Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 31, 1943, p. 3

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tbe georgetown herald wtjne- much 3lkt 1943 carrolls hettse- cleaning sale etal euttu uau m cjua l haaifcl javx 14c anttlutb ir f sotko tkst fe gaxfomum ase wtaslcs uiry a sse hue 1 e plybeb u ae chestico u iesse pvc soap 14e satowlleka it poercw peg flaw wax ivory sftojlt ha oti super suds princes 4c xc a4c 1 lk fifu t usia a 1 all wv uihnu wait not as camlta carralls raaur coffee t4ka ic lumill kh cheese luiu- corn flakes x ir sc inwrnot a law va soup x st si wounh paatry flour crrir bakia powder ite f cocoa iuktw le texas kesbleis grapefruit 4 for 29c ici iii bo law iua4 head lettuce 17c flouda hizc ti oranges 35c dox norttteltn spv no 1 apples 3 lb 2sc phone 357 georgeiow tiyini officer george ruia uenrling cmailaa numlicr one i ini nre and licro of niiny uir batt lea itmt malta uho has juki completed a rnant locoaftttourof tinatlavitiiliiig kcaf stations made a large part of i lie long trip by transcanada air liiie i lirv lie m at monctnn air port previous to ilekirture oa tbe lait leu of hia journey from moricton to montreal seated at the controls ol a his tca passenger liner talking t captain j r rowker who piloted the plane at winnipeg reurlimz waa greeted by wing commander d r maelarentcab superintendent of passenger service and one of canada leading air aces of the lost war imttoveo uhirosm initknattohal sunday chool lesson 6 nyrjfiis7iit r2 t haaii af uafco lcuoa for april 4 tfrris abalatts bvrlpauf wt m- uw ajh moiiliuss w utomowi couuu u tuiiitzt iiin ud w hmlmfcm peteb and john become disciples or jesca lsssoh text-jo- i saa um i la ta counts text- jiu u was tfcam can ya silar aaa aae i vu pvat ran w turn err af aaaav sui ptraone ullh la ouut la lha heart of christian exparunca elnca persons arc on by othar parson t woe vitally important that lha lord choos vh right disciple at the very beginning of the church outstand ing among the tvuelve disciple wet peter and john whoa lives and letter wr study during th bait threa months the manner tn which thay bacama disciples is ol unusual interest and is instructive as wall w will ob- nrve that our lord 1 working ta much lha same way on lha pler and johns of our own dsy- thay came to him by way 4 i teitisaaay- twy br akcaal jaius john i ijm john who fnodesuy rtfralna nl bjui thr-j- rie auction- 9- chslrmai ol uir wartime naming himwl v 0 hmi4 vboyt jrtus from john tht lupuu hi uaumony u notabu for tu polnlt4 prtmnuuon of chritt and it un- mutskcbl diir that thay follow him john was an important man wtih a vigorous m but ha r- ofnutd that hla only rtal buiintm for god was to point man to ovrttt ha in joyed having man follow him but only that ha might laad tham to jasua in doing christian worh should warn so to tsar our tastlmony tht may msrnfy christ and not oursalvsa wt must b cartful to win mtn to christ and not to our- talvca or our causa or church pctar waa brought to jtsus by hla brothar andrtw andraw was a qui et modest man of whom wa do not feud that ha preached a stnglv nr- mon but ha dtd do parsonal ork ire john 61 0 u31 23 he has been called andrew the finder may his trlba incrass wa need more like him hearing about jeiua la not enough there must be tht next itep the in- disptntablt personal meeting with the lord ii esparieoea they saw jea john 1 jv39 43 tht necessity of o perminol pericnce with christ is so cli urly stated in scripture hut one cun unly marvel that it is so neglected in many churches today nnlher john the baptist nor lat er andrew was content to tell about jesus they brought john and pe ter to the lord john sold behold the lamb ol god v 36 and an drew brought him to jesus v 42 these sum up the boul-vun- nera duty w must bring our turn- n ily our friends es the strnnkir ivi in ilirn with whom we deal into the pn-s- m ine imimirr dr i chmtu tjstlph adtjressc hshon sd skew the annual halion seed 8how which tu held in the uillon toum hall on knday and saturday of latt ret vtu irli attended by a urge group of farm- i irum ail section of th county on sjturiy uarth 3uch the number of mil so tlvghu lovrr than in prr- 1 av jcait but tnr qualit of the grain r nohri to br drured elubu of utjl t ieftunttl approxljnate- i 40u3 buuitls uftrl for sale rn- it- ui liw jiuu iavls dlttiion a xtnintly llht kltrn iroer ri- itlttii intnrs id tlr lri hutjael clmra 1 j jii b tioi clulron t11 lnon ruir tl ijutuf dll i let prtce in tjuirtl fir bjtlsjavrtcry am sktubit cl i j bur jvli tjujp- ru u tilth liuludt0 modtu ol m buck vt jilrlri suiters iro irrv ri tti luht tru lmjiilrr aid othi f ihi jul crutrd a bttat da i jttaj rrt tlit- lwtudj jllrtiwaoii rnrrtliin jv m i1umil uikitr ihr attlt- ciialrmatrs- ui t ln ijtiriit ij11ii fairop ol ttn llslton crop impiormrnt amyurutt w s bracftoa pjt pre3drnl ui r cuxlo crop tmprtrmrnt auocutk n tncfea ivwty oc pf farf luiaa urnbirt tr k -r- sitictha imtttmt 0 ftie nsuus freao ttf rjvtr j iiinwt1 t4uirntr r ml puctlrsl and uott p i- nidrrv gif fsiourauy recti id by the ii r tudlrnra ttu- curtt uttsakar dr o l chitstu riwtit of lha oeujto aaftaihuru ro irtr in his usual icwrfttj arylf ra- mrxi the ictuaxmbau osfia tiun farmers tvlnot tht outbreak of fv- tl is almott unbelmsb whrn one alti ttuii our caruaduit farmn till l it nit itduiik rrx lur o mairiwjri hjy tyrn jblr tu lirfrras-4- thrlr ei iii1n i f nn if iiritaln trum a pj1iii x i r anuiunied in ume atj milllur tkjutuk in 1w1 lo utrt coq million sound in 1943 tut flum a fr thou- vand duirii in prear eans up lo ap- pinnlmatrlv 40 miltauu doxen in 1143 4tui jt ute jrnc llmr ntatd dr chriir our farm peonle have nup- amounu of country iditor sees ntrm swct4xv nsw lv ktwafta4w c vj1h ukstojt tattif ks m sit sgfit axaa ivrtsview vvmi i a at fi jut a mcond attirlther i uliii ithticd into hu oincr dunald jnot paid price and trjdr board at 41 ean i4 tie a tu d4tk main rilti4f hta e-l-ivu- bit uitli a tifikt- in hu tyt titj a oft litokli urctnt in liw klrtj dominj- the ruum uir bu pile of papri and documtnu on hw ck und ou liki jilm right uut- i thouuht in this last article jckio lift- to know vmrthjiit abuut ute main pulu th- ftrtnt titut juratr jour uvuiti thr-4- djk ilut he gldn i ant lo talk about 5girvelv ifco x- x flosn in fnin vatncoutr ak bumrr than ink tuid tutld 4ltrr a littir liltiln lwjjp pirr ahrad nxk i t t g0 uolkjrt ui txj 1 did i i9 a lr thlngk in gm mind ft hag i sutow oy tiate tuu txi ukr hib wn- donau ooiuxjn luj unsnbsrrrd rrn not mine what in a nutrjir- uir tht- txnr- fils to ctlftiih in krnrraj from the waiunit- lnut6 and tiadr doardt 1 uasetj ai ul he replied i made actual note the jin8 to conurner or the counto cmi mughly be rmtmatro at g3io0o00u und to die uurn rjmuar amount in un it d ttitl llifira ui url all kind of arm produce to our i u hole iimeslr market the akrr pointed i ru ji lhr mur to dalr xiiufacarvh zxx th r rr l iimttrnrit f agrlrulturr had sug- unm or fted th4t an addllkwial so be kept l u head monr could not n tvrv farm liere ihkti are no br mrasure the human mliii to tay ln ktpt thai nij not be pjslble on not hi nit or uir rffetlene of our jr fiirni oaiiii t la k nf wctommo a the unileti nlcn war oralnm liilun or sum othrr lartor he mated 14jurr and jap6 at that tlie k ncjutftuir i a tiili chrvtir i udtlie puan in hluh i ram s u ran hh litt oi hair i peaee ta war in lainuliiii tlie appn t litlon of 11 tu m queaionv it dlsadnlacrs imiiki j 11 wiumiti pt ptrsidmi tud cnipjnl up he admitted mime had t tin lliltoi asjh lauon bwncd but uiey urre inherent in the sitci t ih intrm und attention huh fnm a piareume to wartime econome and none that cannot be orte1 out th ihe cooperation of primary pn- ducertv indumo and consumer mabe i irlctl to mtmle him hrn 1 ofkid if ctintnik mich a price cill- iik would sui utter the wnr pet- nmnent or tempomrv timt he kald aill b- mailer of noemmeni policy und in lhr final analyal for the peo ple uirnuehes i anled elaboration 1 tin- junior farmer hupplnc the war iftts to ur three competition major ran more i uir h n rivrhttl indicated better rtrd- deluhtrtl hit uen anti ihe m vinr dr christie that thtrt t kunt tor him in ltil- ll t ihslth lor him mivor n ii iitiin of mllon alo spoke bnl und on behalf tit the cttlfriis itinded a welcome to uir kutherlni in prseiitlnn lhr llilton cream and flutter tropin to angur mtsubh uini crtum grading liusti ulrnid o the hlnher qua- lt of ontario butter in lecent enr llils imreum0 qualitj tn general i larkih ilur to belter pialitj cream and id bi attributed in at li list to uradlnp encr of jesus ttnipttliiniv such a ete he will look into their eyes and mominc he mix ted into their souls and see in them all i the gifts and graces which may i make them useful to him v 42 john was the brother of james and peter the brother of andrew just two humble fishermen in the sight of men but jesus saw tn them two held thl the btrathcona onharils trophy or he hitch man in fruit and vecet- rtble liulkitus b by oordon les- lr of ac u in thr presentation ws mate bv res smlh of oik mile bro ther of the donor cieo fisher of clioruetouni us thr hlnh man of the entire romptlltoii and ilvn in orniii of the most useful men who hove an p lla trophy ever lived let us give him chance to deal with our friends and acquaintances hearing and seeing ore both ex cellent but they lack one final step und here it la 111 action thay fallawed jeut ciiriruetiin i john 140 mark 11620 first of all they followed jesu in j incoming believers on him an the memituh that experience of john- j ue find in john 140 and of peters by inference in verse 42 there is 1 no salvation opart from that uct of 1 the will which follows a knowledge of christ in the passage in murk we find htm embhniiitli t the vred judntnt cham pionship was prrrnted to the me ompetlior the u nnen in the vertl s1h ere as follouix late 0its 1 entij- is mlmir ilros medium outs fi entries lit 8 e cnffcii a- son at ten 2nd j f pen- nn acton 3rd j ii wulmott mil ton 4th w 11 held a sons omrwe- n 5h wootinintls orchards llmnte fith m t minahh a botis oeoruitovn ful oats 10 entries- im j f iviiren etnn 2nd oordon a leslle etotl ard john rlchurttson milton 4th t j itroanrulm oeotpetoui subscribe now for the local paper culling them to leave their ftecular mt miller tiros citrtriirtown rh w tailing as fishers of fish to follow hun und become fishers of men before they could become what he wuntcd them to be they had to do something rise up and follow him their unquestioning rebponse indi cated their faith but more thun that it showed that they were the kind of obedient men who could be used of the lord jesus might have called his disciples from the learned und the mighty but one wonders wheth er they would have been willing to respond without argument and to learn of him without prejudice or preconceived ideas of theology god must often puns the mighty and the noble of this world and call those who are foolish enough to be lieve him and obey read i cor 11720 the reason is given there that no flesh should glory in his presence the glory belongs to the lord not to his servants because they did obey they be came fifihers of men he led them trnincd them encouroged them blessed them and used them a disciple is a learner but he in learning for a purpose learn ing for its own sake as an orna ment or a selfish pleasure la al- ways a sad thing but with the disci ple of christ it cannot be that it he rightly knows christ the disciple is to win other dis ciples that ii the very heart of christlon wltneu f mnkon fri eman 7th wondlamk ofrhiink llr nte rth w tl held a- sonk oeorwtown fsirliv uonuli awned 1 entry- jim mint ilr a cikitrrtown tlarltv smooth awned 1 entries- 1st m t mrniibb a hops fleorur- tnwn 2nl v ii ri id a sons giiirpr- tiwn 3rd r v ontfet a son acton mil oordon robliimin milton sth ilurrv hunter nonal fith rett hmin iilcuno ppiliti win at 1 witry 1st jorni thompson acton itri clover 2 entile 1st nommn cnrtelan llornbv 2d furl oalbralth mlltnn aunlfn 1 entry 1m a patetmin mhmll 10 thishtl onts 10 enttlrs int t j itrtmnrhme oeorretown 2nd gordon a iiltr atlnn 3rd john rlrhnrdson milum 4th miller bros oenrrelown ftth w y bnkon freemnn flth s v oriffen ar sons at ton 7th w h reld v sins oeorurtnwn flth h w rlrhnrclson mlltoil out woodlands orchards bronte 10th m t mcnnbu flz sons geornetouti 10 buhhils bnrley 5 entries 1st m t mfnabb a sons georgetown 2nd miller bros otorbctown 3rd w h reld a bonn georgetown 4th gor don robinson milton 5th w f brcc- kon freeman potatoes late 1 entry 1st b e oriffen bon acton potatoes early 1 entry 1st b e grltfen bon acton the t eaton co specials were awarded as follows insofar a price control eoncem ed it is the creature of mnemment but it vxil also depend largely upon the future form of the msr ttfteu ana how canada can be fit into an ec- te part in the otfen-l- w w hi- mance parts of conquered europ should be opentd up sc would need to feed manlng mlllloru that might be one thine it its looli tor an often- sie thats another matter we can only take such action a may be jus tified bj the daytoday develop ments it obvious thnt all of tu must be readv to nie up miuh ol hat e haw ixen tiei to and in een mea- suir if we are to be honest with our- mles in the demands for a tot war effort would ou nund ansvwrlnu me if i uhk whether there is any poll ileal interference- in our setup ien hs mustache bristled as he answered one ortl none what about sutxddlet i wanted ills mtyvrs on subsidies you know us people batk in the count rv are liable to think thev help the bin shot and are designed tor that pur- ihfe he nut nif behind the elhtball tiv siihk this as a matter of fact miwldlrs are of reliithely greater help to tne llitle fellow than the bl shot you shak of tlie bin fellow ts generally in n stron ger onaneial positton and cotim wes- nns but if uib0du- werw to tne ulur fellow uity tiouid be the qnt to fnu b the ay ivde buudiars 4 pui and otruinatl milnl f a tw j p jiprstr our tri aivuie a tablr cubt ot hvliij and s ondl to aturv a tjppli of evtnual koocn ttitit are handleij in mhat caa oifuulrly u- fcaid in the inlexeu of thr entire population they are paid in no ca- i increjse piuht and th ktrlcttfct ukquntlrik made uiiojgjx out that domma tine hjure of a man rjtd ovti hi jv us he spoke sj rrtuuj and rarnrsu i thought ta me as to mr iuey then i wanted lo trios if m funrh tiiow tnat mora cnipimon i -ecef-iarj- or are peopla tooprratinn with tni udminutrutlon we har the finest coopermlioo lmainab from th rank and file of cariavdun people he declared ta thli conntrtion we are the envy of our ruuihboujb and our friends serosa the true wmr ulruh lntemu appear injn ume to time but we ran not permit an devutlon in the poll uld down by the boa fmment a fv9 others tand a murhty fe he mad it plaint try to oust the game bos me have on- standard remedy for uiaasv and that l recourse u the courts of ihe land what happens then is ta rrtponublllty of the jualcury no amount of compulsion in a da mocrauc country ur oordon point ed out can equsl in effecuveneu the cooperation of a people such as oufsv sclin of their on volition with en llshtenmrnt and understanding we have dane oar bast the chairman auurrd me ht was awarr that an orjanlutlon like tha wartime prices ond trade board ruft by ordinary human betrfis had mad nli takes and har iu shlbrtcomtngs and here he pointed a really big index fin cer at rnr we have done our best au ol us he was sure that the antl- nfuiinn pollcj ol the rovemment has it heart uie best long run interests of the wage earning class to wreck that policy or to make its admlnutra hon impcfcilble is an act he conslderi cm of rlldtttructlon well ou read er mn in the country can take it or leave it mr gordon u canada has made economic htmory by demonstrating that inflationary effects of war can ha contnlled but he u determined as lonfc at he ha anj thing to do with it lhat to prove it can bt done u not suf- flcltnt the policy must be seen thruuhh to do hi in his opinion there can be no weakening on any on ol five point namely- the fiscal policy money to ou calling for iruudmitirs taxation and borrowing the price cetj- ing salary and wane subluxation control and rationing ol supplies found necessary and the direction of manpower to essential uses farmers and inftauaa and here i asked the question im portant to these articles how abooft the belief among some that farmer constitute the one group who could benefit from inflation here is his answer those who hold this belief rcldom advocate inflation openly but wt hear it nrriied that under inflation sktlcjltural prlecb woulr rise faster thai tht prices of goods or supplle needed fur fnrm consumption no one can say positively whether ihls would happen ortiot and i fervently hone w never have the opportunity of finding out we do know however that th lat time the experiment was tried in 19 h 1920 everyone suffered eventually md farmers i rui thr most hearq of all the chairman freu wc ore not pay- inn n heavy price to avoid the disaster of inflation i iices only in his mind teamwork and organization and so x left him tsiih short as interviews go but maybe there is a thought for yon and i in it champ nshiji in ceirul gmlns m t nrnalib v son- cicnrketoun ciiuniitmship in small tweeds nor man cantelou hornby fxhlbltor mukiiik largest nunibei or entriesmiller bros georgetown acton on siiiuiiiv innrnliik it ihr united chiinh n iiuilhiis nixl lniiklilcn rr- ut wn ira lined ulirii dip molhrrs mifl liiiiiihlira rlmli led tlie stiirttir nnd rendered severul nnlhrms on moiidny- eienlns march 22nd between fifty nrul clxty frlenda nnd nelrlibmiri of mr nnil mrs wm yniinr oathered in tlielr home on the ith llnr to spend h fen- hours with them on their golden wedding dny at the regular reunion of the acton council the reeve reported that he had secured additional information reenrdlnk the coat of a truck with steel box drum body and snow plow at tachment and special ttesr for now plowing council was unanimously in favor of securing this equipment dur ing the year look out for your liver buck it up fight hw v vibiibt yaw liw b ua urtttt arfu in jao aasr aajmuiwual ilaaanaat lib la distn umi puria itllfi raaruasl whsa mut tk u m ka traaasiai ila aur fathuiaas vau k a taailtaalaj staauth sad akwn cutt lstliy jw avt at utsui faffawssyei nualiraatuisu sscaa aaaaljd awsanan lusar snj atlf stalai tsts fruit atlvesi eramosa council aajumd the rate payers present at th meeting that council would use erarjr effert to opus the blocked roads tmuedlately and would ghr ertota odatueratlon to th purehut or rantal ot enow eautnueat for neat lnleretou nt vtm

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