Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 31, 1943, p. 6

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the georgetown herald we march 3 let 1943 the electric power setup in the north dear georgetown herald w h porter addresses hafton jersey breeders as x commence to write the weatler u ttul a subject worth mentioning i keep weather record in eonnetcloo with my diary and having occasion to review it fur some incident i had remembered marking down was rauirr aurpued to not the numbrr oi srro dajr bo went all over it again just to kr during dwrmbtr 103 we had 1 4 day with below tero temper ature three tune down to 40 below jnjy tour day during january were abutc ro and we hae had ten da a during rruruary nboe but march ha a wood htart and every day to far it ha bren from 30 to 40 brlow tit b am und never uolng higher than 10 beluw during the waimrl part of the da hut to comprnutc for thr tem perature it haj bvn vtr calm with beautiful bright biuishlne all day ions the la art decidedly longer fair daylight at 7 am and tlll light at 7 jo pm not having the benefit or rirctnc light or pjarr were dependent on aladdtn for hoae ute and ou lan tern outtlde to the saving now 1 quite noticeable wl lie electric power la highly derloovd in this country for mining induitrtal and urban ttr very few farmer u far har the advantage of lu use there if punty of power available but the ciprnie of building hurt and installing equipment for 1u use w ai almost prohlbltlv r then when war rame those who might hae availed thrmsehe were deprived of thr advantage for want of material tlott of tht northern part of temls- fcimtng u supplied by hydro electric from abltlbl canon and line run aa far south aa klrkland lake and noranda prom there on south through all the central and lower part of the datrlct northern ontario and nor thern quebec power co provide the power the quebec plant u located on the qulrue river the outlet of dea qulme lake and one or the mam in- trutartea of lak trmlakamlng about 30 mile b road u north trmlskam- lng from new lukrard northern on- tarlo plant axe located on the mon treal river an immense waterway draining louth from the height of land and on the uattagml river draining tht lake by aame name and running north to james bay there are six power plant on the montreal rler ualabttehuon plant near the mouth at lake trmlskajnlng j cheese etc parvgwn rapids power plant about mid- reference at the postponed annual meeting of i la 1 ton jersey cattle club which wa held in the hornby orunge 1u11 on thursday of last week watson ii porter editor of the parmer advocate was the jurat speaker mr porter tai member of th bomber preu which tprnt tome weeks in oritaln late last ummrr the speaker gave a graphic detcrlpuon flrt cf hi rapertrncr fly ing in a bomber to and from britain second oj agitculturaj condition in britain third of nil impressions gain- j vlvltlnj our ooy in the armed jotcr including the aid conmund and last his tmpietionj of the brttlih people and auo cf the damage to brttlh cl- tlt- by enero bombing fourteen hour after leaving mont real the part of canadian pfrumm landed in luititn x7i- rpraker htrtjd die trernrndou poultjiliuct of the ueroplanc a a meam of uaiujsmtstlcn in the post war period mr porter prr- oicled tut the day u not far dutaiit hrn ne ji cjiujj rud have lnir air i turn pulling a ktrlnr of glider the individual unit of which uuld be tut oil ut varkx1 larr renin- he even fdt plan auuld be devroimxi b htrh ach al unrr would be enabled to prk up additional glider at vurtoua dtlr enroute without making land ing in hi tiitemej lnterrtlng drt- ciiptlon of dtnrlopnunu in dhtikli agriculture mr porter pointed out that in 11vc increued ugnculturm pruductlon in ilrttaln ha permit trd the release of s million ton of ahip- ping fpare for other cummoditir the speaker pointed out that canadun mr porter requeued his audience if the anew lads who were iot ukely to get mesaagc from home to keep them m mird newsy leter of what u eolng rn at home the odd parcel etc would help tremrndou1 ht it a ted i itood humtle in the presence of the air errw btjeo mr porter moat of them around 70 iuis of axe whota lather wotdi rnorr if they were out alh the car at nltit when tney were ivome and no they take off in blaxfc- out in tho innwnte txmber for 1000 or 1so0 mil ctp over riem oanto tlie rap and the rcaj re crrnk jr to the nrart of thr enrmy country tht v re no waiting or talking jtt u hxond uont mr porirr divrlptun of hu vult to the hghtrr htatlonx tit ivinon tiquad- run lilch u all caradlan arvd prey on tmtnv fchljplk 1 thr priglliii and north heas ttie nuht pvhtera wtwae plane ate equipped lth mirt uutru- nirnta which no chilian li nuowed to and hnaljr to i lie bomber com mand whtrr they urn- jrvuegrd to ue prrjurrttion fir a ruld bring made ttve tikroff around rrudnirht and fl- nailj ih retiiin ut iun from a raid on darldorf ill of thir imiphtc de- rlptiuns nfr intrnty interrtlng and thrilling t i th- tratt tike speaker alo refrrrrd to many tt thr larvr brtuh citln- which have been hrwli bmnurd and which the nrrt prltllird to ilut a i itood outhdr or ht paal cwthrdraj awid mr porter and ui thr devastation u 1 about i frit that only a miracle could have avcd that beautiful and hlsorlfhl generally had a conrepuon of imtam trz r v ot a a unaii country a puce of unal t n rilaln after thetr place voiding unall flrldv etc oonviquent ly it wa a aurirtie therefore to find in many langllh counties that the field are larger than even in wnum ontario furthermore that thrtr farm- ing lv rxtenjvej m re ha nurd with one tractor to every 100 ucre of cultivated land in britain on every hide stated the hpraker thrre wua un a making amount of cereal rrifn in live tok productf the alry cow holds no i priority it lu been fuund in britain uiut on the average 10 acre in whiat mill tuhtatn 10 persons for one yewr 10 ucre in potaloe 1u utain 40 per- vns for one year 10 acre drvoted to dairying will hufttaln 4 penonv fur oiu 10 acres drvoted to brf will mi tain 1 person fox one year it t therrforr eav to rraht mui s mr pi or tor hy hritlsh agriculture ha- been built itr- the rmphasu on productlun i potatoes c real mikmi txrik nnd dairy produds in nun r ird their agrlculiurr lias been de veloped so that they import onl mh h concentrated products as uicon ekws way between the lake and cobalt en fountain pallv rapid chute and floury ctlute just j or 4 mui apart l9tr to oobap about midaay be tween ek lak and malaehcwan in dian chute poaer plant la located on th mmc montreal river farther north and west on the mat- ugaml river wawaltln power plant i located near th- outlet of uie lake by lame name and about 12 miles south- jm of thnmlti aboul id mllm northwest of tlmmln andy falls power plant is luxated and ubout 38 bulm farther north u iht btunjon plant it fa at thlj punt ear boy harold u an operator water power development into elec tric energy has increased at a trem endous pace and u too large a subject for a letter but i have gained a wealth of information from the study and lntei eat in it lnce harold work took him there shipshuw tho latest great undertaking h u marvel of rn glw vjng and perev trance in th face oi tremendous difficulty both natural and d una tic but which pro ceeded ahead of schedule mot of the power from the nine plants above mentioned ih uwd by the mine which depend entirely on tlec- trtclty for drtltlng underground mo tors for hauling ore ur oprruting ute hoist to ralbc and lower the caeh running uie mill muclunery machine l ajhop and all the lighting julpment pumps tu it ih distributed by mua- aive powrr lln eluteid on steel i urwerb all tlinrigh uie country to wherever needtd latrge guruib of meri are rrqjind w kip tluv llm in oor hie un s tan ulniost i ntlre- ly through buli country und requlr bruaiung fxit nvery third y men have unu und walk the ltnth thrte turith per wnk null way ut ntuku tthbowuly ure no ljhtrui tlon inu-r- ferd wltlt the wlrrn trlnphone llntrt bie uuliillwj und iortulilt phonrs ure cariieo to notify the otflte from any where on the urn- of uny trouble or repair o nutbhury w rrpulr mert4in la deiipalcrmd to uie exact location tra vel in ull done dorliik the winter on mther skis or anowuhotb except where ne running doke enotigh to roadi which ure kept open nnd patrol in can be done by auto or horse how ever thtfl is heldom possible along the elk lake highway no 65 for a few miles 1r about the only place i know of like this and for a few miles east of thornloc on the quince une ac- cms to the planto away back in the bush 1a difficult too in winter time a team of horses on e covered van u uied and during the summer where possible cars and truck but some planu have only water routes and boats with marine engines and light er ones with outboarda are used btur- feon and wawaltln plants are so sltu- ttad with only a winter road through the bueh or water route in aummer watte tte work u not hud it be ffimmmiaintfmmw being ao far from muuos and the eouroe of atippum 4mwwmmttbit etc bo during pare kotiiai ineerwatlon bu to be aeh- um mad the spralttr to the urltlsh orgunlzatlon if igrlcultura with ihe coiiiequent coun ty committer wttkh hava full auuju- rlt to deride whal crop the tndlvl- tlal farmer mus urow and the rr nectlve acreage of each farmer art- rated into the following three clasae a thow tnjf are producing 80 pc or better of thr posalbditlev of the ftim b those producing 60 to 80 p c c thofe producing under 60 pc the latter tao rlasseft an rlostty sil- rvi and where they do not im prove mimi of th farmers have iwci token off their farm and disposse ssnl in britain everyone is working for the state and consequently uicrr is re gtmentation but for the most part he mate the farmm nre well aatttned with the system und would be loath to go back to uic old days british farmer said the speaker are paying a vital pan in tht terrible drama in prewar days british agri culture wus a tramp industry but the oovrrnnunt has plrdned itself not to ullow agriculture to drift back into a secondary or dlmreftsed condlton mr port r i description of his visits to army mcudqiinttrn the utmy in tamp and the army in thtlr mati- imuvres and uie air foris was rx- eptionally inspiring and thrilling tfe depicted the canadian lads in splen- otd condition their rations adequate when properly hindhri and most of tin lads heuvhr in weight than whin thty left home siimr of the lads urn- honvsirk and fed up with the unplru- iit fximtlinie of guarding and no ac tion mr purer also referred to the iat that iinir f the lads gtt li ttrr- ind bnxi s fnquditlv from home othcra fli not tnd when thr latter see the otli r hnps nettlnk their letter und oxs it m ts tli in down a bit in short timcli at htinkfon plant un have hilllartl tahli and other inside games with h i tnployrt tnu of the time patnjl ilfiity of reading nl tunl games un njoyed ut night if paeh are in tlie day time they out ran skate oi go hunting in the hprlug its llshlng kturgimin pike and pukerrl are plin- 1 1f uj iliey have a iihthii jmm1 uhd kiij u huk of live fish ulwayri or huiid for ithe in tho iookry whenever mwled one time laht year lliiiolil was omlng mil on long rhange and brought five or mx pouixls of lovely freali fllleu of picket el uiken rrom the pool and he wild filleted in lew than un hour there was till u plen tiful riipply left there ttiey rul night lines for stiiigeon und ulbi of catch ing fish weighing 21 u 40 imhiihik each he snyh ifw no particular fun as they dont fight when caught like gome fhh do you just pull thorn out like n log akin them like n beef the flcids is very fat but tastes good after nar- bollng then frying and u something between fish and oysters personally i prefer the gomey kind pike plo- erel lake trout or bass or a good brook trout on n nice slender pole now as this is not yet fishing sea- eon with the temperature just now aa i write at 10 below wro and a bright sun 111 wait tin after the 1st of may for the good fish story oordialty your r w jobxbomf r r no 1 tnomloe ont eprirnr the pat three year atill ixhrvr ii mlrarlr and point to the oct that at the lime of trie evacuation from ihinklrk the channel was never o qiiri oefore or jure the ipirtt nf the itntlsh pfople is ill there he muttd no bothtlrg or idioutlng but a rold drtrrmlnation to win through he concluded hi addes by atatlnu that britain never a vital a it 1 at tht nximrnt- thev will fight un- il they ichieve victory anuthi r fruure of the jersey breed- rn meeting wai movlrg picture in tichnlolnur presented by ja brem- mr hrcretary f the canadian jenvev cattle club of his trip to outstanding herds vlstied on a toor to the wettern ooavt in i94j following the lunclron which wa iatne b tht hornby women in- ktltute in their urual efhcient tvle ad- ihson t wimxlle president of the hal- on holstein bret den club brought the greetings of that organization secre tary j p white prenented the mc- kendnck trrliy to tm anderwm the grand rhompion club member in the hulton jersry calf club in i42 prejdrnt maurice brit of the jerey club wa rhalrmun the election of nfntr for i04j resulted a folowa pum prcsluent maurice beaty mi- ton lrrsldenl lome mia rockwood 1st vlre prrsldtlit tulwln harrnp milton 2nd vice pnsu1ent arthur pad- bury rock wood sec trea j t whiulock director cstjut siiik ward ruddcll and d charlea oeorvetown trafalgar jack fealherstone and rex mcrae onkvlllr and v hall hornby naftsaguwtyn dunuui moffat flock- wood nelson wm uir palermo and herb alton timsley erin chas mckeown acton that bat imagine mc helping to make rubber tires ke honrt htuln caittom willi the bcl of em hicu in 191419ih and dtrntd if itit wv numorijtd il i hm bulled right up to our tublc dooragjo ploughing piloting uk birtliog the grin for higbptoof ilcohol it ohit thry want ut for this time high- proof alcohol to make the rub ber hirohito thought he wai doing us out of and folks the united nation arc gtlliig that grain thai alcohol that rubber synthetic rubber made from higbproof alcohol it jumping out of the tett tube and onto the wheelt and treadt of jeept trucks tanks and airplane landing gear outwearing and outfighting the betl natural rubber unaffected by gatolinc and oil its going into aelftealing gal unit gaio- line and fuel oil hose and pipe line connection its making raftt diing suitt orygen matks and literally thouundt of other pieces of war equipment today highproof alcohol is pouring from our stills in an ncriocreatiog volume iul clement of victory 1 the house of seagram crro srr puns tn cmmmj and lb i mltj slain a tngatrd loolnikafnjmtlmmt alcohol lou rlb milton a iurije audience at tlie prlnremi theatre sunday evening lam an the howlng of the war films plghtlng in side china this u biiu and tlw latent government release fighting inside russia the picture depleting thr conditions on the fighting front were shown by major k h watson field secretary or the red croaa society oshawa eliminated milton in the finvt round bantam oj4iia when they held the local lads to a fiveall ue in utah second same here lat frldav ultht 0hawa won the initial oon- tet 6 to 3 wlien the local hockey team went jo ptnetang last friday night they were drfeated 12 to 7 and the return game here ended 12 to 3 for the locals never wa the team or cruwxl of over eleven hundred more enthujiastlc to oxome thai blreh ro big- lead one of jhe dlfttrtcr eateemed resl- ocnu samuel crone r died suddenly on friday march 10 at hi realdcnoa plrtt line trafalgar towtuhlp tn hi 70th year he had been a fanner in durham county for 43 years champion for every woman who make a fool out of a man there 1 another woman who make a man out ot a foot the price of popularity ha tnad bankrupt many a mans nature fire in milans industrial area during an rafdaylight attack heres what to do 1 v 2 3 you can takn your fal drlp- plnt crap lal and bone to your meal dealer he will pay you the olabliahed prlcw or ibn dripping and th acrap lat if you wlib you can turn this monoy over to gmr local voluntary salvagw ommtllnoor reviuttorod local wai charity or you can rionato your at drip ping acrap lat and bone to our local voluntary salvano ommltluo 11 they colloct them in your community or you can oonllnuo to placa out your fata and bona lor col lection by your sheal clean ing department wltttt nob ayaum ti in euect bimhmint of wiiomai wai jiivk1i tutwau uivmi atviitaii thyar urgently ne60pfqrxpl0sfvs m ajnchnolmtlan shlh the tth armylt attack on the ails in butt the hap carried out treat offen sive on the heart ot italys war indue tries end cornmhfrtnihem rjtesj to the imtto trtastje tn devastating day and night blows at mi lan followed within 4 hours of one another tin started in the daitfcht raid ufhtlnt to the target tor the night t the ttauanj iitnftfrl that great damata wa caused picture shows a well nre bulling in lthan fadtttmal at th begjanhw of to tacfc view from an ra beaiberaalmtttittaa

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