the cwfrrtovra hexlet wedat maieh 17th 1943 social and personal ufi b- weldi o toronto apact last wtfc ted la towa lb jibu blalr at ifcurtdijr with her father an th occasion of hi urthcuy ul june brcory ot th bit of ocenmerc tus in union su a vttitar to tees ifj jack trjcecpaon of wiwltfvt spent lb wtk ml with hit ancu hr end ul woo tbcxapson luw uantarrt long stilled un oort wutoo u ob ccrutit last rnday- lalis dairy brwiaby u iprodlqg ft tew al at lh heme of brt utter mrs o l f- to lindsay ua vernon lbournbrr and dauxfc- ur judith of toronto u speeding a tow day with hfi ptntu ur ml ur and un jut lunn cf toruo to wrr uu ol ui j bolry nd daughter bo osr th ww end ur end ur jack hush end utrilyn ol toroato tprnt lh wwk ctvd with tar parents ui and un it block ac robot curc who u tutloned at trwntoo with the rcap aprot the nt rod at the horn of mr w o anthony ur john ii llfcrphrrd celabrsled hla mtb birthday at jse homr of hit daughter ura violet cook ul dro- nla with nom hr hu tern tpmefing the winter tvlrerim grrrtlnu wr ncehtd from hit ton obu henry rhrphrrd and odm john shrphrrd and many other friends cra-ajretule- ucns tafia uarjoite wsxstafi to lffvtnt gfastrs colli so ibrocto- 8b it staying at th has of bar stat ura harold beam unv jama hughes wbo ha tn u lor some tim li convalescing al the hcarzvr of her daughter ura e2mer uajo in tdrocto lor a raorata thr lcdie auxiauy cj thr urea beois held a aortal nnj last tus- dsy rtttit at th bos of ura c sarerat trie nru pan of the e-ten- log su roiasiuj tjret reading tri te froaa lb can oseruiai the ml of ih evening was desotad to ir u an entertaining ult pl oo tij uj bn tb raoaiaaa un 1mh at tnr ccnrlofloo of thr rimlr ur anj uia o b- darfoot vrrr id torecto uat scat atlnvilcj thr ruduauon orrarairtfr of rrrm oowt ttry alio lurcw tbr or- dlnauiyi arrtc on sunday uith it in eutton uolud cburrh of torwi- 10 cxvilrr oidandi of vnam thru un ur arthjr dajfaot u onr ur oaaot u thr f of ura 11 w kuu dnivg hrr kuj in thr city ramxwbj abloted uuar farrsui your atrp into tbe uxson yousi lor a ucttoti youzk but focon to anrerr augoaaatu ood apmd oor lfrt vtth vtnea and til tu throat vuh o of kr mnnnbrnnga and pla lhli rd aiunt tbr ola crtn bj i uila swtd tn 1u handi ttaousb owjard iirft tu rtm it rara to rvlt obaxllaoor lo lorn korah oodlrrr in altrru futtry vrar uooa tv kkitl haw wastr u the otjjk of thr hav taur style in classes yes jour ftaiara ahould ha mad to bt your particular tn of fact wa anarlillaa in ey eziia- tnatlao and praacrls attractm tiartai at dty prtoaa rot apart era smrloa and atjla tn i arthur dayfoot wins six sdtelanhips it graduation ooanjot1- otwalliar ro 5 bthiobt bitcuuct who win bt at hu omot bar tha ball trlrphonr od btrtnt oaarttown th wcdncaday of ach month or you may ccmiult o t waliar at bit offiot in drambton fbonsi oa tl lrm ldaghouse thr trra mratlna of tha willi aaa hrtd at thr homr of urt ouch- nr on thurtdajr rrhlnf luowlng thr proaram arranttd tn connrcuon lib thr wmld day of prajrr ura a w kortun ian aiming prajrr thr hoatraa arnrd rrrirthmmu at thr rioar thr nulrttioo claia mrt at thr bomr of ura wuuam ultrhrll on tuaaday ntntal uat wra thr uplc dlaruauid bring pood pacta lor oonaumrra t31i tu rralurd lor thr rrd crou ahrn ura ihuhiu opmrd hrr bomr tor a ruchr on wadntaday ual thr inclrtnrnt rather krpt a numbrr from auandlng ura a iu11 rrcrltrd thr higb tcorr prtar and urt joarph boott thr door prur wr ritmd aympathy to thr oim family on thr oorailon of thr drath on ounday of jimra ohrn agrd yrara ur and urt tw uorrow and rianr inrnt sunday alih ura it lanr wr alio ritend aympathy to thr nnrnr family ura norrtr a mothar ura thomaa allm paurd away uat werk mla llrlrn sacahamrr li amend ing a irw wrrka allh hrr autrr ura urkrchnlr tn tojrdo ohio ulu uary and bualr brrnry wrrr homr from london for a wr rod rr- ctntty mr and ura c c urndllh and uua helm iprnl sunday with frlrnd at chrltrnham ur and ura rarl tarrwrd taltrd mr and ura joarph hcott on bun day dont miss the dance by willis tipping and his orchestra 9 pieces in the georgetown arena thursday march is dancing 9 i admission 50c gsby t h e a t re friday march 10 adventures of martin eden atsry ay jack london with ounn ford claire trevor two latins from manhattan mnalcal with joan darin jinx falkcnbavg fox new poitatlr phwnjiaplxa and iword anr orlng aoutht by thr navy lragu m- uxn and tu rtaninjtur lo ulnj ahlpa at ua and thow oruig uuncrd tn oanadlan duaard nay ulnuur uarooriau rwnlly announcrt that thrtr air mo alilpa in thr it c nary and aa many humlmu ol ahipa ol uir canadian mrrrhant martnr and aj- uj nalra lujth cnadln ahoira our uig ur rar ihr talk undrnairn to kjulp ach lui a ponabtr uhonugrapli u a cotitidrratlr onr uayor u havr a poitahlr phcuo- tapri tn our homr uiat u not doing a fiallmr ob well thr nay ltwgvr can 1 it a permanent pualuon u rou fnl you can aparr it u you will phonr urv ui todd at hr wul hair onr of thr mrmbrra of the unit ed church bu club pica it up thana ou rvhiy run wr air nlraird to irport that law- houar haa acrepud ttty auga lo fia which la a iplrndld rontrlbutton to lhli rry aorthy cauar wr alio wuh to acanowlrdgr with thanka ii 00 from uua a hyan thr daualhlrra of thr church anglican har rrlumed onr ditty bag wtlltulrd wr al wlnh t thank thr lady who left ihr acarf and all caara of aoap in our navy league dupuy atndow in ui mfcormaca a drug atorr canaatas kaoarv krrwrad tueawy oil canada t railrm iriboard l aar are bring foiuihl today onr i ihr imaahlng or thr uboat campaign thr ulhrr u agalrut an enemy of our ihlpa jua a bltlr and and unrelenting north alunltc wlnlrr in em f thr dally life ol mm lhl mrau hardahlp and prrhapi luf- frrtng 11 mrani coir meau and aoak- ing ccld clothei it means moving inch by inch on deck along thr roune ol mrllnri where howling galea drtra worda bock down a man a throat it meant tlcerlrvi nlhhu and grave n- pnnnlbllltira it mrani too the drep- frlt aauiractlon i whipping the enemy on his om ground but let a maman tell ol north at lantic alntrr hr brgtna allb un allugy it i oa bad aa it aoundi no thafi a lie it u morae tnan i could rrr drrrlhe in aords bui it lui i bad for ua beciu r vr been lluiitlnk out trcrr for months und wr rr out ihrrr for monthv and were hard and healthy and know tlir joy o fuuitcr has in licking a bully we hate it and r curse thr tec and storm but e imr it and we love our hhlpa you think it a a lough life let me tell you there s imie of conradshlp in n ship n company aharlnc dsngrra at aeu a sense ol nccompllsnmenta nnd mitls- faction in our share in the yob cana da a rising seapower is doing that well not trade until the hun pigboot is blasted from the aeaa por theae men fortyma palra of hands in georgetown are knitting the warm woollrns so necessary for their romrort wr like to think of the knit ling in the worda of the rotary each itltch a prayer oh hear us when ae cry to thre por thoae in peril on the arw caavtwy fatlgwr yet another handicap haa been lidd ed to the lot of the merchant teamen this new hazard manlfrru luclf in ihr lorm of rthauatlon dlgealtve dlt turbanccs inability to sleep trembling inside and out ntghtmarra irritability jnil extreme nervous tenalon caused mainly bv enforced natalvity tn the fuce ol attack and danger 1 is up to the navy league to tec that their brief rjiorr leave nrc made nt pleasant and comfortable asnatubje and it la up to ua to see that lbelr rluhn are supplied with plenty of mag- ailnes and gurnet immeraan foat u did you over have ctulbulnt well ff magnify thoai paint a hundredfold and yau will have aume idea or what aj our aallora aulfer from tmmeraloa t loo usually caused by exposure in gf ulerafta or boatt for long periods m now a new treatment u being pcr- m fected for this painful disease a re al frlgerator method the theory used that cold ahould be treated with cold and the affected areas brought slowly back to normal temperature over a i period of weeks out of some iso case treated at an eastern canadian port amputations were necessry only in seven cases saturday march 20 matinee at 3 it turned out nice again george formby crime doesnt pny keep em sailing cartoon barney beara victory garden chapter 6 perils of nyolca tueaday and wednesday march 23 and 24 iceland john payne jack oakle march of time mr and mra america cameraman along the texas range sport hihitwa paradise frunot of uj arthur dayfoot who have fouosed with tntereat hit career kw hu tchooadjyt tn georgetown public and lilih scbooa were delight ed to irara uu week of the honor awarded him at gradoauoo liom qn- macurl oolligr toronto he aon u lulalug aaajdi gen eral prvllrtmr achourvnlp ilnclad- ing the golden itamjxiq icliouriipl the prancti lualon waluor prur nrw tvvtiiiejit iii t b hurtpi- trkk ulonhip btumaxlc tiiio- 1j iii jcjji bjxjh urmcruj bctiuiihp ipuual ttrfswy and cbjjcli wcrvlupi a iiui prur tn oumofi asnjjp ajd a puugradoate fruusslilp cf 7so wr thlrik a alkrt tktuh ol hi work tn ireent ta wl br ol 10- tetnt to prsjiie ul 111 tiomeuran pavr- llcuuuly lo uiotr to liaie knoan an tiutn bablkjd in 1bh he matilruuled llsan geoi ttloani lllatti lirhoul wliuutg tlir ruillr ikcuaruiip in euiaica tie neat r aai trnt in uvr offire of c ii ixiloot ai co and uili buil- nr ripriuner brtel irvyugh it was lonnes a auod liiniatkjii icr luturr aoib in lyil lie nalttrrrd at vlcturu cxrr urjvrruty ol tvrucito aa a tudm in aiu uklng ihr ijlgllsli and ilulory course end ivor rj uui irctlvrd hu degrrr ol ba stlh horvurt uurlng hla cuuefr ulr be lnlrnralrd hururll jn the work of ihr htudent clulvlian uosreomt and iri igm aaa otic vi a delrgatlon of luty cajiadun aludrnu lo lle taelllh vluadrviuilal ojnvtntiun ul the luud- ml volunteer uovrmrnt lur fumipt m rirld at indlonapolu here lu tntrrrst tn the coopcratlvr idea iurnthend and alur further study of lhli muvrmriit hr united with three other alulenu ol use mind in the organlialloi and nunagrrnrnl of red cross news ballinafad a number of families in the neigh bourhood are victims of tho present cpldcmjo of influorusa tno aympathy of tho community is extended to mrs a vannatter in the death of her father rov n waddcll his presence will be geratly mlsed at the church services ur james otvens passed away at the home of ur john snow on fluty day afternoon march 14th miss joanna bhoruu school teacher or 8 8 no 1 oaledon spent the week end at her heme ijao allan rofcson from tventon air ivalntaff school visited relatives in the eommunjty ltat weak while on utmgd tttrir u lrfurrk to jirt tira a ftrrdnj lrr ltjcpfe air uitiuo in ur tlilrwa cl ltac kn pjimn ajxi lo a sauujii uij um vbirt onr whrn tkuenr tuel ojcua u i tm trad lhr muj ijut irvladb mix aviujo fcuil ltnr t ulur laopp lrru tajajort lijt utr trl triur crcrfui ri thr 1iju ciumiii txa inlm no ljatj cun ficm uic cvimvurd lkth tj brntl lo4ird ttitd lojqtht ljuji mr truitr tl uuj dciuj itavtht ttitu ttiij tla at ia hun ttr idrluifx tnrnli 4 tvlrraim hobji srouh koiuiial ur jtjin cixpocu it n itui1 ui mr catjiiilur vturato fcw icr tjiiptnrnt iut wnj tui ur loiiwu4 w ujc uvuvl- ci dftinv io tnniium barjvfcl ufnoiik 0 lmu banfvrmj drtatnai- wo cutniexntar wo 1pr 7 i 2 inu cxioipxlx wr uiut and lavlu mnjiy uvntl mny txiui- u cuaiplxjt ur har tn ajnni mi mny o ihtitr unit mill br nrrclard u iaon tv our lrwp no lntu tcuon to if ou lisr tw rt olind yuut nkiir tn iud chotiii vnfk lliu uaould pprol to you murruriff likanl and corn otti nd tncm of lj brtpinj th mo drin horrrwr nilitlngir in lhrlr cxk of rorfry mama mifrftm oad un- cordon hllfa w u3y bwlkuy lib to snvviiv thr urth of ttttttr ton at oautih gttl ilaiixi cd rhanday sisrcfa lllii bjtyj dwd ssturdjy died oo0 wit bfgirjcfvi ocl on tfeur- dij uuh 4lh ims jvl2jvt ooctk euuzbtci- of thr uu mr tntl un dsxjrfj oook oorgfoii intrrwkrct took pucr it giro wu 1 1 un t oeerrtrry tulidy vaurrh 7th at 7 pin prtau olvbn at thr bias a wiofcn w brtoaj tth llnr ewejcgwlitx ttrvn- lujl oli sjii ujth itui 1mj j air glrc la hit bird taj bam tn crl dtny lrtuxd inunrftit ttx fitr tn grrrosood cirury gafcgrjttotn 1 4bx of trtvru 1 aiiii to tiratntj thank jj my ktrad rljihtatxir and frtndi etw beat tlrh braulifal cad r jti- dor in my illraflb u ur raosptuj un brrt hlxl thr uit mm cuo irjcrncr lurvttto uiuinjiy ltotjllr itooavr a auunmir uprni en a niution flrld in nurthrm ontario kumuutrd a trulntc intrmt in i tie pilght ul can- n ttunlll ho u forrrd to ur jvadtjutte inrumrk and in the hiu jf 19js hr left loi lridr iiu1 iirhol wjuulaifuru prnn uiia for pomnrodualt couitwt avona mxui arnlcr lin- hrtnrnin1 to canada in urptimbrr 1m9 hr priii thr neat rar ka ti luct r vrirttrr in coatirook iq ut- inn hla trlmirr ttoun in onranlxlna adult ftudy croups ur thr workrr- kducauantj aitrfjclaufm of onada with lhli foimdmttn of ttud bou tlicoriikal and inuril o wxtal trr tc problrm tir rtkltrtrd ttkwlno a r trr mrtuna on a ci ulan quota r uxjugjit uiat part u u litter iruo a ma iron of a ouu iwjmr in liigland wvald or lntrrrttng i alah to com y to ou n drrp tfy orr and tincrrr kialitudr for ihr most mwijrrful gilt tnt for ihr chudrrn of thi txwnr your guu mtrr pfrad uui for m luur girl to trc and 1 miah litr bund frvrndiv who latnikrd tu makr uia powoblr could tiar avrrn thr ciilldrrti itm y lojchrd tuid admlrrd and nandlrd thr gift flitrr mm o a ay in ahlch r can trll thr nrnd tn canada how much hr ctiu mran to ua kivittino air minlfur poarr ha oil to a tlir iu3 citotiu haa oc- crmtrd promptly wntc auggrfttloi ahrrr it mliiht br o aaijtancr a tjx ox rutlun i is to hon on thr auanti ca4 thr it c a f drslgnrd and uiraird tloutlnrf nurvnor bv which could br carrtrd in rrconrulvtancr air- notkx to creditors ur but trr af lk emau mi w4x- t1h amthosy bu l or tw j otwpav u u calr w hallaax tul4arr lawt ka4 d rravi horicu m ituuniv oiven that all prrujri havlmt any claim or 6- mand ajeuut trc ulr wijur aq- thony ho dl on or abojt the tatulh day of jnary 1mj at th txan of grorgrtoti tn th county of italton and protukr of ontario ar rnjalrrd lo irnd by pu4 pjrpajd ox to drtitrr to thr uadrrtjjrvrd aolicitor itrntn to loirabnh janr anlhocy th circuuu ol thr lut wu and traumrn of walter anthony hard wair irwrchant 0rraxrd lhrlr namrs and addrrwavra and full particular to vming of thrir clatm and tatrmrnlf of thrlr atcrounu ai d thr naturr of thr awcurtura u any hrw by thrm and taki notlcr that afur tha mrntrrnlh day of april imi the rjld niiabrlh janr anthony will pro- crrd lo dlavtiitkjtr the asru of th raid tirrraird amonjr thr prruma eo- tlurd thrrrto haing rtward only to thr claim of vhich thr ahalj then har rod notice and that the ame ililubrlh janr anthony wul not ba llablr for thr said atarta or any part thereof to any prnoi of whoae claim avhr ahajl not thrn hae rrcelted no tice datt3 at ororgrlown onurto lhli itxteenth day of march at ims dalae and bdou7tt bolictora for thr ald eucabetri it jane anthony car tgc aa a mmlrnt ut the united jar mrt thr alunllc dropped to ere- of torprdocd mrrchantmrn udrtlt in unil boata to provide thrm mlth food drink and warmth until hilp cfiuld arrlr by wa tlir re3 cilos3 iia invited to umlsh thr arm woollen v jnj thry jrave rrody and willing cooperation chuirh tbrolorlrai collrne at toron to fnon which he kruduatcd laat week after u brief iwt with hl porrntu mr und mr c ii dayfckit in oeor- rtown he lror to take up hit du ties art minister on a homr mlulon field near norand tn northern que bec tin uve i the truwlllnr cholar- shlp which he won mutt ol course br de erred for the duration jamas given passes in 83rd year jiums olvrn died at the home ol his niece mra john bnow on sunday march uth in his 83rd year the lute mr alien hod larmed in ksqurslng toanxhlp since 1007 and jits icms la mourned by all a ho knew him he was born in county dcrry ire- land thr son of maiy ann klrkwood and john given they came to this country when their son was tut mon ths old and the family first settled in caledon ur jomea otven farmed till his life prom culrdon he moved to the county of wellington in elin nnd in 1007 he lurmed with his bru thrr mark given in esqurslng town ship lie was unmarried und belong cd to the presbyterian church james was a conservative in politics and member of the georgetown lol for many years surviving are his brothers nat given ol dawson creek alaska klrkaood in alberta mack ol dellsle busk mark lumchouse r o glen williams jolin erin and one sister air nat jluxdlc of toronto the funeral was held on tuesdny at the home of his niece mrs john tinow balllnafad for the immediate family thence to knox presbyterian church georgetown for service tho bearers were messrs joseph given cecil liven john olven uoyd given robert given and clarence snow mr dwood bnow was mowerbearer lntcmicnt wrut in greenwood ceme tery georgetown those from n distance attending- the funeral were mr and mra n j hur dle mr and mm joseph olven to ronto robert given kitchener mr and mrs howard bradley hornby and pte o e snow ipperwash camp leave pte clifford kenriey from camp borden has bmn buns on extended leave tho maple aynip season la aptwoavoh- tng borne have tapped and report up is running slowly 1113 cltobs knitted articles go to ildlers tailors alrmrn merchant sea naen minesweepers service british cl vlllans and survlvoni you must be in teresled in one of these service we have plrnty of wool on hand and the artistes in our quota are varied pay the knitting committee a call neat friday aas sick and ye visited me it is nice to have hnlhand informa tion for you and to be able to tell tome ol ihr doubting thomaaci that the canadian hct cross doea visit our boys in hospital over there a boy whoso parents faldr in oeorgelo mrntluned having u ftn cross isltor i dors not mean a great deal in dot tars und rents to have a rx3 cross voluntary worker take a canadian newspaper a chocolate bar or two tome gum and cigarettes to a cana dlan boy in hospital but think of the uplift thr ionic it must be to have that touch of home when you are sick and lonely it8 the little tiiingm that bontttlmrs mran a great deal lo us one of our frlrrds went through that missing after air operations and now for tifllctnl reasons presumed itead agony nnd ihen after months of grief and despair to have that angel f mercy tho red cross after months of investigation bring tho com fortlng news thnt her airman ton had been burled in plriuburg oermany near the kiel canal and with even the minute details of the number of the cross on hla grave no amount of mo ney could cover the satisfaction that this newt gave thut mother this ser vice is not considered very big or im portant yet to that mother it was the most important thing in this world men op non these nre men among men the army chaplains the beloved padres they realise that to men who are fac ing death physical welfare and morale nre as important at their spiritual wel- lare their tasks nre many and varied llndlng hardtoget living quarters for soldiers families comforting expect ant mothers whose soldier husbands are being drafted far overseas setting boys down to the niood clinic taking a turn on the bridge of a royal ca nadian navy ship at dieppe they proved their mettle capt brown was awarded the m a major father sabourln the obe and capt foot already in a rescue ship looped out and said im golne back to the beaches they have need of me there these men are probably the atavunoh- est friends the red gross havm for uiw know the real needs of the men and how these needs are being mrt hr the red orob0 cuajltno auction sale raum stock lurtxments gbaik rvrnttlibx etc the undersigned hat been lnttruct- rd by atrun chatter to tell by public auction at lot 31 8th line etaquealng or wednesday maatcu list ims at 1 oclock the fcolowlng horses drown mart la yra cattle grade durham heifer bred july 12 grade holateln cow bred july 20 grade durham cow bred au 0 grade durham cow bred aug 10 orade durham cow bred aug ij grade durham cow bred aug it orade durham cow bred aug m orade durham cow bred aug 3d orade durham cow bred in septem ber red and white ateer 2 yean red ateer i yr heifer carves j bull calves durham bull rising i years pios 1 sow 5 fat hogs powl and grain mo bus of oats 350 bus of mixed groin quantity of timothy hay quantity of turnips 40 barred rock hens rtiltlementb mcoormlck deerlng w12 tractor uccormlckdeerlng furrow tractor plow maateyiiams tractor disc massey horns binder 7 ft- cut moateyharrls mower s 12 ft cut masseyhorrls hay rake 13 ft moneyharris side delivery rake tjj ternauonal hay loader masseyharrl tedder uastey karris teed drill is disc masseyhanis 13 sprlngtooth cultlvntor masieyharrls steel drum roller masieyharrls manure spreader 4sectlon harrows wagon stock rack hay lack renfrew 2000 lb scales masieyharrls walking plow quebee riding plow oockshutt doublefurrow plow cutter buggy sloop sleighs fanning mill souffler turnip drill 3 oil drums treadle grind stone fence stretcher 6 x 10 brooder house pump jack stone boat quantity of lumber melotte cream separator forks shovejj nrxkyokes whlffletreea eto harness set of heavy team hir neu set of plow harness set of single harness horse collars wawvaavsj buffalo robe chime bens toiwrrurechlldte rjfwm oot mattress and springs wooden bed clare jewel cook stove box stove dining room table s amao tables kitchen chairs cupboard and other household articles no reserve as the farm to told tbrms cash i dime ourrle obml 1