Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 10, 1943, p. 6

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honeymoon mountain 1 fiances shelley wei t fhd u lillmw towrd hc lli aaod oivr fcera ajltlag tbrr la tb twilight what waa thai lheo deoenh get op and west into hei bedroom bsa tood before bar mirror ind linn bar rin to lb fir i id lb gist th faded leikjo draws li fe raided balr aba looted ilk sob forlorn tlttl orpbao juungatri who add bocaaon lo lor bar hrji waa hod n saa sorry for bar tb fsllag b bad for bar pliy ho pre bar up legeta braii la mop their trojbltng bb woi ibk lc hstkraoes a ad bathed bar rye in ccjd wtr and jam at that moauet as baard lb oosd of joes bora far down lb fseaatala tbraa loot btaata aad two abort sea a parts tbrre laag beta asd two abort am del artka baart apraaf up late bar throat bb tore opro brr door and raced leva la stair i arandrooik aat ttftdatla oo oo tba veranda at the fast of lb ttslr iba csosht tba sound af uadallb vole going steadily on rtta shadow oa lb rota drborali moppaa at lb touod of ibat ralrn eolre and ladlrd brrarlf then rhln op aba wilted ool serenely aod amllit t oraodoolhrr 8b droppad down oe la ip aad al there waiung a low huroalog wood ma1r heel fall oa lb air it roaa lo a whin lb ahlalog lop f a esotur car peered sliding along outside lb will ii slowed abruptly aod oof in tt ward tb i if oary llartrd duan ib drtv it look a if w bad gueata orandnvitber uld tntrrrurittni llade ha i wondrr wbo it ran br ite probably anotbrr plomber mtdrllaa old ligutdly 0ry bad reached ibt gate mr opened there and passed tbroaxa hat lbo sftrr monrdli ceuoqay win lb driver f tb car whom deborah eoold aot be ram back to the fa again and swung thrm wide ind th jar bio car jolted a little aod cam oa lboogb deborah pot low haad to bar throat oat it wit ool btoirt graham drtr ingj it wu a womao a girl in a nrfht red nllk fjarat and rrd the georgetown herald wtax mba tfth 1943 dear oturamte amu trussly w ar ksvteg sacs mmit has asd i u vfy huw jae to tot bs ofc thaak yea hur batrammd aad u owijairtua kul eeito ca- irnm itac f ftuaui1 slaw ul t uj brr ib v lwaiitimcjitiifrjttbtw- uea afeyar he m ha ciuet u denfe aaf jhtr csi trtf tm sa wuta iitrta ulktd v urfctf sit a kl wr aj oac to poar a4 tte mkud ttetw f r hr byw wr black and slaapy like car lacket gary plodded along bahlml he car after h bad abut tb gate ind locked tbein tue car came bluwly jp tb drive and atopped oppoalie the tod of the veranda tbe girl got out and deborah knew ber bho was tall nd very alio with a long oral face ad a rery red mouth liar are vera hack and deepy like a cat with alow lack laahea drooping over them dub- arah ro aod foond madeline at her tide they went down lb atepa ita pluu madeline aald under hei kreath and deborah nodded ah uadeunel pilar aald la a ale ikat mad a tana ba atsaad rward and lt bar beat raat ughtlj lo madeline elbow holding her the looked down at deborah and hlt ib want on eartuintly thl will be util deborah uy child yoa iro aijorehle thank yoo deborah aald aweelly nd pat ont bar hand in watoome 1 tin o glad yoa bar eoaa i am aw ton but d pilar i have heard a ouch aboat yea filar looked a little atortlad bat ih loat not a wait ef her polae bh ooked at madrjine and arent yoa tied to ate me too madeline ok rather hadeune aald coolly and tornad back toward the veranda w mom take yea to araodmoth- deborah eiphlned a pilar aye nma to tba dellcatou faeajomad teawnl bar taewltt fuu aali u aa aadlhl walnnrjjob lawtl hrtwkjamhw deborah amraiued ttaf kawa ivavuu ta la aamber ftlatal a mh a3 mij- ft act to but ugat- y a dabaraliw tiiiun- bator taw aad awyw irrktl at ttws to- br aa war ktacrifai tad tiur ucalad aad perfect dews to ts law tetaud ttaao aalaiaal to tb aaa rweeru aaujd ad laaagalacaat la t raoed fugbaat pilar earned kb waet ferward aad keld oat both hand u dear llrn- he tald atecllnlrlj nt h well 100 look aod row harpj alla n to coegratelalr jou i ihlnk ihe i iba loteltml ihlog i hae rrr un orandewtber irwkr1 up w irtir a deeerafe aad otvmh calm uin oaamatag cold arwl froirn oh re i brart asd brgxa am thn iln to arba eaulad feoilr and cnieiiirn back tba rale wblrk bad ihmiroed f taty far boera came at lat taeaday atgbt- itrrurah lar aok and detected i lb auft irl ln lb eaveay goor oouldr ber broruuu wladew ba foond berarlf lhld rduy taat it bujbt rain hard an i loag ae tkal tb road nijhi l i paaukle te hioen jraham ao it outblag fartkrr ahonm tirrak in uj tb peere end loaellnm ir ihr ur our daja rul ibat an ulr lab aba koew tbe iwar aod l line war already gone pilar waa rrj heautirul hut u mnat trodbllog thtog about tier waa ihr o obrlooa fact thai ahe llnwl t ilrjna world hla real r 11 huil 1 waa part of hi on life and tied bo and not juat chunce aa r l7 who plb bad haimie l ini hla and for hove rl1iii lun 1 healde it madeline anl sjiij an i i nmn and tuhhr t-ri- ut f llrn ur hut boukiiom tmrir illur nut itilmrali badn i renllrl w i i h 1 i r frrvnt life ii wan from i r oun i tir aun anl iiiihhi ill r kind and al n it r i i i tr i horah int i he ciutvf rinfi n n b atiil tirifulu i ftp tin nm imlia that ah lhusht iil i u ut familiar or aicanae l lmxmli in u ihal sall and mil-llri- had thnught cf lolriii llnl lllhrr klndneaa aod lhuwllfnlne nih t nnphaalxe litiraha unfunilllarlu ulih ihe world llrjna world and li t natooia w ml i ho lime ahe had toll leai uim forlorn und alott umii i ia mh llrna mrld mj llru life u uil rn iililtlrll acnnl in hjc aho hid no mri und uiiiiiim it niade her ikih drtil mil dull hnd onlnlrrel lltk her mn life of ruriireber frame nd lrooli iruul vnd madeoer rloth uiuet he to him anl all hla talk alnul knitting and ulnler tveullihb by ibi heurth unit th kitlena he uould get for her nil bla interval in that almple aort of lliln mita prettndtl for her uke dryn mii kentlemun and he luetl up tu hl ljirunlns to the luat mncll atrnke not h word or alllfgeatlnn would lie let tier liarover ho txire aod doll he wan loiuc in find the reat of hla jmmr hen n the mountain nor with what tlim ulty he waa going to earn tb money he would py htm deborah alept rery little that night llfe that only yesterday had aeemed in beautlfnl and sarane waa becom tic complicated and unhappy tbre llilnt beem to b anything ahead hut rnor dlfflcultlee end a lonely unhappy lime bocauae nryn would go hack pilar when th yar we op and hrn be did there wouldnt h any- tualy at il nobody could evr be like liryn ven if he ware only pretending hut there woold bar to be a way to nuke him atop pretending deborah unnw hecaaee if h wot oa ilk thl ten ihnngb the look in hla ya waa mly the tendernea oaa feel for e hlld or a loat pappy ah waant go- iik to be able to hear it whan at tb nd of the year he drove oat of the ir gate to ivev hr forever the morning we cold nd gry al hough ihe rain had atopped at dawn tnhnrah had them lay a are ta the uniill anting room dswnatalr ao that irnnilmothar might not feel a chill ihero whoa hreakfiat wa over pilar ml madeline and bally and grand- imther and hereelf were alttlng the hree men were oatalde pilar la a beautiful dreaa of some rery tine woollen material to a dark rlmunn color rat oeeldo the doorway with hr feel nut on a low tool and a long cigarette holder between her ingera bhe eonld see up into the rrhnrd too and deborah noticed thai ler eye want to ttryn frequently el- hough she gave no sign grandmother una in a low chair beside the are ii rnlng to pilar with the same fssel- tntod interest ahe bad shown last tight watching bar taking la every orfect detail of bar grooming i heps yoa dont arind my rearing tore uninvited hka tbta lira laresd iho was aaylng la bar low velea mind myself completely deserted aad mely and i couldnt aland it any mger to be oantlnued with production doits steadily riiln and paper rationlns rmte mare and more a reality now li the tlma ta chock your printlnc reejolre- ment and nuo your order while we tin bar aufdctent atooka to take care sgsst str zzz ewjirs ws os b hebe is bow to dispose of fats awd bones lldmertmd bj bulu llmu tgjtttmum ualaua hv m cava rriatt vt u4j lj ad tiwaua ut tj ika ti i iaiiewj ew 1 hut suits o p r 2 x 3 vw9 cab sttat nu fab d t leaai vuwt aima la at aiaoa km laer rkli im krr epntajkj ci deaaa um ia a 11 a4 ewi boa rwa4 aa- at htriattluiw bra dee4r m to ftoirnan mf jtotil folfn oat titfipati aityawzy tfttuff this campaign is for the duration of the war iepabtment of national wan seivices national salvage division oakvuxc uonh ntb pubxic hpcaking covtot the aecond public hieuklng con tra for ul becnnujit hctkxjla pon- wred by uic onktujr uoru club 111 be held imday vlurrb 12th at 8 15 in the logn school auditorium ut oak- lue oompcutora from acton ap pleby cuuege duxllngton oeorgetown mid oukvtlle will compete tor aubbtan hal prtic to the first tiurc place win ner the deculorui ui be rendered h luniivunt uutoftown judge in aponaorlng oili conteat lhe uona club nxrntxra thut tiie ultimate auoccea und csexutenea of thl asot will d- lnd largely upon uie aympathetlc co- uprratlon of the tchool authorhlca und th general public a cordial in vitation to be present 1 ortaridad to ull tntcxeated is uu wortnwhll pro ject admlulort u free but a oourc- uon will be tadnn far same worthy rhunty important notice to all holders of slau6hter permits and of licences to slaughter hogs became of the urgent need of gecurinr tbe quantitiea of bacon and other pork products iteceaaary to meet the wartime requirements of the united kingdom and the consequent necessity of curtailing slaughter for domestic use in canada the following action has been taken under a new order of the bacon board concurred in by the wartime prices and trade board on and after march fst 1943 penan net already urerued to slaughter hogs under previous order of tide bacon doajid but holding slaughter permit from the wartime prices and trade board shall not exceed 73 of their 1m1 average weekly number of hog ulaughtered by or for them for sale or further pro- ceasing in canada 8ee following paragraph for further explanation re garding areas concerned this order applies to all who hold slaughter permit from the wartime prices and trade hoard and who are located in what is generally known as old ontario to all those holding such permits and located in or slaughter ing for sale in any town or city with a population of over 8000 in the maritime quebec manitoba saskatchewan and alberta and that part of british columbia known as greater vaauttw this order does not apply to holders of slaughter permit in any part of what ta generally known as new or northern ontario or british columbia excepting the greater van couver area it does net apply to farmer tlatuhteriaa beg tor eanssmipmet en their own farm only these do not retjulr auughter permits and are not subject lo this new order rsraoa already hrensed to ibaskter hag tmder bacon board will eenuaae eaentton wader their they are aim rettilnli to f uutr ims weekly al la canaan af it atataa that tor efetribattta d 1 a tgti rthilrambi imwovfo uniform international undayl al st chool lesson lcauea for march 14 ih taxufrxslooal ltttou tearjtava u ttk u t j3 ms rtrak aa tat taw- as r rtkr tat a- cahrarw and cruriftglob war just ahaad ju f allured his dlsclplea for a time of conununloa and in- ttructloo as uty spent tbelr last avaslaf togthr oa tba morrow would com batrayavbut now thy and uwlr lord wr together in th upper room but even hrw ctrtto and dltun- slon had rjparau eoet in there was probably seme duyertnc of opinion a to who should hv th nlsca of honor to teach them th virtu of humility jttul gv thrm an example aftr which h contln- utd with th prsclou coun and prayr which r found is john 14 to it our uason presents tnre things which our lord asm to his dladple nd to us sm john it id i hi rismjl pa ss i have deaa llu- th act of jsus m wasrung the dlsclpl ft placed him uutrlord and tchr on ih level of th moat menial servant it wa an as tonishing thing that ha did lower ing himself txlow their ivl to srv them hi application of th object les son was equally starulnf ye call m tchr and lord and y say well said h then a learner and sarvanta k iwqulrsd of them th humility which would mk them gr to do lowly service in ills nunc there are more than enough folk who are willing to do the nice pleas ant thing in th church where they will be given recognition and praise all too sesree are thou chrlstlik folk who will rve in th hidden places where darkness suffering disease and sin mak th natural man recoil in distress or fesr ii his asiarance m i oe i vyul come again ml3 following hla resurrection jeius waa to go to the father he wanted them to be prpard for that tlm by making known to them th fact of hi coming gln in that day his own shall be received unto htm- rlf to eblde with him forever the second coming of christ is not a strange doctrine held by little groups of peopl who are rid ing o theological hobby it 1 one il the moat blessed truth of scrip ture the hope of the christian ms the only real hope of thl dis ordered world 1 the corning of christ to reign the new testa ment la full of plain and helpful teaching on this subject while we await hi coming then 1 there any encouragment for us ns the burdens bear down and the way seems long yas h says let not yorjr heert be troubled v 1 there is little question that this passage hss comforted more people than any other word in scrip ture countless bewildered and broken souls in all land and tlm have here found the steedylng assurance of the one who has the power to give them rest and comfort there is good foundotion for their composure of heart in a troubled world they believe in god and in christ who is one with the father here is real security infinitely su perior to ought the world can give then at the end of the road arc the eternal dwelling place what they are like i sufficiently revealed in the fact that they are in the fa thers house how shall we reach thitn that is our last point we have iii bis guidance i am tbe way w 4- to christs declaration that they knew the way thomas responded with a request for a definite state ment he wanted to be sure and christ responded by reminding him that he their lord is the way the truth and the life surely there could be no more complete provi sion for the guidance of the heavenly pilgrim christ is the way u one takes the right road he will reach the right destination though he cannot at first see it clearly perhaps this is th commonest mistake of the chrittisn he frets too much about what lies ahead and not enough about taking the right road lesson commentary ha is the truth ha is the final and complete revelation of god and is therefore the one who will lead nil those who walk the way by faith into the fullness of the truth to know christ is to know qod he is the life he is life and he alone can give eternal life to mnn there is none other to whom man may turn or ufa but in christ it la round and from him it may ba racalvad by faith wa hava only touched th briefest be ttnnmg el what took place an that iwmarkanal avanlng ta tha upper room h ws a thua of rlchaat spir itual eturthvanoa of dark betrayal tart alto al ekasst efauxriifrlca wa bast sunday

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