Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 24, 1943, p. 4

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tin georgetown herald wednesday february 24th 1943 blood donors urgently needed enroll now at brilvs dept store for red cross clinic on wednesday march 3 9 00 o m to 1 2 noon at the legion hall a blood containing fat cirirs oily and innolunblr and must be discarded rat a plentiful brttikfust of fat free foods social and personal un u c uunroe toronto vulted her alilrr un frank ietrh lsxt eeit- ur roy wloox of hamilton ipent the aeck end jlih her parent uj and ur k b uudunald ulu llaryarrt dwan of bujllagtod a kwt t the tjotnr of ut and mr j murdock over the week end un jar allt n and culhur donna of lditm li ranch tptnt uu week rod with 11 and mr thoma allen mr und mr c d mckucbeni and un ii rul i u onlu u4uxl mr and mr j if lillno owr the tk end mlv ji jii m klion u outlph aat umtur j i tltt horni ol mf jimfi cirllie blurtirtk lor tin irk rnd mr citikt- ituwn uiui mlfa may lnjn j t id iii moii for the iwuiih in m id- in in ioui llldt marathon mt l urduim filiilll r- f u ii 4ii d j4ji olbbons utundrd ur doogla uckuy of stratford v lilted friends in town over th week rnd the monday nlht knitting club met at the honor of lllu hobtl rkh- urdum uu aeek not mount knitted article have been com pitted to make u uilpment to toronto acrthahlle to it was decided to alt until a later dutr trie hoate wned lunch at the cuncluikin of the evening jlirv t arte lady ouperlnten- dnt of the oeoyrtwwii fit john am- balance urlkwle and ulx dolene lie- knrr ambuluce btur uttrndrd ur 8t john am bo li nee brivude annual dinner ut the toronto lidlr club in toronto ut wednesday nltfht urn km don oonunt pn tddtd and mn albert mitthi and mm gllmour ljuty hupt f r canida were wmoiik ihr pfakeri the war kjrlr club ol itrbtkiih i rut ut tht ho m of un o hi amu il llni omiiiitliti om i- x ml om u ih itiimil york v f i ii iii irljr urs ii utitl 10 mt jin iii nl finimlly ut tlir llink il iiiiiiiilti tun ulid tlirfkr a a a a a dance to willis tipping and hin cascade music wednesday february 2lth oddfellows hall brampton admission 50c dancing 91 s 8 i r with the navy league lit r i iii t iii tho following prer l u tl n 111 wijit nd eviry day o eurnul lord gotl wiju il jiu ipm ads out tin hf w ii uiu r ill il tlu rukuk wa who ins tiin- paed uic attr lui bt uiitii until dj and niiht corn to nn end lb pleaded k ricitt into ti almighty and most gracious prouctlon tin p r- aona of us th wrvanu und ttu lhit in ahlch e mn pn scrc us from t danrtrh of the wa and from tin 1 lenc of ht cmm uiat c ma be a safetruiird unto our moat grarloun i botcnltni lord klnk cvomc and hls dominions nntl a mcrlt for inch a paw on the si as upon thdr hwful occasions that the inhablants of our wand maj in pence and quietness terve thft our god and that mn return in safety to enjoy the bhsslntrs of the land with the fruits ol our la bors and with a thankful nrrim- brance of thy mercies to pralw and glorify thy holy name through jevus christ our lord amen thla matchleaa invocation should appeal to eery canadian heart be cause of the mmplc beauty of the words trie comnculrut dltmlty of the phromnff and the fervency of the supplication a t wllffrttws globe and mall leather vests no dont timow t1lat old purse awavt if u ls made of plia ble leather the navy league can ul it to moke the much appreciated leather teats for our men of the merchant navy these csts ore invaluable in lomplng out the cold onu onranlzatlon in toronto with only ftfuiii members made one thousand and tucntyfhe of these veau they are really a work of art consisting of several small pltcc of leather cut from varlotw nrtlelii overlapped and machine stitched tin y exemplify that old saying as snug as a bug in a rug i was naked and yo clothed me we am appealing for good used ar ticles of clothing suitable for survivors 4 torpedoed ships we want to thank afl those who have no jrenerminly res ponded to this apped wf now n the help of mr todds trail rangers who will pick up any parcels t cannot be taken to mrs w mendham ouelph st if you will call mrs mend- ham phone m or rev mr todd phone 40w thla matter will receive prompt attention thank you although only ten weeks old the survivors clothes division has al ready sent out b393 articles as a se parate unit of the ontario division of the navy league ditty bags here ire a few extracts from let ters of recipient must the encourage ment every miter needs ood bless you anr ttoere to little to say except that we ere dam proud to haw such great pespto behmd ut end the navy league i etosv to otsr listtiev tour eard and iseftsraud lotely dttty bag were the do ib i iron ii i coul 1 l 1 o ill vt r r ctjin i u ilkl 1 ll i w11 bid id a rl 1 al it ill i n i i i w ji i i n i 1 pti is all u i j 1 tun it h it i i h i ii ilu h mii ol n u i air traji firittl to vvat4u lias brcn in vrd to ih mllon bfnrh ml uu m i c jji and uac liiro m kkiiik ti toronto u4ttd mi an i mr hdm matkilixjr ut nk rnd i v ilituth clllll l fptlid- in lo itn irat a i omt h re l ii mr and mm l ii collin hht ji in i jo ml- janr litll of ollford c uiiiiiurx lufi tbrur 2mb lt w uil m j i ltfoni mill nduc t two mtks iiil hnjii1 mlsum ut itu tt t n ilipms churrh trw nil a o u in iliarr of tl r inwhal por- ti ii o tl i pro i irmnr l a w ivi 1 1 ihi lliilll lorun- t ii nut l a w ih iin lmk- 111 in mi mi ullb ki k uitji ol ub in in ittimlliit j t so 4 ulnli sli i i i ut mm k i tid t i hi 1 m i mr mil mr i u ilftkll i m i 1 ilit i i ii ir rd mrs hipu ii tni it lint- tin c i iuk cirilt o knox tourrj of tht iinukh ork otel jfjoo to thi aid to lu la fund ttwn jtrr imintuim laalit prtvnt and mr ii ft flalto mm 11 whrrlrr mrs ic l krrchrr and mtt ii cliavi unrd lunch mr mitlr djiu and mr komtth harrison are to or roiurutulatid on v r film uiowlnt thry mudt in ihr mid- uinttr rinriilniitlons at tin toro ito cti4rvutio muiilc mrs dal pasrd lrud 1 piano with 1 crm irs and kinntih hurrtvnn nbtalmd honor in ills oradr 2 rlfdlmrnt rxamlna- hun ivoth niiidldau are pupi o ml s m matthew on mondu rvrnlng a numbrr ol irh mis md b islrx s nssorl lt o mk nellie krnrd and mr a c lk of the hank of mnntrrul mulf m h bilik rei fitly rlowd ma door in otorkttoftn irr ipwsts ut it iri jnlitlf hdd in the iiihi hall in thir honour mr d ilrlll urted iliiirmin und rullrd ulhi mr 11 it lonllv ho nudi the primntatlons 11- h ml kiiimii md mr wi ih n flln n plli i mior o nib rnv md mr j d kf ih iwi xnn d ii i sh of tin ir fhi i m s ki nniih ho ritlihu t in htnilcm cikavir m p promlmnt in oovrmmrnt circles is ilivjie chaer of ilurllnirton hal- i rt mt nnlalr in the frderul oovrniment last ifk he a chosen one of a 41 mi niter helect commltlr vhlrh lll ixumlne and report on a nn hon il plan of social insuranrr which ulll romtltute n charter of foclal ut- curlt for the whole of canada nil l il j m ii in f ii n i i 1 m k it i i o t i r f f i tut i and i ml mm i- i i i i i 11 ihhrtd nn mi ml to l 1 inj iritl o it tli hi hi hkm j j t r rent c i ir id il tlulid m id o i i airs j a greig iode regent i sh mac- imm iwiokh cmi lu oi it l j ist i bulidl 1 in i jflin- tiij up tli an old liuik be tivtn to tlu hr i uorth tau- tji i onn s ulohtf lo our 1 rail itajuirs it is pan ol tntlr u r work tin ail dolig muih i iuh lor our luilki uu t ulan nun ul liu itojal canadian nuv and uic ttuiaoiali merchant nuv lu our suiluri n 1a a iitli form ol n laxution u boost u hit ir iikji ule- b and majbc doliu the nuhi mint at uic rufht niotmnt to ln u batui not so furfttcjiid liuur- ritninui uu old tali 1ur uic uant ol a nail a battle uus lai s nili id th 1 f lti iii u- 11 it m mi nmchbol ftt band rogltiult hill illhstan itlull a kfoup of ludlis liue banded tin m- schts totuitr to klvi aid to kussu and tht art doink plmdld uork ivir mfjnduy altiniotin mrs j fur- iiui mrs j klrknood musc lttty ml duly iloomi r mrs sam mac- ki nzle mrs ciorm hmlu m kin jiuntir mrs olin flrtlton mrs leon ofik and mrs nnrton nt isnn nntt to make nur warrni nts knit and in iki rpdls or the mtdy ittifislans at iiuh mxtlni 1v l contributed and hcht ncniatloiif d nfnslimints senrd thi mctlnrs arc held turnabout at tlie dlffint houses at uil prist nt ilim ihi ri aro tliree or four quilts on the no and 17 articles havi been com plied a fine example of tin lr work may in found in the ft it stlppt rs uhlch art mnili from old hnts tlie ladlis turn thilr flnlshid work in to mrs k jton who pucks it in the ball for ruislan relief ashgrove mondny oicnlnit nb 22nd ororbo- lown v p u vlsllfii ailwrovp v p o tht acurmtawn v p u put on the worship service after kuiiich were cn- loycd lunch wns served tho meeting closxd by sinning rtps- mm l utvricn wiu client nnealcer at the february meeting of the w 8 on tuesdny february 33rd her illus trated nddrewi nn nolland wnn nvuit lnteroitlnir mlm isabel wrlmlesvorth played o piano instrumental the march meeting- will be s euchre with mrs aerald orahsm mrs r cun ningham ami ulu elsie bird in chsrge keep in mind that the red cross drive starts on uareh 1st deny your- ssu some luxury and help this worthy okas j a i id iti rili 11 o mi mr rihuni kir- isol i mi i mild ir ml i j in m ii 81 m nils wiri ii 1 inn i nil hill i ii i m kinli nil vli llll si rn i in m a i 1 ii t si i i ki nli ttiiminr mrs j ii flirlhr llur ilinii il siri t il mr mftckrnlo riiipln sliiilv suntirj mri dull sutjn r md f ihm s kiniir mis- ann lllcki si uiiliril id mr mlis llllilu rreln wur rtirvlns ciinvinur mm h iljirlmr child wi if in mrs a iii aimuint tin uirlnus conwilin it in lonnec- ii n ullll chiplrr arluiiki aill lie rlnlcd it the ni xt nin tlnu ciimmlltif s fur i9j prisinlid uic ir mini ri purls mill nil u re mom witls- rnclnrv mrs j kill suited that rl8 ikiuiids of m ii ilm s hud brcn int n in ih d hit diirlih- the frtr on uill us iilivlni curd mid tmhikji mrs fieri rudr i dinn rirlid thill 170 knlltid iirtldts intel itnii i ntiipli tint by niinlmrs and the tnasiinr mrs wnl- lan tlinmpsin nimrlid tint 728 07 hud in in rulstd tlurliik the inr for tin funds nf thi clmpur tin ritlrlni recnt mrs c v wil liam cxpn smh her thanlcii to the nn mlii rs of the chapter for their co- opi rullan durlim her term nf offlre thi hnstesscs for the rventnu mrs s w orr mrs i tirll and mr w cnrpenter sened refreslimenu at the lrse of the ienlnft vim s iiii ui mr u ik 1 i n il thi ak n i mi lils i illis i mniiir it tin hi in lui i i- ill bru i i ihi ii ink i i montriil l uu i tlmmni ihi h ail u nt in umehouse mi it iini ix nt liunda in ham ilton mism- hjilrlty wrbiht and ruth norton rmnt the wrkrnd vnu ur and mrs t l campbill of ifauidlton mr abx wiljt uis horn from toronto ovi r hundiy mr und mm a hill and famil mm hindit lid m ulth mr and mrs denis hill in hamilton lt j l hltrb us home from m p lp m iu ih f r thi uiektnd clnr intld mriiim o pi ttaw i- u i mr sod mir l law ind all in of hr mpt n vmtd mm 8 cfu0y on simiuv ii i 1 id i s ompli till uiothi r quill f r it iv n n ih f ut mrs klrkpi- 1 1 k s on wedniwl miss doris mlt ht ii u ii home ironi ri nui for tin um k i nd ru r nt 1 ill is mr md mrs l beene on thi imul of a iiuh vn norval st pauls church held a euchre la the paruh rail korval on tuetday nlsht with nineteen tatle playlnf tt w fine night and everyone enjoyed the game un w uililre von la dle ortt prtbe and un c sinclair second pxue ur kovard lilllco 7a hjyb for the gentlemen with ur bpj- cer wluon uoond ur w ucctur on the door prue the event w 4noruored by the women a izuutut and there will b another held in tb near future ur and un joe harris of hamilton cpent the uk end mith tirr parental ur and mm l laird ur and mr c uclajkhlin and mji grurr attended the aeddlnf of ut llod hutitr in urampton last baturday urs illark ord mrs r ocxop upent tin- metk md in toronto thin s un tpidemlc of flj in thj country und ulso in the ulape mis uurrftt pnt the week end mlui hr tmtrr in waterloo miss jean davis wa homr from tb ronto for the meek end sprjije pink tower rw ts starter ul 1480 i i nt in i is ui uiim iniii 1 l m 1 s tns ii is lil i 11 lilmiar mth u t ii mil u in iii ii mi i a c lii n ri n wi homt i in- in uniii in ci in ill in i hun um lui hit unkind nn iniljcrrd loo i a kjelman main st brampton r- tr- war mbvhk pomunttee at ht oeoboeh 8t aeenrc church of emilnnd han formed a wnr service committee to wnd trcau to thase on active nervlee from the church last wednesday cvcnlnfr a meeting was held in the rectory and the fouowlntt officers appointed chairman rev w o o thompson secretary urs lted armstrong treasurer ur t eason jr committee mr w p bradley urs v7 v arsnt ur pmd uenolly ign b francis ura h raoott drdlfford held and mrs a uackenale already over wm has been raised through special collections the ob- your red gross calls to you never has the need been so urgent 10 000000 needed jfow your hid cross appeals 10 you for funds 10 carry tin its program of niirty to continue vital uar uork performed by no othir organisation never has the ntitl bicn o urgtnl helping 10 klip up the morale of hdlfa million fighting men is a gigantic tatk and iliac t onlv the beginning 1 be ktd cross makes life more bearable tut ihousands of prisoners of tar ovtr 21000111 panels were shipped lo them last year more than this number must go in ijh our men in llrmtli and canadian hospitals need red cross comforts and heartening visits from the- staff of red cross visitors red cross help to shipwrecked sailors is essential thoughtful immediate homeless war orphans our own kin and those of our allies siek and starving men and women in many lands millions in russia grceee and china und oilier peoples of the united nations need more food mvdieine und comforts from the red cross the need is worldwide this year ihe cost w ill he greater than ever georgetown dialrict headquarter phone 19 red cross glejuiwakdujjihqidqtoafa hum mat

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