Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 10, 1943, p. 5

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tbo gfaorgrtown hewai wea mtttl wu 1943 fob ww zd an ad to tht oarwhin club at qutbc w urcfo srcj navy uini- tfter said to put battle i ttas auhinarlna is not oo- iodd3d there iem to bt ery tmvahkyi that this yj th iemy u make a mora detefmlod atiwrjn thin ijtwt our commrrcv but you aay ret assured of this the 11164 natr ar not otrrlxun jiy- thtng whiob may eootfthul to the wtdxlds of the buue acalnu autanar- tnr- this year vr tu have vtrootcr tv trues along our shore and mor ahtp for eaoort work than v had ljt rar th enemy did oof win to um1 or 1w3 he cannot win tn ims or imi wr wre unprepared for war we not are grtang into thr full ewtni of prrparvdntmj our strength te growing hu thr rnrtny would hid lo hair already rrchl and probably passed hu peak oi strength we may ktu have to facr dark day and tcmr disappointment but be- vokd and above tjiem aix i can bee the olxajj of victory and tfin ou 1iiji op tiuumplt the djufe daya for the nsvy air when thetr thin are torpedoed and uie dark daya for the navy league oud be ii they had not sufficient to clothe the wnlton of thoae torpedoed shlpa thro they reach there hold out wrlromlnu hand to thaw urvhort by wrndlntf thrtn the c othe- you hae bren aa ing just in case they need your help now we welcome a new treasurer mr c naln man- agrr of heady btoie and e ore sure you will ghe him yocr fulleet support and cooperaticn lie u on main st convenient to all nearly erry houe bolder finds it necessary to vtalt hi tor if you wtih to make a contri bution well the first umr you are tn the store he will be delighted to re- cele tame no amount u too small uany email contribution make a huge total thrre ore iwo mun culti on the purse thte daya you probably axe budgrtung your glvtngi this year rjraw include the navy leaoue in your budgri ur sain wtahea ui to acknowledge with thanks a generous donation of 1000 from the imperial section of the canadian ljegton of oeorgrtown what a mtv not a ditty would you like to receive a gill without a greeting or a wish enclosed sometimes thr greeting nleit much pleasure a lh gift ltsrli then is something er personal about the greeting we know the ditty bag la going to be a ppreciated the many letters of thank arc ample proof of that but lrt s the thr recipient the extra thrill of a bit of verr home- tpun compomtlun uki the fojowlng i wonder hat you mill be doing when this ditty bag you receive will o i be guarding tbe ocean or making whoope on shor lime no matter ahat you arc doing hope it lll make you fl betur to kno we think oi indji n the navy ullttb mntueircoaftv in h uarcb feh ims mary daxbur of ix and ur curry o ow y nfl to sft k hurwy boaf 8u uon dartxbouth nfl aon of ur and icr hertrt hurley o0fv toatb auen at 007ovb on tuttday uarcb thh 1m3 qumnetb u bl kkr dearly beloved wife of thomas auen aced m yean the funeral wlu be held from her re- tldenoe uu1 road to 8c ocorves church for senlc- on prtday uarch uth at 3j0 o clock- inurmrtu in olrn williams cemetery vi uxhomuw weston in loving memory cf ed ward keith wetton ho pasaed away usrch ijth imo- in loving arms aofuy tleeplng where the flower gently wave mrs the one ww loved so dearly in 111 lonely silent grate he u1 never br forgottrd nrrr shall his memory fade haretrtt uvougliu wlfl alwas linger arojnd the grave her he la laid ludl missed by mi mtpy daddy tnd iliolhrr royt air thr whole dam show the abovr is bring rnclosed in one cf the ditt bags lhst waa filled with vurctiuns madr ut our weekly aev uifc mretl is snd donations made by r fnenda wr are plftued o acknovlcdgr 14 00 rum lira johnston char rs w and u00 irom thr women s auxuury of u r cunadlan l4ujn of oeorgetoan wohevh work mm1tte pliu e wlsli to irul 1tb jin lvobel cleave one of our faithful thurmli night uorkerr who has to gay recehed word from her son frunklln that hi u sale and well af ler hlv foup was torpedoed rrcently have e urrn guilty uf tiylnt u t iil unnu tvnie to oeorgetown honll to re mind j ou thu e art holduitf a social evening hl put rick part and lucent cah dona tion shoarr for ditty bags at urs grant b liumr- oth lnr on march 18 m07inth bookh gamcu ui hojm ou an htlll lttng uldr un f in tbmi articles that arc huiublr for tht na lutaje for our r t xt collection if it is not cement nt for ou to fitorr umr you con it vi utm a mr mnccormacks drug store the nttd ii itlll ttrt it ard growing i jdiooo muiliin iri ct ntrlbuutl in lh2 and 2 000000 are akrd for in 1jh3 u the demand la to be sup plied when we give out more than i th imd ol imrs n week the supply is snon xliauttd we arr q ille lto- i itid and tht 1 icll t n t nti rtntn o ir nun ur ft i hie gratitude of our il r- l ir inert j ist u fr itrpts urn nitliziiu arknoulrdi intnts ncif ftt lltudquarters dont miss the dance by s willis tipping and his orchestra 0 pieces in the georgetown arena thursday march is dancing 9 i admission 50c t h e a t re friday march 12th life begin at 830 monty wooley ida luplna south of sante fe roy rogers fox news saturday march 13 matinee at 3 pm reap the wild wind la technicolor wltli ray mllland pustetto oaddard superman cartoon electric earthquake chapter 5 perils of nyoka tuesday and wednesday march 16 and 17 1 married an angel jeanette maedonaw nelson eddy canada carries on pincer on asia europe novelty portrait of a genuia cartoon school day nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmm william x iftlutm wmao at hdfcvax a hiihly sattsvffad rldact of the ckjiaa dliirirt riaitil ay wad- neswlsy fvbniary 34tix in feel mem orial kocpltaf hrampton in the per son of william john sharp h had been aulm or a lengthy time but o- aptte hli ulneemi he u always redy to greet his many raulivea and ar- aualntanow whom ha had met during his ufelonc stay at chtilenhim the late ur sharp was bora seventy year ago tn the immediate vicinity of where he pasted away and was a son of the late john and ettsm ur- lean eharpe two of the early pion eers of the cheltenham district all hi ufe he carrtad on the occupation cf farming until he was compelled to give up strenuous work owing to being ill most of the umr in religion the late ur bharpe was of the united faith and at the tune of his passing as connected with clwitenjiam unit ed church and all his life was a fttaunrri libera lie also held ore as orhocl trustee for a number of er and alj took a kern inter t in the affairs of tils community thr late mr hharpe is limited by hu wife xlr llai bharp and two bona oordon and fred rharpr both of cheltenham rour utrr and four bouirrh alto survlte as follows sxtb aytcn u1u mrs mlrr of toronto mrs posti1 of llrantfoftl urs 111 ock rf ilatlnnfad jsmre of camp- brll cross oeonie of norvol nrtl arwl hubert of toronto tir funrrsl hlch was unit i r at tended lok purr fnn ok- family rmrncr the lmarr4r srrvlce br tng rendu trd by rrv john hunt of lnvlood and rei a lece of the hiturvlur clrult xnlermrnt u k lift ot s ril cmftrr where the itmaln arrr laid u rest smld a pro fusion of beautiful floral urns the bfirt rt aerr wllllim dolfcon joseph ln win pyank wllllanvjm herbert tavlor archie puller and harry cam new advertisements wantlu to ttlnt 4 ct ruom lui ull i nriilrtki app jt 1ujiaij okf1cf iii lv mantik kvniin lur k i r il huiwuik a l ii x k iiiitmj on ici lor hint chi urdxh htiirt 4iii rikwntti iiuum- all ui it 111 i is ali j iuujd txi nm all ixmii iu i ci mmtdl ilt imjvmmjii al4ll 11 imiov w i 11 i or iau bp i i tl 1m i tl i 111 1 app mits uimimmii r it j i nitonii it ilid j j r 1- uavtcd to bivt w th ptlcti ol honih hin ill hi im mil i in ii iiiii k iruhi mil miiitll mi 1 ii app iii km i okfict wanted llic and drihscl poultry llutl muikct pncc apply a uaknftr oon thont llramp on 3i3 r 14 t thevcra charbcm nitmiv itmi htompitx tiiiits i i t 11 i it itt tin in lit lli t kr li tr 111 h lit ta iin it t iii i i i in i mi lii mid ohm cks llltlt iixia houiiu 1111 sixjri mihihhimir t ilst thi uj j linn ni in lukkwiipn mi ivplsi ihtiuii iplii i p 1 ii ill ir ni v inh nth appli tn sijktivi sh1vic1 oltlch 110 ni ttli m mi strut it ur iniplnii out irln ii mil its himiii for biru in al coiiilltlun built most ly of toiirut iintl uroovi itiintxr up privltnotily 311 it x jti it nt ht pnuu an till in church hitum nurviil ttn- di n fur biini will b nitnisil up until mirth jjtli imc ist mild ti nth r to wnlttr pcldltr piipli s wnnlen st paul h cliurch nonal hllttust ti lldi r not nr ccnsarlly ticcrptod 2t for rale we have o limited number wood ft pml arinden milk coolers tind mllklnit machines for immediate de livery also mount forest threnhlnit machlnei district representative wlllouarhby ptirm aitency t e hbwbon qeonretown phone 333 tl p o box 217 notice to creditor in the efitate of william ward brownrmfle late of he tttwn ol ororclnwn in the county of llalton gentleman dneeased creditors ot wtlliam ward tmownrtooe into or the town of aeorgelown in the county of halton aentlcman doceamd who died on or about the 14th dov ot february 1m3 arc required to file their claims with the undersigned on or before the 3tth day ot march 1043 otter which date the executors will dlitrtbute the assets of the estate of the said deceased dated at bnunpdan ontario this tenth day ot march mu oraham orahau ft bowyhr brsmpeon ontario boltdton tor the ssld axeeatora church hews much ttb wo tmto thm that or fthght to cutak wins and am ei ttrenftb to minds strong drtnk- thar fore u tht fir osoureui th hubbl and the flame cocsumeth the chaff to their root shall b as rottecbas and their blosaca shall co uj as dust bt- caui they hsve eatt swsy the uw ol the lord of heals and deapued the void of the hcly one of isrsal la szl 34 tke laut caanai r c ttadd da ulnhut 10 sm bunday srhool and itlnl- utri lutle clasa 11 am puhuc aorvbip bubect the lord s prayer fo 4 rrvertnce 7 pm puulc wor- ilp bibject pallh und thr ilomlsr of a nr world nl crtta ckarctl woo tliunilifttjii rrcuir lira hinda in li l llol cum- aj murilcui 8 am uun wl mi n il am g i prrcl i r luv ii o pm lrntin mnlrr tliurul 730 pm tn church bstrmrot hl alksa kink lira mlfusssa lint tiurxls tn lrnt huly cnmjiiifi 0j0 m sands ivimm 3 pm lrnun 3 pm piru hrr rr ii o watu lrnun unlcf itldij b pm has pja holy oorajsumlcb itaas f ckarca rev chaa c cochran b a lofio am sunday school 11j am public worthlp no eenlns service during uarch f litliaii rniifutiim tmnh 200 phi sunday school biue clasa 300 pm puhue wonhtp va kaatfat caanai minuter rev j b- oatrom bunday uarch lith 330 pm btbu school 7 00 pm ernlnz vonhlp mr ostrom vllj aprak and ig uonday the young paopies meet ing ai pm wednilay the mid aetk wnrfa of the church at s pm welcome lujy crws bc caana rev pt v j llonjan lliu at 0 00 am 2nd and 4th sun- day 1100 am la 3rd and 1th ijun- daya hi latins rasjrlt htraailuvn rr n r onlebrurk reclor plrm f nra tn lent 300 iiii huni1a hhl 300 pm rrnln prayer si paats church rval 730 pm fsrrdntt pnirr k umehouse ilid aeuil er and krlppr caulid a i urn bt r ut oclil to u called off duruut uir inoi th mosrver 1000 n vct4j to ituiou jtel ef at the rru uur v omens institute meeting held ut mjfc w mtchrlls on uarch 4lh thr procels of a blneo on uarch 31 all eiutj uo to thr caior fund any oiifr lui d rulso dunruj uarch srll ur tun rljauti to uvr juti croas drive it uu- dr uird tist ur gar- vrilru curttrt br laurird on among ur mtckol chil4iirr uain this rar urs 1jiu ell poke on brhalf of the navy leukur urul tu later appointed tt n i iwjf ul ttur nv lattitfue work mrs 0wdy nud a potm to ulus irntr thr motto an ounce of prern- tinn u aorth a pound of cure dr hi id um unahlr to rneak as i ad bern planned and we hope to hae him th ut at u litttr date the na- ttonul anthem u aung in cloalng thr vcond nutrition cloaa was held nt tl home of nfr a w norton on style in glasses yes your tjntil ahobld be mad to fit your particular typ cf face w rhh ia jf eaa tnatlon and present attract lasu at dty prloa por casen 1s serrtee and etyl to oosfscly 0 7 walker r 0 nrcsigbtf spixtaurr aho wul he at his ofsca out th nail telephon oo uatn luixt oeorgetovn th sscond wedneulsy of each month or you msy eonult o t wsiaar at his office in rramptoo pbove gsmb t7 uarch 2nd hubkcu elsruurd being ratloiml poods and substitute and poodi for home defence rev w j uine of jirvronn 8uk callitl on frlrnds in the neighborhood ajtiilr home su attend hh fathers fun eral utile hundra firott ipent a arak lioliday altri her vrandparrnta sir and mrs john r llcou lac lc rnr norton of kingstoe ftprnt the arck end at hut horn haras dmrr fomer hurt visited ur an ui k hamilton during his rpceest leaie lira v c veatji of london hm rrtumed home after ulting her daa shier ltr buthcrland and chlldrea pte and urs j u clerby and sob allan visited frlrnds at aylmer durtna thr arek end thr women irutltute packed tc cartom eonuinlng three qullta and 74 artlclea of clothing for russian relit tuesday warning canada faces a wood- fuel famine next winter akfc you one ul the i aruliiii iioumiiiiiiim uliu liurncd inui doors xanil even lluorini to kw warm in hi vvtnttrv vub ctrii wuthir or perhaps you an ini nl ilu luckv int who ium unatcl in vcrap through in tilhir cant you will want lo be prepared lor nest isinicr vlitn uri mi liarilslnpv loom unliev vnu take imn ilnti ictton i hi horijli alri ul has aliiitiil any iiiinniuniiii tl uk ol dry vmid an marl shauvtul in onu plucs ilii miiiii supplv it criin viooil cut lor neal winter u lein iied u ni lo nieel the preent enierlincy rhroufihout mom ol t anadi luel wooel is litainetl nut lar irom w lure il 11 consumcel its proeluition uul ilimnrhition are tlu business nl loe il citims ihi lximinton tionrnntin reeiiiniis h u the iimul luel shortage is so vinous that even witti the lull 10 operation nt evervnne in alleeleel com munitlis an aiticiuatc supply is mil assuretl aeeordiiillv it lias been deeieletl to stimulate tht output of wood luel by assisting those normallt eneaeesd in us production and distribution lo this end the lollovvini measures will be adopted 1 subsidy ol i lit per cord will be paid to ele ilirs on ill commercial lull wood contracted lor and eut on or bilorc lune 30 1913 and held lo dialirs iccounl on that italic sat the coal comrollir lias neeii author rid to arrange in tils discretion lur thi paymint ol such portion ot the transnortation costs as he considers proper in respect ol luil wood particul arly incases where dealers to proniie supplies lind it necessary to contract lor fuel wood at lueauons outside the area irom which they normally derive their supplies in irder lo obtain any such reimbursement tlealers must obtain a permit irom the coal controller bclore contracting lor such supplies 3 the coal i ontrollcr will repurchase irom dealers al dealers cost all commercial grades ol fuelwood on which a subsidy of 91 per cord has bein paid and which arc still in dealers hands as at may 31 1914 4 assistance will be given in providing priorities lor necessary equipment 5 farmers now on the farm and who leave thi larns temporarily in response to this appeal to engage in fuelwood cutting will be deemed by national selective service to be carrying out their regular occupation as larmcrs and will be given ail the rights of deferment of military service which such an occupa tion now carries such temporary absence should not however interfere with agricultural production municipal councils formers fuel dealers individual citizens service clube and all alhar groups in communities where woodfuel it burned or uroad e bagln el once a rapid turvay of ihalr local situation and lo lake imme- action to relieve ihe shortage the department of munitions and supply honourable c d how ataswev- jsxli

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