Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 20, 1943, p. 3

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til ebtfcb herald wtdaat jamttxy 2ft 1 1 943 ejlmra always ihe 321 tam i8yeuguaadee uniform ifomdtffete quality teas sal ada tea r fetter hosm wanted few ivotttusft clea what cui i do to help in the w tttuauadt this u an ofvirprfttad ejureuon w hear on rnr aulr ox fcnjwtt u that ou nosy ollrr tu uie ft focter ctiim into oor uror tlir proteunl ouldtot llumr wlu com an enquiry fiom ou ttu- tddrawjr to meet riprnua by turdi- cal and ontl earr and ouirr tncldm out u uib var inlcrt thl u fauleed a moat important pircr of vur wdk what ahull r gain b fuhuiy th enemy ahruad lf r nvlrcl our future un of ofrnrr at home uw children growing up in oar mldtl shot ob tl li br u brtn oror out of this prtarnt chaoa jj t uany of the cnildrrn i nml laffiporao carr outld of uar on fcofflm art children ul toidlrr and of ar wetter thry aj pnrd by ow protmunl ohudrrnl llamr in uir car of foster parmu until uri tunc al their own mothers or father arr ahl once more to tale up the moon- jbtuue of parrnihoot the morale ti our fighting nun and of our wor tnf mother dprnd tn urgr part on knowing that their children are happy they mutt be euured that aomeone u will give their children the care ad affection which uiey xud other viae be able to give themle if you can help the protectant ctul dxenw lloffim t thu usursbor to seme wcmd parrel by ojfertag your home tecbona or wrh to that or ganisation at 3s fhtfcy btmt twooto ilandolph sim tapplicmoaoa are ar- crtd only froa borne wtthln a radi us of 30 mli from toronto private foster homes for growing boys and girl needed by ftetaftant childrens horn 28 selby street toronto protestant children homes tabs financial responsibility for board clothing and medical care application accepted only from homes within a radius of 30 miles from toronto carrolls romarg off fa t0mm mi mmm 1lb bag crowd to jrtmr order jwlarrrrwl bom okfonui blaefc mission figs 19c oranges 39c 48c dozen grepeftutt 4 for 25c rmu aaj wnlimt pru ath sjtnfjtr lh ot ooilvies ceiutaj- tonik wheat cbbm cello wheat hearts ps loe ooilvhts minute oats u 7e pancake r ao 3lt 15c 35c cornflakes q 2 15c quaker oats o 19c tomato soup c x 15c white beans ssai 9c green peas 13c brookfield cheese 69c vegetable soup x19c sluwuail wheat xx3e pfp cereal pit se ajrlnur lut7 foods p aanipkui soap ur 4c -pi- 20c w mm tk right l umlt quatkui of sll blue ribbon baking powder 25c 7 super suds princess 3 airtovtp uhirottu hotkhaitohal sundayl chool lesson leuea for jcaouyf leuoh rcrrjda s tn oocdc3 a tmdtt un t i active service kotes bitann deux- mjciwbwi bo i ttta lh itcaf uxid in tudoux i- clkd blj ujc promouoo last hf to doe tura a tso biriif icasv an rrwtnrpfct uun ouss sck mnfalniy ceb of a ccouclitoa ib lu hcaf tor ctujtis baxidara ujd of ur ted lin uany atacailord ckcmvrujan- at a reotut gridaiiioe tbmnaoj u nu 6 apts dunnvinr t va enea hl unaoe luss vlj ibr ft duukk ri rtctitd toy gr u bl4iij rurnrrrfrnvtd by utf cum- liu i iuu liix officer buxk- lurd aur autj hamllujo ronzui bcbut4 tiuai hici ju krudujitro and uxa up uaciujitf autk ml u4jjlrflrbl eferfr tie ufil lux luuj taiv at uic out- hop of th hootlm balf of th htlolms who would that b but jraust comlsf to jrmsatem or th ait ii did not mk out th homti of th mlahty th plac of uam- tng and cultur but betook llimulf to th poo of bthda hr thrura j u l u iuukuuj ul u lay a multltudf of tham that sr uixklvt- lwjic lktxj in irii- phone 357 georgetown tick blind halt vilhtrtd why did ii go to such a placet bream h alway had tompauion upon thou in nd in im mulutud 1 saw ut once th neetirat man of au one without frlmde or loved one to car or him dnponrfrot and duhrtrtencd whut happened that day may well rncoumg the heart of every aad lonrty end duacouraged one wr ae three thing t here i bmleu talemuy w it huw weak and helpleae u human- ly oh yet w arm to be tlrong cupable eartect but only until mrcl torn great elemental prob lem tnen ve lht w ar in deed a great multitude of impotent folk th gently falling enow topped the undefeated ntpclron th alien fog can paralyi a na tion slckneu death who can ttay their hand we need the heady and powerful grip of god upon our uvea if w ar to go through tuch ex perience not only wu thlt man ul and weak but hit long year of ufiertng had mad him to accut- tomad to waakneas that he had rtiachad ttal of deipalr such an attitude invitee defeat it may b th only recourte of the man of th world but with jetut tending by to help there it good reason for assurance of faith in the darkest hour in th ao of hit need ye even in th ught of jus provision for that naad tha leader of the jru could only oritlcus ix baartuat auugua w 1019 1sii jeaut bad don for th man whut the jaws had net bean able to do in fact on wonder whether they had to much as lifted a finger to help this poor sufferer but now that he waa able to walk they were greatly concerned about the violation of thrlr sabbath day restriction agalntt any work instead of ahouunf for joy that thlt man waa able to carry not only himtelf but hit bed they become rtaloua about maintaining the let ter of their law ar there not thote tn our day who would be greatly disturbed if the deathlike quiet and dignity of their church services were to be broken by the cry of s new born babe in christ would a revival br welcomed in the rest churches of america which have lost th savor of chrlat and the power of the gos pel we think not th man who hid been healed an swered well v 11 be did not know who jesus was but he knew that if he tied suthority to hcsl he also had th right to tu him to carry hie bed when w meet jesus w will b hald of our infirmities and like this man be delivered from the fear of cold ecdesiattl- clsm but let us turn to the heart of our lesson which is the set of jetut in giving him iii heeling f body and bool w 8 0 ml the body of this man ws miracu lously healed there was no par tin improvement no ions drawn out convolcscenoe and regaining of strength in fact he was told to do something which called for the full vigor of a healthy body to show thot he was healed even so when we ar heated from sin it is not to a halfdead existence but to the full vigor of spiritual life we ar to arise and walk in the powor and grace which christ has brought into our lives not that th miracle performed here was or the glory of god the miracles of god are not mere mar vels or wonders they are not or the advancement of the causa of any man or or personal glory they are the mighty signs of an omnipo tent god wrought or th good ol men or their spiritual enlighten ment and as a testimony to th one true god i so in this caso jesus found the man in the temple to admonish him to continue steadfast in the spiritual liberty which had come to him lest a worse thing befall him evidently this mans infirmity had been caused by sin and even though ho hod suffered those sb long years tho tendency toward tin waa still alive in his heart 8ln diss hard bow often have we not seen those who have erled to god cut of their affliction promising all sorts of spir itual changes if god will deliver them when ha does they go right back to thslr old ways the one who does that may well be looking cor the worse thing which will surely befall him ur im0 hr mluuu ui u hcay arid uuc ui 1u imrvkxi julg riprnrtmr iw u brut u oriuul rln fujtuu llrfttuji lur on uuliuilur cuorw coiulm tiiijf uuk iitirca- jr lu ijaui to wo ii uruiriiury ftyuik trlruj rkfmx hi vlrtldi ujji ui june im1 luir 1m u valued imuunor jwj lain iuiijkd lu lltil oen- mandfr iii rwjiumur iw4 tir uk putu3 v u hcaf hi no t hrrvkr r1uu imliuiirf mcfiuul t ldiimli in urtur tu uutr i4 uevbtr uiirk itlot ckd- ur rilixsjord 111 ur uuufird el amimur fulkiuitf hu uar national parks will ptay prominent part after the war terf cm br liuir dotrol that cu- iiotldf unim uojilc ufur ue r u1 tr mi u iiiimii urvtr ulr than tuiy- uiui m ur irt tin- ilthltv to trutl u at pment bring lununrtl uu by el- lunuuukw moftfy wucj tn uuirr itfjll s uuuli u mjtilt ufl lacaati011a u brjujji liocunvuluil in cjusrnativrnt tiufada and ttur hiimmu ctrttlicuu- urad uvouwitriit ol joutiii nun and uinjirn in ihr nuliury i4ncrn oic kilni hlunlrf ul cuituii uluui uir ulu nwiinii ivd lu ux ir itjiuhr uiid tiltitdt imii uh an rrr tu uuvrl ijs r lit ur ciluulta jwlrmjiaul ultrirljnh lu ut- uuuuniv onrr iuhi cjimuu- tivltiuu u nmur uhltii is capable ol ulnwint inllulu- iiuiiwtin mid un- iikc oimi rtvouirt y ts nut dtilit4db istliikv ufd mittv urr cul don und illtttxar nnritriu utr duit up und mini i a rr uuuultuml rn iitrm lmds nui uiic i us iirllllt bul tiir btuut ol mountain mid ivtnram ihr nolitcr ol quiouii vs tin lnltrurutlun ol cwjui ittmi jiii 4i n- liunajt triloatliik ciiiimiu t onunuu- in tuvritiik ukm uratlun anmlf on un almost un- iunltid mu1 uim in luavlnu usuhd un ir prcm nutluii or the um- uur liiiolic b mttuiff tin btst oi uum iuiuk in national iitrkh nuionly haw tln bftli wt amdr tilt havr bcn nuiil ma rwux aniut ttrry inr new uriaa dchliauxl b nature to dtlliftit llir whji of uir xacaitlonwt utr btuu rjknfd up tu tiir mourtat in 1040 it uoa ttic ilunfljahimt und iu ikiul lljjhauyrt uhlcii madr available some the finest alpine mrenrry on the north american continent lnrludtau the fttut coumbia ictfleld hloh rrftchrs ulmoftt to die roadside in 1w1 came uie oftldal openuiu o cape lire ton hlchnnda nattonnl park where the fumoua cabot trail aflurd utan of miusnore and moun- uiln of never- tobciorjotten charm und the clmmplaln habitation where the hlatory of more than 300 ycun in primtved and interpreted and in 1m3 uie aiuuku lllffhny built in rrourd time oji a military undertaking optruxl up what will with the return of peace become one of the vrmit tourist areaa of the continent in the paht the olume of cunnduj tourutt trade haa been limited malnly by time and money factorn even in tiic united btnumi from hence came moat of our vlsltons it 1a entlmnted that many in lowincome croups tipcnt little or no thin b on travel if uie hopes now entertained for a recon htructet world are realised even in part the economic poulblutty of tra vc4 will be extended to a much larger percentage of the people than in the uut and the cluacr uttoctutlon in whlcti the uitr han united thla oon- utunt will undoubtedly rcnult in tireatei mutual travel not only be tween cnnnda and the united states but abto mexico and many count rice of south america it mufit be admitted that the na tional parbh were not entnalliihod in tilio first place with uie main inten tion of developing tourist travel ori ginally intended to preserve unspoiled areas of outotandlrur beauty or in tereu and to serve an sanctuaries for wild life they have crradunlly become altio canadas foremost tourist at tractions while for tiie time being they are servtnff mainly as re-con- dltlonlntr centres for uie civil and military population uie part they will take in bridging the sap betweon war and the ooonomy of tho new peace 1b likely to be of outstanding importance a oomupondent bays that her little etandhlidren take a great interest in current world event well after all they will ultimately have to pay for them sea heroes granted awards h v 40 5 the ollicil publicelio ol tkt linlik gorfniuc tl lorvijrt clxsntr cotii cttjinij aiiii appiwd by ll tji it kn- to ctfuatry l rv to ii f aktur l ht t 1 cj it vs lulr ii i j iie hftlicxu mun ail tttix vrrwna kfj l ilil kjrt ns it 10 i clailn ii liii i i1 u llx n v j ilutlln wjmiir hint in i oil on vll tu i 4l i it roitinmnu1 i- i it i oui j ir tuivluw ijir it j tl ihr mfuut ui ik muv ly thi ktly lir t r ij ll iji hi ti l sul llir i t l it in nam ii iji ki j fa a s to l civil dino 4 tkr moa ear lire t cstltf tj t ilitith lmir t ijvrfi inuti tutmi tint l bu r euac tt vid by u ljl in it atlimc t clr otetrr llir fcttt i un ut 4jy tjfi on lufl li i i tu tt utul tsa1 jui lloc lb sji ail k t tsjni to tl cd tat 4fj illiir it owmold i mlliuui inivrni aftrlur ii oi taie vfl up d it linr itc isjii rt ifi fy ntjttf j1 to ittf n ovid tait kiili m oar fipiirf lie kt lulltrcilud tt mlumjnti p tlr i 1 mltf ul utrl rfc i iii i it titl pilmu it dncl ilttlltr1 lutuifto ltt lt t in iw ual 0 the worwa neu itirouh the chriflman science monitor am imtftusltonti sfu w utwvjulcmnuii vnbii tf from imtinjl- la fatlhwllu an tustsjf mui lns4fklt r nj dally ri istiin tmiut iki wilr mffaw smtvo ilm il t fdwj wrnfpm foe uw i fotrw tit ouutiin srtf publiihinr smc oft nomf str bo4on mtamtthu iii prif hi j 00 yfmtlr or ii 00 momh ffjfrrftr imu i rw lading milium 5uori 2 fco yvar isurodurtort offer 6 smrdjf imwm 2j gm 1 a4du sampi r copy on bcquest notice re change in hours brewers retail store effective january 18th 1943 georgetown brewers retail store will operate on the following hours daily 1000 am to 600 pm by order of the liquor control board of ontario this year put your brooder to work earlier tham ever before to serve beat and profit most from this years urgent need for more eggs and more poultry meat start gtted chirk earlier than ever before put vour brooder to work 3 or 4 or ncn 5 weeks ahead of your usual time i that will give you more time to look after them properly before the spring rush more time to grow and develop them properly before fall and dive you burger better birds laying bigger eggs when demand is highest and supplies lowest next october and november order what you need early be lorelinnded trie days arc gone when oa could walk into a store llh a list and walk out again with all the roods you wanted check your equipment if you need any- uilrat repairs replacements even a handful of nails order utrm now make a systematic job or it for ii you overlook anything you cant count on making it good at lho last minute thats also true of feed fuel and chicks good chicks or der in advance and while youre about it make sura theyre rood chicks dont waste time work feed money and hope on secondraters dont order too many over crowding is disastrous aood chicks grow fast they need more room every day dont order more than experience and common sense tell you that you can raise right if you want to raise more than your brooding equipment will handle at one time start one brood eatra early and an other in the spring the bray chick does the trick geo cs brown nerval phone 382r2l

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