Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 24, 1943, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday february 24th 1943 this is boy scout week in canada february 21 to 27 lions club organizing georgetown troop m moot vm rtttuurtf un unituimt the boy scout in ge tuy col jam bauanunr the flnt boy scout troop if liavr any rrcoid of founded in fcta taking south africa in 1100 mhcn lord ldttard cecil ojipuuid thr bo ol that beleinjrrd vuujr into a carp and uied them a at patch rider und meumgrr- piom tha group coloiirl iudm pou drrlvrd mui of thr idea which wrrr built into thr bov stout movmunt hcn hi imtltuted in krutlind in loofc ilidrn ljfll ti uir c r jwdt n uung undrrprtulrgrd bo in ull thr cllir jkj ihroiifcrd ihr tlitil in the rvnilntcfc un wiui no uihwrrnt ob jective no unv of direction vt guidance he nmrmbrrrd the ilo scout vt hi chief of nail in maltkiri and rt called uwtr nuiuiauc wrvlc llr thru inuuitumtrd thr ilrt ik haout ttoop nhich uafc to multlt u thou sand fold in u fr rjn uiul capture the hearts and tmatrlntkiii of the u all otrr ihr vox id llr drew hb blur print and incor porated all that should upjx il to health boy tih a longing fur tlir outdoors and ho to find their way around hrn thr irft the corporation then- wa to or no clau distinction and thr only tlr that connected thrm ni the kxkiu obligation which took so notr of ronr color or creed the programm uicludcd aood cialt ilrection by tun and com pa obtcr- yauan deduction courtesy srnir oi duty klndnr and loult and many othrr kjndrrd qualltln to thu an added tome useful uru uch a knots i mid pllcr and camp craft i probably thr iplrit of thr hoy seoul wai embodied brt in thi injunction that rach scout had to do at irut onr food turn rvcr dn morr if poaiblr and that courtci and chivalry at re jo dominate hla life throughout uie year the tnovrmmt spnad llki a praim flrr and i wn huii in ilrli lin h td its troop or mure and in thr united quici it numb ship jm n tpi i rhtd i d flgurrs it took ho d of ill 111 countries of furope ind on arrl tl in i oanad i was spndil t ik n ip b j oeorgitown in 1006 thr flrsl scut mam r a is c ipt it r bnpbr ift r ird o lc 1 1 1 hirur and he na- jiv rmlnrntlv 0 nllll 1 for thr poflltlon llr aa u c ipt ln of thr oorns of oilur a ncl formrd or i gonlai t or of tnlnid ildi o i i voted tht lr time to cartormih thr majtlne om mip ind thr thon i h i tnrstieatlon pf nil nhmral u it m throukhout thr prlncr of tnurtst to military toiiotfmplkrr and mr bir th tfut tiw do tkouu in ororurton lui hui ur of prnstrr1t aiwj caib ul dt pr njutt ond many rar of dlcoo ruinient fur thr hrout uantrr am hi ihrw licout uattrr enr finds thr rumr and hrrvkr of cha i h illll buy cliff lilair and llr j ittkll iouj1 ntiitonr all of thrrf masirr nd ojrr built sonir thinti rlnr into thrlir and ctiaracutb of thr bos undrr th r control anl madr a tturthahllr cuiuribullcn to tlir social wrlfurr of our urvn wr annut rrcull any boy rout tine ooi uaiur tlmr ho htia rut 6nr u and who hat not been a i credit to hu ton and hlt ocout mas j tcr thr boy scout movement s a school f instructs n nut a parudr of prttt uniforms aiu ribbons 71m it omb t tukht tn iu cjrrtculum irt of thr hiuhttst vulur tn ptuor or war and uit impluists placed on uk rlnpmrnt of thv qulltlts of ch i racter pla the boy broul gttfnta- il n imon thr blghcat educational in i i mi n s of th rmiiry tin lltms art urlttin in a spirit i f t aluhd m nt ni d lth the hop i ii- sro ms nn he 1 i i i lrd i he p rit irt j1 r ii i ill sin i w n h r i nlty t ir u in nr iirl r- r i r h n ty r ilry 1 uu tt 1 jxni rmnhlp 1 i n irp- rt o in i d n lit c i hilda th are n i fln 1 r il tc c it 1 h t r ipilcitlon the uon fi j tn l tl 1 rc rp itln i m fo- oir ro fvra rx scout t ballinafad we are phased to report mr arnold ucencn and mr d j sinclair arc he to be back home again and vuh them ftpctdy rceovety llr and lirs p a short 111 attended tht ilxty nrcond ueddlntr anniversary of uri shortllls pmnu mr and ura john robson 07c woolwlck struct ouclph tursda feb 0 cr1n7 to the undltl ti of tic rinrt the hcle milv w i n t able to ttnd l m md mrs robson are mlortnc c beejui for ihrtr oar nt w a nt thf ttntllnnfad unliil church hur post pom d the vwtm even inf uhlrh was to n hi id friday rvrt ln feb i2th until ixtur vrauii t com itlnnn speak distinctly directly into the mouthpiece clear telephone lines for allout production teor telephona b part of vul interlocking ty- in now earrying an abnormal wartime load dont art neadlca dalaya bold op menage on which pro- jncillnn efficiency may depend other wartime teuphone tacticsj answer vtr qbuiibia 0bb bmw lb oat uh eeresz ii t ihlti im ll t tin tin v u r tin domini jn iu i h w mh n i u r r imp tltfll fur i mi u it inuln- r nit ileal ct ntrrs in ipit it hlnci tluy st irtid thlt drlr nrarl a eor oito nillltary medical ccntref have not had to purchure u mnit bottle thua mivlt d i w i ral hundred dollar fieri are i jxrftn ottaa cub and brouu at thrutrr maunee the aomuaion to hlih was medicine bottle and maga- huti tr tiotan ltrlp botue the axl aided in tcurtna hundred of txi ir in tru lnfile effort laiii n ihjttmj ii i ii i iuj ii m it luttln- l ji rs i i tl i d j uu ii ilist i i i i i ui h4kl thro i rhout wi u il i lmlilin i ii in 4 ii irt ii i i iu v s 1 1 mt uu nt in i mm inu i r n l nn chn f s out f hi word until his lit ith in 1141 mill am in u itr i- arm soi ii at ml- 1 ftihn little iui of lid liiklanil imrluknl l aorilon ulnn nt trel ionlon jiilntoii pit i uunt fur- mi r his punhavd tin old huxtubh mill nrul ii mri funn it is n ported by tim iliuson ocorkitown npriscn- tutlvi of uu wllloiiljih fann ak ncy tin rotrt knoun us lot 14 conces sion i laiunshlp of mi 1 incthon uuf- f rln count uas inrd b william hchmicti ndorf tin ilsklnc price wnn nputid to havi txin 11000 for m my urs thi fornitr owner carrltd on custom uork for famu rh in tin dlstrut ulth mi approximate i stimuli of nlkut f0 000 hars i ycur the mill ls of fruint construction iiuusiirinr w x 2 fut ulth tlirec htorhs it stanils on a mom founda tion and is 4qulpimd with it 23foot monnrch rhopjm r und n 14 by nine foot out chopim r tin rt nrt two uur- ber turblnin 15 inchtk and an nil htul flume tlio orlklnnl lurpr brick house on the farm uas hslroytd by fire u year niro sinn that tlmi hnw vcr onothc r hoiihe has been moved to uic property aim modi nili d tiil latti r tlndh on nn cmbutknuiit ovrlooklnn the dama und htruims appioachlnu tho mill re call so ol the rthimblnnce the bettlnn bturn to the old country the pre mlstn have been dubbed a little bit or en rland there is also a frame house and barn on the farm and the usual farm build inns tho lame bush corulsta of about 10 acres tho mill has been vell patronlced by tho farmers of the mirroundlnft dis trict aocordinff to mr wwoughby the former owner ls sold to have had truck which went out into the coun try and brought in the wheat taking chop out to the farmers also because of tilhealth sir sohmlet- endorf has decided to retire mr wu- loughby sold he has two daughters in toronto and it is the intention of be and his wife to join thorn iw vl ii tm to iu mirmiii t ocokgkt0wm i hi are being mode tor fee unction of a boy floor i p in cicorffelowa the lion i ii u tponr the troop and ii ii itue of lion hare been i to compute arranjrementa inpr 1 of lions d lkata j i kii w ii lent end ed i i irter it i miu boys have ex- l i t in h istism for the pro- i i l i i ir niimbtrbhjp lb ivimtiitt a 1 udrr ha no yet n tpi luted iii iu ills s0mk ii must iui sc oi t moors i c ui i ul it hi imsi prhi huit th lki ho i pro r iiiinii ls n hklous in prln ipu i tin i id tint of j 17i sponsor in io ip ii c ul itul stoits in can ida 2it iin sponsond l jiurthca a piisoud kniup may cont4iln a wolf cub iik it scan troop md a rovir gnu ir it muhl u au oiu or to ol in sioiitnik is pirhips thi onl ilts irminl itlon in tin world which is tin approval of iiearu all rilitflous iuls thus pruldiiik a common i und for thi common mhm irrptc- i ol om h rtluioik prrsiiahlon in can ula 8cout groups art hxu- son d in uu fullomlnk churchtt an- i id an 4ij raptlsl oo htbnw 22 lnt- ti r di h tints jo i i the ran 4 preftby- t4rlin km roman cotliollc 2fl3 salva tion a rim 4s ututtsj church 280 the c t lie r u2h itroupi uri hxmsored by the canadian liklon 3fl community 700 jirvin cluhs a4 and other bodies 00 hlixli offlclalt in nil the churches mentioned are among lhase holdlnii numbcrhlilp on the cunndlan arneral council of uie roy scouts rhoclatlon tilt tarl of at1ilovf liis ixtlhnc thi ooernor-oen- i il tin karl of athlone l the chief s it lor cunala hls excellcnc is imnimnrl aulted to the hlrhest scout t flic in uie dominion as a ounk iu itinant in south afrha at the turn i the ontury hi commanding officer u is uu then col robert dadcnpowvll litir founder of the scout movement rhi chlit sccut tills the fctory thai li uli npoui 11 often dlsciuovcd with him hln ideas about scout many i us 1m f on thi orviinlatlon woa la um tied the ootmorocnenil wan also chief s out of south africa when in mlud uie lccrcffnl office in that dominion since coming to canada he has conunurd his keen lntcret in bcoutlnk attending mectinga of the dominion executive committee and frequently appearing at scout rollle he u an cnthuftlant for the scout uni form and ha appealed to boy scouts ucrofis canada to wear full standard uniform on all suitable occasions and to wear it creditably htoneboat proven ineful tlie hanisum review relate the fol lowing incident paging andy clarke the uiofl storm over the weekend resulted in a unique mean of trans portation in mlnto township a young swain who liven 3 miles west of bar- rlston resorted to a utoneboat to bring his lady friend into town on monday afternoon in order for her to catch the c p r train to mount forest this ls tho first time we ever hoard of thls means of travel but no doubt it was a wlso one in that the stoneboat skimmed over the snow whereas a sleigh would have got stuck tn the hugo snow drifts in war time it was also a means of raving gasoline and tires if they could have been used necessity ls the mo ther of invention herald want ads bring results try one next week sweet caporal i imt i yi ooj- qttbx will till yets f yeu mettift up to stsndirds f a lot of peopi loos upon the movemrnt a an organlratlon for vldlng boi thr opportunity to a lot of ruumlru acurlue rven parniu of ttfouu thrre 1 xococtlme holly inadequate appreciation hat m uoy scout learn a he att- hi troop mrrilnjia from ek to ttiu utile qoir ml hi pkld j oppcrtunlty to uu o r osn afcihty j idr mat of a pint cla scout an rr thew quautlon honrsuy and jus tr ho ckj ould mbuurr up bctlds i scout ttho had gatnrd hu pint cua uidgr do ou know thr composition am htttory of and horn to fly the unloi jack can yoj tie the tlx knot ref thrrt brnd clove hitch bo tine rouni turn and two half ttlichea and theep jisnk and understand their m pectin urt can jou hjp the end of a ropt can ou svtm m yards can ou send a mettajie in pliore or mone cod can vou expisln the functions the principal organa of the body do ou know how to apply flnt o fracture do ou know how to deal 1 effect niil ini turn fire dro run aa horm fulntlng gas suff lion frost bltt electric thock could vou cook ovrr a camp fire thr opn porrldgr te rice pan cakm briad could vou uu an axe proper to u t tm and trim it could u ufuiis a compass do rnssco mtr joumr on foot to i lnt i h t even mill s way and re t irn build a multrr lor the nigh iwk our own rmnls p irlf our i uitir and nrlhntilh mop the coun tn thruiikh l li i piv c ild vo mmr tin xtn princl ikilnts f thi conpisa this tl lnt and man more 1it ci iss sco it in ciinnda can do without forage no cattle without cattle no manure without manure nn crops old flemish proverb halton county hornby orange lodges hold annual election met ini in milton haiti n coun i o l of ii irs for 1043 cre irutal bv uu rt uor grind moher j w lison london ont a follows i ivt count mimir j e wilson llornbv count master c k browne acu diputv mister robert drownrldffe hornby ch tptiln w frankum acton rirordlng sicntao george pes- tock milton rimncial secretory wm evans acton treasurer v dradlev milton marshal d down hornby recturerfi j e wilson hornby o robinson hornby j stoke camp- bcllvillc hornb district l o l officers in- stnllid by count mftstcr bro c k nrowm uere as follows p d master d downs hornby district master wm evans acton dtputv master jas stokes camp- belmue chaplain lou sampson hornby roc secretary geo peacock mil ton treasurer robert brownrtd hornby pin secretary jos stoke camp- bellvlue lecturers o k browne acton chas brooks mnrshnll p d ailter hornby m us theh days taen oommantlo tfalnlng u much to the ton the bay scout outdoor nrammma vmtar and aummar la neognlam by null otttclato aj aa ideal tratomf far tboh ba later jam the aimed ansa loudjt beaut baa built bmuau a 0m to ma anew and la eookmt bla werttaiwdt

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