Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 24, 1943, p. 5

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the uortown herald wednesday fedyuhry 24th 1943 active notes pie j prtswood of biftieo u hota on lae ubraun his uth blrlhdmy pt orsc kidd of toronto spent a week end leave tn occrgctovn- odsm jack rmlfh kingston ls borne on leave c a u henry bhephttrt ne alaifceu was borne ur uw wk wt 8gt bertna scfcena toronto apat the veckend at ham it walker cirae toronto absent in fttk end wltn hi mother lira liobcj orate l a- c vernon bjuupe from llr- cloud ajucru has been homr on 10 das uate word has come through thai 1umn j j oump of the brock ule rub has armed ulely o l a c wuilleld whrtler u home from vtcourtavule quebar for to veeke fullough pt jan tvnnanl suitlonvd with the cwact at ouwnpurt xurraxk toronto ft as horns for ut rfc end onr l o james ioud has becu promotrd to the rank of la nee bom badur he u atauoivd ui newfound land llavtag just been award his com- mulon last week p o jimmy jon of uplands arms due for j weeks imr- luun when he was cusmcnly stricken with appendicitis and is in hosnltal ui ottawa brutd birthday grvctings to pta d kjdd ocrvras tao vears with the 1st canadian corn rtuttal unit who ce iterated his biruulay last month we kidd enliiiad in drumptoo with the lome boots tn may 1w0 he was sta tioned there as a iruim for a few months and later transferred to the r ca8c fthtn he was wnt to camp borden lie lft for oftnea in rvbru- ury smi style in glasses iexoi ykh jour law hould be rnsdr to fit your lairticulsr type 4 face wt btwoahir m eir emtv tnatkm and irfvrrlbe atlrartsfe liiw at city price por eapert fcyr brninr and nrwrst stylr tn idajure cvhwult evekigin hpixtalutt blcknru has cauvnt up alth unoihtr mem be r of thr armed force iin waiter birhn ha been confined to barrtrflrld conalakrnt itosoitsj for the past two week with an attack ol i pleuruy an r c a p officer am comlnjr home from the eiut via dnstand when he became aoflualnicd with lieut fp mho wfd ta nt hu ortuw nunina bitter irene mulhouand over- tnc 110 thjfijiune co main saas he promised he would ho to m buret 0ortirun the second her family when he arrived home and p wednesday l each month or lost eek the muuvouandt were pleased to eraet the airman who brought rood ttduiut from uialr daughter tn gland j 0 t walker r 0 to ta crtfrctts of civfatown and district on uarch lit rext the annual appeal for funds for the canadian rd crcs society tommtnees and will continue for a period of three weeks our objective u mo000 an inctnue of itfooo crter last ear which means that every one will have to contribute more generously than lxst year u n- are to reach oor objective a the war has prozreued the vie- mands on oie red cross have tncreas- j trrmendouly which has required mere funds- bo far thf cl ureas of this community and the people of canada have re- licndrd nrbly and we fee urt- that in tht- romtiif campaign that eery true ntr am put hu or her alvouldrr o live whril and make this drive an out- fundhtt success up to the prtbenv time ihr tinpjres imiaue have not been heavy but then li no doubt whatever that la the imrrtdlatr future a lurpv scale off t ri al re by our foroa u1 be under ay in jemern europe ahjch wtlj taa tin urtntth ji our jnnli s to thr ut mi st ond when the need for red crow viplln and ulfl at be wry grrnt ond icilrts e hae the troney cannot tltt- ttils ulil to nur uillorv tudtn unj iirniin t whicii the ere enthied nil romlnjc jr every dollsr wlldi jbsrribnj u the ntl crou iv will iii u you may ccasult o t wallotr m ut his offtot in nrasnntcn t- twawr owiin ct wlnmfum us 3 pure food store biur ufht briur mihl lco mazda lamps each 15c 23 0 m uiii aalluotih corn flaket 2 pkg 25c ilrlnklni lih irrr allk z rkfi final weelt february food stamp sale extra special value war savings stamps 25c each 4 for 100 killimi s pep bran flakes 2pkgs 25c shoppint lag frr lor a iood nuhl iul 1ikink ovaltine 98c carboiic healthglo soap 5c bar cofmt itlor till new thin maple leaf soap flakes family sltr pkg 65c roin miiai paste wax 29c i in tin llliv junior foods 1 of tin 2 tins 19c iiiin 5 ttnn infant foods 3 tins 25c inutiis holland rusk 25c i ni lkc t it iiuwn chicken with gelatine 3 oi tin 19c no ui iiiiino- acrowax each 55c ciurl tin blue gillette blades mndp in cairadn pkg of 5 25c a f a r at l l phone 75 phone 75 glokgetown toronto hoiiial and lh lon wuliajas there remain five b4her and toii sisters to mourn her pasting the family members surviving are alex double of hamilton henry dabble of toroflto thomas dobble of oeorge- town jamt dobble of acton and andrew dobble of limehouie ixrs tjioi lappiii ax toil un iwjuifl vrlldi iltmliton mri aniib petter- i uuijuvui mien und mr prd norton limehouie to ull of tluie jmpalhy of mjiiy lrlrnds both in acton and the district toes out not to many is granted the prtv- uetie of observing their oaueih ding anniversary together but mr and mrs- manrull lud obervvd iixty- three wedding annhtnmnn to bther in arpil of thli ear they uld huvt- nurktd uitir hiiiyiuurth unnherbory tin- funnul m lit id on ridjy f- trniuun uiih a jwlvuie wrvke ul the home her pastor rev a w puhoury of tle umud church uai in cliaryf intrrnirnt a- muile li hhnievk cmir a ujii the ull- i beorrrt wire mir ray uroit i w agar j lurkmves ii au ion john uimbett and ait bunulr fluwer bturtn urre mrtut ales dobbu- kurni dobblr tho dubbli- 11 dtbbu d la pin p wiuu und ixt- vld joe honeymoon mountain by frances shelley wees otwrukt t chapter ix this year start you chi ifiwer w 96i buihib tkb yar lt aiart yue tkblts vetur rko wvr for mj uay cwttiv cm croece c bslowu kaevaj aae s8s r u klurul ulbutev tncludrd uw irum t iiowiiik mr and mm jiune nd fnijiu will oiw iimi mm liil ilnunji und m- tjje brvakfaul lablr tin anrewd on lite ntuall trrrurs ut ibe iiv of tu- uhf mlnrv ltrn mm j mix rub hml itn ttt lr llni lirmkf lotihtr ii rt- wen- u u- laid but h illy null uftlra ftltriilnir aa hlunn i1 ilr1 ilk- h dwin- und itrjn ttil iml rl rttiiri ffin bit tarl fffil to ii- riiin iiomii tie ril h tn frlt ntarrbeil blue tfut n litr blr im lli ti ihit mid hurt1 u- upent for nurceu for pnvjtirrb-or- terh mr and mr l w aiur mr wur of aillitd nkcons theft la no and lnv j ilargtave und fuinilv greater obhtfiitlon ilned on the cili- a on wornm instil it th ijcii ena of oil ctnintrv lhon to fcee that atton unltd cluinli mr and our tailor mildbrb and airmen are jmr oordoo canr wu1 am niilwm properly looktd after m btuik nh they la co ltd irr cteam depl at wm ire in ennmy haid nuim a co tvaciirs tf idvht during tlu- pum t yraia wooo- 000 00 orui oi red crwv upilte ha- been aerfl to ou ftilmlsa allies and inrye nirppllei w 11 nntirui to be unt defmndtctt of ciiurrve upni the amount of money that rtun ct cnnmh nmt thh community ontribntc in uih and funtte rnmpatnvi tn fcodlllon to the nhtrvi the mnm yrm trritrlbutt t hu- if1 otom mill be vtjriit to pnifirir iliilillil mltilrl k-iji- pli s rti fr ir njiini1 niior uqicjhts airmen and btimt lrum and in mniitiiniti itr1 cv lbiltl in tht- tlrltlli mis and tin nnlnimntiir eif blnod cbnlrft ano in mn hr hum mltarliti wi to alrtr the piin and iifffrhim iuted i ih navtif of wsr id n ail nt lirhlid thi ormlni rintpitl ii mil mvr hi- ir ltt il- i f for it tjn ir u dilr 1t nv be untn ir l- ill ti tlv tlic mm mir- f whim ttui- mlv i j emi mn lnai midf thf s nnmr nflrr lia f nil i mlktit urtw- nro i lt v ntnd trchnlrul k hmil tirf- if mi mi mrs km marjmll ulmr dunlniik miiih tloallnj kavijc mr und mrs jo mimtn- i m amontt tht- f1ld from out-ol- tomn altnrurik the luinjul mhih- mr mil mis j ruintr mi and mis j w 1 im mis oiu mr- mijl mi a iml mirliiu ill ii tor- tio mr uiu m w marshall mis win r mr u itv i i iun mr and mm cordon mu hall mr- llllrv m sni inn mr nd mi in 1 ifcitiiji- iiinlii mr ii iijhn nronio mi and mrs ylw llblt- finii-v- iiun mis 1 i i imkrkiin ator kn- 1iv william bowman d at whitoy l no kmi t-n- ilr ciftiv third rup fr tutb utljf her 1 hi- mit ijuil uildg drruiidly iul ihriiict f irtinka ir the tall inea i i lhhli rroin w t time rtnull rintih f nt l a rd iilitiunh li t ui unl rmvl fr lb it with hiltbl et irtnl ea u11 mmin ilrd i nondfr if i i mill im- ihf hlk it rttittil ian- tutiliv huldctro lrtjill t htm until about i liiirmta non ll dl make mi d i tf r f r cv bfo -iin- ilmn hy molfllne loqulnl i la mhiifr lit- cillin la- mtllt it it iii im- mi i its nh lad roilit oo ind ft tl ovt wild n nhf hmike ilrjn puoliett mil ibf iii ll k- rmiin da- aial niia- nut la ibf ii ii e he ul u htiil m s t lhrikil lulbv hair 11 hi tt ii h htrilin lowfrd ilan id hkf i m-lita- ta ii i llrjn id iaillil u hi 1 l -iif- ll h j i ht ui y iv r nl i larfllll aial lla-r- l iv n ih- il tl- in ih it fne v s n- urn il yours stteenlv pmhtii- a- rvi tin hit rel cross fu1e ri t eji i l cni1 im iwh m wi hti ii tt willi ii hr ail n 111 11 tn n obituary 1 i u m i rrlrd it o ani r lfivd mt lhtkllk ami hon l hitlk us i u ftimo moiiila i n flit u ia1 n liliwiu ciiiii ml wall i lal i- ta hi tut uiiic time i a i a il nh i ui i lh 1- i w1 n oi thu dl 1ic il nl v wait n l- mi ti id on thr luti- i wi i in lall- nlli n limlh lllf s h iii uif but i i uiuh r arl hfr ol at ma a asaviaasvavt mt in loiiiil i to umjr llolli lali- uul hi lhe t it v she was a maumh iniinliii ui the llaptis luini in to ll m st ull a and walnn i tail lliptm chiikh man inn- mil nttiainlmr ii lot hi jim- cmi iii iluuihi thai i pirt hot onl i im mil i- hh out lur kindl iii alt- and hflilullif s 1o all ultb ahim li- laiiic ui ioitiitt jus lun uiirrhfi ut lots plorcr i imik oi iln wtmii- uinalii tiify 4 it d him oi ciiiuion wartili hh id toionlo in tni- ulfi turnt id in limit m hi pi nliruan 1m1 t iiicl lived and lilmvml hh lh iwind it lieu uin in- r tin l lm i turnnim am ih n onclph vtjt sum- hi alh oi hi vdtr his on ii read id b tin n v iv id a- ant and otr who ina it- mtiiv iilnds in whlthv t fihrrtou unn cimlph h nik i h ii ini si in iiinmunlm and ehunh aftilrs m was menihrr i lu pnit 1 rhun h in iritrrn il i tries he wi a no mlif t id the mason ir order in his iirlv daw d ceased sjnm ofnr ian with thr p v o ship lines tl ii i mi i p i t aostrnlla ip rimlltd in- trip helm wrecked tol oksiiii ili h irmr reef nf ihf st nf austiiu t i s s hnratn a private rtenlce will tx- held on w iif di rvrnlu a even oclock at tin h iia or hi ti with rtiv clifford puk oflh i uiih t i- a ill niiirti inoihhi h inoor in clcor-r- town for internimt in thr famtlv plo v i iinelerv lh- is survived tn two miiis willi mi u flkuvflown and fdwurd of wliltbv th erplll d ii id ilk- h if li pi- 0 for dait lo pnlud cll hll 1 hie htii inikliit r r t brtrtk i inmh she w ll ihar m ela ll nit i i i k froaa duiaot io laflil 1 llhby na- aid 1 klaa la- lllst 1 lt h iilirul letbv if 1 ml iiii- he didn t lw- pilar 1 jim s11 sl alxail iiiaklhk hlo hw iait caild i tin i out ilia tit ilurt i- mi it mi at iiai audi in- i inv i it tl vl invlt t lrl 111 li ah mro kt-a- 4wrthlnc ah illilo junt hs i uhhv klama ec hill alhut linn and l ben kj en- i tl i iklaal ua ilhnl lir eyta m tha hlti miihlliif ii kiipfmmdiis tbst -la- and irn lun lrj hour tuelbarv lit air ulaiie nh slnxai nrd sally did hour wlan falndy tlae befll ah il ii e xall to eaih other ma- lmkd up ju really ia him mad lliiv hi imke1 sitlif madfllia- mini q k tuulle h4 vs were lelahr vm hutlty teiiy well then ikiarah kkld wllh rt i h what i tun to madeline il ma id no laair ur two la tat vl en mil- hum far chifi tulhy wag inlnt ulta- ti u i lump down by ttvw hik ttliliillnj indutrloiihly ut a wlv- h thi loll ik muiaelf alosii hhi aslit down the path md inliii taffcif n a movkj insj irol f im iii it ilk- t up here tllhhr i lldv ii treat i iii crui about lh t iiiix all the excitement ai all thf rent of your r mnt i w it i mil til m and fin- n ll id u op na i ni- llfi her ew- and lar she fell larelf p iremtled hi lar f be rffv llhl a did nl hm to tnlnd i put it nn and tdi indxtmb s- i a utilise f niunlhi do i yet ml 1 1- ililnta tii d naiiid ur lt mean nil of am nf coor i in- and silu iuim- twen lejl un il i p und i i lav ihi i ld me at ait pilar i he huuimu ficlnnllrii- nthy ih11 illarv he nslal hih u n lad hu kill- htt limtikftihl nm be and slnian left the tahte liu i utihv infarnie the inspect lh duiiiced- und ehnhi ere in biid ar w b td i uiariebuiit so nil anj loii tier liuilit- im luvelf lar miu u buy hiom- uuiipb ut illnrv i r i wan uuhillv trs well i h 1 1 tliev uere k hind and pit hrah ii madeline pi led lvlrah said after alh i many old friends theatre friday february 26 maisie geu her man ain soihirn fui hkcltou red river valley roy rogers fox news wuin m nl ui tun a luiiiiil sclvir uis hrltl i tilcs- iiv riuim ui i v w miles run- imii ctlinim1 in tonntu wlnrr itev mr lliiiiillluii mill k ilr mnnrrlill i ml rhnrer uinii iirrlvivl nl tin- liiiln limn tur- iro inlrrmrnl mis iriiilr in iililv ccmitrry arum with itiv a k itimks ami ltr jiihn cktrnm iiin- ilurtllik thi rruvrslil errvlriv pnll- lmirit wit- mcssrs curry wiiniii john htuiii n moirls w l wniiliii itiil coirs iinrt o a nilu alton knr press all 1 rlftvs prirc l lli- ililllll it v print im loh flon plioiii- 13 rlv mipplv ami hi want n liluli at rriusonahlr iltil uu do lillltlillik f i ulitiy i ii- n iii tl in iiiiliihi illt 111 111 1 i ll l 1 11 l llll ii llllklll i lllllk ll 11111 i ilk i ii1i 111 kl ll will iiurll ll jiii larn an i at mill till i i iul iii iiii h allli ii ilinr it i him iii i ill ll llmllhlt ill rltl in mi11 llnl i ml ills iii i i luak iiill ii llll vl il i ills lltltt h ii i 111 ullli u tlllll ii arc lh- riiliiliht ihliiu in i-np- i hiil think that w iild liif i lat nam tli umiiii ha iuiiii ami ir iiti ritiv hul i ill filar i i ill i iitlt lifl 1 lh ins thu itirl i py iih i i ir u iill inn ii lll i i ahnn li iul ii n i i m i lilt a iihti iiian i hail iihj j hi fni ihut y lhlrah ahl hill ht toiiltt iwirali no l fil a lllllf tirf an i jiitht thil lut mi ran n hj tmiililni i l tiiir nhau ilhir in llurv or iinillut ilk- iit tnhlj inn ilit nr a iniit ihii i ii ualil alo uly sit im ir tin ilrtiiiiitiincin afipr all iirjlhliik- uiit apunii rlclit hy ir f iu ilhlni ur ami vim 1 ii why aluulil u worry iiliun llliir or mill ly ij- iliirah lor a lltlla ip f urtsia t ihi i mnt hjiriiiil if im nil so tubby tllhlij ihonal t in oi iii haik or h llhri know- it saturday february 27th matinee at 3 pm talk of the town jtan artmr cry cilulit rimalll colman cartoon life with fido chapter 3 perils on nyolcn tuesday and wednesday march 2nd and 3rd the pied piper monty wooly roddy mcdonald ann baxter musical spirit of wert point information please pete smith marines in the making vmmmmmmm itra- m mrs thomas marhimm llffliini msldrnt of artcm and ltimlioiim mrh manias murahnll imuma uwnv on nih inat nt hor horn on kirih slicrt mm mnmhnll hml bfin in fnlllnk lirnlth fnr home tlmo nml wan in her clnhtynrst yriir bite wns ixforo mnrrlnnc ellzahti dob- hie dantrhtir of tho into andrew dobble and wns bom nt llmehoiike almost idxtyfour years nro iilio wn joined in holy wedlock to titos mnrehnll they resided in llmehottne for n number of years but about thlrtyflvo yesrs alto came to reticle in acton whore they hovo been es teemed residents ever sines one son blessed the union and william a la now it resident of toronto beside the bereft husband who u at present undergoing treatment in a dance hoitlh iii1mk ouchkstra imiitlirn and old tvnic iii iiolliimivn arena friday feb 26th 1943 ii in i mm sponsored by liinch trem war workers praoreda for aid to russia fund dnnclng 0 pm 1 om admission ue lucky draw for quilt iskl ii i i ii 1 i kllll 1111 jill ih i illi i i illalihlalil ii hi 1 1 ii ii lni h iii- i ii- riiiv it h a hniihil loai inn i hi a ii mill ar siiih hi i i iii liall slaiailiu iioiiii l f ion kuw a hat i uiiiiti eilir ut iiiiil a a- sim hutu am 11 liull ha a saiili ntiiin ami a siiu l wlilih hi taki- iv i i lo liiliilfy imiar him inn iiikiiiiiu hliik mh ami uti lh 111u hilr lli kllkn ii haiu anil pln a il roke in n ynn know nml ho mnkea inr ih iorv roil anil i one iiit cluokn ami hhiall ami braiofiil ami iiiivh won- lirrul inilioa lite mm oilier il ant uit y with i- ah vcr liiililllful mllilellnilr- vary al ui in i iiirtl nit you hiiii amy iiuiic mill iiirriniit ilavo miii ami tiihliy known eneh -ihi- loimr yiiirh anil yearn then surely yntl neednt wor ry mmlellne lie would linve ntnrrle1 her inpii nun if hed been eoln lo wouldnt hst madeline healtated no she ism llnnlly romelhlnit ww hss jut oc- urreil in imiar life flhe weuldnl hiive mnrrled htm until now a cold flnser touched deborahs heart but he touch wss ss llfhl ihst that llrjn hail fallen in lave with h in mr ilnlwortliya ofllce tuhhy did know tcrmliliik nhotil llryn nfler sail hnl iiihornii ihoukhi he undtr- ii iihv llryn had tol i nl thear pes- ll the annip lory the atory nhout lallllib in line 11 lit her it win to n ida own aeirriaivt lie dldnt want any of ilam to know hint lie uil jnt r nml i w nt i ri lay nli ihm waanl ilr thai wanl llkellrvn and l i ulthl iioiii hi nil i f iliar ahe mild u i i i mill llatu anyliady foi lilnklin hlio una wlmlirrul i kik- a m r illili 1111 lllhliiunly n iiohorah im 11111111111 you ii im- in- ever vomca mal yntl ilui ahaia hiiii liaialid to her i imrl it lake aim ii lani aureeliiu with ho nlj well j kid yiiu lieur ioiuebiuly cuiiiukv i l rah until miiihlenly it aautaled like iruiiiluioilar kxiutu me tub by mil ahe ji up und rim awlftlj up the iiatli tu hie houue inmilmolhei una not 1iilllnu nut imboruk knea alio couldnt bear to amy with tubbj lino ilonil her lieurl felt ss ii il una hriiikliiu she went up til kiulra t her awn ruuui and abut tb door behind her tlie lrl he loved she would tn ilhir iliaullful pilar with her blucb yea and her black hslr and iter red mouth they nil thought llryn boa ulven her up forgotten her for deb orah that wss whst ihey hod it think they couldnt posalbly unde hinnd when they dldnt know th truth when they didnt know wbi rn sod startled

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