesley murray tiafalgar rclvo w norman att- bcrt deputyreeve w 8 hall nelson reeve w j robertson do- putyreeve oolln bmltlu nassngnuoya reeve alexander near reeve john blolr of burltntton was warden for 1943 the question for today haw you abovelled your aldewalk ywtl anotber in a series of articles wnilen by w r lrese and c v cturters who rrprrunted tbe ouudlan weekly newspapers as sociation in a recent tour onraeas arucle no ii by walter ft lese one does not have to stay tn dj- bind ery loan before uie usoorunco of ajip or cjc aork u sssn and we canadians became gulokjy convtno od that much more serious attention to uiur precautions should be frtra to canada much of tbe work of the army wntob w saw wu tn the form of decoonsu hon but we bad an opportunity a study ajij work tn actual practtea oer there we came back to our headquartaa one afternoon to learn that a abort time brfurr some raiders bad coma over the ilclnlty and had caused con- tldrruble damage to a very large apart ment botw four of our party tnclud- lng myself went down to see just wna hsd happened we found that tbe building whloh liad been atruck was a tremendoaar large apartment bouse nine stories la height mud longer than sn ordinary street bloc with a large projecting 1 at each end there were probably a hundred or more apartments of urn or four rooms each tn the rjtuldlnf which aa a camparatllcly new fire- proof block largely of cement and stone construction it was a bulldfaaj which would not easily be imn the bomb bad landed directly fa front of the centre of the building only a few feet from wall tn tbe eourt- ard rormed ia three walls of ukt building as there had been some miiishlea considerable damage to the building und as tho construction was compar able to tin heavier type of bulldlne here in canada it was an ideal situa tion for us to study from tbe stand point of that aoud be necessary in canad to cope with raid damage wartrrrs baaa en the lb tbe first thing that struck us was the tremendous activity all over tbe place alhougb it was only a few hours after the bombs hsd struck there eic hundreds of men at wars at top speed police and guards kept all exovpt workers from going close to the bund ing and aa we were intensely interest ed in their organization whloh wv wanted to study with the idea of tb- ing to the peope of canada we pre sent our credentials and aakad per mission tc enttr ij u erorywhefw else in england ww were received writs the greatest courtesy and conducted to the chief offloer of the local ajj ibs orga was workiaf smoothly and efficiently and be per sonally took us around tntroduetay nt to the beads of tho various sections and explaining what they were dotnf and how they carried out their dutlest u also took us through a part of the bulldto it would bare taken to long to co through it ad to seewhsaj the effect ot such a tm was in the event of a immmng causlnc auch damage two things are started at once looking after comitmyt- and summoning the members of the aju they use what is known as the snow ball system to summon the membersv that is each man has to can fbrst others m this way an the members are very quickly notified setting cp orranlrstlon as soon as all casualties are remoaw ed the first thing is to set up a mala offlce known as the aju liaison of fice whloh keeps in close touch with everything that is going on in thai case the office of tbe txifjdlns ntadw an ideal location but where such a room is not available the nearest aofft able place is taken the offlce work it broken down so that there la a aeotlob looking after each activity all this is done almost tn as llouw time as it takes to tell about it then nn intensive search of th building is made with the double pur pose of ascertaining if there are any tranned persons and to study if the building can be repaired and what at will require to do this at the sank time any bodies not previously removed are taken away another group is taking rapid steal lo saliarc nnitlilnir that can be saved by quick work and this is followed by a more leisurely effort to salvnga everything posstblo transportation must be arranged ej required other groups are arranging for food providing money whero necessary to tho unfortunate victims and a hous ing department finds accommodation for the bombed out people if they haw no other place to go if as it was tn this ease it is poa- slbe to repair the building entractoa and workmen are called to abut work without delay otherwise he debris to more or less cleaned up and npsaoew ment poetvoned until after the war all these varloujajroow wars on th job at ouos and iairymi ot ttstar tasks as tf k were wawday bftaaana cwtsatud on pace

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