Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 31, 1943, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfifth year of publication wedouy mirth 314 1943 200 per annum 5c per copy 4700 puts red cross over top in recent campaign alph ron heads fourth victory loan committee huh a art coulj f-kal- aia aad h i hrctamto a4 w h la om4m atu4 ifc hmuii an crgantratlon idmuoi tn eocruc with th poortn victory loan of national war kuunte cummiitre held on turtdsy evening tn the library auditorium ifr amen iuks o anon a ho usjot prank puuro of oak- county chairman for the loan prraml and eon ortad th meeting lie nplalnad tan lb nw phitrs ctd into the arthromlnt loan among which u setting up ot an otoc tn th north of thr count in acton making i bemdquartrr or llallon thr other bring tn oalnul mr mason in uod thr nrw county orranlsrr th campaign mr 8 l mcolnnli mr r s lainperd appreciation of ihr meeting wai olcod for thr irry rfftrtrnt and rapa manner tn whwj thr retiring chair for georgetown had carrted on third victory loan and it was unanlrnouily passed that mr w f bradley he hooorary president of the th victory loan other officer were chotrn a fol 1m vlcecriatrman county lcuriet u b puck ohalrmanralpa roaa vicechalrman w v grant chairman industrial oommltt r b pduh sales commute k m langdon chairman ltlloy dale ho hono rary chairman harold deate ho ward may and dae brux public relations walrr carpenter chairman f d mcn3y o mc- ollvray cttrena committee w a wuon w b pord t l lralle col o b oouirna t ucwhlrtrt w ii knt- ner o w mcuntock col j ballsn- unr joseph beaumont j ii lungham r c c cochranr mt anntr law- aon oeorg currle c b dayfoot ma yor joseph olbbona j d macketude frrd mccartney d r mclaughlin rev father v j morgan rrtr j e oatrom d stone rev woo thompaon rev r c todd mrs a orlrc the pourth victory loan will open on april seth and it la hoped to hart an organisation tn the county com pleted before that date m o h ttepobt following is the report of the m o h on communicable dlseaws for march chlckenpoi 8carlet pever measles oerman meailra mum pa infantile paralysis typhoid pever whooping cough cerebro spinal meningitis aid to stasia fund hmwwoo mark it fmuss i ahrma caaaaaitu mretiag as tara orcrrtoti a aid to raul fund huli ti under uie ojmeocrihjp vs mn k firston u nearing the flrai 1 1009 dlmjt with uctoo collected up until uocvlm uirxh 9u 0crftun ind dtitrtxt ciiurnj rp nilymg u kuuia tid rut only 1i2j thrix tzicmi tjppcit but wiui itvfii flauuial tup- tkirt ttte tmounl oourctrd to du uwm ht cn be dorvr ira thr po- pl riftie a vlu to aid llr caiuf of our ajurt th puud wtu rrmln oprn not only for fh donation but for doaftuonj ot rood warm cvottilnj it a rral lhnu for un vc pm- ton ho orguniifd ttir tld to rutua pund in a cant to m to rtcrjv uit tk an ln itatlon to tit in on uw ooimllu mrrtlng of the paiml fund hlch ill b hflj tn utr royal yofluj hotrl on april 130i nonaj wooiena uitutut conlrtbut- id fir lorl quliu to be arnt to rm- 13 and hae also promtd the pro tredj from a box iku1 to br htuj ovoruy mra prrvnn luu alao ahlpprd a number of bon of clothing to cnjt- land and among th ajooda fomrdrd on norrmbrr 17ui aa clouilna donat- i4 by ulu d llumr rrorntly uui mum rrcrtterf a inter from a lady in altuford xladvonr nrar krnt who cvprmara her gratilrde on rrcrhtna jrn a lovely coat hir udy tn mnidttone l thr mother of xn child rrn and fnatn hrr lrtter wr sathrr that bntont who hate urorrd in this trar are rery thankful to oanadtans for their thoughuulrraa ihunda aitemoon knlttlnj club aoknovjedsed list vrek tcmrttoti xuua xii i lfarrlaon tt otta upo club mn vm e prrton atudent council oeontetown hjih school miss britain the child who has never known peace the weather u u l 1uu a r rtr lu fntl irarnin ur uir ilatlnjf ua itiu hprui raiii no a rry rtn otie to br jjf but u u ijtt it t turn i j ihj it ul hrlp lo iuk jmr ci u cjjw tutikt till irriklrjjiv wt lr htatfl attajtclt itjj1 ot thr uj1 uo fu l r-vit- ol thr nwitrin mtlji tl ttrr 4jiitry tiumr 1 ihim illjfjl on trli ftt as ccju- itiirs uti tr vt cji rr illt- t ut iiir oji ifutiiaft utntr tro al fur thi utuon i tiuhtljr urr ne tl ajmi btrmagr to ty oar tutal ikuu ut atiitrr ii itjt and a i iu brlua nrml thr nrirfcbjc thintl about it ii ltr tally in i lrtnbrr atul ukri rrr no thaara u kdie it mucii uu en tuvard- bprtntf which tv mlrr ard rabbrta an op- ijr1unll to wtk hatur in many or- tirdj not prouxud atit titrtn ldlurli are ih lcal rwrordi lor ur fm arek k j elh n uinll u piloe uj lh it njijt cj thr pwair of otojrlown it ae aixjkejjace tiuit ftr hate ifila r uir orr ur tcp in the oanadlf lui crou camran hatng glitn a v a j ol ma3tt to tlrrr ol eni to pit ttit- u a ijboruaj oierwrrtjy- iki uf tyjs quota of i4v00 and all tuii mi ol ut tt h u hoprd that hen vrrlhliv i tcoiplrte e rjj i ur tyj luark we print uio9 he rrtuin of the tartous axtla tool to monday mar ch tiir lit born to tin nwl u ill lrni hhr has nrnr r n thr lluhtv ol uc toan renrcrl in thr street kinrd ino a ijiop inni il ut to it catrn s banina sn hu i n more- iirplinc than lioni hilt kjiov s hrr iinuuirr better ihn hrr uthrr thotiftti hrr rnothrr is aa all tnnxi at lurtume mar mxirk hrr fthrr piioonranh in uni up un ihr man- lnlrce ilhr hx 1u1 in jr rintrv but t neer bern ihtrr for a hli1 1 thr r mt- o her 1 a place of afivtty nut irlmjrr a frarrtin for hrr aro rtftablfv not fomrrs khr nv once n the rvea but hr nv not nllomm o o near it or to paddlr phr thrlmk n a diet in hlrh rmti rrtablr- iul potatoes pti a ehlrf part bic knofc that a amall oor of eetfi must list a wek the child who hftr nrrr known that o it whr kno tv r in illllrv mood baptist h h ht pcmntcvdest uju uiat tii i in ihii iwrirr for hrr urwl if l tjnnk thuh out lor hrr if u k h r 4 q jt stitii ht trivet n cm and rii utinuir ishr aint to help u uiu is u h ijird hhr i urd u mak ik tie t if things and o kulntt dtioiil tyhv lus a sltnntf rrv of t r itiiifjnhip ith ohrr chldrtn the rlllrt a ho has ncrr kno i- mbol shr k i nlbjl of tile fn nrorn hi ire hlh hr uikrn it thr lltljr m rr than ihrrt- irirr l- a mtol wir a rtnbol of ihr irimr dniili which ha rr- pliim the nrtliln of i9j1- the plc- n pv of tonrton fnr to this smutio the pxenlnt trlr- jim ilrlj war vclim iund of oiirh he herald british war pund pn t is dedicated ditr ii and l ttrnp tueblay uarch i u wrdneaday uarch m a n njrvlay uarch 15 a jl ittday uarcti k iti to saturday march 77 a 3 mun4a uarch m xt 30 monday uirch 0 m 16 ni tiln tr noa u wtrk wij 1 u31j wjij ii ti c n u wt waid un of c n a now ward m don jltn wllluma 6mfi nu l ium miaituan xs untljje i0om hjxrlalt tost wiqtl thr r uccr- c f the raibdalfn u dua l hr untlrlnit effort of ux i jloy dala kc and ms ijyml ccmmlttr of ca taurr a mrll a to the gene rod ty of tft rttuns and thr are to be o0o itr iti i it id on thr fine eiulu thfy hate aehlmed arts and crafts co operative meat at mj b milnet tlir art and crafu coopriatir hed a mirtiiiir at ur hoolr of lira malm mirkt bt en rlda march 4 or ih purpose ol planning uie i ir ork mtn morr lnrjdnit airomrd new mrnibrrs und irae a revitw of ork ircompllshed dirlng the prrlou lnce th first mretlng tn august 1d13 thl sv idmltted to he a er crelltablr rkiaintr for w ahort a time xlm hruvt hrcrrary read thr minut of tjr lis mcetlrir hrld in nov plans n- nurtr for a ffreulrr aiiely of itirn ieciiill hanrfrmm materials u tw enhlbtted latn in the year to rthrr wlh other crafu an interestlnjt drmomtratlon os ivcn b ur hast rat en her new hand wm an invitation is n tended to any one nerrfted in handkrafta and notice 111 be then in thu paper of future mretlntra if you wth to reach a torse au dience at rmalr coat use herald clas- ained ads the trainer and offlcera of tin- 1 baptist sunday school met for juir annual upper mccunt at the home of mr arthur reeve on priday eentntf last flowing a delicious kupper the annual re porta of the oxloua olflcem utre read and approcd and officers and teachers for the following year uere elected the officer elacted were as follow superintendent mr harry wood avt superintendent mr watson i wlnfleld secretary mr harry flhortlil treasurer mra w smith all reports showed fine proijreaa dur iuji the pat year garbage collection for georgetown council discuss arena situation nterestins facts about georgetown post ohite nrrraard rtfnura lnce oalbrrau oftvar total trr 110000 idy j b o sinortl inti- to m clow 1 durct pjit oil- dilln routine te o oc or our tisr p- yi 1 t p- ci i nvic bir ill i rs hi sir- of lxt i fii i to lvvl very few 1 renendo- f of je loca it is inn resting o nole thin all mall celmd it the cil isim otflco ir- rsjhctnc ol mumtln is dlsjxitehtstl uiv alhoiuli til irsttiv alier ls co i p nd at en o cir read- uerni bags are nvt sue uo jii fillovuisi facta jm jv 1913 1 en 0 ard 6s mtll handled niuly by h tnf i efficient manner complete slcnce is observed and tvlclnc b out of the question amoncst employees as mu- tlcea must be avoided as much a ptu- ibte col cousena explained thai since uie departure ot mr harold marshall the first aulstiint to join the cana dian poatal corpa new help had to be apeclally trainad and today all em ployee an trained tn hb or her parti eulor taut and nm uiea ihiirvaair mrt 1 re 1u c lelk fel ll 1 lli mill s tit ileil stnl ltli dc- oeirrvl u 1 erv uorlcrt liv1 tcniitr ior 0rbcil c oluxtion alxttpt- cd atllltori hcrhikt to r prixttl mok siortsts kcihsrint ol lllhtnti rts at 1 pcr cunt oouncll at ut a sjiocliil session lust turday nliiht allh maor olbbons in the chair and ilifir uroun coun cillors bradley thompson iaoii mc donald hull and shaa prelent tlure uere jsilelai lnikrtulil terns in jie imetida the main one belni the i onilucrit on ot ue lour enders tor e iraane nllecilop tht follnulne tcn- tiers had btsen submitted a r scott sl robeit lam- i2h0o jock tost ws00 h liiv sjim i was moved uy hiadley and ieronded by broim ut the inr tender u- accepted an reidm nt iis s hv l i a nv ed hal and 11 nt en uiiu tuidnliiht and also kranted mr lihi imrtnisaui to play it on sunday provided there was no danctne he a a so advlmd u keep it tuned low lllls mole ttis put jnder chlel mar- luil s mjikrviraun the atena u noa in kxsstulon of the corporation and as and means of nakn it a paving proposition were discussed all uere ui favour ot alluv- nitf the oddfellovi- to tint the upper ikirtion at tile same rent us lormerl chit- marsliall vias inmructisd to hale ikks and kes made lor the s hat the ullilul namair thinit 1 rated tniht be called to a halt suiscsied b the maior that in ti rin the recrtatlonal purt pro a louunlttee should be fonnexl i spir imance c tins and coun- i pr ilitci tills nmter has lelt t imsvllnff ws n i tr maior that prune llthiis pel p r 1- n- c i ill di ul hic daisy braisby haslovtly wedding a loely houm- rddinu oa bolem- nlzed nt the brides home lost saturday reulnn at six thirty htn daisy ocr- truue braisby daughter of mr and mr ricd drulby woa unlltxl in max- nag to robert edward harrb ton of mr und mrs tvdwurc hums the ce remony us perfoimed amd a act ting ot pmk and white btr turners and spring flouers b rv r c todd miss va- viiv herbert plajvd the wedding mu- ic mid mlss alma mcenrry aany tiivtn n marriiie u her father the iriif wju- eiwnjd in uhle crepe fush- i ait itnui lull sltirt lt-b-o-mut- ot slift nrd hikh nrttclwu her iirtp ti utj cugln with u cono- t niittut bl s jis ind sht carried r- tl r- mrs c i h1i1 ol lnd- aly lifeufrg lesident cfurltuwitsoa dkt a rfrljnn rtiudrru of ororgrtown char hi i watmjii died at his home- oo mondi march 22nd in his 73rd year mr wilun us born iiere maa widclv knu n d riiptted and tils paaunf i niijnud t nil who kjirv hlm mr watvjn ua- thr son of uie lata mr and mia wum wajajii for nnii iars hr followed ha trade of bulla n centrist tor and took an actlva inttrrbt in comnuuut at lairs ha tcrrd on uir town council for iv rol un and was ulo a member of the atena goud tn his younaer day he pird on the oldumc aetna la- itoj tiam of oiartoti which aron uie provmcal champlcruhlp in 1003 6 mr wataun belond to thr urutad church und was liberal in las politi cal itanlncs for thj past ftw years ht 11 rmpljtd by provincial luprr ltd ifr hod led a very quiet life of lata dur to falling heajth tlic funeral semce was conducted b iu r c todd at his reawenca 00 quern 8 on wednesday marvh24th pallbritrers were joeph olbbona w oreensward emest thompaon chaxlaw hoare errrlt cole ed xlcwhlrtcr interment was in orccuavood ocmetary survlvlnif are his wife the former ema hoare one daughter uluan at home a son lance corporal jack l wauon bo me b00u oveneas and one rand da tighter paulene also ona bmthrceorre toronto and four lit ters mra arthur barber toronto xtra piorbe martutt los angtle ltl uiiabetb ryan st cathartnea u desale roan ttrwn a gra many outoftown relative end friend came to pay their last rev poets to mr watson among them ur nnd mn- h n watson ur and ifr oeorge watson mrs arthur barber mrs agnes watson mr john cun ningham mr ana mrs john barber mr and mr chas watson mr harry pearce mrs dr- r j brooke mr w ruddy mr herb lumuton ur p mclllwaln mn arthur fairtoum mr ond mra w duckworth m p 1 mrs dr t w j smith all of toronto mm hlfabeth ryan bt catharine mrs beasl- rom detroit isi john wntson ortllla xflsses lautltu and etrrl watson toronto mrs edith ha milton mr and mrs ed oahaway barnln mr and mr jack lumuton mr nnd mra oordon currle acton m- and mrs fred ruddy london ao robert smith brampton mr n sier torono mrs w weller brampton in our mail bag lid a ala 111 11 thl- counc lnr l-a- re tle pro 1 a is 1 is er 0 the bride lls si all in y l ul iiih- i ri si af i 3 pc 1 1 iih 1 iitr t il ea dre m k 11 th h ha m tlls 1 1 i- i v in in hi fii- t nir ftisr iioiin ma uinr a j r inrual m oeorkpoim ont march 30th 1 herad ay iii iii ibot one iiveic 1 it auruw tie lioll- the rilt mhlch asts bt from january 1st re- 1 n decided d rtv e 111 1 mo il u- ne id f a olir t crepe o th- heor v jftmi lu dressj buick sary to appoint a committee to supcr- emiytwn rum uto 1 mnv the in revsc of volume of ilse and draw tip final regulations rai ti dae to the heavy outeolng mall i arktce couectlon receive complaints rom the dominion seed house live instructions etc tliolvands of cntalocs are mailed dur ing the first months of the year by this firm which followed by a barrage of mall filling orders reeerred tor beads punu shrubs tree eio it was moat interesting saturday afternoon to wttnaat tlw kfenttouod an wio councillors hal and thompson and reeve brown vo- lunteered to do this service mr harry ohu proprietor of the oolden oato cafe addreased oouneb atldnf that th bo s uttla mora le nient wuh sho hoar bo aa allowed to play use snafe bosf in tdi rotuu- mat oouncu ettattdol ttw una umlt i sure got results tra the way miller bros put it after running an advertisement in our classified columns last week one week was sufficient more and more people ore taking ad vantage ot this torn ot advertising when they have sosaetttlnt to teu trade or ore tal notd at v aiui mu5lcr1t trim and brown nc- osiores upon helr return from a veddms trip to the fnit uie couple will reside in georgetown outoftown guests at the wedding included mrs prank elliot ottawa miss ruby lloyd and ut charles plardoleau port oredtt ts and mrs w botbam and son huaio of aurora and um aobtft hdlr bfwmpton ing las- wednes- 1 11 va nmid by mrs std kvu ts el by mri ar- r i mont eter of appre ciation and thanks e seni the herald mir lclp and cooperation during the pist year some or hie boy when acknowledging the clcarelu mention trie herald tn their letters ond we are re they know that you are willing to help tn any way you can with our fund 80 on behalf of the boys who bene fit and ourselves whose task you maks easier may wo again way thank ton your very truly georgetown soldltfv flsllfmwl ajty

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