Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 31, 1943, p. 8

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the georg herald wednea mareh 3it 1943 pure food store ration coupon calendar no 1 2 3 butter coupons valid until apr 30 no 4 butter coupon valid april 3 no i and 2 sugar tea coffee now valid no 3 and 4 sugar tea cor fee valid april 3 maple leaf cake flour 24 lb pt 27e heinz soup bcidi to ihp- 1c ci l 2 tin 27c apple juice 14c 11 fcslib jlmjin ice cjftta powder ft 10c sirjswtt iuiilt 4 vuuu itllitu cut mixed pel 17c hiitn table napkins 15c gold hlult pastt floor wax 1 lb tin 20c ft bixrtion aluminum cleaiuer pk 10c roii kuf anj rd premier toilet tissue 3rolu28c april 8910 drvj43 stobb maccormacks drug store phone 327 georgetown niual not mother hnnger in rout vmxolx icecuum fussing mist 5 ox tin 10c laco mazda lamps 25 40 60 watt etch lkc a e far nell phone 75 georgetown ietown time for fun and fashion time to have that light suit that summer dres- rltuned and preaed time to put those heavy winter garment in torap or the ann month brjng tiiem to rachlin tailoring lane block next to dr milnes oft1cc georgetown who irill tore them for joo folly insured we do all kinds of alterations and repairs ladies and mens hlith tailored to measure important government regulation a200 requires thu dty cleaner blve out clothes on wire hanaers without retviuii smother return phone 233 georgetown we call for and deliver in georgetown i i m m auction sale of household furniture the undersigned has been instructed ly c h barber to sell by public auction at his residence king st georgetown next greenhouses on saturday april loth 1943 at 2 oclock the following dining room living room bedroom and kitchen furniture temntcaah frank petch auctiouaer i t l0alnews come tc th biryo tn the lallan itali april 6h 6ixjirtd t ctorpt- tuan oliu pipe bjid good pit nwwj jjnlar dxme at nun pjtiji italj on widiidj april 7lh ijurj ljl oujjtr almiblan s0c kip krji april it ji t- n in tjit- ixuicv uiiji wiil tjjau of- him j tf ijii uui ji 1 tiu- wo- tiuiij iiiiut- lll u- hrij wttrdj liijij n alill th l uir jour oj lln w g prck qrrfi st at 3 oclock ij jj uil a tjtd iat thru come tj the virtory ctoo oioor jrt- u ajwu mil sj in vr aitn l- rl lj 1 ofijavtu njitt djjt- jud lctj door prli cuiiae to the uji c1 auid djtikfr ui lmu 1111 nanal nda apill nd good ojijinto uctiuairrr and flour uuiuivrf lad pirs briny uui j liuft uj dti i rtt irocfida tn aid or ilrd crun cnnuttre llwb uur fsou iwj ciuniar nrujj ilablnhun cliirtrfc austin wler kulolf wr -r- uil ihr axuxi fif ptrta tilth fak april in 1 no uy tar tuollnv tlir ttvoor t ri iu- iiuin ftrw rucm uxk lt rqulr4 lu tirt emjjnr aiuj jikt oj cn go tt will la cot qiorr- to miltr lrlkr itrr tiuit u4 tlirrr iku fuuiuijr u it n ui i u m at he rrrfuur ahontiil mntlng of w- nn lrfarfr hriej utt prlds nuht u the ulflfr o mr i c ttiuaip- i mf klnidiuini prrjiitrd a iviuil txj it iom if tlitht jnj hi kiir ir- ftlvxl alij divbji0 a full rrjjn of till- will 1- f o mil tlmbhrfr in thr p- thal o iarton ot rlin piufjm ii v lu nirrtlnt at irn hi moikii mr u thrill iirf tor of iii rntiu tuioim m imhi l lint tht county council make grants to lome scots regiment and band at tilt tuion of cojntj gujricil iutmli urcfj 2ird oul lirtruo capt scjth and cjpt ltcclur rvprr tiited the lorw soots tbe aruvtu tf the rvvtment cvjing uv put year hirr rvtlrvvd and cql bertram an- iumti it i the intention cf tje l nif ty to raxhark t o actitr i rt juiti jjujih 1j llu ni ltjf llil tiw r aijj r vtir li jl- iu la tuujl jur il liujiasr- u tjrjr fiiit cit i4ciii j tpcir iki j ut ili cl ur ujd tir juuj litti ji vulili ittjjud i1ic0 jd aixfi j hut the fujill tfitr it utit jjil it hud cjpt ijcclair klt3 liit 1 arrnrf mrtnbrr tir iv uo fccutt j titicr in he uafat of lars ucu u sj j tooted b ur ilumer fctcoffad bf mr uty that the lctd goou rrctkttt f hjhuji fl and dufffrtn be crajiu id ute uu ol 100 and the rrtftnunui uind rant of 169 cirri mr e j whjukxt uint atncul- tural rtpjnrfntur tnaolr a lwuf tjl tiriinj apral u tuunru tn our in- urrtt or wruulturr in ictr iriuwr and ubur uxxtdkr i f farmlnx arintlle of 19u tv bruxl jhliirf 1 a vi pnv4iiti ui ih llir ijjplt oil if miiiiko toll clin lui v ik immnt tl ml tl 1 linr intu h ulllr i- tin- i m rit ntr lit imr ut i itid it imith titi n nln mil lnijiin pru h1u n sr ill f ill willi liu to tx- knhkd down y injv nt th 1ralii ii in ill u jtrflkcuny lujm uid many ojitn ijcij iittliijtlu fxttft timr to dcil slth the pubhc over anj abov tfcr rcjidix ajj of 9c1jj latere to the genenu plitr is the tnxr3 menut ot port office the bocks iholn an in- mast of otr 1 1 0000 tlior thr oj- ijk tf war i iu njil jid jarrru fur oiffvi i i 1 ci uiic of the tajf bjt al luii i- fiiikl dipjlcjfd in a rrioat hirlit njpjtrr ttr laral itaff coo a- vl oir r jul puijuulur coj o cot en v mks yir fllrken iflu iwo ui ucrvrmld uls prvncea 0na mi jagu cult jkj cne temporary rmpiote sir w e beam alao tn cjixied tn the ttajf air four ooarrurk htrvrtn rtzrai rouu dlrt ojj poatmajter akrd the lurtvd rfionrr to etatr that rrrythtn poa- b i bring dui i- tj cfpjuii all mail s n a- posm i i jt wthra ui ttat imx u r tii iiitu n it thr grirl ijjit trvtnf ri5d tn iplug i uifii ktjik hi- paluulaitjr wjj utljlikr to irnpirv upun tir pjlc that tpukt iiimi 9 to 9 jo u m aij i to fl pffl uiat f mail to be dfpjtftr3 by i j i 27th thm n wltr it uhk no kioi the milfoil jiuj i i ir m the 11 libiji u ill- irnhu fnun the w v rv t mrhj oihn iunrt t j uikui tn ji- ii hprliv pltjl mflcrn i torn inj und ln or ii i mi ii k irali htil u bud nali on llir hrul hkh took tm tr ni t 1 ic lit rt in all irrr irorra4ng favourably mr iiul min ckrtr u rrli mul finiil ulio tmir opcrat rd ihtir farm mi 7h litu- n i forkrtottii for llir jkist iiumtxr of raih are ttiia week mm inn to thr piiallnrh divtrltt hrrr thr u1 ointlntir trmnu tin- iauu tnnh lmt mad nuny frlenda in fnorvftown 1h ir wjin to srr uhiu lrfte thu communiij mr leirh l a put wrrtur of ur f trying arti- culural society und nt prrvrnt a wthiitl nirmber of thr lvarl of dt- irctorn wr mh thini succevws and liipplnr tn their mw hmir and hope they may return often to vult tlilny bovs turrifl out o uir llm scout mirtintt called at the town hall li u monday night ptour natrok were tormci and a tender elected by fcli uroup mevir clio- da1a alber ttoit and jack armstronc were in qlianre of he bow and ckkmn clifford fltaoay a former boy scout teader talked to in hnyn about routing at their next meet mi in the town htll net mon day mr oeorjje mtwm scout commis sioner from acton will addrew the boy at that meeting it a 111 alv be de cided on which nigh it will be beat for them to meet the choice probably fall- liiit on thuniday night interest uas a roused nnmmt the many farmers uest of milton when the holllnffer consolidated oold mlnes and the hiinni iron intercvtu of cleveland concluded in mreerrrnt with the be- crlv iron prortnectue syndicate of po i on to to sink an 1800 foot drill hole and to diamond drill to seek magnetic iron ore it is understood the uork on the drill hole will bcjrln in the near fu ture option were tikcii on farms over it war ao in an area from milton uruhtn ftouth to rattlesnake point and i mm the valley m to the whole of the mountain plateau about a mile wet of milton 4 ularteuuma r hwv rcnrt 1 1 i il kid s f i on nj oald ajiftfr ur whlt4vock tlul ojf farm prvpir us uir full rptrtiun of the pjb- te aonhy ol the karruicwa ol oar iw- whin making rtiqjirtra be a u in like armed fortea ur wbjtr- trf ptlue during thee hour lark aid there would be wmy ubour ihu tij help the kxul uff tn tbet prubircna to be met thia jrar and hr ork and prtndpall to make the frit thrr coold beat be otrroome b train on whedu ar j pen0 up the un oivanued labor procram amend ui in tn thr pntjir intrrr iituhbor and jrd rarli riwrnlirr ct k r dltfrult fur lha pott iiir council to jviit urgantied co-vnl- r- ytt during llr basy hour to ilion to uie hrl o hla uut mr pliln loa to fill oul uur intvme tax whlukxk oiklujid b htin it i ffmi trtve out nrn prrtulnlng to u a mell known furt ut the anlo- mtinnin tjork and rrunj othrf cruea- jxikm rur- k kufii to unjuslrm bjl lions arid still do ihrlr regular wtirk hrn uir fictng ku wugh uiry keep wr hope aid h postmaster that the mi join unill the yai u dum thu vtntral pjbllr tll do thrlr utmost w in- filt applltd vr trul to ajrl- j r taff ult m- mhiumii nu i nitntlun ttiat ituri rr rrad fnm uw iud our local iv tmisti lh uuj vlcv cnvs branrht l acujit cliorvrui j cliulrm in o wit haviic for rrorrr- uirutirfton and oakile apjitahii lur 1 1 n mid iwri uf thr national war niuivui iluiiii and iii ijii rin mrr ounmltifi for thr co inl of in thr iouiku khr iiooo to be divtd- itdton ajich ntrtaes additional ol anmt the oqujit bratntu ito-l-iin- to v ft r llv branch pio- cr miih a rnonal co inlde can- p rlv tin rvfore alien you pav our 1- is uin ai in miiri s im inirri of i f offlcr rrm mix r that thr civil 11 r o null ftp the would liit uv b- jcrvlce itaff cmplod ts d n ivrrv- jsiritd in ilvin- a lrv- kmuiil ahh hint pivul to he the best of thrlr ifn t jld i- mi i i ixpl to pitm nnd knowlistr to the krnrral c it ua thrtctorr novrd b mr n h hillmcr 4xximed b mr ctau ihit mi ll tit n iin toiinl tiaiit tnci o i mi lud fro- to oe olmilrd rgu illv iniiik jie a districts a molon to r in 1m0 move l mav und nrrwn vvoa defeated a ftlrr is ni fnitn llir rnntv j xltltor w i thik lui rrfrrrnce u j the rullit mtv ice at camitbclh lib- und as a result it waa 1 la hat the to uir i iiittt with ri prrscnuitivti of ti- c l it for the pinto of inimn lo mini- uimmrn for better mtvki- mr rov smith countv micluiir mikkv ted ihut the muntj comwll in- vit- a thrlr jtiest rcprrsciitntivts of iti- varlois pulllc vloou uinnnhoiit tin inn in orjcr m at children in the iilhi r rath- rnutit uioinc atuuaintid with tlie funclloiiliig uf municipal bo- iti council areid t the siikritltm and neceaary arranjcrments nere left to mr smith tonic dlscilslon as to whrthtt oorn- tmrcr inspector tnould be upiotntesl or the wnlfr dlcontlnued took up considerable time th matter wa- nnall sr lea by a motion hkh ui- ttct and tu moved by w j hubert son anonded by c ii ifeslop that loiitunie tlie appointment of corn- tjonr lnprctom nnd that they be ap pointed ax follows nelson chati ivvudhcud ttnfalirar i pattermin knqucslnk w camibell najuiukamc- a it j anderson the matter of pav to be uie same as 1043 tin- ilrrild i if rt r oir postmaster for i is j- i o 111 o ih- doln offlre was on his liter thankinft mort tntrmt- at the local aov but back of his mind ns thr thought hit mil i mi i jiii l actual going on voi emtio isiiiiir the importance of the uiirk arcnmpllhed at our lvcal pns office st joiiv amitrhwri aiskltiov lmtehxhtinfi pacth about ncorfirrown poht ofiui continued from page onri mi r ichr i i til amount ot cmhuble shruba and plants received at the local post office from dominion hihd limits and within un hour the bulk of perishable merchan dise was sorted out nnd related to jmdiits nil over canada and the united sutt- in fact jour reporter witnessed a trtiticiulous amount of seed parcels iiclnt sorted out for lilpnunt nvcrseas due to climatic condltonh lu west coast iiutudliik vnticoiivei and hrltlmi olutnhla r- about si week nlmul ot ur ontario province as far as stxmlitit is oiailliei so thr bulk o the tlleis i- i i ill o iicil slp- i i pm ti fit t niriuloiis niioiint of i i i iioin otuwa it a- i itlllll 1 mill til- ll i t 1 iim ll- t n li e win wsh t aill hiuihrs of tnls m al junction mnhiiii tins fiei- i i niiliiiles l jiui is otitv and u nothiiutl uuill fe- will be charted to tornier nientliors who have taken the ctturse chases will open in the tijinii hnll on mondnv april ttli tills wotlc is n crusnde in old of the lclc nnd wounded ho it la important at the present tlmn to take up thut courue of ohmo nuralnu and first aid knowledge of nursing nit thlb will ffrerttty assist our local doctors when the services off ot john ambulanw graduates are iwrulred bo anyone wishing to take this course an reaiueated to aommtmteato with un t orlave at an earl date istn- 1 pil- is r o iv ii- netc i its alntno n on in nun nt on 1 to nuke i oirr inlri 1 issui- ion in iijits c the sturt win llv in mills fiou l 111 to 1101 p in hi tmi- oft dm in ii iliv and iiittt it iu illts are nintl i klv one point wo would llkr our ivkit to tnr in mind li tluir nil employoch iic sworn to swrecy nnd ovorjthlnr handled in tho post offlco in confldrn- llral murli tinder tho nine prlnclplo as employees of bankft newnpnper ordcoa itc it la olio interesting to note that our local poat office due to war emergen- clea has over is different government branebjia to deal wlut thla laeludaa laaulnar of nnemplojrment inauranse atampa war savins uamiw and oar- ufloataa vhlah can pa purohaaed en tha apol taooma ttx wrma oaa ctxamvo auction sale farm stock avd dttlcmevtii the undrnuned hai tcrn irutructfd b atfrrd abra lo wll pi public auction at let 30 0th line caquetln at olen wuuanu on battrkdav apsil sri imi at i oclock the following horses ortj uorr yran mack alaxr 0 years tn foal bay uarc4 eara day ocldlror 3 years orey oolt rtntnir 3 ycar dlack oolt rtitna 3 yean i oolt yearling iino jersey cattte a oowa yean milking well 3 year itelfrr bred february oth 1 oalf 1 yearling bull piob and fowl sow and pin 4 weeks old sow and piga 8 weeks old s3 leghorn hens hay and harness 3 tons hay 3 riding saddles set team hameaa 4 horse oollora bet home and web trace 3 seta single harness implements uauejr harris seed drill ii hoe spring tooth cultivator disc harrow 3 bets drag- harrows massey karris 8 ft binder massey harris low down manure spreader walking plow quebec riding plow 3 scufflers massey harris hone rake massey harris moaers 8 foot cut steel roller 3 drums 3 farm wo dons sloop sleigh rubber tired wa gon and box i horse wanon turnip drill hay rack hay pork horse scraper 1 oallon water trough 3 pig troughs wheelbarrow a ravel box root ptitper 30 onllon 8prny outfit druivnl cream separator dnly bar rel churn whiff letrces neckyokca fork tjokrtnk chain etc no reserve ns fnrm hns betn sola terms cash i hume currle prank pet01i 1 clirk auctioneer i i mum auction srle pakm stock ixrikminin ami i iii the uiulcrmttncd lin- iireu inmnic led by uoy llnrrop to ell by public miction nt the pre- mlses uit ii dili line emiiiimiik op thiikmnay aphii htii 1m3 nt 1 oclock the following horses day clyde mare 8 yre bay clyde horse 5 years boy clyde horse years roan belgian mare 7 yean black o p horn 5 ycon sor rel horse 4 yeara oatiuborade houlain oow i yean aalf at foot orade holaasm oaw 4 years due at uaa ef aala houmn cow yaaia du at iile orade holatcla o 4 at ume of aala orade yrftrtrt oow 3 yrsx bred march 14th orada hoi- tuin cow 6 yearv utd jan ittu urfie jlutlji cos 3 ytvt utxs f zfnd tui aittiiis co- 8 yr bfd jaji zxll crde orkam cuv 8 yra ll at 1xm ore hcijln hrter 1 rrs drf li ui gncle lluula htiirr 2 rav de m jjjy orsda huhiji htjrt 2 4a de tn july grdt huln htjrr 7 rk die la jj gric hillwj hfllrr 3 rars ii ui jj grai kdreln itrurr lij tb zxi oraic hcivtrtn luurt uj jii jui olir huium hejtr j ow111 grade liuiuln luurr 18 rait grade 11uu1d hlfrr montiu reg itolvuu bull 7 arvj ona lulf rsri od bred by w j urour pjoj1 and fowl yokiiilrt bow trrd jji iflh yorkshire sow bird uarh i jul 7 iirj york bows miutht 4 rugs monlhs 7 ptga 8 inojiut 73 onr rr ijd llbnd itrca ora1n avd hay300 bunrt of aisass no lurb ilailry tjluu for m0 c iiiitu ol o c ii oils ajuu fur lrrtl 100 bjii of mtxsd j in lftv cf mutd la ruiixlinfmi u ll ituidrr 7 ft- rul lntrnuuun1 fudr dtllirry jlaka ivtrtrj 17 lfih lug toolh culu- ilor 14 putr dim ivtrr hxmlltoo lmi i diur 4 sxtkn heavy haji 3 mw ojrn fkulflrr tudhopc andar mjo l furrow fudlng llow t f arrow curkuiuit riding plow 71 plury ii nu 3 wumnwon plow truest wsiinn njcp blrljrh cirrulsr aaw pirrl lurrrlv luht pasuj strlgb wcln bjittii cullrr bufgt aom lb plstlorm bcslrt ikstly blrel ltttar orrrr llirlfl 3 iip plrtlir uon ou erurtnr vlcalng 1000 ib canali crrsm lpantor ports hhcnrli chains wmiflrtirea sai other articles iiarneas bel of heaty team rum ml lih brewlitnu ilrt of heavy uasa liimiru vi of double llsht tsamca ivi of slnulr hsmrvi 0 lioru- couaim from 30 to 34 puitwttuiu qunnlitv of itojs- hnld pumltur no rwrnr a llir lrnr lu rsplred ti3lmr cali llumr currlr prank pttch drrk aurtlcnaar hotice to dog owners ker otier povvior or keeparr of a dot hj has not procured a liocnat vhali do so on or belorr the joth day april 1shj i have been lru true led b council that thu taw mjat be strictly enforced your can aure our ujra from the undrrlnnrd or the clerk ut hla offloa w o makfdtall 31 chief ot pollca- lrr rrr bwawb coming event euchre april lat town hall glen williams dance april 0th glen town hall proceed for boys parcel rand jj admission 3c spontared by employee of beaumont woollen mill nn style in glasses ifryjl vrs vom glasses honui be nmde to lit vom puthulir type f fie we mitimilie m eye fxnm- luatlon and pumnbe a tractive plnves at city prices for expert eye service nnd newest fctyle in glasses consult 0 t walker r 0 eyesight 8fe0iamst who will be at his office owr the bell telephone oo main street oeargetown the aaoond wednaaday or eaob month or you may eoauull o t wattsw at hla ottos tn brampton rljonai 3wrwtowlj

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