Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 7, 1943, p. 7

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the gtojettown herald wcdncarjay april 7th 1943 movies now go to people lc jl 111 i tha afternoon for canadian i la us country school at apple- ontario and the protectionist ruckle u starting tb chow the ar production of the a- i vum hoard of canada no be- diftmbuud widely in rural cana- trier fonn part of a project in tor ailuritilp sponsored or i dominion in covperauon with the bui ritchie u onlj on of projectionist who opsreu the travailing thaatra thar by automata by train and i tn winter by aletfh ux the r operator rltchl glna a show a to school children tha principal oa this pracrmmma for in mentb an rlghur under ahouwihe battla of lh atlantic aped llara for acbool called oountry describing tha ufa of trappen in the region of hudson i at night rjtelu and all th pro- i of tha national fum board circuit aboar the blnu to uu btm tha aodlrae eomaa from i around eacer interested with a tor knowledge of tha war thai surprising mult one of thm a totally unaapactad reaction u lha forum rllanmlin which almoet in variably taaaa pieee after tha show parmer merchant lumbermen tali the picture over and questions fly projetuonliu were at flm uehnl- ctana today they are a little mora than that they are virtually muter if ceramoalea conducting forum du- cuulon and answering queettona dkiuu the acattered ratldanti of many rural mmrnnntrlaa seldom bar the opportunity or incentive to rat to gether tn targe groups thaae forumt hate provided splendid opportunities for a genera exchange of opinion on the whole important queeuon of the war and lie meaning to oanirtltrti uany inureeung suggestions hare been made by mrmbar of the rural moil audience tha little indian boy on the opanlab reservation in on larto wrote aome eatay on the new form of entertainment in which they uld they enjoyed the movie very much especially the picture of canoe nd locomotive they did however have one suggestion for thttr improve ment they thought than ahould be more picture of indian rtisrtng whit men teserve army week you cant go active april 10 to 24 go reserve hhrifrrurn ri rr i rri it n i rr gleaned from the past twenty years aoo the de mand for sir john thnrnnaon cele brated soft drink u increasing and hr will enlarge his plant this summe- the public school grade iv report hun katlueen barnn ivth ulmms uly lethe alice parsons cecil 8ta- nteton past chas bcrymgeour win nie jones claude bumslde daisy whltmre cdlth prancls oertrude clark alice trranor uargaret uc- dougall besale doable john buck charlie kirk alex ritchie jam dobble hugo dtgslni charlie wuson harold uarahau oarfbld urouvray lome csvr isobel cameron claude kentner gwln ostrander olaf sta- piston eleanor maw clifford nradlry oordon jenunej n oxew and son have commenced operation in their an new garage ur j d uec- kensle and ui d crtchton attended the public school trust oonvehuon in toronto yesterday k ucwhirter wa elected vloepeealdent of the ha ton county baseball league oompoaed of team from georgetown acton burlington oambalhrlll bronla and ulmon mr norman loam i getting ready to open hi butcher ebop uatn st terra ousv years aoo easter next sunday april ith ur angary ha the plan ready for a an new theatre to be erected this year ur roy king has taken over tha leader ship of the georgetown hand and concert orchestra ur and un ii o uetr moved to their new home tn chatham this weak wafrvr grant un j a early and uls balen law- son returned home last week from a trip to bermuda and th panama canal ten years aoo addressing udleno at an open meeting of the lion club ur p l robertson of ullton spoke at some length on the revolution of ooldat the ore- gory theatre on sunday afternoon ur p j whit gave an interesting addrea on russia as i saw it ur white is editor of the canadian fo rum the lome rifle scottish band were greeted with a fud house at their concert on sunday evening ur a uactaren wa chairman and the program was sponsored by bds oyrll brandford ptve years aoo the house of ur a l squires waa the some of a pretty wedding on saturday when her dsugtiter ulsa flic wfjaon bqutree guard ltoitr cast line ratfon 8k kief it on your person do not ieave it in tour ca nov tbst yoa list your iwllxl gssoka ratios book is i op to yoe ta keep it si all times la safe place ifli lost buraad or atela yos will la deprived of cuupoas whldb will eat be replaced la til regard tie policy of ka oj coetruller it as follows jt a if throagji negugeac yoo lose vour casolia ratioa book bsaaee ooobeg tf 194 you eaey be allowed no more sad perbsp us tasa half the coepoae kf 7t whlcb yoa would be tautled if you were auklag aa original anpucatio h through eegligtaca you lose your ratioa book oa or after october i fus yon assy be allowed no aaore and prttupe less rasa 25 par case of tn coeaoaa at wkicai you woald be wwiilerl if yoo were auklag a orlgiasl eaphcuun tv aew g- railosiag lysieaa aboiv oa april i will aw suicrly ejorcd uader us provliloas lbs mntnrl as wall ae the service statloa teuadsat it bald reepoeiibts if aay lairac- tins occur il is coatrary to the orders of tb otl coairollan fq ta pmirfciia bntla wwh 1m11w3 t ot afcww ajrfbteal ta yaar w la gtitgrw c auaaa fraea yaw aw baak tv fiai af kea g i sfca awry wf tfca ta ota kva la yaw pa au4ua r tg gkat e lav aaal farsataf w fataltaa r l ta fcave a yaw fanmli a ta r baek asfcar sfcea vka wwali o uswal u rcaaatt af a vaeucl yi aww t a mgir af vikl avrewa wy yaw www ska fuel caasaa af vfca real a we ta attar tfefejgwwaleewsa ar euuata aay eaaataa fvataa aaaai ay gguata uyoaatbrovaacoebldafaaaaritkmbsor rma euklag delivery you ssusl remove the wtadikieu tw sttcker or ctlckara anaihr lso mat actar tb tw i cmnplnsh yoa aaaa bull to the rwarwt flaglnatl ou coatrol otic la your province the gasoline ratioa book or book i tsuad for ib vehicle mm the bwairiiiarr or mmrnoiu aid strrrly hawirau c d howe miw canada is short of gasoline use your coupons sparingly of canadas was effort hurrying wheels thundering wheels wheels that have made it possible for canada to grow in strength today those wheels the driv ing wheels of canadas railways- arc setting the pace for the war effort they haul raw materials to humming war industries and rush away the finished took of battle they move food and fuel for the home front and the fighting front they speed civilians on essential business hasten troops to camps embarkation points and on leave its canadas big war job a job that only railway wheels can do a job in which an army of 1 50000 railway worbcrs men and women is in the fight for canada shop crews and train crews yard workers section hands telegra phers signal men and office workers a multitude of men and women in a multitude of john they are making the gunt wheels turn faster and faster from coast to coast in canada we your railways ure rolling in the service of frccdum and our lines to and in the united states have linktd the wur eflorts of two great sister nations the railway wheels arc driv ing in war as in peace for canada avotottavfl rjwiwfucond amd holidays canadian iaiiwav rllloht rath alg thi lowtst in thi world canadian national farfk canadian pacific egaejtailegafiasw bikl with the bomber press in england another in a ixtu at article rtllen by w r larger m c v quarters who represented the cjiaduui weekly nnmfapm aa- oclftuon in a recent tour overaa by walter h umjbc we anived in london ute in the rcnlntf after an uleli inun jour ney 11 ere u no moon that night london in the blackout u really block there wen army automobiles to meet ut and we had a budden and complete introduction to being driven through the blackrteu at wliat heetned to ua to be about uurtj mllct an liour and on the wrong jdr of the street our car narrowlj mtjsxj a pedetrlan who waa courting drath by dodging ucrou the street in uie middle of a block ii he had been lilt it looked lu tu as if he uould have been en tirely at fault but our guide uud that in such a car the chauffeur would be joe which in army parlance la the tellow who nets all the blame london in the daytime b jut as itrange to us on the atrects ure men and women in uniform rum all parts of tin world s mgn on nearly tncry comer polntinn the way to shel ten other blgns showing where there ure tank of utatlc water shelters built in uie streeln closed ktorea store win- down boarded over except for mtuui llgtttb of rlas and if there were any thing else tinhled to alio that we are in the wur zone we could look up and tec countless balloon in the sky the burrake balloons which look mimcthlng like huge rw are a silver colour that blends with the sky that they fire hard to sec at any dis tance but in hplte of thut one could often count fort or more the static water if for use in fight ing fires in case the water mains are destroyed or are inadequate in many coach uie basements of buildings that him been demolished are cleaned out cemented and filled with water the number of ktorcf that arc clou- i 1 is astonishing most ktore wlndowh have been broken by concussion even when the building have not been hit and then uitiild not be enough hints to became the brldo of norman ross mcphall the will make their home tn saskatoon relief in march coh the town i3a3 4 mr d wallace late of london ont has been appointed manager of carroll s store mr ait mm w h wmjion returned home last week from a very pleasant visit with mr and mm charles wuison at pi old e crow that famed mining town in the far north just last yeah ur harold burrows of nrampton and mlu wlnnl fred ourk daughter of ur and ura bam ouhc of ormeeville were mar- had by rev o o oetltea at d-jde- major j amobt kohy antrad home from otrmi native of gueatnt hodje wrlion oaawd awy athta home tit ttjfclmr sunday at mh ta replac uiem cen if it a ere afe ui do so therefore uie windows liae been closed up icawng only unall tatirs of rflaia uiree or four teet vuar in the centre tjie acute shortage of labour ls ap- iiarent in many things oa for in- n la lure in the elevulor servicca or uiu as they ore known there peo ple ore espected alsas to walk down stairs no matter how many toru i and to walk up if no more than three tone no o ic is rtupixistd to liase more than one bath a a irk and then to have only flu inches or icj of tiaui in the tub the hole i no lunger gle u f ast sen ice for laundry and one mast allot set rul dajs txfore enject- iiik its return oebrts from bomb damage haj txen wtii cleuned up but little or no ot- tempt has been made to rebuild plans for u finer und mure beautiful london still exist onl on patter transportatlon 1 much better mian nr espected tux lea ik are under se- ere restrictions is to gas and speed but it is possible to get one when re quired with a little dela the prln tipal method of trael in lcndon is to take the underground or a but and there are plent of uie latter ne ure of the double deck ip people qikue up for them in u er orderb iniinner which is a tremendoili un- iircaement oer the crowded confusion usually found arouni uie entrance to a htreit iar in canada the london suba ittem is said to be the finest in uie uurld and it probably la most of the ftubwa are much deeier in uie ground than uiom in america for that reason they have suffered little or no damage and the ftauonn make excellent jjielters at nearly ull these stations uiere are now double deck iron cots similar to those used in soldier barracks we aero told that there are still a few leole uho regularly sleep in uie sub voy but it was a long time before p actually saw some or them there are man things in london that are uie same as ever the pig eons havent left riafalgar square au uinugh uiere ma not be quite ninny it it n m story what uiey live on its people are not supivased to plve t lu in nny good food and uie orators still hold foith in llvdc park our hotel was just across the street from that part of uie park where free stcech is enjoved 01 ab used according to our view point here the soap box speakers can sa anvthltvt they wish without fear of piosocutlon there ore not sn main listeners now but on the kumlav thut we went over to hear he orators there was a fair sized crowd it is excellent free en tertainment a there always are a number holding forth on all kinds of htibjccts one of the most popular just now la honolulu who waves a number of flags in the air and talks about what the negrom have done to help the world he wears a colorful costume to add to the show later when we qtierted a cabinet umlater about ttieae orators some of whom tear to preach almoat traaeoii he declared that atvery buudtaff needs a food vsamaumaff wtteats thisarei are attll pnvulas 0md showt tj oil account ol the black out tn curtains go up at about half- past five or six o clock for the esn uii prfurmance prices for orchestra sea la or 4iu as they are calied over here are very high but about halt uie price li for taxes a largw proporkxi 01 uie audience u tn unl- lonn probubl men en leave although onl aatomoblles for mill tary or auuiorlzed purposes are used tiicrv re man on the street some of uiem are driven by gss which te carrtxl in huge fabric bags which oov er uie root of uu car and are about our fee hbth when inflated we were told uiat onr filling of gas will diivw uie tar about a hundred miles and cost abou six dollars man of the signs in london were of jsfmt inurrst to us on one re s a u ran there was a sign kidney bacoutoid vtnlch caused us to wonde- if tin ivople of london were own oiitnjt toads however it woe exp aned uu toad is the name for i virt of sausage roll anoher restaurant had a sign tills restaurant will stay open durtng nldt ju lona as the walls are stand- mg another sin on a badl wrecked building read vou may think this if bad but ou should see our berlls branch on t ic whole ue found uie people of london to be cheerful and optimis tic so buss at the task of winning the uar uir the have little time for any thing lse everyone is anxious to help simmer- i tnd the city is full of them we found it surprisingly easy to make our n around itnrivallei kathleen purlow ute brill taut violin ist and most famoim of canadian vun luosl was born in calgary alberta of rnchsh parents she received her early musical education in san frnnclsoo made her first public appearance at the age of six she went to england and later to russia to study with auer spectacular european tours followed when 111 health necessitated her re tirement from the concert field she joined the teachlnc staff of utile goueoe but by the time the beoond world war had broken out kathleen paiiow had completed auiother tiliias phal tour of slurope she oame haoae t osuda in tfttl te beoome an i lnfjiure tn the mtielo oountry

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