Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 3, 1943, p. 2

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the george town herald wedaectlty march 3rd 1943 the georgetown herald oao itcawax au luasaioiiak mtwastkmvn as80b0vs gitinmm tstxuta ootta rjasu0f rasfl guide qauad suit ud orrsm tree a aw krul ooetee b ulirtu btu sw w jtltl at mtrtllm tbxerboki w walter c busk publisher uary it bxdtn sztttat oaorixld u uoolxvrav j boley rots wa ueaber ol j ouulin weekly newspaper auoaaucrj uu the obunoqjrtsw diruloo oi lb owmjl the editors cornet an appeal it will take 10000000 to meet all the com- rnifmcnt of the canadian red cross for 1 943 in a na tionwide drive commencing march 1st the canadian red cross i asking every canadian to give and give again there u no worthier cause there if no phase of warfare to which the red croat does not contribute a mercy measure to alle viate hardship foremost in our mind at the moment is a moving appeal made by one of our local boys taken prisoner in the dieppe raid who in a letter to his mo ther beseached her to never turn the red cross from ber door reading between the lines of his censored communications it did not take much imagination to realize that without the food parcels sent each week he would go hungry what does it cost for such food parcel appro- admately 250 to lay down each parcel in geneva switzerland all the packing is done by women volun teer this it becoming one of the largest expenditures of the red croat as you can well imagine when you know that some z million parcels have been sent to prisoners of war including men from other parts of the commonwealth than canada to date it is the intention to allocate for this form of relief about 3500000 out of moneys to be raised in the approaching campaign a tremendous volume of work has already been accomplished more than 20000000 articles of com forts and supplies have gone out to our armed forces suid suffering civilians greece chirm and our other allies have asked for help and received it russia in ber valiant fight has reason to be grateful for two million dollars worth of medual and other supplies for warded by the red cross she is still in urgent need of this help so is china and the other powers which the evil triumvirate is trying to grind under the heel of op pression and we must not torget the efficient system of clinics which the red cross has built up through which donors of blood all over canada can mnkc a useful contribution to the relief of people suffering from wounds and sickness georgetown has had two oppor tunities to make her contribution so this appeal and has responded exceptionally well a lot has been already accomplished but the need goes on and on as long as the horrors of war are with us the big push is coming this year our boys boys from georgetown and district who had their first taste of battle at dieppe will form the spearhead of attack so we are told theyll need the help of the red cross in their hour of need so when the red cross canvasser calls on you in the next few weeks open your purse strings in the name of humanity i any mail we might term any mail for me today the question of the day for most families letters from loved ones far away have become the focal point in the live of many of us how anxiously we await word of how they are faring and how eagerly we scan the pages ior every littile detail the art of letterwriting has been a lost art for many years hurriedly scribbled thankyou notes for gifts invitations congratulatory notes and bread and butter letters have been about the limit of the efforts of most of us in the past now however its a different story we wrack our brains to recall incidents which may interest him we take mental note of certain happenings so that we wont fail to tell him about them then we sit down and ry to coordinate our thoughts into u cheerful newsy letter it takes practice to write a letter which will bring a little bit of home to the man in uniform far away just for he lack of that practice great many friendships have fallen by the wayside because some people claimed they just couldn t write letters with the revival of letterwriting by the time the war ends wriing ugood letter will give just as much pleasure to the writer s to the recipient letters the more the better have long been re cognized as the best tonic for morale on both fronts so keep on mailing them let the answer to the question for the day be yes anniversary reflections thi week it our birthday the third onni- venary for the publication of the herald under our management when anniversaries come we all feel the sensation to look back over the preceding years and note the changes that have taken place there have awn many or us you all remember lea clarke ha r otcr hours 0 to s except i tt irulay af irrronnj i f r watson odjj muji georgetown offee hours 9 to s except thi dr j burns milne dcmtai htrgeom tai hlluikon xkav i n plion to i d hbtto wtreut j ldh dos f i demur phone it i i main blrret goiown i leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers sad ourtlin lull btraet georvrloan phone it kenneth m lsngdon j barrister kalitlloe viun pahur j pint montmkt mom y to loon ofjlcr uninf m jur bjdg mill 8mki i plione bs oeurartowii i frank petch i lltrshiii tlttmiu and i ix lnhi iii lmrsl impi ken ice plioni- 301 irorstun f po uos 411 a m nielsen 2sth year or preruo chiropractor xray drugteu therapist lady aurallsl office or dominion tool osorfmovn hour- jj 730 ojo pm cloud tftundsy phone uom a radio repairing we specialize in this work 1 veers brparlrbo j sanford son phone obofloetown seat elmer c thorapaoo imht raft hekvici rire auto windstorm c p illl sjx allied htraaathlp hummi31 kxcujisjon8 ilmnr r ofuruelown mpfiovto uniroum intttwattomal sunday i chool lesson leuob for march 7 um eulltrta u turtafeu urt csru 7 suzjv ttmllw 1u bible ttacbjxgb aojunbt dbukiennem teuou texti luul is it lulll h i f rmttitw nil coloch ttjct wj lirtii dull u tluiuui tt as we sm it ivjli i i your nnit prutfrun jm ihimlrolod circuur pre t monuments tobovto j i i addmv u28ii crmwlord bt i uarkfjld and lftttetuno s ralph gordon ttw rrnitit t ntrrtalncr for your nnit prutfrun illualrotod circuur pre toronto aadrrrv tam crmwford 8t pollock ingham lvutiu on ftquptmnmp 2ma intpvt our ork in o ret- n wood ownetery gray tuacu lines timetable now in eppbc da light anting tuna leave ororoettown to toronto 704 mm au pm 03 am 0 34 pm 22 pm a 1039 jim to london j loji jn 7 7 11pm y 220 pm u i 10 pm 4i0 pm x l n n pm b sun and llulidat onl to ouclpli dnj to kit chener hut sun mid llul y to kilchetut to stratford bo depot phone 119 c n r timetable uayllaiht smliig time oslo cut puuenser 7 01 am pufcarnirer und mall 10 03 am puwnrrr and mall 6m pm pamenaer sunday only ml pm puucncrr dally 0 24 pm thu train was formerly the nyer but now jtopa olng vint luueiiirer and mall 8 jo am pujenfter sat only 3 15 pin pajtenerr dally except saturday 8 24 pm dully except sunday 700 pm pnsjvtmrr sundays only uj0 pm daily except sunday 12 m am gains north pusvenr nml mull b 4s u m ciolni houlh lasllkr and mull 7 10 pjn llepal tlrket oflln phone tsw was ihc first from the hcrnlrl otficc to answer the call to the forces now hes sergeant in the rcaf on ferry command at gibraltar and if we are to judge from the cards he sends back home is thoroughly en joying seeing the world reggie broomhead had a yen for the air torn- too and now hes an lac overseas your publisher enlisted in the army last spring and is stitmiird with lie signal corps at king ston that was of course when yours truly took over the reins for the duration ami we might say were en joying our work more and inon as time goes on hirh issue of the paper represents hours of work on the part of many people to all our readers who help us with he news gathering and particularly our rural correspondents wc give our sincere thnuks for helping to make the herald what it is their faith ful recording of the news in their localities is a worth while tnbk which they perform because they have the community spirit which makes a town worth living in we owe a great deal to our rural correspondents on the threshold of a new year our greatest wish is that the herald will continue to merit the loyal rapport it has enjoyed in the past war time is a time which atrewa our path with unforaeen problems and difficulties through them all it will remain our hope and desire to publish a newspaper second to none and to do commercial printing which will compare favour ably with the best gewtai asd rtipinf l ona of that unjvvrul laws which applies in alt rmalms oi ufa what w sow w reap whether in tha farmer field in our national lite or la the life of the individual it u true physically menially morally and spiritualty how aurprtiinc then that intelli gent americana think w can go on with tha ul of intoxicant which h daatroyad other nations and as pect to eacapa tha bam tad conaa- quencas profraxlortal man hava wrwfcad their csraara buiinass man lost thalr hard earned noaluona and rich man dual pa ud their tnharil- anraa and at tha sam time each ot them haa fallen into moral dcay all through their inability to con trol their dealra tor drink vat a continue to license its tala and ao another feneration of young men must meat tha aama tatnptauon our laaaoa praaant thraa raaum of dnmkenneaa i hukury datast i sam it a crista in the ufa oi ring david la related in this chsptar the amauldtea had taken zlklag tha king and hla family wara prisoner held by a hoit of barbarous man far too rtfong for them to op pot hr inquired of god and wa told to attack with hla little army of 400 men ha defeated them whyt be cause in a drunken debauch they wire celebrating their victory of tha day before this wa not tha bit nor tha loat time that military defeat fol lowed indulgence in alcoholic bev iragea it ha happened even in tha prrtent war have wa teamed the tihvin will we avoid that danger in this country our armed forcee and defrnte worker are constantly exposed to temptation and how many of them fall anyone may know who has eyea to see from distant battlefronta coma disquieting reports that intoxicant are among the supplies which find quick transportation to the vary front where they are soon put to ihrlr destructive use ii national decay its m 14 t imiiah was a mighty voice against mnrul corrupuon and for the right- fmimirn of god with true prophetic lniitht he saw beneath the outward prohperity and apparent glory of his people and exposed tha slna which would soon destroy them as a na tion outstanding among theae de structive force waa drunkenness turning first to the northern king dom of tiraal for the nation had new bean divided ha tells them that though their valley may be fertile and their citiee rciplendent the collapse of all their boasted greatnaia will surely coma if they live in revelry and drunkenness he apeaka of tha coming of the mighty and the atrong one v 2 who will be like a destroying storm he refers to assyria itself an tin- kudly people but used of god to scourge his own people who had become indulgent and alnful there is a truth here which we need to learn whan notlona forget god and fall in their responsibilities to him and to their fellow men when they become vain and self in- dulgrnt god will bring judgment upon them he may use as his in- strumint nations who arc them- helves paean to accompllah his put pose the peoplt- should be ted in re pentance and righteousness by their religious lenders how sad that some set on example in the other direc tion others who live personal lives ubove reproach are silent on these important questions lest they give offense to someone who may make it difficult for them how sod i iii eternal destruction gal 51021 military loss and national declen sion should be enmifjh to align every riht thinking person against inloxi cants but far worse is the fnct that they bring mnny mnny men nml women into eternal separation from god in this passage drunkenness and rrvellings llnd their proper place with the other works of the flesh which close the floor to the kingdom of coil theie is no use trying io dismiss or cover it up as the un fortunate weakness of on otherwise nice person or the natural result ol a hit of social fellowship america has too long regarded a di tinken person aa a joke or at most a bit of a nuisance to be indulged und tolerated the bible says that they who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of god v 31 that is plain enough isnt itt mr drinker outside or inside the church had you better not think bout that before you drink again church of christ u tt not time for you to do something more effective to deliver the young men end aromen of america from the constant temp tation now nlaced before them the deep unow this past wtn tru a great adnata for uu r blu e them to reach nice jjicy ijnbs on the fruit tree they really old tome dxmige to m wo hsd wrapped the young trees win- at huh as ve usually ao but netpkl lhrmultrs to the bark f- jp it ms be poulble to sv tite by thry aoo t be a nlcrly ihe ri si uiey sould hsie ben hid its irlt ihrm ajcme it uemj there lomruilng to use uie joy out wc and ihlj ume it was the rsbbl if tley woold only feed on thou w- tre that are tprtntlng up in so man iilsnet elong tha roadside and that al ji lrlp to hold tha ino winter time it would be tomrt antlnrr wtnler will have to ojr luik at uuirlna them or pei r rud better imrat in a thot gun rille the amrf part of it l that r dually do the clsmtar st tuyht s their seir uirral nights uut wit ihst r suutdnt apreclste out uslllns for rsbblu to tilonff qlitt a ktmbcx of unrrrnly stu dnu ho hsdnt done too v st the chrulmss exsmt vrre ten home this peat sinter there hss s good deal of publicity about matter and somehow w feet torry f- jxae studmla who failed to msxe rsde they sere mostly frethmen courte snd a setback of uui kind no doubt likely sjfect their whole uy the jump from high school to dnl rrtlty tt a big on and it u quit to undertisnd the difficulty that m- hsve in measuring up in their frm oflen a tudrnt who mltse lrrhmsn yesr and then retumt to re p at i miooo vn riullng in an exsmlnallon or fjllm in any other wy b reslly no dligra many of us mould never hsie amoun io very much hid we never fslled inntead of being tent home thoie ho filled uy nrednd tome en nbrarrment tt l awfully euiy ingrutulute a inner but the one uy fulled it rrslly the one who needs helpinii hand of courae the et- as ihut uiase ttudrnts hsdnt mskln full uie of their ume snd the- ould likri oe tome truth in that r- lort m regard to tomt of uie ttuden- but 11 uni ukely uist all thove bo ho failed in their trial exams so b ilackrn the fsct thst uiey r the nrne to attend uniienity plain ly tiioaii that they mun hsie hsd wh 1 it takes in their makeup and to ten them home at uie middle of their firs term lookt like a tough break wi he that tnoe tome ttudrnts am dig vl and nuke their mark in the trorld in rrr year there is likely to be ion cxlru smart students tome get the 1jrnlng much easier than others bot limply because they get ho- iloent alsays tell uie ahole ttory ninl all saurs of life there are a many that just get by and yet ume one that just get by are usual hi backbone of almott any commu nlty we hase a big respect for uie ttu dent or any other person who ju make the grade althout any marl to boast about and in many cotes the- are a big percentage in that cists instead or the usual ploy the program had uie army show o uie air uie last monday of pebru ar alui irving berlin hlmtelf harge the readers digest of last n- i ember had on intereiung oru ubout irving berlin written by alrxan der wooloot uie writer that was aeel cntly killed over spain in a plane ac cident ahlle he was on hit way to ca- miblonco the utle of the story w- the story of a refugee he wot o russian decent and his russian naj as iizy ballne and he had landed i new vork in i ed j hit first song hi iis alexanders rag time band which many will remember came ou efore the first great war and hlc rerm to have been revived recently s a soldier in uie first great war wrote that popular song oh hot hate to oct up in uie morning per i haps the mast popular song hit wrltte- for this ar is the well known t the army mr jones irving berl i has been putting on his this is th imn shou all ncross the v 8 a nn turning nil pronis from the shot t i the almy emergency relief fund un til the unv that fund hud plssed th mlllou dolar murk long aito tlik red cross campmon fo n k iin ihni on moihii nifrnln 1 l ills tieck tlieie is leiv litme tins t tm ulil to tin piihllilti hen th uorlhv piohct hut most of us hn niul oms oie nr mil ill do lillc in the hospital a limes nlld thev ville their iitmiuslntlou of the nor hut the red cross is tlohu we cur hl them clown can ue mrh iiotlkinih fitile trysts with hvsbanna oiiost read how an told in the ameri can weekly with this sundays man 7i issue of tte detroit sunday tunes the famous msgtolsns widow tried fo ld years to contact hotsdlnls spirit but finally was txmvlrteed before resent death thst his greateat feat of all wsa impossible get detroit ttanes

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