Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 20, 1943, p. 4

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the ceotfrrtowa rfaajd wedat january 20 1943 parade of news for 1942 jaxvjuty o wwlry llimjr defeated edartn harrcp in a tloa nn or tfc eja- taf pjjutyniiwwtitpt oeo seat oo ourrw tod w x wusoo wei cuctad coutlllon and iionm uay was awarded uw reesesjilp by accums- juna rlchardsaa ni named veal- tfem of let liocfcry cub sola bus walaar jack annslrons- and n b tanlralho k ii iisrtnn a aa w 1l oi cttvltl bkklr at lhr lo tallaltnri cwrmuula la ibr iwxit room lira tum waiarr uu jrcikrd pnaliirnt of to 0ojv wa- orrujlcalr arrr prtartiud to mim bars of u u john ainuiiaiwr rnrst aid clu at a uuiqut ul uir uxolb- txro liouaa frank ullun a as lrutallnd o ul principal cl luluxi oupn kau ai uw annual mrruntf ul uar la- qumlnu agricultural uucl3 plan ww tuacuawd for occriiriown cb varum lair rraklrih iurt clratr aacrvcary frank jvuh and irrasurrr pare cratt wr iricud a omorr lira- 11 lladlry waa diotfn pmldrnt o uw wa to th laajloa on uw apurt front thr intrrmtvll alca arrr in areond placr in uwlr four laam group abll uw jutrviura awe had wvh uoluo in uwlr ixru tfc otirllng oua uodrr uw prmidtncj ui w o btu waa in lull awing tako da kc twadad uw red cross botlaty lor a uilrd tarm and a ucxvacful ytv waa rrvonad wrtrn uw f owcunf vma tuld in ukr lib rary ororttum public dcjiool reported 1u0 sales of war bavin orrtulcatea during 1m1 and a s0 vmkly avcrajr during uw lira month of uw no year rcbblabv ocorguams tax raw iu rrduord 4 fwiiu and the rww 40mll raw la uw lowest alnot 1917 coundl rffxalrd uic bfaw provid ing salaries lor lbs mtinbtrs 8t oeorgas wa tuld a social nin- tog and presentation lor a member tin if uatheaa prior u3 iwx depar ture for her ne rtome in atrauonl jack wllllanuon won a rriruwxod bolauln call is a draw or uw ii w v fund mr den younf donated uw calf and conducted uw draw and a total of ui0 n ralatd onarlaa itobcn aualln icarold lain on of ui and klrv cnarwa auaun r it 3 waa fatally injured in u motor acldent bear oookamlie a u nulun rwaded uir 1 ionic ul- tural 8oclet alaw of olllceri ciiocn at chat boclet a annual meeting mxb o v wullams m circled rv- ent of uw local xjodje chapter council decided to purchase a iwa art truck the aalary olklt langdon a as and water rates collector waa lncrroa- ad from m0 to soo f makcu a number of local frtenda journeyed to tvironto for a special bob oold- bam night at maple uaf gardens when uw upandcoming young sport tar waa presented with a set oi golf oluba and baa by hla admirers dob baa since enlistee in uw navy after a aparkllng ear with the maple at and will be playing his hockey in a navy uniform this season a special benefit performance for the dwv and soldiers comfort fund waa given by the georgetown choral society in knox church georgetown went ocr the top in the and victory loan with almost om000 subscribed w v grant beaded an able body of publicspirited duaens who orgunlred the drive the annual lied cross skating carnl val waa held tn the arena austin comer coledon farmer was eriouiuy injured in a shooting accident at hla home he mode a good recov ery and la upandaround again after a splendid hockey season which saw georgetown come out on top in their intermediate b group tho papermakera were eliminated in the ptoyotts by paris black ilawfc there were three hockey train speci als to oalt during the season with jots of fun on the trips afrit tred mccartney was named preal- j of branch 126 canadian legion lor a second term at the annual meet ing of the organization m company lome scots started recruiting a second battalion for ac tive service at the armouries escjueslng towrujup appointed game wardens for 1043 george baldock of brampton won the 2500 easter rabbit rallied by tho lome scots wa mrs oeorgo young celebrated her 80th birthday april uth at the home of her younger daughter mrs mal colm mcnabb thomas cation wellknown ohlngu- aomav farmer was burned to death when hi house took fire while he was fast asleep mr and lira alexander debbie of hamilton celebrated their golden wed- daw amiwraary at the bona of sir i awd tws john bosh lafflenotaw when a large ruier of frfcass and rsla- um ia uw cnttrh gathered to boo- our thaea itr art iwntm lcmthoutf rofrcl as ctarkg operators ktary col couacs hecvd ratlirns com mittee tn appeal for ntms to i1j ranks of lome soou taruw oeorertown crutrtrt orgacilsd lor pwbrscste tote on stocb all ctllakts mere urgvd to wjt va tbrrr as a tm ykiv at olrtfury ttwiur lor uw trn ul lilfb octuu onmrrw pu gymnauka and slnln mm u rtfi j 4 1ul it u kuu rn uxnabo be neuluin total d- natkn to dntuh war vkcluu tmd rrach i117i0 i v uuojjmjxa itoajd tlly hrad itrd ciuu xxuvt cnitiiijeti sow per mil utr vr in llaluai ouum tn pltoclte ww mav u t far sin rtil imituim ui bowfk fur 1m7 iwtwf juljd ikjow culitrfuu uiw lurtmnl by j ii uacaxjuu- e i vajlovwik attertmrliu arfr ci0 tw puulc at itrd ctv tr ouincll unabtr u iuit luri- luu lluud fur ooncrrt unn latt inotalmrnt of lueulnlkrnra vl olul anttrfi j llxlalds 1vj mwrlua senbr ited clou canuuli oprnrd enj met aim uuual ijimi grtrudr cain tipiuuj itetur atuacl- ed larvr ttudlrnce in otivury tlualxr oeorvrurt lllgli iklvjul i rnn riurtourft ui llutic fvttjal 1m id in au- lon ujl lrjir 1 curt lomwr hrrakt employee graduated irom no i bombing and ounntry uciuol janb df j ii lutroiajt urmuiswd hu medical pruclfcr ul ctrorvntoau u take a pool graduatr uuurnr ui muu- ural unltrd church vju urtrliu aatun uuck liurn lunkln cnck at onur tlieutrr altli lorv it c todd dlnvtlng the produrtlun a aeu a taking uw starring rolr norval junlurs ht id clo utg mretlnw of krwotl ut uw honir ol ctuuluttr and clar wllujn jotin unabb vlt elected uw nca prrildent loole hold noaunaslon jinx in uw arltenrif of uw rfeeea mrs c w1 hmi urv sun martrrrw prouidfid over uw meetlog of uw co-n- teat of tiaatjbmojr ctiacifr od on monday tujtit january lwth tn uir lftfkn bnrrs trw piatfr part of uw ctrtilag s talun up alth nnrrlutt fur uw cl- isotrt fur 1mj and iliu uarjurw oalt uiu aikr pktwnun anduo oeraiji ixtosjlo stir atttid u romjliut wyr u ctiry ut varvxis tejntit and nair a iu prtvaiio lur tir nrst m1lng tjri tlecuun bu br hrld tlrfjr arlr fuyj irtul cl uirj rrad lira c v wluuu ujiln u gftgpur kr uw nute cf lymiuji aluwb vry will hrr irt 0 cuimui ci i latlm i ktlu u llrtjlujun stuno u mrcrri u kirw tj- at trlr uajuiuulfmh u uikllnrf tvi a kill ak rllu uartl of aatiudr lui lrtti14- trt- oitrr ue uu ir kur tlair b lw a llu i ftum lit ii c wnkt ufth luuk ivlktjul puicl- ul blltun cm1 uhalf of um- pjlkut tun d uud u uix uw lour flt vr im unatiun rj2io al vctnu tlikh uw- had rurn uw srikkj lfl w ii rvid uwn uld nvtribrik cf uu pvtfklaltt rltrr irrd lur um ceuutmai srtllk of kkjitiiy ajml lit rar buuth mtit to uw cuiwr avv led mjkiui in uw luluurum duftrt urt udolrji k irtur utinhtd tht cylapter for ut chrutmak utfu uw lir tjr iliiuji r iturrt tn ti cair urnitwlk oklltd to lold uw flit irarrw ul uw uajsuu n llrldr ui wrdnrkcu janunr vul at uii nest cnrrtlnu mrnuwik atjr urcd to bring all uw uwd clouung fur ahlcli tiw liittr fvu furuwr uxr aiul uilv kliur oi ciouilng alll br donjuo lu uw n ltagur 1 aav dccldxl tu fill 10 dltt bak for uir n lratft during trw cumuig rur a mull up lirrcutrd ujlll uk dorutro to uw chjpxr b mrr john kuirru r and lift rrvuuirr mr ixinn to la rurntl uff for asr at irk at uii uncufuii ol balniv mr 1 karntll mii john it lururr und mjv4 alur ljttrrin mrvcd rrfrrji at wcauiko -ob- bialuovt v k lr uj lorlttd t jlak at i t vii1 r tvjr 1 cltr aj it i oh mi in ua- lit al 1 k kllrl n ur lljns uf coiinnc baulwafad oa sunatvy ftwrtnjt ran a o- w rcattoaid raa wyftrtoaf ba a iocd sess nrt rii i vfao hid sehd m cfcrtiuna pokd tram ttj a al tb tlav erf vtttiac fc vsj soot- ufid xa uid tbst tit eiuikia i tb 0cj7 pejtsiic plu ecus oa okdy lberr quilt tttserat ficsa bocev other paxec m w tbeftid o ujicy ct tit eoajstry ki4 j9 vulilcaf or tfc enow pout to dj thrm of ttr atom tt aittvthj kafrtltf of ut cgetftr- eauao ot ur ctvrr u hcjaj uarsiay ailrnxiad jtnry lltb 7k ufii fcol tn tjslllnt esttj irpiirliiajt jsobtttj tn ljirjtjaf tn fvjjjjrtfj pi txxtr a1jjou3 ujtjt lav tafn mtnj calu jur etonry tr3 mjp ur ctircih tim rot cjtvd tku unrsajbulj thovi fja taawir to cvhrtifun ulrj if lr brru ftjt rujit llv rrorry u irecti lbr proprr cucaflu ur iumi1 ixcclrr u tn ojrlph llcrjpetj for irtmrfit vir rtopr in tjigsfi ujtr vo rtm rr t ttrjsntrij tr jtrioary mrurm of u w a at latj at thr riomr 0 ur j i kiitmjod trw ytr u u psunrtrd 1 y 1 u- ij laiu iur r uc timoar ull11 1j1 14 r i u tad jc l xj t ului ixatiiis acatit xjuilb ojiflr il liuiu iluviiku a rrwr iiom 11tt lulr wiili if oif irfc u tm- tvr ltf ln it ll the icstl u iut4 anjuiari uj j ituri- dt u raotfi tttj 4 nijcii rnotl u4tt tlkjrt titr hflluir utvson tv ittvd b uattun lxii ftiuj xr v rut3 tjtil 1j4 urf- ajab of hrr upir flloijih tt rmruri cloud 1lh tlir mirpih btrttllrtion hit pr ranee wjulrtmurtji of tt rxiito litri mr und id it iontt iiatnvr- 4rul titwr tiundk crtr lit rrte end ur w ihaimton mtvl ml l livtu timi fnm 1tnt mrrr tr rod totu of mr and m climilrh auitln hi otto tbanhfyah to txirrcj ttir man frirndj lir rir itvadr ui iot u br isojt to umr ur rd un rvn oltin ard diaidrm jjtlilh jtajlkw tad ttxsttjjw irar lovn ur otvon vtio ka tsrm tr- roununt tn uar baak of ucriirrl hrrr for lhr fmtt to j riaalf inarm hu fjit bfv notinrxj ouu rai- hu brrn irmrairirrd to lhr brarxt al dfor and iravr ttiurxday marntttf tor hu r poat ilia family will tvmaln krr until lhr end of lhr month ur w j j tttoffinaon of iumuun u rrpurtnf ur oton hrrr al lhr pre- tmt umr txic ilriil ctvuj nr uuii cob uciidun for lih3 al utrii aimuatt mrxtlng ooiikll dccidtxl to aultn road 10 puptrmuj alur uiitfui dobutt lugun and ilairu got 2600 oun- iruct from toarujilp u lobuiid the ruud vn uc 0u uitc ul jurn viujuiu the alout ua cuummj by the tpruig lluods hlch acra evxcpuoiially vray titv cmigrcgauuii u union int0j- tirlun oluucii cilcurutmi the houi annlctiao it luundlng 1th lm drcmic bpocaul mimcra umi cxutt ciairiiiaiiiti rjota ovtr lop ltb tt4huujllmivuly trtjoo in ciujt and pledgm donatm by district diucn tl objectne uiu m0o0oo word rrccvpd by nlj lunnu mr and mr d p crlartlon uul bft datd crlchlon nij bale in otylon al ur juck ttkitc iruoi tungujiuti gaonttuun lutfli tioliool bludtnu una cloonilon lions club madu u ivuoccfwilul rubber drhc uivd mtrr able ruu- over 700 for uu- hauug fund of the club wj dutrlct annual rally for ilalton county aa held in acorgtujwii artna with 1 25 rcprcfnuiuu prtbtnt publiiher walur c blchn tnlliuxj in tiie army pay corpft j lambert high tichuol principal gran led icuc of abuncv lor duruuon county council u ran led 30000 to lome bcoia band k c ucmluun niuvtxl i1l1 impkmcnt ugxncy buslmsa into uie pre in im 5 on auclph st formerly ocuuled by tht arnold olovt factory llimhouse irslyurlan clmrcli luld gala uul den purt und unnlvrrwiry murklnu iu blbt nulcstonc mr w v crunt chosen head of nu- tlonul wur hnancr committee tor otorkcjn mr l k fleclt won mudu county vlcooliulnnun tlit eiichtyrtrm uimlvtrsury r- vlcca oi llmcliouac irubyutluii church wen held june 21 followed on monday by u ulu harden party july wchley loclcharl bolton uiui in- huintly iclllcd und hla niece almu lockhurt ttcrlotihly injured in u motor accident just beyond norval station on the town lino mn cloorue uobson wan prubentod with u life mtmbereslilp to tho united wms ut uie home of mrs a mac- laren the both uewjrve coy veteran auurd or toronto visited oeorctown nnd tmvrt n prlctlcal domonstrntlon of manoeuvres on saturday followed by a lurtjuly attended drumhead ervlco on sunday a 15000 blazo at momurchya wool len mill huttonvlllc wou caused by a luthinlng bolt which followed power wirea into tho plant xlov p j dunlop welcomed to nor val united church mary cummins won the 300 sprint champlonfiltlp at the amatwir on tario aamea oontlnued on fae 7 ashgrove wr hui- o man uull pnfcmbi from our brunt ji of u w i ind com- munti mill taa uflunuaci f lhr nu- tntkin confrrncr to br hrld tn trw council chumbrr at t3uarturmti im january 28th thu conftniue rmrts from 10 to 12 in ui morninc and from 2 till 4 in iuc alumion with mlv cllpsluim or torviit in rharflr tlir ypu mrt on bundav cnln in thr twummrnt of the hurrh with n ood utt4nilinri ml fc isob 1 wrln blrntorth christ i m rvlltraliip m- vfnor ins in rjtirvr that thin louni ktoth blndronin fah i1rat aid ttt mrmbrr of tlf uim ivos band htt btn taajna a oourn- in tint aid thr nat monuw al utr armourlr undir thi inmnxtlon of dr c v wil li im antl at uir rxmtnatlm hrld bin chrtmirus b dr k t paul uir foloalmi uindmrifn mrrr isjorrwful w bran c cmaford r iaon w nii- m llcrbrrt ii klnr w uinir a onnr it luh h rlddall alfrrd ttst thry vti all rrcrur rrr- ilflraart from thr 8t jarin ambulanrr auoclauon solourh comtorth ftvd fp n nlrl to hildlrn oimfiirta oammlluf 473 m clash oi h ind or know irdffrd 83 38 u ou hrr anythlnf to wl rmxihanjrr uar lhr if r raid clautflrd m column bmau ad bring rrwulla special cyclamen in variety of colour 50c and 100 the barber floral co phone 47w georgetown rail lcrancs make naval guns aaaiiil vtrtry ftlntiay at st gwt cwov ttr aiuuij vmtgf nrtaif of h ocora ctuuvb wsj tis la tt chkal ugrfr od utxv f thr bxar pr2 attw xt djrtrj of u vmjfaaan thr tria- wu cvstms wlb i j of tbr ctmd axd wb tt vmtry prtr axa prli- tor lb lofoea tb itlaju were rts by cl u iftg iry cirrt un wcllor tlvaiv- ttit rrtcr fadirfued mat voclry wtiuj itcluu oc lta cuittajcl c n ittu gljjxh uimx2it all tn lifcrj iad to urf cujc win cj- lajuiuj cjsaiosiuicj npacaalr lbxa ttli anr tew or rvtlnd t c5jh bo lrar i bjipt arjj ur olrl oaji iu ar lhr laartfib uca fclocij lhod bapuiau s3 nrrurr it crrrur f ajid tn tl ttar rujrr cl uir fcti tauj cl- tj u ir ci ivnudtv tr nrfetiav j aiilr ur vtatx ujd aa for lb irfatj- t caxjeegrt1kn tl lb o- ttir iriacru wrrr uim pjrurr b- rri j valh ua iwxud nfjt of t ctiorrri vaim prrrnlro by tha pnlr a anira ur ttioa hajqzx jr 7ta ivkrt with iu cwujd rijcana- tiuri luj a uafctaiual tirprvit- dit in tir fuuiota au1 nirt aj ltrt ud usotd a utuiatuiry condi tion tlr flrrxor announonj lhr apoulrn mrnt c ur f d ucnauj aa luvtors wajjn jccvnltna ml fomrr o womibon t had rtpmrnuil him fur fusir jtmra u tho cajoan jr tu rvclm yvofavra wardm by arltirauco u wm rulrjr waa rlactad oomrnor of ftdvaznrn uj and un wilkct thocspean rrr rrrlnctrd audi tart an orsn fund wu truutirtm for lhr rrntuai oonrralon of th onrui from lhr iracarracuon to on rlrctrto tcuun a injbaunttaj mm tn victory bondi had been prramtrd by ur w r bradlr at a nixirua tb veatry lhanard ur brmdlry for lhr tmrroui a commuue to carr for and rrmrm- brr m ororsr mm and vomrn in the forrsra which had barn formed during the rar vu aulhorurd by th vcatty aa lta commit trr and aakrd to carry thr fbxrlor lhrrrupon anrkotnord a mrrtlnir of that rommlttrr to br hrld tn lhr church baartnrrrt on wrdnradsy january 37th at 00 pm th dvrm brnhlp u thr im a rxt of thank vu paurd to dr rrld with hl ajaoculra un rrid and ur and un oinr for thrtr ncrndld work with thr ciuh boya latoffuc thr veir t lhanka u trodrrrd to thr itrcior and hu lfr to lhr official of the clurch lb organist chotr- maatcr and choir and to th off veer tnd members of all uir organization of the church tlic vstr lhrn adoumrd thr chairman lhrn declared that a congregational meeting waa convened mr ucwolh trndcrrd nil rralgna- tlon oa lay delegate ur dmcr o thompson no rlrctrd to fill the un- tjiptred term of mr mcnauy namely imo year mr itarvry dewhurtt waa rlrctrd aubatltutr to lhr lay delegate for one year mr b w orr waa elected secretary to thr churohwaxdrna the benediction aa then pronounc ed and the meeting adjourned omlitioiih kiilwiymen chii national ritluiyh munltimm liniit- eil an u cniun plant nr i lie prcwliic t ion of iiaivil art tilery llhllilkctip lodate litililiiilfai montreiiaihcniihtrim teil eiuippel ami ilie iiiimifas tnreof lie firnt kiiii tonitteled within a iwriuilof llnrieiii nuint ha the unit big con- irut hntutii finmltetlaiul tlinweiiiul uulthtiuiiil cirkr fin- u larger uun is now well tilvuiiccl the plant iualwi cngifcetlimntlieriniiiiitiiiuuriiiilracttt including tliu umhenibly of field urlil lcry liua cirriaueu naval dcvlct n nartb for nuuino ciiuiiich tunl camiiik nnd machining lutliu bed for gun bor ing iiucliinta opera tctl under the direction of the cu n ad ton natlonul rullways will edl nhnptitfiforitilhciiu kiiiuf the iiuiin- ttinti plitit tork fnu i lv mg to ilu mmittly of trained luuhaiuirt lliew railway marliitiat hitaniu instuul- oru teu liin uiinkilltil iiiihih mil iraiueeh the pronr tiuiiiiitit of mm- plitalitl mai liinei i he utili hiri huuiily uu renud and now 1 here are 1000 einiltih appoiniikly icn u teat nf uhom arc uoiuen tliu phtiiaph tilmu upivcr left miliiiil touillird preurin to apply tho tattt 1 1 roa h of a byjtcin dcvclnku1 in he uop to speed up the rillink uf a imi barrel forty broachm iu all ilred each cut ting 11000 of an hi h more than the previous one the new system devlaed liy cnu experts cut down thctlmo re n tired for rillink n gun from 15 hours to2h hotira centre the final operation on n kutt barrel la biiiimithfinuhinb th chamber r j hcid and charle wilde ure the nmclrittuub shown lower right mis mary slobtt operator of u honing machine is tak ing the nitasure of the bore gaiie born graham mr and mrs j h ora- hom albert street ftuh to announoe the arrival of a baby brother for jacqueline on january 5th 1043 mcniven at oeomctown on satur day january 16th 1043 to mr and mr bruce mcnivcn nee anne mar shall formerly of acton ont a daughter donna oall a playmate for icb8 anne your eyes the pabuc are grttln to know oar new low price for ibue u a real bargain for th high quality glatsea applied why pay mere than our new lew price our rye examination has al ways been ihoronfh a we liars lhr flnrat equipment and over 3 years rapcrirne the people whom ur hare ser ved ure coming hark to as be- caitae thr realise our fcye hcrvlre la thorough come in ami let us show yon the newest stlr in glaasr all at city price ch1nsv1t ot walker r0 nvksiairr cnruamv wha will te ilkta uttit awt uu bcu tvuahaa oa mat bind oaariauwa uw aa wednesday al aaak wiwla at yau may eatswh o r waaw at has ahiea to mtawaww rnonii oawtaaawa w

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