the georgetown herald wcaualay april 7 1943 soldiers comfort committee elects officers for 1943 tfa third annual meeting of lb o0vovn soldier comfort oom- aalttm ni held tn the public library w6ncdy enln uarcti mih at ockxfc with th prwuent ura a suesr in th chair th utiurr ur sid uackrtuir ft a iplrndid rrpart of lb ytaf sctivluea thr receipt tbovtns a ub- a1ip gain ntr th prtc41ag jx xb auditor report nt rrad and ftdopud th twrreury sxra- w v oram i- vd lb yara sort and reported fjgarvtiea had bn wot to 151 aa to lb armed torn on february 21th to 161 men on june 22nd and to 10 bm on nov tjtb from th laut fchjp- bmt 110 afkncmlrdifnirntk had ber racvhrd and in many rate the reci pient had aifcrd that thoie mpan- tible for the good vota that the com- mittce was dolnf b ihanjud for than uayor gibbons took lb chair for lb election of officers which retailed a folio lion pre- lcr ctbbonr president ura a- itrr ttcasurrr ura ud uackenrie secretary ttr w v grant mexbej oi lb eacu- ut bcinf uu u laoo ura d utntonr ura a- orftumont olcn wuuams and un n robtmon kcr- tal lur oibboiu uwjrrd thr com mittee thai hr burrd he rxprrud ue trnltment of lbr citlxm feorrauy faro hr aald that hr rjfort of lh committee mrrr wry much appreciated and hr vuhed thrro rvrry tucre lo future thr falkmlnjf itatrmrnt u hibe rnated t the treasure ura 81d ujrkrruir and audited and uporxnrl b urvir urunuxk and dobclr 1m3 jan 1 jan is jan 21 vb 1j fvo 7 jun 39 aug 1 brpt l not 1 ko a nov nov 6 no l rx 19 iwj jb m rtb 2j june n oct 14 nov 0 cash in luuk 11517 donation ttur iuur 6 00 prom thr llrrald pund moi donation v ii uxlir 500 donation l c o womrn 10 1x1 prom thr mrrald pund j0ooo ilecelrl from vn tlrx 23 io ilecelrd from tag da ii6 9n icrorlved frotn iwmlrrk touj and 7 jni dunatltjn tir donauon fiooi v l lodiir 1000 donauon from collrcr vlrm cljb a oo donauon ouvr krmirov 1 00 donation hurry hair 1 ou prom thr krrmld pund 4d0u 1600 uj expend rrunra ororurtown krrald 7i imprllal tubarro co lib 0 rmprrlal tooarctj co ororsrtcwn llrrald mart 617 laooo xmprnal ttbarcu co t4su baldncr in dank 11401 thr following drpctiu har brru made in fhr bank tn 1mj jan m oromrtotm w i 5 00 norval w i 10 0 mar m v ii uodfif 10 u lliirry 1u 1 0 the committer u tr proud ol thi- fact that the fund la tuppurtrd by t luniary ftubtcrtpuoni ilh thr racrp lion of one appeal during the rar to the public that of tag day at thr oeorffttoai pair the committee wthr to thank lhu time the itrrald for ponfrtn j their fund and helping in muny u u00 09 to furthrr lhl worth h lie work auo mrtari ucuntook and dobbie for their work and helpful kugxettlotu in auditing the books and all thote wlio luie ounuibuted to the fund until the can do to tn prrton and if hop- ihut ma be real won let u aa thank you for our bo a boon ah thi 11v tun be roniptlta and uddrrmtea venfled the otmmlttee rspect to tend clftuettea to aer 200 men from oiorretoun and tcinr ho ore no oeea the lope thlt lll be done 1thtn thr neat ee or tttxj hematite ore discovered near milton found only thr places in world ww uaar htrl wiuwat addluan l hrrap kouincrr conaoudatcd oold mlnc 2jt4l ond lbe lunna iron interrau at gavvuod oblo hjc made a uciil with the beverly iron proapectlnb syn dicate ol toronto to put doan a chun drill hole to about 1800 it and to em ploy a diamond drill from that noruoa to aaek magnetic iron ore indicated b stacnetometer aurvey the contract caula for a alnsle hale plua ffeopliyalcuf mveatlsauon hut it iron u found the drullnff will be continued the plan in- lolvaa the putting out of three diamond drill hole from a alngle letting by wadftrf it aucceaa la achieved in th- flnt trial a aeriaa of holea will be drilled prior to shaft jinking the entry of ttieae two strong com panies with their experienced ataffm into the project ensurea ample finan cing and exper direction the unique tatt for iron tn thla area where oil and aa have been previously sought luv arouhd considerable interest due u the location in nelson township near lulton close to two railways adequate power and labor farlllhea as well na enjoying proximity to large iron con suming centres i beverly iron prospecting syndicate i was formed tn the iprtng of 1040 an j i at capitalised at 10000 shares of no par value the deal is based on a royalty of joe a ton on natural ore and sw cents a ton on benenclated ore i plus 23 per cent of any bounty re ceived a minimum payment of hoooo annually is required to keep the con tract alive the lease is an insolvent document common to iron deposit l arrangements but due to the low capitalisation of the syndicate aaunmgs in the event of commercial oeess would be substantial the call- tan ot the interested companies the class of work done under scientific di rection in hie preliminary tests and the apparently successful results se cured tn indicating a large magnetic mass attach unusual interest to the exploratory work which was started this weak an exploration project with unusual feature baa retched a second stage bjvoirmat chum and diamond drilling for iron near milton ontario the surprising angl of this development is the location close to large steel pro daeing sections ef ontario and ttie tjhkad stasia situated in the main in- shattrlal are of tha tsmsh tli history at that project ts eur- wa an a group ei sd vttur to form a to drill for btj and em u jhmrt of totw fjstt lata wsm dawn to un mt a uirn ran into miiwtruc ncnrupun the ellon was abandoned thr lorma- uon lr anion ol and eu atri uukit ana ctirytalllnc llmcrtone tn orrnvlut lormauon and the prernor ol iron arab not originally juprtd nor uc klrrd lluaever a mining nglnerr robert n palmei ol toronto visited the drill ing operations and took oumplea of the iron ore cuttings uhlch assayed 54 73 per ient iron manganese 4j per cent sulphur 007 per cent tita nium minute trace phosphorus 03 per cent slhea 88 per cent the oil syndi cate rrtlrtd from the field and mr palnier interested a group forming be verly iron prospectuas syndicate wlb 10000 shore capital first work of the syndicate was to conduct a reconiiauutnce dipneedle tiurvey ahlch in the course of nearly two years extended into nine counties covering intensively a large number o toynahlps by elimination based on the rtmilts of the survey a block ol 3000 acres was secured by leases and led in a single block of ground lr nelson township neat milton location of the holdings finally mlerted was made by detailed magne tic surveying which revealed a niarkcj magnetic anomaly this rone had an indicated length of two miles mr pal mu sought advice in hla curly work from dr a a brant lecturer in geo physics in toronto university and ex perienced in the interpretation of mag netic phenomena through work done on the steep hock oiebody after the location of the anomaly it was necessary to intirpret it and on the advice of dr brant the ser vices of h 8 scott a geologist ex perienced in magnetometer work were secured to make careful observations of vertical magnetic attraction at many stations over and around this area after this work was completed di lachlan gilchrist professor of physics at the university ol toronto advised the observation of horizontal magnetic attraction in order that sufficient data would be available for calculating the dimensions of the body as the inter pretation of the reading observed con stituted research dr auahrist under took to direct this and after tha sea sons field work was completed the study of results was undertaken by mr scott and finally completed by john p brikon a geologist who was demonstrator la the physios depart ment of the university in may 1041 ooilnuar crroohnatod oold iflnai became teeensted to tha extent of lendlq tha aytiiuaatt rna iistotntter and bswtnf on of ha a4asat dr w a jbnst nsod tan observmf iuu in its mesnttm liui en afcout t6r tors were saeurad forth sytwthwt tn field work wspptntt and talr- preting of all data was canted uuougji by the sprint of mat to a point where the geologlsta of rwllnger ontwjidstm and th hanna obenpany c3evelsnd larjj scale miners and dealers in iron ore ere prepared to reo3ssend ex ploratory drilling u was definitely concluded thai a urge magnetic mass cr son existed under the surfare in the milton area j w brltton in a irport to mr pal mer under dale of usy lmh im3 stated that the eolnjauona indicated that the mui or sone was between 0000 end 11 goo fret long between moo and 71co feat and and from jjco to jooo fret in thukneaa lu upper surfare appeared to com with in from 1300 to 3560 fret from aur- fare mr orttlon further slated that the situation revealed by th studies permuted the following interpreta tion lal the anomaly is due to more or leu homogvneous mass with wldef mattered magnetic mstertai or b ttir anomaly is due to an in- homotieneous msu with isnse of magnrtlr material tn a le magneti or nonmagnetj msaa as thr occurrence of commercial magnetite in the asm ormrllle antra in the adirondack regtoo tn the united state ordinartly consist of lenses or bodies tn dittrtrta serves or range surrounded by tca mogneuc taaurtat th tntratbi ejueatioa a- nui a lo wnethw asmllsr oseurrvnees sjw passably praet in th milton anomaly if only a small percentage of th mas should consist of eesaeosrclal or a very large tonnag would b in thar are only three place in th world wher betas uu or has been found uuaely utlen ulna on itleb- tplootin island worksd out btwp rock uln north of pl aruhur snd now in neleon township hwrhtat or will make steel without sddinon ol tcrap ulbon ciampson brampton more uisn one hundred and fuiy enthusiastic osrlrra and thetr friends jammed byng lull brampton to over flowing on the occasion of th annua seaaona wind up of the ctinya aettrttka held monday night harry bproul was elected prealdmt for ltu otiarle llankln of nerval was elect ed by a clear majority as peal oop candidate in th event of an election this year at their contention last be- turdsy tn th old ocuntrrmana club oolfers in brampton derided una nimously to open the oolf club again this year with fees of fdett for men and for lady meenbenv it was also decided that tn cat then might be a defldt at us end of th plsytag sea- ion a number of guarantor be se cured who would pay sn additional asarsament- cw evlnday march aath us bramp ton ohureb cetshntaj atvosty years of christian aervic thar ar new lao cases of mumps imported in brambtoa to dat said dr w w bartutt local it- o v oobssrvator i roll thar ewrler wiffi ogdens clcarettc tobacco mnvfuursquno xhv th origin ei v 8 began in 111 tn beaton mass young tvwfnnlsn ftannal tepcbrf combed tnenmlng schooners in harbor for new eat th oulald b recorded it to a nsmbeok at f amsd esxhang oohe bout patrons cam to read his effort was th foundation of th press which eventually developed raecnsnbss called wleohcto by of which pletum can b cant continents within 1 9 minute after ar taken to run wtth th story the world neva seea tftreugh the christian science monitor la tiulfil rrsatrwtlri tslllittl fni fraas atillniil ipilirfill as twl sad laatrsetttw aad its daoy wastlr lsaila bwtlaa make hi hhii fee efcsmtnt tl fxrinlr fussua psuualjig swimt fsaa keewav ffmn hbiw maasfkawcta viae f 119 yaailr f i 00 a monik laasa uiuitlag magulna smioii 1 1 w a veer isn osyer 4 sarurdar icrm 29 cwiit naau adaesat tatflb copy on broubst jl jea a a c v s1 make yburdoars count oouae hjwtduf what do you buy with your hard- earned dollars food clothing abetter then they are wellspent out the dollars that you have invested in victory bonds bz- c ttblc value they are helping to train feed equip and transport canadas lighting men at the game time that your victory bond investments arc helping your country in her time of greatest need they are paying you good interest and every day you find pleasure in thinking of bow much they will mean to you when the war is oven very soon you will have a chance to buy men victory bonds dollars invested in tills way will be even more valuable than ever because our fighters an on the offensive theres a better chance than aver for an early victory think what this will mean to you and your family to men and women tvetj where who are born to be free canada has sent a steady stream of men and materials to the fighting fronts now that wc are marshalling for the attack we must have huge reserves it must be clear to all that the greater our available supply our restrtm of fighting tools the fewer will be our losses in men you can help to save lives hasten victory bring our men back home yon can help to assure the four free doms for all by buying victory bonds to the limit of your ability you are aot asked to give but only to lend help canada safeguard your own future be ready to go the limit when the victory bond salesman calls national war finance committeb