Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 3, 1943, p. 5

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the gfebrettewn herald xyedataday match 3rd 1w k c liwlscy appointed township tretsurer township ceouu bttl tfatlr regular a ifuvsai afternoon deputyh o w latasxay cetmtoon aeorg s chaw ctiaae ourri and wm a wuoo war pr ent end 8m a h kay tawliia minute of the last iniirtrva wasw read e adopted th annual hilwntnt tar the year u43 from jenkins ar hardy we pf- 44tf showing a auroras os oi tions or th cu of tescxaa a letter from th canadian aid lo russia fund is etxtnectaon with lb appeal ox cwwng was reed an important teelur cf th meeting we us ratling of a bylaw prepared at lb racoomuulauoo ot wm a wil son wmm by osorg b ctaav for th appointment of k- c tf as treasurer or the uunlrtpal corpor ation of the township of ssqueatag to all the vacancy caused by in death ef norman h tbnrnpaoo who had bald th position lor over two yean th salary will b 400 per nnimi uotsd by murray woondm by our- lie that tn road account b paid 41ttj ctttrtid uowl by cleave sarrsvltd by our ri that accoun b paid th bell talrrjhon co- isitm joje jenkins s ilerdy audit fa for year odd nacemhea list 1x1 190000 pottage and itauonrry tftjs postmaster oeonjeiawn dos rait lo jan iut 1b44 ooo carried uovd by ourrt wrniv by wu- aon that hoard of health account w paid j banfocd to taking lira han- rjerton to toronto ocnerel itoapttal jan sth 4300 carried uoved by wuson seconded by cieaee that relief account b paid muo carried moved by currtr seconded by uor- rey tfett ferrtt paldiaaa far bubdiab b m aeuog- ava la wfaaetl wsfcaflcud by aftr- ny that we adiom to ee jtoo- day april wt at s ratoefc tua or at th eel of th mia oarrlad social and personal terra cott w an pleased to learn that mr k- lata our actcrprtnng merchant and rvmvmlilrre ho u tn th ouelpb otn eral hnaplla u miking rapid progfe toward reaesety and her aaasy trtaod hrre bop that ih wia aoas be able to return home much tmprood tn batlth- w are alao pleaeed to team that ida prrd lyon abo ha been tn th peal urmoria liqapltal tor iraatnuet ha rrtumad home and u now laxnortua iloaty wr alio nope toon to bear of hrr cofisplet rrcoery ur orr of toronto our i oth line irachrr here ha moted into th ox it nation and we klndty wtlocene her a a kind and nhitnt dttaan to oar matu we are terry to learn that mr r uocauley u now on th tick ttat we atao hop soon lo hear of hi ewput wood ratuny uesu to be th feaaru order of the day uj iv yount our tenia uab orauf haa ancountered oonjaaerahle dufieo ty tn dettrrry or the man ctartb tfc recent mncaart of anowators and drift uor power to yea b bprtrk t ut around th earner mr kldd of malrvoad apent a tew dar with hrr parent itr and itn k team and family ur j uarklr who rnent a few day with frtendi tn toronto ha retaraed pure food store ibt- axtaalw of cmsepb vtattad ura prtty kto but saturday bm jan mrhthiler of toronto tfalud her parenbt dr and ura a mr irlater but waak aed p o and ura bruce keanady of oahawa apent th weekend wttb ur and ura oeorc hirtnfton ao b w jes toronto apent the weak and a and ura ber nard mibar uk jawmellnr ourrle of acton vulted in oeorotown cnar the week bd ur baur ooatlain and aon jlmmla of toronto ttilled ur and ura jama omlgaa uat week end ur and ura jank squire and dausbter patrtda toronto ruted ur a l fkjutre and ulu ou and keioe kennedy tatl weekend ur and ura oeort traidale and dautsitrr ttrtlynaw of nratnpton vtittad ur and ura john o lmmenon uit meek end ur and itn william cirtnrnu ot etreeuttlle and ura thorns buui- vanl of hamilton mere guest with ut and ura wtulam iluulvanl ulu heroic uacdonald of turonlo was horn for th weearnd with hrr parent ur and ura victor use donald mrs vance kentner and utile grand daughter barbara stewart wrre recent lultor at th home of ur and ura prank fcentner tn toronto ur and ura stanley etnlay held hlgtee scoie for the fifth ntiht of play in the i ode nndge touma mest ur and ur prrd urndly enter tained at oeorre choir at their home lut thuraday ntrht after ute regulsr practice had bean held the memrere enjoyed a denciou buffet lunch ura cjronre blyth thr former elaine collins um lait rk or lultfai where th will join her husband ban oeontr a bryth who ts stationed with the acaj at darmouth nb tills uarcaret pasmore entertained the uondsj nljht knhtlns ohib last arek a rood turnout of mtmbrrs more than bcldlng buer ufht bum laoo mazda lampa eh 15e ts t wau corn ftaku 2 pttjja 28c u aa pai drtaalaa clasa free with t pkfa xmcsaix bstano pitted santa clare ivuaea 5 ox packase 17c ib1aooh pep bran flaloes 2ptrws25c gswtra baa rra far oaad nlsbt beat dfunsl onjtine 96c cabbouo heajthoio soap scbar used vasaet the new then maple leaf soap flakes rasanybta pkggsc gold medal ptaite wax 20c i tkua heinz junior foods 1 oa ttaa 2 tiru 10e we are our own thea are u heartening word of prune ulnuter chunrull in a recent ipeechto the llouse of commons on the rampalgn aislnsl the uboat llowner lutlrr is billding suhma- rtnes telce as fast as they arc brln destroyed it is etumsied thst he now has about 400 submartnrs and a the building of mora and more haa been rtro uo i priority on the retch a in- ciutrlal uu by iprtng it i estimated that betaren uo and too will b ready for action thrar aubmsrtnra are far farter longrr ranging than in th but ar and are bruetrd able to roounj ncatr not orjj with lhrlr baiea by ra dio but with rach other under water llow does this elfrct the nury l- ruet to canadas oorvrttrs tor their aork ct duardlng rontcr must go treat deal of credit but there are bound to be some losses and when these oc cur the navy league has plrdfrtrd her self u look after the surilvon imty tailor that is rescued has to be reout fitted allh lo sets of everything thl i why our cry l wooudui and uofu u-oolli-n8- llrre ts a irtter typical of msnv recetrad- i found our nmmr tuckrd into a pair of sores in the istt parrel i got from home snyhrre tn canedi u tiomr to us now that srr rr o fur aea there sere mitts in the purrel loo und a baurlsa and pair nf uw hure thick sea boots im rure fttsd on mnt our nsme becauhe nw i have chance lo thank you those tirm aooltrns ore the best pak ar hsvr during thr-rf- com nlsilits at sea specially a hen uirsatrlt start at four bells with thr northern hery wants dance glen town hall jfrumars cast a treeusseat at ts eeau booth tv ra1x itome is the ending i thr road the place ahere t bar djn our load wr ruas the thrruold and lorret life a wurk and aorry fuss and fret w naad no irager atrtit or train with waariad umb and busy brain por her whan aunset paint th pmwkbtuff ptrtttl fttad btusaotft woobhi mifl at tknr ot day mr taxt our mt out home mrtiu more uiin hpfjth of cthaur a trndrr hrutt miut rrti ui lhrrr with kindly ordi and lovtn unti ltivtilrt ihr mernory of the mllfii 8o rft ihotx ho nnr on a dilllnrfpuc of bntk or uont cn mt contsfrt at ynxmey nd itatrtr u thr hrrt of onr unod frtrfkl cur niurhtr ilithu rllntlntt m irrcotfd bourdt nd prenvandtnsaiadpuu le wind so biting that it k wi f tvldwnt have all the handknitted stall to keep our hands feet and ears from frrrrjne ar d ncter be able u land fourtin and fouroil routines nil r luncheon arreed by the hostesa at the coniulon of the eventng work ml ftetm and oenr honey from toronto epent last arek end with ur nlam and ura william itonry ur nes mother mrs james itoney n year i n mjlon joung curm don irum llunllle to mvjrh aork an spend a tew day with her son m for we estend rorurretulatlon to uu mlht uratefull whenever a new par- june clarke daughter of mr and rr ju mr trtl asaln the haunch backlne that ou our canadian sximen reenz s aa tta infant food 3 tins 25c crnuhttifl holland ruut 2sc s aa pkg oiie8t bbant chicken with gelatine s t tto ifte no bvbjuno aerowax each ssc qwart tia i blue gfflehe blades marje in canada pkg of 5 25c a e farnell phone 75 georgetown j om3 the at re friday march 5th i live on dartse jean parker cheater marria perfect snoh clay comedy with charles boggle lynn bart f new saturday march 6th matinee at 3 panama hattie ann sijothssm bed slulton march of time fighting french dianey mickeys birthday party gang comedy surprise parties chapter 4 perib of nyclm tuesday and wednesday march 0 and 10 croawoads dramatic wltb wuium rwu hedj lajuanr special a ship la born traveltalk modern mesieo city band leo reiaman orchestra mrs llttry c1arkr ho uartl uc rrmafully qndc a dlano ciamlnatloidsi at the toronto orinurvaurry of munlr in thr rnldvtntrr rxamlnutlin bhr 1 a pupil of mlvs wmn rlnp mihm grace mrdovald pich at thr rlpr old igt of rlfthrvrwn rar mlj gnu mcdonald paxwd awny on saturday at her home on lake avenue acton brie ha been tn ucllntna health for rome umc mlta mcdonald van a daughter of thr lat archibald and marvarrt mc donald pioneer rrmdenu of thr brotch btock twctlon in bnrurtslnr townnhlp it as hrrr nhr woa bom but forty- four year apo nhr came to rrlo in acton tot many yer- she was a faith ful employe of thr btorey olovr com pany of the famllv only thr one bro ther malcolm remain who rrkldrd ulth her on lake avenue she was a ntannch and true member of the prtvvbyterlan church and whm health permitted waa rraular in her attendance nt 1u ervlce of an un- aatumlriff nature the went quietly nboiit her dully life and all who knew hrr rerctayi her a alster mra sujuin soott paatted away lew than a year a no the funeral ua held on tuesday afternoon wttli n wrlce at the home conducted by her minuter rev forbes thomson and interment wait made in palrvlew cemetery at thin ncrvloe frltnrlr not only from acton but from toronto oeorjretown corwhln milton qora ouelnh and peru uat he red to nnv tribute to the life thev admired the nallbearern were mcjuuti alex puaey mehdn turner wilfred mc donald ajvtn mcdonald wm allan and thofl kennedy bailstnafad the february meeting of the wm b was held at the home oi mrs bwln- dlehurst the worship service was led by miss b hills the theme being wholesome recreation for all ur a o w foreman presided ut the meeting in the absence of the president the roll call was aninered wtth a new years poem mra poremnn read a very interesting item on temperance the tonic which stressed the church having a great responsibility notably to eliminate unwholesome recreation but to provide in christian homes in the church and through the action of christian oihzeiu in community cen tres recreation that win be a power for good to the life of ab waa read by mr j kwrwood plans to hold a meeting on the world day of prayer were mawitaaci a much needed additional exit to be te added to the ootamunrty ban style in glasses rft i are gnfng us and it seems to be part of thr why of rwrythtrik ditty baob are tliey uorthahllr do wc kr the ulur out of them here is itn iirusi r for the most pessimistic critic that ou ran produce was aboard n mlncvurcpcr out here at a small atlantic port and didnt expect ed kct n christmas mail as arcj mowd our base arttc an ameri can in tile ftoil ciinatllan nnv but ar were lucky for our christmas tur- kes nnd puddings urrlvrd on time and for me 15 letters 2 telenroms and a navy league ditty bag i aant to thank you for the thought behind that ditty bag to have someone think of you when they dont even know you and to go to all that votk nnd expense for a romplrte stranger is mlnhty fine i hadnt expected much of a christmas ns all m irlends are down in north carolina but you all helped me to have one of the brt chrhtmasc ive ever had have you a ticket we hope aou have because the navy lrncue cushion that you rye in mr maccarmaekn window is bring drawn on the i8th of oils month nt a at patricks social evening being held at the home of one of the members better get a ticket this time you may be lucky dec navy league display we are planning a display of our work in one of thr windows ol ur maccormrckh drug store on prlday and saturday uarch ilth and 6th there will be things both aid and new wo can use your castolfs this year springclean in earnest and let us have your dlsranls clothes that are too far gone to be of any use in their present state are washed and cut up into quilt patches leather and fur pieces are sent into headquarter to be made in to jerkins and to line seamens coat respectively we are sure once you see this display you will be able to help even if it is only in a small way only this past week our hearts glow ed with pride river the congratulations of the british admiralty terse to the landlubber but a blowing tribute to those conversant with navy ways- heaped on two royal canadian navy ships it mod columbia a destroyer and jim os wosaga a minesweeper for fortitude and fine seamanship in bringing the disabled british destroyer itmb caldwell safely to port during a tierce north atlantic gal for these men and for many ltke them we ask your support will you be able to wave a flu on the day of victory if you fad to do all you ran to bring that victory aboutt lcabino auction sale op iaam stock imflcmlvth iced and nnvmu th undrrmtiiied hs txn instruit- ed by kenw1 wilhon to m 11 b public auction st lot 10 gth line fcjucaing on wsdnrly march lllh i ml at 1 o clock the following horslfl hrklmrrrd clyde usre u years lltiruured clyde uarr 5 ears nay ocmlng 3 years black percheron mare 6 yrara black oeld- inir 0 years nlack oeldlrg 0 years catttj oracle bhorthom cow calf at foot oracle tuiorthorn cow calf at loot ontilr hhorthom heifer calf at toot grade bhorthom heifer calf at loot oradr bhorthom heifer calf at foot 3 btecrs rising 3 years 3 bteer 1 year i heifer 1 year piot- 2 young yorkshire bows due before sale 2 young yorkshire sows due lost of uarch 1 yorkshire hog rising 2 years 1 yorkshire hog months 7 btore pig sheep fowl and ora1n 1 good breedlna oxford ewes some with kunb 0 shearling ear 1 oxford hum 35 barred rock hens 3 oeese und 1 oander 300 bushels of erban oats suitable for seed 0 bushel of alaska outs suitable for seed 50 1u of ulxed clraln implmentbu ii binder 7 ft rut m ii moarr 5 ft rut newp v w hay hake xi ii combination shie delivery rake deerlng hay loader p w bred drill 12 hoes 13 lllx cocksliutt drill deerlng 13 spring tooth cultivator 14 plate blssrll disc btssell 0 ft steel drum roller tud- hope anderson uanure spreader 5 section harrows waggon and box truck waggon 2000 lb scales pleury no 21 walking ploa wilkinson no 4 walklrg plow perrln single furrow hiding flow hay rack kline fan ning uui set of bobsleighs buggy cutter stewart sheep clippers 3 wheelbarrows 14 k p electric mo tor scuffler turnip drill 3 oil drums 33 ft extension ladder 30 ft ladder 3 das oraln bags 35 backs root pulper anvil taps and dies vice 3 logging chains feed box 3 fattening crates apple evaporator b blue oak tongues some basswood lumber some white oak lumber forks chains shovels hoes neck- yokes whlffletree crosscut saw one man saw blacksmith and other tool etc harness set heavy team har ness set short tug heavy harness bet of singl harness b horse collars ftmrstftuiusolare brother victor range with reservoir and warming closet moffat 4 plate electric range easy electric washing machine llof- fatt electric rot flat kltohen cup board drop leaf table s other ta bles wardrobe sideboard decrown suite 3 couches 3 beds high chair 340 lb scales 9 step ladder copper boiler msagel fruit jsj quantity of apples pans strainer pall king electric cream separator other house hold articles no reserve as the farm is rented tblutvoaals hume ouirle mumc fbiuh clerk 8 and i yt31 your glasses should aw made to nt your particular typa of face we iperuul tn ey exam ination end prracrib uracil glosses at dtp prtcea for expert eye bcrvtot and rawest style tn glimi oohttlt 0rwalkcfr0 etwcsiatfy avccfaubt who anil be at his office over the bell telephone co ualn street georgetown the second wednesday of each month or you may consult o t walker at his offlca in brampton phone gwrrtuwa jb tetefjer fov fetbas cdtetkhi tenders will be received by th council of the town of oeorgctowzt for the collection of garbage in th town particulars may be obtained at uat municipal office tenders to be sent te the irnderslgnee not later than uarch lfith p b rsjuuboh it oat notice to creditors in use estate ef ibatsax canbti isle f use ten at gaaegatewst us onasy ar hshsa wiaaw 4 eemaed all paraoni having claims against the eatat of the said isabel canute aho died on or about the 30th day off january ioo at the said town of oeorgetown are required to send to the undersigned administratrices oa their solicitor on or before use 34tta dsy at march 1m3 fud particulars of their claims and any securities thajf may hold therefore and take notice that alter ttm 34th day of uarch 1m3 the said aav mlnutratrlcca will proeaed to dtstx bute the said estate hating regard t th claims ot which they shall ttat have notic dated at georgetown this uth day of february ims rornnetb u lanodotr georgetown ontario solicitor for cjeorgtaa hul and nellie wagstatfe airmmlstratrlossv notice to crledstors la the estat af ftiehard ftalay late at the tswa af p tawb la the oasmly af harlaa ali per0on8 having against the estate of itlohard arsdar son flnloy who died on or about tha- 8th day of february ini at the town of qeorgetown in the county ot hal- ton are required to send to the un dersigned efmutor or his ftoudtor on or before the 34th dsy el mar laaf furl ratrtlmuars af their any sjsouritles they may fore amd takb hoimb that eiler the 3tth day of march ims the pxweejior wni proeeed to chtrtbuii tfw ettate having regard to the olatakt of wueb they aksu then bam bsaatv oatstb at day ot fehratr im 1l isljawatsw t far mam u mm

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