Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 24, 1943, p. 7

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the gfeotgetowa heu wedne march 24d 1943 ews parade leeluss over tto exdtasfcs we dom kboa ahrthrr it u ur tax to ll orwvpajw atom bi 10 li u tmvmj cx thr ravhacr ptprrt esxb swfc uuntnt bki it uouid jji hi to gjtf up naturall u wj jn had 1u eftrct heir too and u njm fcr of whang paprt lmjud twt uitr rradia tun brousrn wi tdfaa j on imiu thr happrnltta tu oruhboujtnj uwu w oftro nouia ttfto tilth intrnwt ua and vrhkti wt ttlnk ifijjlit iduml hntld rradrra t it at dam bjppro to put unto j paprr uiry pau tr and air lortjot- un twa ink arr loin to mum bar tear ol lomt lutna and w un down for your prrusal our nnt rdbirct u laarn irom thr ttttntj yfafs ao- column tn lb at- too prrs amorvs many lntrml tar itrau u thr lauoatc thr ar mrnl rjlrj asaoclauao of cteada h pu ordarvalr jwxm at oferfalnrn for uvr iratntn of arm rlan boya in j brancui of ajrvil- tnrt u bo an nporlrd u arrive tola iprtnj tlm certain tun aa it arnu only few abort yara sine lhaa bora wrra among ui tn orcnttown ur a2ei uaclaren hlmwlf a profiuor in am b gartrfij ulcltaj aaetft ltttef far ovcnaas whta ar ttartad vnucf tbnr irt- ura wfcko rverrone irtjhl amd over- aru u a cnvliuii to uutr frtmoa sr hadul tntmdms tnrm to be tarujcuaj all tin ltoarvrr uirr urtu to be apace to cll ltd ww au if you trunk it worth tne ujut irod it on to jtm or jut or uxry a inr caw u br tn tlr btnkrt probafclj tne wwr ti a good tub- act to begin wtui acogrdtni to our utter fnan ovrnra uir smbrr in diaund hb been qoite aummry to abat v baxk home have bera ca prrtenctm you y rj dldnt ned yoir raat coaut weil bt eould haw done ttth an extra one ovvr heie but tindaj u the brat day of bprtnc orflriauy and mnuv tba robtna ctilrp- ta ine mm ravtrvt and tnib mdbena matinf their way north aprtni imitt be cva at m to mar pracllcaj ay barer ttrr the bora are ptajrtnf marble and the ftiu hie toelr iklpptnf rope out we hope you are rwelwif parte u rwgmlarly from hoove and eapeetalty that raater u not too far dutant the fouu buk home are doing a nice oo of rautni fundi for umi purpoae a attnarttmrrbr sle lrofanothrn ta the ccnool aaj finally diabandrd uir look their place along aim cfcudln young men on farma in factortra and other vocatlooa we can rrmrmbrr aomr ol the evrnta pltnned and time aprnt by outalde or fanluona to malr thee oung boja many if not all of whom had latt thetr famlllea in the at rife tnai iu rampart in ihclr part of the world at that time personally a cm rrmem- ber taking part tn a mlnlalrrl ahoar at the achool and often lurked around the old aatmmlng olr in ordrr to talk to the boya aho arrr aprrullsu to the eport on anotnrr oocaajon ae can recall the t euton co arndlng out part of rntertainrra who d4orjtej a chrlatmav tree arrl had present for all but time chansta u thr heading under which our aubjret la taken would augcest and at prrvnt we cant think of any boya who are in town now although one or tao may br on farma in the dlatrtct we brlleve it was fine geature on the port of canadlana tn bringing theae new canadians orer here for they have made good ciueena and eanrctkuy at a time when their own country waa bearing the brunt of the turtdah onalautht and now after twenty yeara we find a gtrta achool located where the arme- nlana once found a new way of living tn canada it la operated by the united church of oanade with mia jeaate ollrtr ae ruperlntendent prior to thla the farm had been uaed aa a hoatel for old country lada walling placement on ontario farma it aeemi that we have choaen the acton paper again for our aeoond thought anyone who haa ever followed port and eapecially hockey will re member gordon oooke or cookie to his friends oordon la on active service in england and often finds time to write to the editor of his hometown paper here la a paragraph from hia letter which he had written after a furlough thla afternoon i vlalted the cana dian aoldlera cemetery in england and the only name recogniied was that of sergt p ii tost i took a snap of his rave and will send it on to arlof dills hen the film is developed sergt tott was the first george town casualty in this war and it was a fine thought on the part of this acton boy in visiting hb grave the name or m tost will not soon be for gotten nnt even by acton sport en thusiasts no doubt andv clarke has his quotn of listeners in georgetown as clmrnhcri in ontario and those who follow hli regular sunday broadcast at 10 0 am relish some of the purloined poetry ho recites rcnerally as a parting fure- wcll hire is a bit of doirircrcl s the tweed neus puto it unit he dug up and we hope tne femmes wont tuke us too stronttly to heart women os an angel in truth a demon in fiction a womans the grontcst of all ontra- dlctlon shes afraid of a cockroach sholl ncream at a mouse but shell tacklo a husband as big as a house shell toko him for better shell take him for worse shell split his head open and then be his nurse and when he is well and can get out of bet shall plk up teapot and throw at fjj sum ah faithful dtttltful keoatthted party at thr orrvory thr iff with acme flnr fntrulnmrnt and th fnuxr pnxrl got to uwlr wax bit iters fund tich no doubt you will panic ipatr tn ulrr on we art trying to makr thrtr stay abroad a uttlr morr prnuu1 laid onr ixtflon man war rrguutjoru ma crtmp thf ijmrr purudr iomr hit t hi rr 1ui ul axong more conunaurr llnrt nrtrthclrtj the frmmiit arr looking forward to tt and brllrtr m xhrj air in the mioiity on the urtu tnrr daj 8pakxn of eaatrr hleh fall on april 2 oili rar did oj knor it has bcrn c8 rr ntnci it frll on such a lair datr brforr it a on t fall on that dat affln untu 3038 a d hrn c wont oar many of thr- town a trading rlttrrru have bern buiy tn thr uteat iid croa drtvr t u rrachintf tu oonduilon and like all other war effort hrre it will undoubtedly be a auoccca remember bat lraur clark who ud to haw a hand in retting out your wvekly news in peace time well per haps youve run acrou him over there he a on perry command with the ilap in a letter uat veek he aw he 1 having- a trrand time ran into a number of tcme boot and atjyred an oldhome week or aomthtnabtert qnmeron bruoe ilarley freddie toat jerry wataon and others next to home he aa ht like it over there and the people are treating them well twu of acme or the place he haa vultcd inrliidfni tmuamwnm tua- taudaa wax museum everyone la there he aaya tncludlnff hitler and ue weat and adds what an 111- aaaorted pair flaya veil hear more or him when we bet hi mall from soma of the raroff place he has vtalt- ond blind she s crafty ahe aim pic ahea rmel shea kind shell lift n man up shell coat a man down shell make htm her hero her ruler her clown you fancy wien thin but youll find shes that for nhcll play like u kitten and flflht like a cat in the morning she will in the evening she wont and youre always expect inn she will when ahj wont wc know by this time that wc have uorn both your patience nnd the pa tlence of the edtiir but with so many idles following the oerbtirdrned birth notice columns in the dully pa pers thiv day- this item nppenrlwt in the wi irton eeho is mther timely it i mils ns flliw- ittul nteds no fur ther comment hy us v notice in nnr of the hironto piilllev a writer innnsiil ut tin ni o nee a thousand times nee whirl wc ciimstimtly ret in thf birth tint iris nee nn ms lnrn so it is not correct to say ivirn to mr and mrs jours nee may smith tripl ts mrs junes may have been born smith but hhe was christened mnry h the nee doennt apply to the mary this would bo the correct way if you must use nee born on march int 1043 at bo and bo horpltal to mnry adeline fneo smith wife of john jonofl triplets we have ions boon bolntr to protest the endless neoa that we receive and thla writer got us started if we fall to hear any comments on our way of hringinff a little news to light we may digeat another column wt w n uobxatv ca1uicuju in jiijiuilj knottn ntiiu and r n f atj will takr a pnjenlcsot in u r ir cisc fctrlr drtotm to tjar uqjii uto ir puvar world meku jlcaf ctomrruuovn strike at dawn the vtvld photoplay of canada a armed poroca produced by columbia plcturtw portray the hardhittirui canadian army to well that the film la rated ay one of the beat of thla war baaed upon norway rrstntment of ornnan ait- krrsmon and sturrltut paul uuni the mouc fuiowi buttle tactic of the ca nadian above aa they storm a nasi ulrflrld l4rr iiicture iu an oil-the- ael camerastudy of oreta qranstcad mie of the auflcta chatting with a oerlock and doug allen teleimfihlst aboard an auxiliary cruiser of the royal canadian navy ed in hi regular routine of duty lie had a good chunaauluuxighunder quite different circumstances than ours he was swimming and acquired a unburn so we can only guess what part of the world he was in then unltmher that pencil and paper when you get a chance boya we like to hear from you and so do the folks back home so long poetry snow i lave you wutclied the fluffy snow- flakes on u quiet winter day rumbllntf down so willy kenlly in their playful wrt of way juht like down they float m airy never roiikhnckn in their fall moving with the unseen currents here and there until they htull on some twit or limb or rooftop on mime pivum nt or the round what lanuistlc onus and figures in thise crystals can he found blurs and nets and finis and lowers mkc no human hand tan hew never tw alike lhoiwu bllllout tumble fioin the sk s univblur wntih some hesitat4 u moineui isouii times start ut rise aiaiii i tun they clumtu and flutter softly uownwaul like uie mlst of nun tills is natures movlntt picture uiopplnu round uh like n luill no rough raucous sound to mu uielr sllunt beauty as they fall then all night they softly tumblo covering field and woodland too with a blankot soft and spotless which the morning brings to view and it covers in the churchyard with its softness white and deep ratting place of weary mortals where they sleep their oast long sleep ilaiffa gordon a lovely euauvn foavcft slake me too brave to lie or be unkind mnkr me too understanding loo to mind the little hurt that no one quite intends make me too thoughtful to hurt others so help me know the turnout heart ol those for whom i care their were i wlshm all the loads they bear tli at i may add my courage to their own mny i make lonely folka feel less alone and happier ones a little happier yet may i forget what ought to be forgotten and recall unfailing all that night to be recalled each kindly thing forget hm what might htlng tn all uwn my way dassiliua lur drcr beso ttr yam gifif buck uarljar will froth- t caaatj urtt slaf lew tauka iv alter day ut me be joy be hope let my life sing mary davles isjaudauaalhbball i farm seeds alfalfa red clover alsike timothy sweet clover fancy seed oats 5 hybrid corn j various varieties s ah above seeds grade no 1 b wm couse sons streetsvuxe ont phone uw li ntra oevrr it a prancl lucaj rjuic lulalwru offitrr otrtra j an lilr fur the fella at horn t a rvjtinr bruauti by oriain up and doiti mj uir day to day procram for an airniaji on active trnor twoccnai a round of wtll rstajbiuhrd dullea iunctut4d b momrnu of high a hlurutlon and of ovtpondrnt lanrtl- necj the tao blate of mind may stun fnm ptni the mitv orttftn the mall from hnr how rjtull u rruttcr ihl may appear to tjm in canada is rvldrnord by tht fr lilura ulikch thr write to tjirlr taunt or urouirr osrnu lis unjoitiih4 in tht nilrwlt of uthrra u likimt tjimii l tht- hrad flow of itttirt raidt cippiiirtt frim thr home an im kaim r aliiri turn up at ui tiias iiti oi r j as and art aent uii tt tht tuoritart tli lniixirt uta if rrui to a man hu may ur joto nilr of atrr and urrothrr 3ooo mile of land brtwaea hunml und his fulmly l difficult to 14 v it it i fact humestr ahldh air force uuuinrlut 111 sjppoft li 1 morula uit much abused word uhlrh mi uit ruuhl the fcute of mind 1 yinir nn-n- is unmltlakably bilt nd b a rtijular rram of to formaiion from home through ths nn hi a frw hundred urd of family neu s uid local gomp on a sheet of pupcr ma not look very important u the person aho is home and do to the uilnc of which he wrttea out to uie chap who la far from home la some lonely outpost or the blftvest bombing station in the land it means that he can think for a moment about the thing he left behind and about the tiling he will some day return to it mean that he has not been for- cot ten that somewhere people ar thinking of htw that someone mlsssa him la praylnff for his safety wishing him eood luck that is what u means to him whether hes an air marshal or an a00 and wnethsr be admits it or no it means somebody has renieinrjered- remembered he would like to know whether the kid brother made th second base spot on the sandlot team remernbered he was anxious about bis brown cocker spaniel who had caught her foot in a gopher trap remember ed that he used to go down to the foaming river and watoh the salmon run leaping up the falls remember ed how he liked to be the first in the prlnti to notice that the days were getting longer a flyer tikes to think of these things when he come home from a mass raid over ocrmany or when he is through for the day with his engines or his paint bush or his cooking pots or his parachutes lie thinks about them and all they stand for because they ore his way of life they represent what he has had before and what he wants to hae again there is- only one way he can know about them thats when the kid sis ter or the folks or uie girl friend write and tell him whether he is from halifax ot huelttm coleman or chtcoutlml it makes no odds if the mall bag comes bulging into the orderly room nnd there is nothing in it for him he is the loneliest guy in the world a dozen lines from any member of the family would lme tlonc the trick or an airgraph from the fellow he us ed to work with down the street but he gets nothing and ho wonders if anybody over thinks about him at all some other fellow gets a fistful of letters a carton of clgnrottes an other gets a parcel with chocolate and chewing gum maybe some socks and a tin of pork and beans not much at home but the difference between ex isting and living to a man on an ac tive service station oh sure some will be torpedoed on the way an airman overseas is uie first to sdmlt it lie also swtrfs tectiully that a few mors wf dis patched from the point of ottttfl would take om of the uih

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