Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 31, 1943, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wedwet march 31st 1943 ood blew our boy to fir away and keep them safe on und ud tea be with them through the night and day wiser duly sends than out to be guard all who rld in ships oo hlcb and lute their millions artm to do lk them come utcly from the iky from all who threaum and fxrraae be with and comfort all tn pain orant them to live lor happier days with victory bring them borne again to freedoms cleaner gentler ways and as the harsh daya com and to ltrar every true devoted ion pray aa h u tn heaven as upon in earth thy will ba donel wiani week csiwuhus mis mrndham convenor of ditty bad and women a work onrnmlllea wuhe to acknowledge with thanks tha following 1 qullte ram mrs fred thompson 1 qullt from mrs win r crcffiar 1 quilt from main st twjbora lira former u40 for dur bagi from mrs john kennedy ohar- le 8 i portable oramaphone and 70 record from mr and mr harry bailey the tollowlrg shipment was packed at ifrm mrndham home on thursday evening iat nc knitted aruclre 4 turtleneck saeaur 6 sleeveless sweet er 12 turtleneck luckins m pslrs of socks 3 helmets 4 seamens cape 3 pra gunner a mltu 1 pr teamen mill 3 pra mlnrsweepers milts 11 pra seaboot blocking 13 scarves and 4 srllnilrd dlltv bagi secondhand clothing man furlined coat 4 pra shore 3 pra rubber 1 womana fur coat 3 fur scarves 1 ur muff 1 bundle fur piece 1 targe bundle leather pieces 5 felt hatv 1 ladle outfit fault blouse hat and shoes 3 oew pra mena socks i pr chllda mitts tiro 1 woollen acarf 3 boya sweaters i boys jersey 3 girls sweaters 1 gills sweatercoat i bdl uuora canvas 1 suit boya py jamas 3 ladles sweaters 1 ladles nrestrr coat 1 wool veat 1 navy autt 1 grey skirt 1 blouse 6 ladles dresses 9 quilts 4 pr mens trousers i mans suit coat and vest 1 topcoat 1 suit comb underwear 2 piece suit under wear 4 mens vesui underaear 1 new iult comb underwear when are you hprtng cvanlng please la aside all ltather and old felt mn s and vomrnt tints that ol mav have been accumulating for the navy league the- are still making sea jerkins in down lots for our cana dian and allied sallora all the sailors seem to like the jer kins and from tune to time the active service canteen sena them to navy league headquarter for re-furnlsh- ing as it were headquarters must be equipped to meet this demand then is still a great demand for square- necked sleeveless sweater and turtle- neck longsleeve neater socks and helmets games and more game are being asked for by the navy leaque this tlm the are making an appcm fnr tao thousand crlbbage board to be placed aboard canadian and allied ships as quickly as pos- file 100 crlbbage hoards have been made by one toronto school perhaps tin kering with the hammer and saw is your hobby if so indulge that hobby by making some crlbbaac boards for our sailor tads perhaps up in tha at- tl there la a crlbbaee board you havent used for years nil dust it etc and wax it up and send it tn to our book and game cwnrnlhaa of which the rev mr todd la tan a h fwrells ym it is the title of a book udlint- corruneeidsd tor relatives and friends of men in the rv navy wa thought you might be interatad in the life- jackets with lights ittirhed to them which is mentioned la the book review these lights are small naked bulbs connected to a battery in the breastpocket and have been the sal vation of counties taea wealfcw- we all have our own opinion of this past winter and while t may have been tnconvertlenced in many vaya can our eipertenc compare in any way with the following a navy officer writes this win ter the storm just teemed to run right into each other all winter long borne storms were so bad wed make aa little aa ninety mile tn half a day or mora btorma that washed everything away almost lifeboats wtrtlcs rsngwbnders atortns in which aa had to steer by dead reckoning after all our tnstru- mens had gone btorms where every thing was wet no food hot or cold for 49 hours just hanging on like grim death and hoping for the bast and if it hadnt been for the bunch of woollies you good people up there sent us through tha navy lkaoire wed have been tn worse plight stld i tell yon card of tkamkh we wish to thank all thoe relative and friends who have so kindly rrmem brred our son malcolm during tils ser ious ulna ht st camp borden ur and ur ororve urandford notice to creditors in the saitter sf the estate of jesses filreo tste af the tawnshlp af es- aeunr in i he caealr af luiua sad rrartaee af oatarte geatfltcaast a- social and personal he arthur dayfoot of horenda vultsd hi parents ur and ura c b daytoot last weak end lra harry p ualotae of penetng is listing her mother ura clara king queen st air and ura reginald johnston of toronto were week end visitors at the home of ur and ura 8 w or ulss jean ur ulster toronto a a week end visitor with her parent or and ura a mcallister ptlntofncrr and un james jones cf ouata spent the week end with ur and ura k r ucdond- uls uargaret usxlartn of tcron- k spent the week end with her parents ur and un a usetsuea onr albert wuun of prtawswa is visltng his sitter ura ralph thomp son while on f urlougb urall we l manager of the bank of uoutnral branch at wnrlon kail pent the week end at hu home here ur and urs jtimrs wtalheittin and uuter prank veei ol toion itsllrd ur and ur wni bon lost week end ur und ur george lakr and lui daughters kathleen and oaendolyn arrr uunday visitors alth mr an i mr a tt paeer ur tad ura hlluam allen and daughter carol of wsaton vtsltsd at the home of ur and ura harold btng- bam last week end ulss helen williams of the unrret- tlty o toronto fpent the aekend ht liome with dr and mrs c v wil- church hews uuth 3ih rhlst lb ttevu ad he 1b fie irocn jou jia 47 rrv r c toad uanutrr sunday school an- mtrimty 1030 avm- sanday bcbool a- wixbl ii am on- day school annlver lajy ttrvict- tbt prrxlr rrv ktr man truaji too of a lurmrr pastor every- coe welcome 7 pa public vonhlp subject ttir church a choten oommunity k9 rrmbyutum cdwa otcmtlorn llr chu c coc lirunr d a mitlutrr 10 am sunday school horn public wojtjup 7 ijn pjwic worihlp mi ltitll b j ol tufunlo lu pitavji at boui urvkri laijmtiattj lrrarltiras ctikrcb 3 pin sunday ehrhool and nible cuu 3pm public worship mr lttusll hu j tuionto 1u piruch notice ib id31eby oiven that all prnonj havlnff any claim or mand offalnst th ul jam given who dwd on or about the fourtrvnth da ol march 1m3 at the tovnahlp of c-qur- inj in thr coiuu of halton and pro- lncr ol chi to no aiv rrquirrd to trnd b kt prrpiul or u drllvrr lo tin untlcilned holicttnr hrrrln for la km dale k c the aulr kircutor of ow last will and totimrnl of jam oli n ointleman decrawj thrir nomr and addmvsci and ful nicu- lam tn writing of their cuunit und tatemnt of ihflr urcountii and r nalurr of the snturmr- if uny held by ihrm and take notice that alter uie thlrmrth da of april 1043 the said va iu dile k c lll proceed to dis tribute the ivett ol the uld deceased imuiik the permm entitled thereto kiirik ritiard onl to the claims ol which he hall thru haw had notice find that the said ueroy dale kc 1ll not b uebl lor tie said avet or un lart utreol to an pnon of hoise clim he hnll not then hat ecell notlcr dattd tit georueton ontario this entninth mi of march a d 1043 dale and be3jnktt bojiciton for the aald lerny dale k c trrcrrrrtim rcttrxrtir dance doris hulls orchestra tii tt ft llfadern and old tymet in georgetown arena friday evening april 2nd 1943 hponured by punch press war workers proceeds for red cross lucky draw dancing 9 pm i am admission 35c rrnmmi i corporal and uit jack yuung u sukara ellv were aeeli i nd vtsltou llh hie latter parents mr nd mr ale kean alitor o a ou1 of the actcin free pre was in oeorgetown or the fune ral uf robert d warren isst wednes day ur and lira ross duncsn nlsguru fulu an 1 mr and mr juck uuncan hlmcoe spent the wi k end uilh tlulr mulhrr mn ldna dunun mrs violet coustuli uid i iiikhtl cu otlni i tonnto wire iluists tf mr and mr wm hori mi r lln ah k iid mr elnn r mrcuintsi of the ounl cimniirtr staff 1 14 i to sjient a h u hnllihis l vrek llh tn parent mr ami mrs a a mccumber mr uml mrv chls crutiiirr im1 chlklmii of burlington ni the meik ind 1 thr home ot mr und mis knirm thompson cpl itilnit utkr tutlunul it tr nlon trtttr irrrrmttinr april showers ahead better have your umbrella repaired umbrellas are definitely among the things that are getting pretty scarce thats why its so important that we make the raott of thow we have if your unv brella needs reeoveriagif it needs a new cord tip fer rale or rib bring it into mcbean cot well gladly give you an estimate on repairs it make take three week to fix it so dont delay mcbean co georgetown flxr- i- t zzz zziizumm phone 64 j mew advertisements ht jaho thtuali htraautuaa ittv a it cuskbitxilt llrctor fourth bund ay in lent 0 30 um holy communion 10 30im fkmduy tklool kl pmaj tuth km 11 am hoj communion hi mephrn hwvrh ltcnt7 3 j m dnlng iraer for wjux thoioughorrd cireyhound pup or salt- mali f ir imjiium oood racer phone oorstujn j0rl2 h iti hi- l ih rcaf 1- it l tie at k uumii mrs w c an- t h e a t re friday april 2nd lady gangster acilenpackcd with fay emersan reland draw moscow strikes back russian feature fox news 9 saturday april 3rd matinee at 3 pm immortal sergeant john brophya immortal war romance with henry fonda maureen olfara comedy glovebirds disney symphony hour chapter 8 perils on nyoka tuesday and wednesday april 6 and 7 they flew alone based an the aviation esplslu of amy titlinun and jim mauisen musical a nation dances passing parade incredible stranger t hony vh alln p iuikjir ind diuikhter minrv jane of tliames road huron co are at present visiting with dr und mn mralllmir mrs pavmorr beind a niece mr 1 l hcrbrrt his rttunud to loan after spending the alntcr montlis with her siver mr d dleber in len- tioxvllli- qurrxc mrs herbert is mal um 111 mr unit mrs d w baxter mr and mrs clirtr teatile nntl aiiilitcr t rrl of ilnirnpton ind mrn albert tvt ind son dumln isire fiun- ilav ilsllors isiih mr ind mrs j o fnimrrvin mr und mlv ii o nurlinniin pte mil mrs fnrit ilurlinnn ami mr ond mrs hon irit idlblin of kltrhinir visited th tho mccilirni s on hi- ttlrlny mr hvnnk uliot iformirv jnnn joreene ot ollauo mi un mr and mrs cliurlis orn n uml lumlli toron to and mr iind mrs james mclirty ul of toronto sin sundiiv visitors lth mr uml mrs pint nrulsbi itn anil mis a lllkvlnsni a foi- ni r r rti i of m tliurni s lsilul mr f c tlloinvon lit viik llr ilul mrs iliigtl mardnnulrl iiid tan sons jink unit don ul oh iuii i ri 8unilm tsltirs nt the same liome mrs w ii iriin uus tmstrss to the rebeknhs lust monday nlnht al in ir irmilir uork nitillim work is pro- itresslnlt satlsfurlnrlll on the quilts iifrhnns mil knlttlnu at thr conclu sion of the cvcnlnr the hosts ss served refreshments mrs p ntvmn and mr and mrs clarence wnrd of inndon out mr and mm cordon webb nnl babv ja nice cf st thomas tsere visitors oier the week end at the home of mr and mr j w kennedy these visitors re presented four frenerauonh mrs broun is a sister of mm kennedy on wednesday nlrtht mm ralph preskwood mrs horace myth and miss alma mcenery were lolnt hostesses nt ft miscellaneous shower in honour ol miss daisy brnlsby who was married last saturday the shower was held nt the brldos home and thirtyfive ttuests enjoyed nn evenlngot names and pre sented her with many pretty and useful gifts the roam was decorated with pink and white streamers and the three hostesses served a delicious lunch trie united church sunday school of which mun brelaby now mn har ris has been treasurer for a number of years presented her with s lovely bible on sunday morning march slst tn honour ot her rasrrlsce to mr robert harris which took place lost saturday ht reortes cbarth woo till mpson rector rvjurui sunday in lent monday school 10 om holy com munion 1100 tun fvcnsomr 7 00 pm lliursduy 7j0 pm liitfti bin let in thr cjumh bucmint llr1 fuplui t hurib mllilstir rev joln i octium sundiiv april 4th 30 pin uiida sctiuol 6 4v pin bonir bcrvlce too inn fc v etilrm vsoislllp tn sujrt ll i mr os mm will iiinilattr in iinti mid iinr itii yojiii ptopu mi t on mniidai ul 8 p m loi hrnm for t meiatton nil ftlnaslilp ut tj p m worlu rl heir trou kt chareh rev fr v j morgan mass ut 0 0 ii m 2nd and 4lb bun- ilavs 1100 am 1st 3rd and 5th sun- dais for blmt apartment fur rent roasciaion april 1st apply j leavitt vvamld lo rent 7 or 8 lotmitl ikiust ccuiirnlencrs adult lamll apply box k ijtald omci ior hale incubator 600 res eatiaclty lotli reasonsble apply phone u ror hale 34 whle laiihom hnu all laln phone 38 r 31 georgetown rob kale ihiitri v11 u 1111 cliuur irmilev splcfaimn w irli ill attachment in koud condition app box k tf herald umehouse tlic liutrtlim class held its filth mietlnb nt mrs norm s tiiesdu e it nltis the toit dlsrusmil bcliik uftoins mrs olsbi und mrs nor- ile sirvitl u nutritious lunch ut lh close mrs y mill r und mr llunrv mc- ikmcll aire wlniiirs of prlee ot thi w i 1 tichri ik lit ul mr und mrs juc scott son wedtusilui iiiulntt mr jas scott uml mrs scott received conso- litlons tlic prnreids unit to the rett crov ilrlie tin march mrctlnti ol the olris iickout club ol the prisbjterlun cliunli uus hi id at mrs a w ben ton s on saturdni mrs yiatcs of london ilsltcxl her ilau mrs sutlierlund ilurliir the at k mi nnd mrs a w 1 unc anil diiutth- lers imit sindn uuh mrs it 1ine mr and mrs orudvvill kettlii th and muriel uml mr and mrs kruood and mrs trumd sr nil pint sunili iviui mrs muniint ri at her mltiinc tin sihiiil chlldnu han bicn in tliu listh sulcsmin during the past vii k thr aro rnlflltik un nltihan which tlui hilihxl miikc und intend holillntt a purtl at the srhnol soon for tin ii unrwork fund balunafad ihc w a heal tvvo nucunv in one ryltlu ultiinoou arrunucmcuts wcrt uuilc to hold uu biclil cvcnlnie which viiis postkimd on uccount of tho con uulun of the roads und the weather uuriiik hastcr ucck i lie march meeting of the wjvlb uas lulu ut tho manse moat of the minilmrh bcltitf present mrs kirk- wood wits in chamu of the scripture study und mlss b hilts the topic mrs i- j tthurtlll christian btowardshlp srciitnry tine tomo bttcrestlns thoiiuhtb on the stenartshlp of our tunc and mrs foreman a tow well iliosvii uords an temperance it was clrclilctl to hold the easter thank olferinii early in may the two senior classes of the sun day bchol are holding the annual bus sines meeting saturday evening april 3rd mrs wiley has returned home after spending a few weeks with friends in the state the moron family visited the misses youngs on bunds those making maple syrup report the weather is sun too cold for s rood run of sap hoi ml to rlr at golf uvhk 6 rooms ilnlilc t fivt bprlnu cnik hill appl to j a wlllololsby 2t iso youm 11 toronto wanted home for btd coin tint loud of children and kod watch div appll phone js9 r 12 georgetown kir hale uidv s tailored suit black slie 14 too small for osner cwt 123 00 onl vnrn n ii limes appll herald office shot gl s ior male nnnm do bv barn 1 nice condl- lion pilteen dollars or olfer also stnill elutrlc ik btater sim phone 320 georttrtown for sale youtuj piis for 11i1 haii now and april 1st apply 8 t sims r r no j georgetown tlione 48 r 21 0 piks lbs apply for hale wiliihlnti from 100 to 135 cecil barth gl 11 williams phone 02 r 26 for sale a quantity- of cniilir seed oat imwir rlcmcd wilkht at mill 40 lbs tr bisbil hoy burt 2t phone 381 r 2 ashgrove monday emlng ltsvrch 2nd ajh ttvr v p u aturtvd ororirvtovb vjiuiip trvlrr allrr liich all mjoy td jumrj at thr tlotr lunch tu h uiiiu amine itarch 28th aih- ktor v p u hrll tlxtr rrffuur d- vcuoriul ttin nth ulj mbtl wrisultnwvtjiui in ouirs ulu kld itlru sur oir topic bhr pokt oo rsw win all in mim urkn dk a ural wo thr mtunf cload whh thr natluna anthem and brnrdlthlaa thr ettr thunk olrrlng o w m 8 uui nrrt on tudy cui ua ptnlall of carlule u1 btt kurtt iprakrr stewarttown mr wili im lawson ol windsor visiting alth hi mother last week e few das mrs lawson went with to windsor for a short stay visitors lth mr bally on 8 mere mr edaard bally ac 2 mun liully and miss kay brown all toronto tlie infant son of lc cpl p aa mr henderson was christened bund in st juhns churcn by rev o 1 colebrook he received the naa rotxrt charles for hale kitchen cabinet square tubs stand oil stole lawn uower and ira small articles for sale apply mrs allan roney edith 8ti live and dressed poultry market pnosa apply a darnett bon phone brajspton writ j reverse charsea heed for sale commercial no 1 noberb bar won 2 first prices at halton seed 1 ii 2 per bushel commercial no l ban oats ii 00 per bushel apply malcolm t mcnabb ti lot 7 oon 8 esqu 2t l phone mrl george for bale american ffrown hybrid seed com secure your com while it last gov ernment termination test 08 per cent to 100 per cent write or phone us for delivery prices see display advt on another paire wm coube sons 3t phone 18w strectm llle for rent hnlf holibc on paicr mill rond also ietnent block liouse on dili line for rent intmisdlatcli apply george 11 leslie r r no 4 town phono hrnmpton 333 r 14 bltamin vitamiv bromplcx tahleth betamtn make that difference iluor nnd vitality take pngeorlffr betamtn luoomplrx tablet a day maccoamacks drtjo 8torb3 robbb drdo store exrlohiveh for sale to fomtcni and quarry men or whom it may concern x have had licence renewtd for 1m3 any wanting explosives dont require s mlt also open to all kinds of 1 apply a hyde 2t main street oeortreto wanted 5 roomed house or ft roomed apart ment preferably on iiround floor with convenience possession nrotind april 15th or may 1st apply a j huoltli co smith si stone ltd phone 312 flastering and general repair work i am prepared to rjo plsstertns stuoeo work and general repair work of all kinds ii walters up phone 400 aeorgetown for bale we have s limited number woods reed ortnden milk coolers and milking machines for immediate de livery also mount forest threshing machines district representative wthoughby farm age t n lsarvrtonf oeorgetow hums mh tf p o boa w wanted in vicinity of georgetown house ncre or more ot land with hydro mediate possession not necesaary cosh payment write giving full culars please do not reply unless have a fair offer boxw i herald i m for sale 1937 ford v8 coah excellent tina clean throughout one owner since new stwrfltetown phone 42 r 2 or 266 r 13

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