Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 7, 1943, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday april 7th 1943 pure food store ration coupon calendar no i 2 3 butter coupons valid until apr 30 no 4 butter coupon now valid no 5 butter coupon valid april 10 no i 2 3 4 sugar tka coffie now valid maple leaf cake flour 2 if pkg 27c hetnx soup bcnl to rekvf 1 i 2 tins 27c jiuo ivittl icecaxam freezing mr si ox tin 10c aylmek fnhwtettvro apple juke 14c ii n ktib ammim cut mixed peel 17c iuu pmli tto oolo medal pahte floor wax 1 tin 29e premier toilet tissue jwkct ice cream powder pkg 10c limfctr rhrulr a vasts i i t i miiitc table napkins 18c nanction aluminum cleanser pug 10c cwitatba hu 3rolli2sc laco mazd lamps 28 40 60 watt each 15e a e far nell phone 75 georgetown own j its time to clean up your home will be more beautiful more weather reaiatant after a thorough paint job and the coat ia surprisingly low for martin senour paint every popular shade including white 475 per gal bring sunlight into your home with bright cheery wallpaper see our complete selection of stauntons wallpapers price lie per roll up richardsons hardware store phone 25 we deliver l0calnews euter is late iht tar belri 01 simd aprtl 2ith t ur ivjrth vi- lory uoau cam ljiii will ojmi oti april 2cu comt to uie lome scott w a ujiiku wtdirlj april 14 at the u- kui hill tit ulii and tulfim i or i tl urvih thr ground and ullh u oji1 i wrti of ftumi uhine r alwucl 4 tin m tu their flir b eitr ni llotttia on lie altar a the tjilr churrli on siult nr plir there b mrs w h krnljirr in m muo ji hrr mo hrr mr u cvlt tlifr offliri kjii hoild who pa- 1ilud ihr ljiidk hltftiw in uu cuuksvlilr dlvtrc pavti aw tukiklrn- 1 at liu hotnr in wairnlowii un mon day ltait j i wh in iiu jmh t jr tptcul u lit u an- lut vn icr 1- or in hrld in tin- uniwd church huiuij ajnl 1 1 hi at 7 ot lock prr- ini imltn to luar dr a o wlbn editor of thr uuhj church oteeorr ixrti t iuirt thr damr in llir tn 11411 otrn wiuunu ttulay iiljtt ptil otri admtjun iic procreda for ilaumom t woollen mill fniior parrej fund fur off i l thrrr a hint ut isumriicanra in xir iftlrn frvn that han in 8rnicr nrtiitf horor closer u him by fcrndlng lilni ihr huud err rk hutnrrtbr thnxjh the oinor c rt irt tlirai anywliefr tor ou mr c bvailrr luiuuil huiu lriiiin li thr rvr oirr xkj hrar on uw iuh tvlrptunr lthlxurd prtur to uktn hrr lirm poklton mt hctktlru mam rmpkrd in uif ukji branch o thr dominion htorr tlirtf tius u k od cruad out t rnjo thr bo wuctal aiuj djnrr in oir purlh iijii nona uu rylda nuhl iron 1 hich 3000 mua raurd for uu ilrd cns tin- btr avrmtrfd tjoo rich the hlitrt imi tnnlnj 6 0i ttnmnur in chirr ui roniwrtod of uob mnrnson dill cnjtnjr nrlsun jbiiiii charn ailn und wjltri nddlrt tin uiill1 church olisrnrd iu sunday school aruihrriuirj on hun ijv hrn thr ctnldirn oltxl m1th lhc utirrtitlii fur mun inn mmrr litt mi shlrlr ann nnimioii n-nd- rd a lorh m1o acmmpinitd l mi dum at thr puno md thr prul jtaint uin lr nrwuun truai i vin f i ih jirii ft ix and mm ttuax a lurnirr pivlu uf llir rhuirh ubikit twriiu four jfs i kei r c tod j u k mr tc 1 1 chit kc ai cjrimr on th- iithi lns wir work it ponirtt iinuiif irn suxrtifnl diner in ihr aunt lil fictn ral hit i 137 00 inn ol uhlh mill br dr- nntrd to thr iud cmvs mr iiimi for- ivr n the haniir of tio rrli ril- ira otf the drim brim niiilr b dom hulls tdv onhcntri upplri uic nmur tlir cuinmlltrr in rmrtr uric ruth woxxl josrphlih curtis maruanel puclcrrliik jrnji firlr k nlr fmmrrvn alnii tins autu mc- knrro linlcr thumnon joan cud- ecu pimri kennedy wildi drrrn en hardhitc olnd llinnrv thr ktlrb liojic to hnvr unothri dinor aoon in aidlnit ihr ir rftort otcn wlllurria ladles urr do inn thlr piru tatt prtda ufunwon mr j cm v- ford hrld a nodal at hrr home len 33 liidlrs ctioid a uime of btngo jnd thr delightful lunch served 8be wax atutrd b in herb preston msu rolwxl out of which material will be bouith to make a quilt which wlu later be raffled and the balance ent to the georgetown soldiers oamforta puurt a request was made b the fund exe cutive that olen williams uidlen rnlw w5 00 a their hare toward keep in the boyr overseas upplled 1u boxra a collection won taken up at the aa therlnjr and i17m as rubud toward thlt end and when the quilt in raffled theae lad lea wilt have tone acll aboe their objective has ioavt jmx 12 month ajo the salvaze verw waa arltten and printed in the oeorge- tou i if raid in the flrt alx rnnrvfh of the campaljn 3t lbs- of tajvae fat a turmd in from which vs made 2m lb hlh exnlualve in the next tuuiiths x 1oul of 6i9 iba of al race fat w roueded moii- than dou- ur the umoujit of uw iut nx montjia ho liwi povjjtlun ol tthout 2j00 e have mh in enough fat to male 1j0 lb- of ilirh luplasjvf it ttojd lm- 1 itttnni to kiua hoa maii ijna ton cji unst of a- like ftoixj torirown ifujxaivt- have sure piktd j auj or hltlft notice to creditor auction sale of household furniture the undersigned hni been instructed by c h barber s to sell by public auction at his residence king st georgetown next greenhouses on saturday april loth 1943 s at 2 oclock the following dining room living room bedroom and l kitchen furniture r terma caah frank petch audiottaw lii the nutter of the eatate of jamea given ute af the tawnahlp af ea- qtimlnr in the county of llalton ami provlnre or ontario gentleman de ceased notice is hereby given that oil twimins hnvlnff any claim ur dcmund against the late jimes olvrn who died on or about the fourteenth duy of march 1043 at the township of esque- slin hi tin county of ilnlton imd iio- hie of oitatlor m requatsl to miui ii p st piipid ni in irlliei to the i soltrltois hr ln lor lrflti utlt- k c thi kwnitnr of the list will und it iiuuir oi jmnis ii- 1 n fentliinmi deeiisetl their imiih ind nulvm and fuh -itlru- luis in wiltinn ol thrli rlains ul itiiiun of lull km nuts and th i in ut of the sii until ll tuv held bv them and takr notick that alter the thlithmh day of april w43 the snltl lrnv dale k c will pioeetvl to dla trlbuti tho ashots of the said deceased nmontr tho persons entitled thereto hnviim rfitard only to the claims of which ho shall then huve had notice and that tho salt loroy dale ko will not be liable for the said asets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he nhnll not then have received no tic datbd at oaorfletovn ontario tttla twentyninth day of bfanh a dimb datj ahd namufltr uttkabm tor tho aid lamoy dole k o by law no 437 town of georgetown tj itvuljte uie collection and dtik- 4ji of itttixitr ujkiin tic ltrun tli uunjcjijity oi tlw t0n ol oeorur- tyn wiudtxati it u dreiurd adluhlr to rtvuiate uw collection and dupual ul ttaiuige a-jir- etc within thr oor- pomlion ol the tuan of 0irguin titnusxmo tt cmai a ue conurauan of uie tyjt of george town rnart aa follows i on and aiur the 12th day ol apll 1m3 a ytem for rtfcbajiing and nuilnuliiuui and lerulallnjt within the ald uunlrtiahty the rourctlun and dlijunil of aaje rrfuv rubtth and imrumr thau be pjt into fojr i ttw collection and dunuuj of aid uirsi rubbuli uartae etc wluun the municipal 1 tjiall be put under the control and mnagtmrnt of a com mittee j all houarlnjlj rrfum- and atarbate kluill 1m- mtaiped in paper and all in cluding ajte ahall be placed in toll- abl corred recntaclea of either tin or ion properly protected ajralnat the rntrijk o flip a and aatufactory o uie board or health and atiall he placed in a convenlrnt locatlun no that uu- mtme may ur rradll collected 4 ajl luvrvtir trceimuclet for the iollittloji of iutc ifur und itaxbsige juall be njiuilrd b the onrr tenant or imtujunt ut uie prrmuea to meet thr rquliruiriiu of uila bylaa and alini ruled khali nit meudi orr go iba 5 no oinrr tenant occupant or lmtjn kjiull ktuiln the municipality suffer the oca umulutlon of or depolt of or permit uw drpomt upon liu pre- mlwt or upon the rret luiie and piivite taruu adjoining hit prmiv at any irarbaffe manue fllui or ouirr rr fuae of a tlmilar character or which mi piuxide an unnfcrvr cause or fires or the 4iedln of fire nor nhall midi oiur trnaiit ocxuitdiit or person permit un filth itqukl matter from in cea lml tattle or pi pell to flow or drain ujaun surh atrretn lane or pri vate liind riir council il uie mmuclpah khill enter into u con true l lth a person j u- cdlltxl the llcenetl collector t aid in the cirrlnk- out of the proxl- titns of uiiji b la und the mild u cened collector and all men horse and vehlclw and oulflia uaed in the vork thai be subject to the reirula- ttont of the ucal tloitrd of health 7 all ulies rarbaiie refuse etc and other offensive matter collected b thr contractor hhall be deposited upon the ttown dumping ffrounda tho alu of uie doi dumping erouncu to be opfiroaed by the uocal board of healui s all chlclda used in the transpor tation of aahrs refuae sarbaffe etc shall be constructed in ouch muner as to present uie acattertnt of auch axhea refue etc and all loada mult be cohered m ia to prevent the apread- lna of auch material by the wiit o all depotlta on the iwn dump sliall be made tn surh a manner that all decaying and offensive matter ahalt not be left exposed for a period lonaer than 34 houro- 10 hie contractor shall collect all uthea torbaire etc through out uw town with the exception or certain dlttriclu as hpeclfled in clause u of this bylaw 11 tlic collector shall not be obliged to collect rarbaar ashes etc east uf the oth line except from uiokc pro- ikrtles fronting thereon not from those propertied norui of ontario street ex cent in the dutrlct known or college vleu 12 collections hall be made twice week nun juie to otbtr inclusive and once u ueek from novcmlmt to mn inclusive 13 llouseholders must pi act uie i oiitiinei with aslirs karbakf refuse it in a iiimeiitiiil place at the cn- uine to thih propermes on the dnys 1 le aihcim it- the iik el vhkh press 1 1 ailh huiisehohleis uiust nil iltpolt amie- and nihei imtim tli i lanes til pi hair prnpt lu hi in- municipality f niti ullun- to femtslt nl tilt sou mid tlie outfit ol teas lioolh hi tla town dump mum ihst obtain ici inlsion fniin the licensed collectot and ollnw his inst met ion iti the contractor shall be paid from the ordinary roeniim or the mu nicipality in auch manner an may be urrantted between the council and hlnifteif 17 arty person convicted of a breach or any of the provutonb of this bylaw shall forfeit and pay at the discretion or the oonvlctlrm magis trate a penalty not ewseedlruj the aum of ttfl00 for eonoh ofenm poooed this sth day of april ims joshpk axbdoia mayor ti p kajuufloh oierk new spring dresses at silvers get ready for spring now i youll feel like spring and youll look like spring in one of iheae dainty new frocki all the latest details that are to smart are includ ed in iheae charming dresses as large and varied an assortment aa we have ever shown priced from 296 and up it pays to shop at silvers dept store where good clothe cost less phone 375 georgetown payment of 1943 taxes the first installment of taxea ia due and payable at the municipal office georgetown on or before april 15th 1943 k m langdon tax collector grass seeds of all kinds also a complete line of garden seeds now in stock order early to avoid disappointment hedley shaw feed grain seed phone ias georgetown noteorden for delivery on w tb or stfnwhy mttt be placed ike day before

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