Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 24, 1943, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday february 24tli 1943 the georgetown herald nsw8 or omhujsiomm nobval oucm wtujuou umbsouac rrcwuirrrowtl aiuigbovt wnxnaru xau cotr soasckiftion rate otswls onlld buim snd ovmtu uu a tj ozikilt oodct tr adwrutuf tuu shu w mitel ihviiiim trutoonc n walter c bictim pubiunt iwiiy h biehn editor oajtrmn l ucoilvjiay j bole kau illli uuctxr of t ciiulii utttu krfiipaprr auacisuau via uu ctoajloqrbf lirjtoc 01 ul cmjl f7re editors corner 300000 children have party the administrative council of he loid mayors empire air raid distress fund met yesterday at the mansion houw to receive among other business truns- acted a report on the christmas treats or evacuated children provided largely by qirutmas cheer for bri tish children auxiliary of the evening telegram british war victims fund sir samuel joseph the lord mayor of london presided supported by sir john lourie and sir george wilkinson three hundred thousand children living in foster or makeshift homes together with their house companions participated in the yulelide festivities which this year reached o new high of gaiety and de light in hard cash 36000 pounds had been contnburd nearly twothirds of tins amount or 21062 pounds came from the british war victims fund the citizens of georgetown may well be proud that 190 00 of that total went through the herald christmas cheer fund the herald is still sponsoring the british war victims fund and also the soldiers comforts fund we know there are peoples in the world in just as ur gent need of help as these are namely the russians and the chinese so we can only say to you give what you feel you can afford and divide it equally over the needy of give to nc tund nearest your heart we cant hope to give everything our fullest support but tin- knowledge that we who still have the comfor s of home surrounding us can help in some small way to alleviate the suffering of those having firsthand contact with the enemy is a great source of satisfaction the people of georgetown have responded nobly to the different appeals so keep up the good work the hills of home with the new restrictions on gasoline we wouldnt be at all surprised to see a blossoming forth of horses and buggies on the highways and bwa when the warm weather comes weve never had the opportunity of riding in one ourselves but maybe well have o chance this year the country is so beauti ful around here in the summer it seems a shame to rush by it in a corond only half appreciate the lveli- ness you dont have to go any distance either to find cenery which cannot be rivalled by even the lake- studded north take almost any direction and you will find beauty were thinking especially of the mountain ous roads of caledon with their thickly wooded slopes and sheer cliff the glen with the peaceful winding river and large old trees limehouse with its pictur esque crumbling kilns mosscovered rocks and caves and halfhidden bubbling springs stewarttown nest led between two hills with a pond at its back door and the road that cuts through the forebt to speyside and norvul situated in the valley of the credir hemmed in by sweet scented pine clad hills yes maybe iill take a war and its restrictions on travel to make us realize how beautiful the hills of home really are they symbolize hard work and high ideals during the week of february 2127 boy scouts and wolf cubs nearly 100000 strong in canada will be on parade ho that the public might sec them in action ond learn of the great spiritual ideals which have made it the largest youth organization the world has ever known and fitting it is tlii tins anniil olisri vinci- thould commence on the sunday nearest lord baden- powells birthday with services of commemoration for the founder of tin movement a man who has been a seoul never forgets it the training scouting involves in such i hiippy tnx- ture of work high ideals and play that it moulds the boys character and hecomes an intregal part of him it becomes part bf that haid core of fine spirit which the nazis nre having such n hard time trying to beat today while the war hab brought no let up in the boy scout programme of building character and teaching manly arts it has placed an additional burden on the organization to which the scouts have responded with a ffl sir edward beatty president of the boy scouts association placed the services of the boy scouts at the disposal of the government at the outbreak of war and sfaee that time scouts have given faithful service f r watson ddj hi grotyetown ckr fojr 9 to 5 ecpt dr j burns milne j dcvtu hlrgkom xmaft j dr clifford reid i dkvt1bt iptione s i main btlrt rorvrloli i a m jnielsen jslli vijr ot practice cniropractor xray drugleu therapist lio aumalm oftvr orr dumljilon store aeogtoam hu ii j 1 730 via n cluvj ttiuml phone iso leroy dale kc o i m sybil bennett ba rurrlvuf nd huviurs j t ii io repairing we specialize in this work ii year riperirnce j sanford son ttiunr oixmtoltown ms ii kenneth m langdon i bjrrtrtrr mllrllar naur jtbuf i flrnt morvin- mi to iian om u tin it flirt i mill htlfet i 1iioin- u cirniiuwn t i i frank petch iktsmll mnommt and lt lishih oi fm rino- iiiiiijt nlif ili hh wi gcurkrtot i0 uov 413 elmer c thompton inm kami si hvio mi a it windstorm c p fuuvay and atilrj hlramanlp hhmmi3t xcujlhlonh phitu llt or ltrfrtovn hccurr ralph gordon monuments i majuceks vni mtttkhinu pollock ingham dt ins on iuhju -ihutu- 2048 inpxt our ork n irfrnwood crmrtrrv tlir mrallt tiitrriatrxr for ir nc it pntrram 111 jnitnj tlrcular ftr tobovto ala ccmll cram ford st iii jnitnj tlrcular ftr t tobovto j ala ccmll cram ford st gray toaci liuts time table now in effect duttrftit unllik tme leave otohoetown to lultonto 1 a m oh pin hlim b34 pm 2 4 pm ul9 pm to lonoon kljo inn 7 13 pm 0 p m t u io ji iii 4 50 pm x b 1133 pm l aun und holidai finl x to ouclpii dall lo kli- cliirnir hit 8tin mid llnl io kltillrnrr s to stratford tin htpol ihont r i i c n r time table i liiiit siviik tlm- fmnt emit iisllkt 701 lls4nir r iinil tnll 10 03 ijsmiiurr hid msll bm pavvrniwr kunda onl 831 pavsrliiirr dull d24 tills iraln aai lormerly nrr but now stops gain tfed pavsrniicr und mall pawiirtr bai only pxi4r dally txcept kiturday ii iiri pt ftiinda iism iifir sundays nnl 2 13 6 34 70s iso am ain pm pin pm the am pjn pm pm pm am iilly excrpt sunday 1213 ciolnf north pivnkr and mall 8 4 am fiolnc noalh iuim niter and mall 7 10 pm llrpol tlrkrl olllorhonr tow on a dozen home fronts including salvage collection collection of magazines and books victory loan cam paigns and digging victory gardens in addition to this work all of which is outside the regular pro gramme of scouting leaders have given intensified training in first aid signalling stulking camouflage camping mapreading cooking fire lighting and tracking knowlidgc of high value to the hoy who may later be joining the forces thus canadian scouts have carried out tin- purpose of their movement to be of service to their community and country in peore and in war for many years now georgetown has been without a scout troop ah you can see a good troop of scouts is an asset to the rommunity as well as an invaluable aid to boys brimful of pep who want to di rect that energy into the right channels now the or ganization always so vitally interested in child welfare in georgetown the lions club are ready to sponsor a boy scout troop and theyll need your cooperation the groundwork has been laid and all that is lack ing is a leader for the boys get in touch with lion dick licata and tell him youll help having a boy scout troop in georgetown would be a fine thing imwovtd uniform ihyfrhaylohal sunday i choolsuesson o t cwsmjji rv- prm t l citco- i lj wwaij tf dsuoa leuoa for february 28 ltukm bvt aarf ftrflstwr tart ta- urtd jud trusu4 w uunuuonj cownru iukk l4ucuo u4 by improved uniform international sunday chool lesson jescd refftorrs lazabcb to urm iammu tkxtjum ii as s- goldoi ttxt i aa tt rmurrrrtua jvj in ja u tf sulfa rtfl aorrow and bereave mrnt arc soxommon lo our day that una leason la peculiarly appropriate life even to the christian finds iu full meaiure of thlnji which hurt and grieve many at wliy mutt i a follower of cfcrlat bear auch ijurdrna the antwer la that whua the be lirvrr la not of the wofld he n in the world and here he mum meet the prohtema of life including thr avlla to which the fieah la hiir becauae of aln the fact that jrnun in our friend and our saviour dtxi noi exempt ua from human sorrow but it doea aiiurt u of the needed cruce to bear the trial and mattei ui ready lo truit him even tn llfta darkest hour iiarua the friend of jesus wai nick the noma tn which jesus had found reit and fellowship was in dtep trouble jesus was no lonjer in judra in haste word wss sent to him of his friends illness dut ifr did not come why does he delay such u the he artcry of thousands today who call on him in their hour of trouble thf purposes of god we cennot fully undiratand we nerd only to trust him and abide his time notice that his failure to respond hi onci to the meiuge of lsrarus tlstera did not mean that he had lurried them john it 46 nor did it mean that he had dented them ilia help v t above all note that he came he nlvmyw does jesus has never failed jny child of his th time and the minni r of his nnmt r to our pracrn mn not conform tr our opinion of hat should hoe turn done but i un rrmomber that e know only in pjrt he knovba oil lt u trust him job in hie darkent hour said though he slay me yet will i trust in him job 13 15 the steps from sorrow to victor ous joy in this story are three in number i death and tears w 32 25 b the tune jenu come lunru u dead and hu fnmily ond fnrnd could only weep as thc said if tlou hndnt brrn here try aa uc tiu to t mper its cruel blow the fact ftmnlni thot death in the enemy of man it come into thi world an the rrsutt of bin rom 5 12 and only in christ in it tualloued up in victory i cor 13 m until the glorious dav of christs return in when the redemption of th- body will be complete mom 8 23 death will continue to bring sorrow to tht heart ond teara to the eyes but let us not fail to notice that ns the friend of jesus we do not sorrow alone jesm uept v 35 vuth martho and mary wc know thot he weeps with us in our tryinr hour he 13 the frjend that stick fmh cinder than a brother he u the one who gives grace to meet the deepest sorrow nnd to bear it with pracr because of his tender fellowship ii faith and hope vv 3810 if thou wouldest believe thou thouldest see the glorv of god snid jesus to marthn she must look beyond the evident fact of the dcadness of her brother nnd see ndh glory in his resurrection thus faith nsnures us thnt those who bolievt in christ have more thnn the comfort of hin sympathiriiu presence they have a sure hnpi trend thess 4 1418 sorrow and unbelief would becloud our faith ond thus rob us of our hope mnrthn needed to have hei fnith stimulated by the grnciou- words of the lord and then he triumphantly put her hope in him the christ of god one reognie him ns god we hove no hesitation in helieving in hi mirnr uhtiis iwiwer 0 iii hrut and resurreeilon w ii it miiestie ind authnritntive are tht wntcls of christ i am the resin ted inn and the life 2 it wi- who nave life fur was he tii ii the liegimiilik with goil i i it not sud of hun thit ill c n vote in iih hv him john i 2 u tntl telk us thit h him all tluu iiit col i 17 he n the onl tine who could si i la low iih life i have pouei to t i l down and i have power to lake 11 up acain john 10 17 hi si it ran rikhtk he snd that tt 1 have chi ist wv have evervthinn both in this world nnd in the wi i ininc dut if we do noi hie clmst we have nothing we are without god and without hope he thnt hcliuveth in me though ho were lend yet uhnll he live v 25 ih the promise of christ to uh let uh chevc it the resurrection power of chnnt is nt work tn the world today raising the spiritually dead to ncwnebs of life in him may we see many such a lazarus called forth loosed from the rave clothes of aln and set free leuaa for febttiswy 21 tb bjiajirta us brisau taxi aa- jesus the good bsepbeho lesson textjjbji u ik ooldpi tsxt i js it m4 skisv mra aimm tktejurs tk us ht fc ft up t u u lusutlful ssd mssnlnfful u lhy r bobs ef tht othsr lra or typs of our lords rdmptj work have slrooftr sppssl thsa taat of the good ihtpntret even thai who have ntver undd shtvp nor yst sn thtm undr tht shsphsrdt crs tense xht ulllng aptness of the sus- sry of the good shepherd we know how much w are like sheep nredlng the tender shepherds ctre and we soon lesrn to know tod to trust christ sa the true shepherd of the flock the center of the picture ts the good shepherd and it la around him that we group our thoughts i be knows bit rkeea w 18 at night whenever possible the tlieep were brought into fold a wolltd in enclosure with shelters snd wiln a single gate many different locks were kept together under the care of an underthepherd in the morning the shepherds csme to lead forth the bock they csme by the door not as the thieves of the night who sought to come in by stealth over the wall when the shepherd called his own sheep responded we are told that they would not cams at the ceil of s stranger not being ready to trust him the application u obvious and yet a word is in order we ought to examine ourselves and see wheth tr we do indeed know our lords vole do we respond when he calls usf then too let us be on the lookout against thot who profess to be shepherds who call them selves pastor or rsvtrend and have only one purpose to detpoll the theep they are thieves and robbers jtsus ssld to they are only untreated at long at it pays the true shepherd cares for his sheep ii be pratseu bis 8hep w 8 15 not only thieves but wild animals would attack theep and it is said that often the shepherd died to pro tect them from harm but the hire ling aerving for what he- can gel out of it la not lnteretted any longer when danger appears he flees he has not the real ahephprd heart and caret not if the sheep be destroyed having stolen them to enrich him self he will not defend them at the cont of his own life note the sharp contrott of i am the good shepherd with the dark picture of the faithless hirelings not only does it magnify his goodness but it deepent the blackness of their ircochery we should recall that the good shepherd it able to protect his sbeep for while he layt down his life for them he takes it again in victory over sin and death tee w it 18 the svlouj feemjd tojiaye been defeated ot calvary but he arose again and ever uveth to moke intercession on our behalf heb 7 251 iii he seeks other sheep v 18 the other theep jesus had in mind uere probably the gentiles the believers he then had were jews but the doy was to come when the gentiles were to hear and believe his desire for them may well stir in our hearts an eogemets to go out ond bring in all both jew and gen tile who will by believing in christ become members of his one fold note the word must in verse 18 it docs not say if convenient nor when we can raise enough money nor after our local debts ore paid c will go out and seek others there is a divine imperative here it must be done let us not fail to gather the full significance of the expression one flock one shepherd we are not in terested in any manufactured unity of manmade organizations certain ly we will not accept union which means compromise of essential truth but unity under christ the one grent shepherd that we want ye nnd will have he makes that certain they shall be one flock let us not put hindrances in the way of that kind of unity nnd let ll not he delinquent about seeking ihe other hheep now n final word iv tie keep all ills sheep vv 2730 these uords said after a period ol weeks had elapsed stress the blessed assurance which comes to ihose who ollow christ jesus re buked the jews for their unbelief tellinu iiumh that they were not his theep those who ore his have been giv en to him by the father on eternal gift to him and he gives to them eternal life the power bock of this whole mut ter is evident in verse 30 christ is god he who is in christs hand la also in the fathers hand and no man is able to pluck them out of the fathers hand instead of trying to modify thst statement or to quarrel with those who believe it very christian ought to accept it nd shout halielujsh

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