Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 3, 1943, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday marti 3rd 1943 and we herald its approach wttb a newly arrived shipment of spring coats jfaahioaed a box and fitted style with fine quality tweed and plain fabrics theyre practrcal- ideal for wartime needs and i gay spring prints in washable spun rayon a galaxy of design and style to give your winter wardrobe that certain hft select a tip top tailored suit mantauored raadetoraeasure in new fabrics and mo del place your order early at brills department store phone 167 corner mill a main su localmews give to the red crosa keat wrdnedy u ah wt-dnev- j thr it tinning of lfit vridn rtbrlldh lodfr hope tbetj t juj oji t- uuir ujlwia pari ui tie aim priday uurtfa wh- tiir rrd crow caaiwurrt are uklne the rcind riie them a lrarty joc in xr lomr a eaijiri lil br lld b st paou cjiurvh kojvji ln the puilvb iuu turxuv ituica ckotf prtt- and a4iu irport come in ullinj o il nil alms i nprkrdrtird number t vtoplt down with thr t1j tlirrr a 4lajfiah on display to thr hrrald office aliidoir thu fk hvh ptr prod nnmti brxxtjtil ljik alth mm i rum thr writ cout 1ir korval junior hanaro and junior liuttluu will meet at thr rsua- of tjr llrndrnun on twdjy umrxh 9u jv u don i foiri thr olil ouldr piay a otlde in udjtund t bt 0orgra ohurrh s pm tursday march am arrvfuik thr fiur nrw mrmxstn ilrclrd ti tlr karruthr ci nimhler of hr pruunru counru ol the roy fkuut awuruuon gar w orufr uuo- vt aruhi nd lv o i chrtvlr of qurlph umr to tlw fvt1 pmttr diiiv at thr maple tf ojb tvunptcm oo prldi mjrli mh oltui ilmd plrcr rhrtr aril aiiurr admit ion soc ainird rrvt or pmlrr nrl mxrd in rilil of wat murk thr prin advor tic vis piblstrd v1 nk iti tort umii phtt attrr iijii mw f itxln it jkiimd at in ih f h oi ihkimllr lunnrt nils j 1 i briii tniibv o urr killitj oumtrif for ih lr tvjar tilnn ninrtilnr c ii diyfwf and c- mjuny nr nt 1 1 is mil or t to iti cni- dlan aid u ruvtu fund tn tairooto i flin- tfiti nut emi hl h tu br iloublv tltr i ilfd b the nrrd rur iano mill rrs o lb t im harold stafford addresses loc legio meeting ttr wctfk utt by lit oifruu lrtwa asiiluo ad or tlhi cntm i uly ct4xsv4 wwliii mlllv htvr nnrviil jirlr ub wrlptlon for 7ft of tlirlr hi 11 liiui uitftui cf l ijcj r juh u tiu- ciiud n luii ui 8l ttas tld in thr uyan llij un ijii4lj fij 2sul with cumrsuir pjtluit frrd mrc1nr tii thr cjiir alur itxthliu itonju ci uic iloi i vnimlttrr fttuch nr it d ulid auiexid uir ifirur cv iifdv hjii pjundto iih the jj7niuri- dfjifr nd wroonu ihr tkthjy br xiutzunt of iioj dutku to liir nuuian kund oftuth luurf vnd urttlih wtj- victim kund etr tiir ttmaairrr ooirswlr iu14 iloory pirbriiud ihr nuuvruj luutnmt of ihr luatuii whlcli fclo thr hiujirt el ihr lrlon to br ui twith fokdj- tlan id hu fffft avdtilj u frtaj tvr rjiirfwliimrnt roniirttr eu julhrurxl tu rtcnpirtr tjmrrtnrrilk 1 llh cunrrrt lrty fiom ciaitpj to jr ukrlr sjiuw undrr uir ftuilrr of um- ikfcui kunir timr ui luurrh ilun- ukii uiu coiirrrt will or pjuluird in uir nrit uur of uir ilrrmld thr ikluriaiy ufflrul uhin of um- ur- kii midr jji tprl fur m hjbsrrl- brr autd thr wcrrury i auth icrrd to r1lr tur lvhult to obtaun m club iii prtcr on h ijjtr- lur tlw lucj brnch mi t tirint iiitmbrr of tin tick inmlttrr dk tfjttbolvtl uj rltr to f rnrailr iknlu wnynt nt inbrf um ij1 lifjnh io u ill in t- im to riiiili tt lr h4 uiut iil ilniv uiil or ut duuiuii vi wukjit i- tin iuir of iin- ilin oioincli ijnn in tit orfchovn axui u kjhjih imtnlxr of uir urmuh ltv liiyhlllit ol thr mtttuif uir tint jldif- arn by mr luiou uuil- tottl rtrj id tnjii froui uit ut ir 1 jiui it cnitt jitvu idid hunw- from wtr- a- id tnlid in thr p t4 lit uilj tx pt 7 ijsj fur uuimu urvln a jituinotd to mm- rmk ol htaff quaj i ti i tiv4r 1h ia jnt and it luniixl w itrtuitnt tuurriviit aikut r rt mrmur of uir lectern ii 0nnadr 0jrr ho bu siauoccd tii nananwj bc tiid a few votds on tin ptj uoik tjc lucai uunth u do- ut fur tjr fttjjtird irn llr taid br u pjvd w tr i ilttrrr and i11 he aoid d hl utuar uhrnrr cmilrd tpon cumiaiir prtudrtit ufcajtrvy on uh of urf- briikh ujlkrd tht i kr it km tntrrtiu aliomo rd bnlatt thr mrcur to clou by u injtcj of thr nuurj anthrtn church news prtvuiry wu i hjl bruo0 on uur oun lialii ntiuiuri ufc and hr uiil briinrui ra utr iki uuij not mr tilr tjt tiic rji of ooj abidftii ui htm jo i h hi- ukmm own mnuuwi hr h ft cqikirooi lienor qujnq 4xrlm bunday pjo an iffljy oommunkm i0m rundijr knod tu ntf ctoik nanit ii 00 am lloty oammunvjn m tafakraa unk uukvf pin rrnlq4 fryr ooda ooohcact for tfc k worta ulnliter rr j e cwraai ojoilay utrfa tth j30 pai- buljy ri-ki- j oo pjn exctaj garka ir ad johnson a lclk ibe chjrtb at 8 pa wtvomr dance to willi tipping and hi cascade muiic wednesday eveg march 3rd oddfellows hall brampton admission 50c dancing 9 nd as u rnrnibs r of thr iakiuii and ulu r m 1 iii i mni- ii mi to thf wiimttjit t n hia ih it tapimiird ui it thr thr irlrrs fruni thr hoijij la lonflut or mjj lukf of uir fll i i i on if hi if ji nuid u oik lxln omx b um ciiui- k tli lr tffirs vi lln mtnlrd j u1uii urmai jikj puuiit d yi i lr mil1ill lnill lo ittrml ojt una uir rxldiy- ulyolvrd ul tin l t- ci it din in cn-orcr- ihjiiuiiuiu uils mnln irr rll urtli an n i mil ii ltli ivru aitml mll jh ito n to li am for ru- r1r f ir q illt uldil hew advertisements po rknt apartment or rent posaeaalon marct lat apply j leavrrr wanted to bent with option of buying small home auat have all conveniences garage and small garden apply herald office cabi oc thanks the family of the late w w drown ndfte wth to thank their many frtendj und nelrhbon for their many idnd- nevses and expreuluns of aympathy extended to them during their recent ud bereavement apply itp iioitlekffiek wanted middle aged noman preferred heraxd omce fob kent oiriae on murket street immediate occunutlon apply mrs jack wwttnev wanted woman wanted for houmwork a eomfcirtable home qood wilkcb to rc- llnbli woiiiun riuclv viork uiiht du ties apply mrs o watt queen st phone 250 this advertisement wap not icsljnecl to br consplruoiis yet hundred of others will lend it just us you an- clnlnc isn that prool that classified advortlsliw in the herald lll bring result wanted live and dressed poultry lllohe- market prioes- app a barnett son phone brompon 3d r 1 s reverse charges bbtaihn vltamtrl boompibx tabiet9 itor low vitality lack of pep use ptfeorunth betasrin n-oom- da tablet once a day litmogatackb druo btore v bjobws drtki 0torb riles- nd pntfud 0ufferam amdd at all tiniicrm wanted 13 r barn in al oondluon built most ly of tonaue and btoovc lumber ap proximately 28 ft x uf ft at 8t pan in ahgllcun church rctory nonal ttn- dcra for barn ulll be rtxvlved up unul march ui plcisc end undrni to walter pddlcr pcopleji warden 8t pauls c mrch morval hlhfit tender not nrccwartly accepted 2t ror hale wc have a limited number woodn rrtd orinrirrs milk coolcrn and mllkjnn machlnrji for immediate de- llirry also mount fonst ttirrkhlim muchlnrs district rcprrcntathc wlllouffhby pnrm aftrncy t e ftkwbon oeorbctoti phone 332 tf p o nox 2s7 notice to creditors hull or i t rerd ulll tn ii ma f n1 1 ii ki tttraf tion wr ihi fir ll of vlrtory nlrkrb last hatunlaj in ptr tit thr mny lovs at frar u at in tunr thry will br rrv hard to dtilntrilah from tn ordinary prnny in plarr of thr brnur th h- thr v for victory and torch on thr onr nldr thr rmplirr of alliance paper mllk ltd wth to rxirrv uirlr thmnlu to the ton for oprntnir up thr road from the mill to thr aim road it ha lyrn uir mean of itn thrm n rtyd dral of time which formerly had to br apr nt in rraritng the olen mad hi kind at k three hour wait in the cn r ua- tion a thr lot of several paicvn rn route to toronto on the tw oclock train last saturday m mtnff a brrakdotm rceurred in a box car on a niffht frrurht juit vest of the oronprtown nation whrn the frrlirht voa com inn from stratford and in- romlnff trains were unable to pan it until nccewiry repalra had been made thirty office ra and n c or of thr lome bcou rearm c company held tactical cxrrcuen sunday in the neltihborhood of stenarttown stutlon tilt rkrrclsrs included rmip rcadlns field craft srctioti formation and mtssarp urltlaa at uir conclusion of thr manoruvres thry rr turned to the amiourtrs and held an open dlhcua- slon period compony cooks prepared dinner und htippcr in thr armourlri ftlth cqm8 ivan crnbtrcc in chanrr of rations notice tin montcr h pitilcks diy keno ml lip held ut lo cruss church hull 11 monday march 15th instrud of wrdnrsdiv march ittli us prrtlouily itiinouncrd druw for quilt will tw iictil thr mi mo nlttht in tu- rmutr r voitmas rov tiiompsov mtr rf ihr tuiishlp f i jnl fmliirsliie in thr cottnf of himnn m firmer drreiked am prrfions lmin rlilms i- ilnat r rntntf nf ltd norman roy thompson who died on or nlmtit hw ml ihy of tvhiuirv ion ut fir cltv or ouflph in the county of wrlllnir- ton an nfulml to srnd to thn un- u itliiiicd exrrutor or his solicitor on or beforo the 34th day of march 1043 full partlctilara of their claims nnd any fcettrltlbb they may hold therefore and take notice that after tho 34th day or march 1m3 the executor will proceed to distribute the said es tate having reffard to the clatnu of whic the shall then have notice dated at oeoreetown this 18th day or pabnuuy 1043 m iiaimdon oeoreetown ontario abttottoj- for winiam roat tbtwpaoti kxeoutor norval pin hillowliit crests 1 1 nm tontnto plit thr uirkcnd ulth mrs n p wiird owmit of the h llvnoncl hotel mr and mrs ceon klmpon mrs lieu h- ml- kiiililcrn niiiunt it iiihuii miss zrn iiikk miss 1 person of nuelph hjien the hitk riul with miss pmlrli mimulre ind mis wrbster thr svmpit hv of the communltv is atiiidetl ut mr ofolue rliuni in the loss of his brother wllunm rhnrpe n foinut nonnl reslrlent who wns bu rled in nrnmpton on huturdnv stewarttown the committee appointed liut year are miwttnn thin week to arrnnire the world day of prayer meeting to be wld in btewirttown tho first friday in lent march 19 ao3 norman bally of toronto was home for the week end quite a few people here have had a bad dose of the flu we are glad to aay that they are all recovering now l t t x ii iniolied hwmh vilturd staled iium r- jxrlriiit and kjoli ol tsiraju oi flrultlii aftrr llu- lant ar it lx iir ininitar ol uir cajiudloji lrvloii to btar in mind uir oiu ftord ui il i ulll procure uir unrflu herd ed for thow of our comrades wro find uirnvmhes in difficultly ui rough war mthotj after antnruinu the cnlcrs unit rtsl u canadian m id lira oicrwaji in ihia prearnt auufljlc hr lolord uir pi loi that no icrratrr untanuatlon rxlsu toda than uir canadian lesion actual experience witnenrd ahllr in diluid b uir au id liar srnloea ovrneaa bear out my prriloiii auate- mrtiu ttir cbraritte fund rxm mtabllihed has done ondcr for the morale of the oitfiras in he poaltoti of 8 q mj3 he could alwoa aptreol to ca- adlan auxllur- officer and procure a sufficient amount of clffarcttea to at leost uhc the men wme tauafacuon he nricr appealrd to this wrvlce with out set una fulleat cooperation the txii ovrrseui althoutth not ala prompt ln acknewledglntf glfu of cia- urrttra und ackases from canada he atated uiry received uicat purcrla and irrrauy appreciated the work done far uirm from thrlr homeland in thr present conflict the time ts now comlnu uhen ar muit prepurc for when thrar mrn return to thla count r thrreorc ull uie rtforu of the leu ion hhould be put towards uils xpuuuou to heelim uiat thenr men an renabllltatrd properly after uiu nar ts over tho preparations for uils situa tion should be under way iow so uiat i f are not cauiihl nappinn aa we virre in the past alien thr munition faces us in sprukiittt of the aork of the red cross overseas i uould like to make his matrtmnt sold mr station the articles of clothing rir pnwurablr for any unit from uir offlcrs in london an so iunrni il itlveti nlthout any riitaiirlcmrnt or red tape of anv kind iiik that the reneromty or the rrd cioss in fuinillnn the renucst for aoollen koods ls in surli quantity hit their ts no mini for unv man to be uil hunt anv warm supplies rumors of red cioss irilelrs helm sultl us i uould like to hi and thin rumor us m absolute imtiulh the i ted crc mrimis is dohil line and itcnrrous jwoik and their efforts arc cieitlv uppreelaud bv the men nf mir aiinil fort es in conclusion 8 q m 8 stalfoid vol d hi opinion nt the flnp renlcoh lriiderrd by the canadian auxlltarv servlcea to not only the men overseas but also to the families loft behind ln cnnadn who may nnwilblv nl1 them- eivh in dlfneiiltles the very prompt nnd unstinting cervices rendered is krecitlv appreciated by those or tho forces who have found it necessary to appeal for help nnd advice for the wives and families left in canada he complimented the local branch of the legion for the fine work accom plished ln all war efforts and the splen did work they are doing for the re turned men strongly urged them to oontlfhie as tn the past in all their be- tto i ail- clians u caaxaa rev r c todd ulnlstrr 10 am honday hrlsoul ukj ulm- tr lubir clata 1 1 a m public wor- jli rueit prmchrr r- j r uubrhmor flrcrruiry of the board of fnanjrrllun und tlurui iljtyior v he united church woo trcatejajn rertar rlfirrri tva day ajnday sthotsl 10 ana hcjj ocxb- tnjrjon il m z4 7 pa aih wrrda lunh lotb oom- irunuon and hcjy cnmuhlon lolj hl aiwat cmwrsv cua mluuw holiday litliou joo pm aaearog ad utacy 9 00 pa aah wsxlnrcday examination offvnr a 00 pa rati pwvuu cfccnsfc omrgetovd re ceia c oochjin b a- 10 am honday fichooi 11 am public worihip 7 pm pubuc uorsirfp fl rv7tru cvta j pre manday fichocj end cuu 3 pm public wonhlp eajbu huf oaaa sl c ceta rev pr v j morgan uaas at 0o am jrw and iui fwo tla iioo am lit 3rd and ftta bun- dayi iiieiiaieigaeaeiiiihgibi lasbsij master j chick starter we can assure you of your aupply of thi proven chick starter if you order now we can ajso aasure you that due to a large amount of neccsary in being on hnnd mater chick starter will be built to the hirh itandard of former year see u for all your poultry feed requirements i walter lawson stewarttown phone 84 r 22 georgetov wanted 365000000 dozen egg one million dozen n day that s what we canadian poultry raiser have been asked to turn out this year to help win the war and write the peace w a brown head of the dominion poultry services says that we might get by with ltioooooo dozen but osks for 365000000 if s hurrmnlv passible even the lower figure is o00000 dozen above last year cumtln needs thoe plks this mir 1041 pun i ih llu itnsi- his to rmne fr in in lixln fldclcs nut nn- iili 111 mil ii m i pull at thl i in ii bhils imt hirt this son- ii i- join to drllier any ulstnntlil iiuniibir i eirps nils iir theyll imve to be 4oin lilrus slurliil rurlv intl irun rlshl we hnnestly belleir hint thl i the prontnble is uell ns the plllelk llihm lo do uils mmi- lir aooil ihliu eirly mum is mi cim handle u 1 m ns earlv nn ion inn inn t dile ion s n i niii in rmer lean n b ihe date ion can tu mir biikider hoiisi ready il n leed nnd uel on hand i i einunil i eeepllunally heaiy for eertaln brxda if noiwihle she u a seeond nnd third rhnlee an breeda arida andxle unnteil home slrled rhlrka ivallamenr1 tlrsl tertel order today order bray bray chick hatchery george c brown norvaj phone 382 r 21 agent

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