Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 31, 1943, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wedne march 31 st 1943 the georgetown herald hswg okobokfoivn mokvai oudf wlflflml ludlkmits fswakhowk asbokovz culumapad nouut chjtya subscbifttoh bates fhivaaa urtllod stato end osiram doe yr boiit coda u uiu4 kltm hu a tlhil ca exellrlhia ituwom v walter c biow publtlflrr uarv ii brelor editor oarp1ild i ucilvttav j bob no kill uastbtr of vb dralin weekly krtapapef end the oeuanoquaboi intum el the owjtja rre editors corner set backs can be avoided in haying lime lilt year u farmrr lost fen hours of lime and made two eprcial trip to town for rrpairs when a mower broke down a small casting which cost leu than a dollar was lost in thr hay firld and the mower could not be operated until it was replaced this delay could have been avoided and valuubie tune saved for a cost of one cent as the delay was caused by a cotterpin which wore off and allowed the casting to fall off the mower if this pin had been inspected and replaced before the haying season started the hay crop would have been harvested earlier with less labour hours and at a lower cost the department of agriculture is urging the farmers to order their repair parts now and to give their machinery and equipment a complete overhauling o that last minute repairs will not occur next sum mer these may not be possible due to conditions caused by the war not only should field machinery be over hauled but if pumps grinders feed hoppers and other iiuch equipment ure reconditioned now labour can be aved next summer theres not much a farmer can do when operations ore lied up for luck of manual lubour but he can do a lot to avoid mechanical breakdowns march the blusterer march was ever n blusterer it gatliei the warm unehine and spreads it out over the land and ladles after it icy portions of the chill north wind it wreathes the morning seas with fog und brings out the sturs so clear and sharp by night that people can sec comets with the eye unaided between dawn and dusk it works a dozen daiiv pranks hut back of this facade reul change i 8 on winter yields to spring march is the stopgap month it is neither winter nor spring but a mischievious elfin link between it coaxes buds to grow on the terminal of tree und shrub by duy and then commands the sap to stand still by night so that the buds cannot open it teases the birds wfth a hint of green cover and the suggestion of new harvests but withholds its food save where the plow has bitten deeply in the chocolate coloured soil as changeable as a weathervane march calls upon all the winds by turns and sometimes out of turn the north wind is its darling the north wind with its hint of arctic wastes and its nosenipping pranks is just around the corner and never far away by day it robs the sun itself of nearly all it warmth by night it turns the ponds to ice and stiffens grasses standing in the meadow still even march the blusterer must go and with it bits of every month throughout the year good honest april practices few deceits save those of the milder kind and april carries the golden keys or spring it takes all kinds how true it is that one half the world doesnt know how the other half live weve often read in the papers and sometimes in magazines too about the child marriages of some sections of the states when we do hear uhout a case of this nearly everyone has the same reactions wc think of it uh being an outrage and feel that steps should be taken to prevent such things from happening a man we know quite well had an interesing sidelight into this particular question while coming up on the train from florida he was hitting in the smoker and was passing the timeofdny with a fellowtraveller from generalities the talk drifted to thr sulrjrrt of jobs the man said he was working in tennessee and was earning quite a high salary in war industry i then volunteered the information that lie wis married and spoke with pride of the fart thai in- had been in that blessed state for the past ten years i le aid his wile was just thirteen when he married her she was now twenty- three and he was fiftythree they had two children whowere staying with their grandparents is the young wife was also employed in a war indusrv in explaining how ihe marriage had come about the man said he used to meet the thirteenyearold girl on her way to school one day he said teasingly that hed marry her the girl was an orphan and hod evidently become very fond of the man for she was the one to insist that he go through with the promise he said he would on one condition thai sjie buy the marriage license stretching her age five yean or so the girl did so willingly her husband aid he had never regretted the step and he was very itsjmlljrjttanied my wife is on the train too he said wrnsr how her marriage turned out he pointed out a yonf very attractive lady who corroborated the story and added as a finishing touch weve hen ter ribly happy theres no moral to this little story its just u passing glimpse into a custom we usually only read about travelling can be tedious but occasionally one runs into an interesting human story all of which brings us back to where we started one half thr world doesnt know how the other half lives and to that we might add it takes all kinds of people to make a world pfizewiflriirrf addresj as given by mlcfuel le wc frpuit ul jif ftddrrvk com lwi and ulien by lilcturl bwr lor jiicii hr kia aftardrd tint pxtp at uir outmlu- ltun club public oprifc- uu ccntvt tmo snki ago alxikt u rrnlurj jid a hjll ao unjrr njjuifoii ilotupart of primer our orlj u babrl of uiuniatluiul unlll t count rlr rrr conqurrrd iiitlom utfr humlluttrd ueoiuajuu mrthru tx4mur of lhr infatuation of ihli uiirmhl rdrl ald uuy our d a uptjlll t rho of hrfjnulltr ttiit ii a ultrr our mm tuu gsinrd timmi irr to tkatttr a it ain it lhotr wtvn till not br kupprrtwd wjirn uir historical orfiu and cqn- ijiuiii undrr napojron ud lllllrr m lirm i umuird ihrrr werru to br iiidcu r i- 4 m banner and o thr hrrwa ruiloi itd llitirr urr oltm fom- imltil an j lotruirr uraurd or con- ct iii ltd iv t ut no comr to drflniir con- t juj ns rryaduif lhfi ufnlficni cjirw r of rtrrdy and today irl ua i nori t4ri to nkpoirun a da and buiirf lilui baidr lhr prrvnt in lriiif thr ktrnch itrtolvjlljii did nut t murl sirnlrtr iu tdrala ubrrty jiquainv md tmtrrnit for although it rttdtd ubmjlutlwn it did not uccrrd in itjbhvhinji un ordrr which could i rrv an uir uiir that had brii atnlikh- rd in uu crui mhlch urosr aftrr thr i oviithru of lhr our uornimint and i bofutr thi birth of anoxhrr the p- pti irr atjnln nittl trr drjrlu- 1 discontrntrd in urmiony afxr th tw iur uf 10mi8 rcononilc dlfn- lulllitt furtiirr liunuxd b dr- prrvlin ui iw1 dlllluiiird uir am- i so fur a- thr tilitiiitf rrjtmr uj tut tutd in lyanct thr arunl orkuijt ui bit uttlr rranl in urrmany bx iiir a uu driuuun in itfn the imopn ttrt in mpl dimoiitin u in ib 1 s t u r fur a tluiik t ill b mdl ill ui i jl r un i idr knitt in i rrm in u uitrd u i 1 ii kr in aii iihi ti 1 td r no ill i titd fill- tn imtuil irni il- hnrt lilt- tit rinan aitrl unlrr h iuh i inpl uit- nun tlur uiurll ur nit ntftlli jjl ttlu qu tilth- ild tlluin- is tin itadtm ulin tin nla nilin u i knrril md hf rmd unit hi a u ndt r uf mm 1 lie unit iniil and lillirt and js u soldiri thcrrtorc hi- did not hi luitr to fore hfi on elcelun ua lir luiisui nl rltmi h jn this iillwl coup dul uiat brouglit lllm lir althhikli unl onir turi later did he bnr 1injmtur nut mj with llitltr lit hid uu inttllfxrrual iblllllrs tu turn him f unit at a soldlrr ju- infi ru bond tank of luncx conmrul hitlei iis no kfiural he m no uahr if iriiiir hf s no roil luttur onl u drniuttotfue orutor ol thi- nattona suciilist irty cut that uui what the idle umfnplocd wanted hi uitt jd hi 1 jilir w 1 ir u f lid ot or it ii i i lu uiin on iju lli otiojul at ilk lifad tranrr th prrnth uiouted i ir rjiwilijn fiuaht wtiry tnry j for lv h md thrro and ahtii ihr aojtrd enough o no juiwru- he 4vbdiratr3 hit llitltr did ikji lutra to ua moid of thr pojv he organum a r- ini tjhrr to ipiirr in lhr bloodlrtt uf al oppo ttlon shtrh amount- o to uir- auto nlr tupprruion of all drriikidtir rrsmtmrnt in fact h rhovru numrrooi ubrral oftfrilxationj av uovrojtln4 and ff re maicnry nasur ft itrovr to rlratr thr cui tural itandard of prartcr whur in germany hlurra abolu- llvni and rinlm rirluii all aurh pu- mbilltlr indrrd if r ran uy uiat wrlung- wi fouiht not aitalnst napulron but for thr frrruum of innu rnt rountrtr rannrall kubdurd thrn r ran alio m uiat today r fuht for culture for rhlllritlon for chrlttlanlty that fljtht for thr prmratlon if tho tradition which to a are trnrd and khlrh rrprrvnt thr pride of the dl i ivti onpjre ukharl heer rtbrutry 78 im3 directory f r watson orxs kbj oek koun 9 to 5 cuict tbandjr tturcooct or j burns milne ofortttom wions dr clifford ree ujs dd8 nafftav pboos tl ulln ouwt ototfum leroy dale kc m syfcfl btaortt ba mlllstrwt oorft0vn rtions u wotiiir rnm chiui iktlsrv and hcb nonrrvo routw tuii iir mi wurr ttuf hrrt itrulc drfda of babr in mm and ithtr unuruiro riilolu uf irrtai oou rjir vhlrh har markra ctilnai bat- iri iiktilnst uir jjt arr drrlbrd by madanw v k wllllnum knu wr or hit clilnr4 ambxvuidor to clrral rlrl- jln in tnr ajnrn werkly with uik hundj aprij 4 l sir ot tli oe- tmr hunda tvnr pun- jiim fl pi mipi wnh i otlirr ft rr notice to creditors in lhr nullrr of lhr tutr of ux- tiii wtiiom utr of lhr too of rtrr1on in lhr oanl of luflon llardnarr irrihant lr- irtrd mjticf is iikhkuv 11iv1s4 uil oil iktvnis hailtik iiii clinic dt ld akiulill tlif lti wittrr an tlioii alio dcd un ur ftti it thr taillui da ol jjii ar 1m3 at uir iuaii o irk loun in uir coontt ol ilillon und lniiliii of ontario art itgulrrd to mnd b xt prrtiaid or tc dtlivrr to thr undrrslkihhl uillclton lcnln fo flltb h juir anthon th ktmata m laafctoa tentjtcr raitotur katofypsstv rhnt uorurar monty to loan oi9c orrfforr tliratja dm ma strmt phooa tt oaorfrtoes frank fetch ucthhto alcnonexb and au cxaitsz8 of rnhlkance prompt arrrtc phone 901 oaorrrtown po box 413 s a m nielsen imh tar ot prutlot xrav dfutb nwapta lj illmiipl ose n dominion star otctfudwb hours 05 p clotad tbundar pfcona is radio repairing we specialize in this work is vraa czparubat j sanford son phona oeonoirrowh ekatr c trtowpaoa dfacouncoi s8svtce ptrt auto windstorm c r baswar and alllad bxjltubl cxouroions pnont llw or j ooorgtuhro monuments uajuotro and lfttbuno pollock a ingham calt daaisni an rquritpnoiie lots infarct our work in ormnvootl ctmctcry uir kkrcutrik of tin lis will unci mob ttmtimrn r wtlrr ajithon hard- aarr inrrdiant dccrnsrd thrlr natno nmolroii uncr uld okc ihi mai- und aodrrm- mil lull irtlculan in u lo ttir u1 puiy 1ui il and wr of thrlr lalm i k laut nrmliiao4 of tnelr accounts at d the nature of the srcuiitiri if all held b thrm ano takf notice uiat ufter the j llo themelvt to be led prolue4 is dial mir irajrr is droit tioufb t- hide hu tru- sin hhlrr followed tl ik iilus ht- tiie hal uie oer- muin anteo mil political reasonlrm iktwut the iml trrman bu metlnks wamn of fl-k- miouthia riots and fltthtlntc but ierhapft moat of nil j mouiin to folou and m h nil ml hitler hud thew toy- pttpatrd lor in- i nub wit en nupolion mounted uie throur cf iyaiice he us vlaier und a sol dier he remained he mibdued mid con- qurrihi itnl austria arwiln ituaiii iolund und 1tioti ituhla but hen hitler leuchtd oer he i- un ornlor und with naikilionlc succev he coiiiluued to talk for one day he would ilvtiirc the orld ol hl iwunlul intintious mid the next du he uuuld mrch into uu sanr or au- trlu or suditnnliiiul or c74chonlv- kiu hut hli wmikjii ua- rctokiiiihl in ul nou is brin liftitthl t ntimltmiis mrnptiis nillltnry lorce hut so fur ut lme onl oonslderikl hlsuitkul kruif and pusnt d i thr- inin iohtliali wv hue seen thut in ihhll tuiutrlt- tile pell i ontnted und unit tlu- umitiit it leud- t r ntit tne fmind om stinllu tiiium- st urn n itttl siinil n iiuii- tint iihi11111 ihitnoih i ill loi ilifieiiiit int in ntjhiiiiti liiliv hi- 1 lllllr with hi loventeenih day of april 1943 the fculd laitjibeti june anthon villi pro reeil to distribute the aimu of the uld jrctasfit itnituii th irrins en- lltlrd uiereto hijii retfard on ud the chiinus of uhlrli slp nhall tlien hue had not he und that the nam uiiubetli june anthon u nu b li ible for uie said nvipi or an par thereof to an mtnoi of hane rluln ahe all ill mil then lue received no lice datki ut 0hretrtii ontario this nlvteenth da of marcli a d 1043 dau and bknnett 8ollctois for the aild ftlzabelh st jane anthonv gray coach lines timetable now m eppbot dajuuht sartw ttsu leave oeorobtown to torojrto 7 04 am 844 po 9j4 am 0j4 pm 11 pm b 10 m pm to london j k3i am s 7 19 pm r 330 pm b 0 10 pro 4m pm x b 11 ji pm b sun and hohdajr onlj x to qutlph dally to klt- chrnrr sat sun and hoi r to kltrflrnrr a to strahord boa drpat ptwm u saours ralph gordon tha irmun enurtalncr for roar next proaram nioilralaxl clnrolar pr toaonto addnu torn cravford st il c n r timetable dauaht savins ttmr oatx east pajuwifrr 701 am paiarnrcr and mall 10 os am paurnirtr and mali 6m pm paanffr sunday onlr hi pjn paaaensrr dally 92 pm thli train traj formrrly u flyer but now stops oolaj waat pauenter and mall lit sjn pajaenjrr sat only 513 pjn paiaenstr dally axorpt saturday 934 pm daily except sunday 70s pm paiaeneer sundays only 11 so pin dally bkpt sunday uu am oolnf nartb pauenser and mall 145 am calm saath hxuenrer and mall 710 pm drool tvaet olba phase urn iuui 1 i lot 1 ml ij i in fiiillillli tnuir i hr ml i 1 hi ion i i i in hi 1 n i i- r un i ii i iii i u irn i it i ii illnl il i irniii ns 1 u i in i hlni i in i ut ntv oi lni- him i ii u i mil ill i i ol 1 i un i m- mnm uliiir tliit hi n i a ititmt mll urn mtiii is ihiitint iif tu- cinii 1 niltltmill smtuluit bikuiim in- huiwl marxlsni hi matched into austria because in- httfd tho ilnlis- bur hi dlstllitftilslttd bituiiii ar- vans nnd semite ucciuim lie linted tin jews napoleon was n tlelermlned conque ror hitler was a determined misan thropist and now let us examine their po litical alms for they further neglect uttlr ohsrtotsrs napoleon wanted to found a demo cratic united state of burone by joining the countries and thing them equal rithts oosth wrote napo leon ut out to welt virtue but since mothers mobilize to bring health to families hundreds off women enlist in nutrition for victory drive bring health and stamina to families especially war workers you too can plav an inipinr mt i i ti- national nccil health anil minvr i nij i wiir for victor tilujy tor lullh piiiu government sunt rctal that itit thu who can uffurit the hih arc often illtld anoiiuie fo the standards of true nutrition here is an opportunity of learning an iv anil iuuntifi way to improte your familys health through better nutrition tin opportunity of getting your copy of the booklet lattoworktowin at absolutely no cost so dont delay i send for your freb copy now it hustlimimtplfmsshlfptmiiawi too nsjuwsuuuk oifirlsi oumdum namkm rtojraauu tmlorwey thi buwoio industry ontario sltl tlsal ixumoxoxu tkaf xoxoxokoavlxm kossxl ikauml w sal llol t vicomme

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