Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 3, 1943, p. 6

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toe geoty hawld weekday marta 3rd 1943 amttar utter from the north to ifa otorvrfam thrtld to sty hut tetter i htentwfad the teo terrible fin the north ceaatry c4 tat bow the hmb do cum to be taftrillatnyl za wiliiiriimil arttel i hop to go tola aw rmas re poreetry it it large subject and x has become ruhf maeftad is the northern dtvtalon wtileh dull prtadpafly wtui lumber cad both ctuitlng th opening obd kffietvlilob of water rout rnrirmrmml cad scaling of pulpwood firewood ud av awulan umber end largest of an fir tsrevenuon it lj bo ewer so years ctac the lut big fir and 1 almost forgotten again score and scores of proprrtle have changed hand end bw people bote cos to take op tdl linrt that on urn pioneer became caseoureged oo tremendous develop ment took piece tat jw following tat fir whol quarur wrtlnni tad to oo inttinre wool section that vstr cnnacd and ovoid jointly by en family were entirely cleared up tractor and plows were put to work ad tttntintty new bam aad bout went up notarial tat nuke thtft building and arming wu undertaken aa earnttt fuming cardan tt known aa th dtp belt and u a strip oi land bounded on tat south by cobalt on th wmt by uontreaj luirr and on uu eait by rcanrbr rrtrr and th quebec border it run north at far a- pcopl havt settled and hat tat atuft it take to dick ii out and make a home ueny of th farm north of krirlehtrt art auu in therusoc stage of development and th aetllrr art ia ptonem but of a mora modem typ than thoi who had to pack sack co tbttr supplies to or hv it hauled en a jumper mad of birth crook aad hauled through a buih trail wtth an old bort or oxto that waa our ex perience thirty nln year ago aad ut a urn the mud on th trail wu as deep in torn of tb mud holt that th toupy aluih flowed right up mt th load which would b flour augar rolled oata aad possibly few smell groomat packed in a bos with bag of oat and bale of hay for th horse now w have a good railway and good highway to ploneen are mo dern they have car and truck or team and wagon to take in their cupplie th water route too hae an been cleaned out and are naviga ble for mall boat and eeowt dead herd have been established comprising the beat breed tubercu lar letting wu done or 3 consecutive year and the whole area made re- meted a great many of the brat farmer are not even utlified with tali and employ a local tetertnary each year to perform the test on the herd assure themsrtve there are aun no reecter an uos wool milk 1 produced locally and in addition number of creamer do thriving tin and surplus b available for export at different time during th put so year cheat ractortea ttarted up in different place but for tome reason did not continue ho run but x year ago on wu built aad equipped in thorolo and ha been enlarged alace m proved decided success the rnmt made there it an excellent qua- nxy for which i can vouch u we bought and have uaed c whole cheeae ton wtnter patron areglven a aptdal price then another price t act to wholesalers by th whole cheeae or if pufftnawl aa amau quantity th factory ebons us hui mall price a a pur- eboud at tit fetal dor where ud brand of ehiiu was cjwcj ttiflafat oa account of there bring to many totfo that were erermflsad btctpcqr of aviatr end bed to nlaec where garden or food production of any kmd waa chtolutaiy tmpoaatl there bm clwjw bmb food bukau tot mry avxtlau bit of produce cobalt vueist to reap the benefit of pmac eoaptcttlf mark aad for year tec then farmer haw asoae every saturday and eapplled th need of customer with freah farm ptedsee oowgaada mince were spread otet tuch a terse area till r wu th medtimi of earkmlag law uata- caswan wu th earn but s realty ecr- ceoful market i eetanlrhtd in klrk- uad lake rloraaaallouyn aad in tunmlat aad attended each week by aq thote who feel they ran make a nnnm of pottle marketing vr a number of yean we engaged in market gardening and attended ktrklaad lake market regularly each saturday winter aad tummer and or- caatonally cobalt market and were tvfy cnjfyfux thro came the big itnke and the war and trade there wu to curtailed that aq thoae who were going were finding it moredlfnrult each week to tell out and anything tea than that vtxat ronxlderrd worth wnile a the dutance u to greet over 60 mile one way and bird expetue added mad ii imothlbte for a lot to go then loo we had lou a lot of our help three had left our home for potltlon where they frit they could do belter and br of more irrvtce and we at home found 11 tmpoulble to continue k reviled our lytteov btnrr then arte rpeclal- laed in dual purpcae durham cattle hating purchaied 3 pure bred reenter ed young cow and a tire and hate in creased them low tlnre and pro duced beef and cream for tale braldet lupplylng our ovo need the turplu ifclm milk and outer milk makra talu- able pig and chicken feed we hate our own meat the er round frtah la the winter and pmerted or cured in cummer fairly urje icale nearly 2 arm lul year dut we ttorr it tn fall and du- pote of the turplu tn a wholesale way we hate proven through a numbrr of jearv eiperlcnce thai a root houtr b tuperlor to a cellar ror trstuble stor age keeping quality and flat or it much tuperlor the one in iue here for the pott 35 car needs renewing it wat built of cedar lost vhlch are futt decaying to plans are in progtru to enlarge it lire and aril put in a rock and platter mall thlt tune with outi celled below and floored abote and will put a building above for tome othrr pmpooe to one roof alll coter both bulldlngx and vmlllalort will run up through the upper torey while our land u no better than that to be found in many other place throughout the clay bell were in a particularly favored location were in a depreatlon bounded on 3 tldea by an outcropping of rock in time when frott kult tender planta in moat other loctlttlm our eacave thlt hu been the cate year after year the only eo- lutlon i can offer i that heated air current from the rock tettle down into the deprealon and overcome the from the teaaoa i very abort but growth very rapid year after year we have chosen the ahorteat teaaon pro ducing varletlea of both garden and wam loniy the d cross s national silkctive bajiaro wtu god enemy guard do not pritoa make for cancdlin aotdlert ctprured by the enemy their thought wlog- lag acrot tb tea meet red croat parcclt on their way to them lut year the enemy laid past to 2000000 tuch parcel they were padtcd with 22000000 pound of food and comfort welcomed by men to wbom the barctt occeuitie have become luxurira but moat of all to each prisoner every red crou parcel u message from borne definite assurance that ha it not for gotten reminder that no captured ctntditn soldier u ever marked off ttrcngth by the red crou thirty percent of the money you gave to the red crou last year veu used to provide parcel for prisoner of war the money you give now wiu help to keep up and increase thu flow of good cheer and hope to these lonely men coniull your btart obty in dictattt givt libtrauy georgetown district headquarter photw 10 red cross ptejtumok suffletuuy 3 qjteate than evek now service of single men l abmsvst froclaaatlon tamed br hi excellency the governor general in coun- 0 provide that certain tingle men mutt regjtter immediately far the military callup under national selective service mb- fjlini regulation singj men who mutt now yngltter are tboae who were turn in gay year from 1008 to ifttj ioclailee gad who did not previoualy undergo medical examination under the military callup men actually in the armed bervicea are exempt under thi order bat men discharged from the service not previously medically extmined under tb military caljup mutt now register single men referred to now rerjulred to regiiter gsdude any roan bent w aag ea tu yaw mmtlrmnt ttao gat tug fnoiotuly bum nafiiyihy ew or fa atoifaiv calutp wad datmbid at follow who ttat e la isfa iiy july 1940 mumunud or a itfjumr ttjijuttil euisi or eattdnu er fcu tints a tu jay oa tueoreml or imlmtlto upmfi or htmm m ttuateer triffcaal cuuorcuur tt it pointed etii hat aay tua tnasantel at iafy lltm lew mm v eurrfaf tiae fiat deft it tftd elaiwd s regiitrahrei b to be made on sonna available with poitmuter national selective servios offiou or berlstran of mobulution board ptm ere provided for failure to regiiter deparirtment or labour a marniwtit 1 riliar m field aoedt and have never hod a crop failure we grow com cucumbers to matoes peppers chinese celery and an abundance of tender flovera beside all the hardier varieties tuch u pea brant carrot beet etc before com ing here we had become interested in flower flm for beauty but alto aa a hobby we brought a great variety of olad tulip naralaua paper whiles poenle and tome perenlalt and having lou of land more easily worked than by hand the original quantity hu in creased till now olad number up in the thousand and they with to many other kind make a beautiful display for week during the summer we take tome pain to plant in perfectly tratght long row to the arrangement i artistic betide giving both pleasure and profit wife tend the flower and any revenue derived 1 set aside for her personal use the help the children give during weeding time transplanting and thin ning and then during harvest it very valuable and they are each given holi day and tome spending money to enjoy now u 1 write a perfect billiard la blowing the subject i have been writing dont term seasonable when i glance out of the window but a glance at the calendar tells us spring 1 ap proaching and our faith is strong in ood great promisee to we keep look big ahead with hope when life will spring up in the earth and change the view from while to green cordially your r w johnson r r no i thomloe ont mori and better potatoes wanted with the war demand for more good potatoes in 1043- comes the need for planning and action by potato growers time labour machinery fertiliser and spray materials must now be conserved as never before to avoid last motion and waste of rihernlrclt aeys jobs tucker manager seed potato section special product board hewn per cent more pota to li the goal in ims and this can be readily attained with approximately the aaine amount of labour and mat rial as was retyulred for the 1m1 crop if proven oound praetioot ore more nfauy followed all good potato grower will agree that the atcraue leld in 1m3 of ito bushels per acre it not good enough many gruwrrt average more than double thlt yield which meant that many other growers are producing far below average yleldt the most frequent cause of low yield 1 poor seed next is low fertility and poor method of peat control it i funda mental to start off a crop with good seed otherwise the fertilisers and tpraytng matertolt used are wuted the country timply cannot now afford to watte any materials time and la bour on field planted with cull teed especially when good certified teed hu been mtde available in quantity to the country for the express purpose of aid ing th induitry tn that respect a survey na ahown that in tome province lea that ten per cent of the teed planted would auallfy to certification aundard and that many fields are planted with a quality of teed which could not possibly produce a good crop no matter how much fer tiliser wu used if every grower plant ed certified teed either the crop could be doubled or the present quan tity produced annually could be har vested from about half the present acreage thl give food for thought toy mr tucker especially when it i realised that most of the certified teed produced in canada ha to be exported to find a market and that another million bushel are told annually at high grade table potatoes because of the lack of home demand far high quality teed countries thousands of mile away are paying high transportation charge to obtain canadian certified seed by the shipload every year about two mil lion bushels are sold in canada each year as seed much of the acreage at present is planted with inferior teed the bulk of which might better be used for starch purposes or fed to stock table stock grower are urged to insist on certified seed it is readily obtainable through reliable potato dealers and established seed house or may be purchased tram the seed growers direct list of growers are obtainable from the plant protection division dornlnlon riepartment of agrueulture ottawa or from the local district rjead potato inspectors located at oriajvittetown pjbx kentvole kb fredertcton ns 8t anne de la pocaoem que ouelpb ont vnn- nlpeg man aumonton aha and van- confer 8 o typical of thousand of other red croat workroomi crou cantdt above are volunteers peeking comfort to be sent oversea to bombedout brltona in addition to the more than jftoooooo article already shipped over for the armed force and suffering ctttl- lan this organization civilian relief department tn britain still distribute tome 70000 article each month other workroom acthioet include clothing for alupwrecked survivor and medical tuppllet sun power brought nearer dr cfeark abbott of the flmlfhtonltn institute demonstrates the solar power michine at the convention of the american association for the advsumcmeot of bcfenee thi newest win himretvir tin flftli in ino urn of solar anguu eonetroetsd by dr abbou ejinilnat aaoal of th serloui tjafeetf of th earlier mod and brlrrloaertkeemwasva lou wfflb able wlvtiamttovtlts4yttttem fahwiemwevju

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