Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 21, 1943, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfifth year of publication wednesday april 2ltt 1943 200 per annum 5c per copy fourth victory loan drive opens mo april 26 theyre always active in the reserve navy league to held tag day john for ear brnt over an ollici 64k has auddenly found hla fchoutdera straightened j of who used lo urr li be waited around the block ran no march hla runt mile with full equlp- xnt and atui srnu at thr tlnuh jack whoa scrying hair worried him 4 watt now freia almoat aa ourui as hr ecr did yea the reserve anny ta a treat ionic a greet build r not only for middle agere but for rrr canadian tvo u between the ar of 17 and 0 and is intugibl for ornraa service war worarre and men hsrlng poctponrmrnt or drfrrrmrnt of mili tary trrvue art wrlrom for thyr always ecu tn the re serve army lamming to handle mo- dirn arm reading and usta ma pa tlrtntnj and route marching eemplng aad manoeuttrlnir across country la i any wonder fate ret tanned bay window disappear and men crow fit wtlllnc and able to defend thetr coun try against any and erery ajirwsicnt it u a privilege to do ones bit in canadas reserve army its interest ing because there t ao much to team and so much to do its patriotic be- muse ha canadas first line of defense stfs tnjaplrtng too because canada reserve army la older tn its tradition than the dominion it serve proudly bearing the nmr famous regimental names and battle honours u those mad gtortous down the years by the old multia of canada fucralttna is now taking place at thr office of the oeortretown ckisena oonunlttee tn the waterworks build tnir on llaln street and at the local ar mourte if you cant tro active oo reserve the nav leitrue o canada is main kilduitf lu lay da in uur nniniclpulit on a dale announod 4tuhrre tn th luper mid we wbh tht m cery tuc res ui thl trr patriotic tltort on br- hali of merchant wjrurti wa the ui jwacr tit thla ootuivjii11 wlur our uiouirra father and a bear the brunt of battle not uulj in thr mj but alto on und und in thrilr and it la our duty to iupport err effort in order to atrrtujihrr their morale to that thr victory me br our and not hi urr a the nv league ha ruadr minrl 1ouj contrtbutlona to our lighting naval men and our merchant teamen and lu ihlern hottela and recreation centm have added rreatl towards the welfarr and comfort ot the men of the sea the taggers for the navy league in thla community will feel that they i11w performed a noble and patriot fcervlce if every dtuen nue them the fcupport which they need at this time mrs sam mackenzie in the local con vener active service notes t ogoatoe- wam evfctm cvmmtftee revo letters of approtatton are already cornlne tn from the boy and rlrls in iirvee for raster fflft irnt them m the bt oeonrea war brimr oommlt- tee a ahort ttme ao io each of the 46 boys oreraeaa fmn the chureh the eommtttee sent 5fto rlmrrtten nnd to a pffwnerofwar th ent n box of tn- jaero on april lth the 47 bovn in er- hce in canadn received a pslr of dre aocjcn and the thre elr a rwth tow and waah cloth eh pev w o f thompson ta ctinlrmir nf the commit tee thomfl rnann tren surer mrs fred armstronff flerretarv and eom mtttee member n forow mrt fl macrenrte mr w v flrnnt mrs t tt bcott tn it francts or c tlld w f brid1r f t mewiltv iubc1laiim hold vnunown nucnd banqiirr fllt members of verdun rebekiili liodtir aaftembled in the lodse rooma turftdii night for their unluiown prtrnd hanquet after aupper the noble orund olater pearl lilhco pro ikmed a toaat to the king bister oroat proposed a toaat to the uxltrr and bister vhlan amol reaponded slater laura mackenzie jve a toat to the unknown friend to which qltrr edna cicjvc reionded following thrse the imreu from the unknown frlenrt uire opened and their name rre re vealed while still at the table the un known friends for the coming vrar uere draan for following the banquet he regular lodfe huanrw was tmna ucted liovn ctrb to flfovftor ctb hilton liberal deltjates chown the cxictitlve of the halton ljlkral association nut it oudltuous iui i11 milton 011 riictdii filing ajirll 20tli iihj mlth the prrmdint uro dale in the chair the main bulneaa of the u tilling ttus the tpinlntmcnt ui dili- lit o repifsent lit itun at the pn- vtnciol convention t be heu in to ronto on april jfltu aid 30 h to ihom a polnrlul leader rl llberul part in ontario ttie following delegates at re choicn hughes cleivcr mp thoi dlakt- lodt us leroy dale kc w w robinson norman qllbert tur nl- ttemiitlvr delettute were also cmjm 11 f roblnon o dilla paul plalier chas readhead a 8oou trotme haa already been formed and now the lions club have undertaken to sponaor the form fit ton of cuba mr albert tout and mr jack arrmtronir wtfl be in ehnnre and the bovw from 8 to tf veara are aaved to be al he town halt a 7 30 frldnv ntght aprtt 17th ther are interested tn join in recruiting campaign makes good progress to stimulate tnicrem in the local re- servo arm recruiting cumpalgn on sauroa night ot 710 c compan lome scots ihimhii with tlu lorni scots reglmintot bimd lllh school cadets and newly fcniud hoy sronu i paraded from the armourlch tunn iwnt i the post office up ouelph st to the monument und then piocieded to main 8t uout col l ii ikrtintn oflleer commanding took the miltiti- on muln st they halted in front of the muni cipal building and v ere addressed by hlh worfthlp mayor olbljohs following this the company jhirnded back to tht armouries and boarded btihsvs for mil ton a her they held another parade here mr f h ouroy mnnitgcr of the banlc of nova scotia splice to the men on behalf of the recruiting campaign now in progress to date the response of the dtlzens hs been very good and a crcat many have joined the ranks of the reserve army last tuesday night was an es pecially busy one with testing and me- diesis however captain ii c moclure states that there are still a large num ber of vacancies in the lome boots reserve to be fitted tn yet presentation to rfln orm1e carter cadi t hertha b hi nk ol tlu c w a c i tikim n ofitcrt trulnliu couro ut 8t ajine d dellevue quebec nice vuik bertha law ijuobetn colfm uf rock- tlilf uaa home lor ti urrkrnd alth ut and mrs p b cuffta lurry clarke alio la with the lome hii ts lvfencr platoor at vlctorlj i1c hui ircrlvrd hlv flrat atriir contra- lulitloru cpl wilbert broanrldge ha been truiwrrred from port albert to lor rrtlo quebec ptr walter clruvr haa bren trana- irrrrd rum toronto to camp borden ice apent thr meek end at home flsfmn ilttond aod olen wu- 1 tlairu tuta also landed aafrly mrreava according lo ord received by hie pa- rrntx mr arid lira robert addy btfnin addy had jut complettd htv oourx in algnalluig thiee daa at kin ton when he embarked for o reaa suker jack tost alth the rcn in newfoundland has been pmmotrd to the rank of petty officer p o tom t nluted in the nav ulmom u eur 4iwi alter being atatloned in tomato h miit to nova boot la and thence to neafoundund coiwrutulatlmi juck mr and mi 1 r young arll- knoan former reitlents of oeorvitoun who rum llvr in i tcruurnti h have nni d a inbe from tlnir mjh tpr allnn vmin siviiik he hid arrived alelv overseai allin l in tu tank crji int dtubilv in- r m into tpr joe hull hi vlili nth mnt over tn in vime onvo rflmn onnh ciirti r of nerval rft ul thurda n1ht for debert n 8 nftrr ft pending hu furlough at home with his parent mr nnd mm r curtti ornile liaj tranafenrd to uie queens oan rlfli and prior to ho- nit to debert trained at camp bor d 11 mrs isotx i cl te iuls hi u 1 from lu r wn a u franklin un injured sur vlvoi of the corvitte welmni und he now in hovpllnl in hie anne de beltevnu quebo he t kecla to be home mwn in rltln home shortly aftr the dlsnster frank miitlnel ho phased hr whs to find four iwim f hr ifentld aal inu for him at oil- 1 iltiir mr vrni mcdonald riv itd uord her 1 uftotnd stiin ci 114 tit 1 mc- dnnitld hnd uirhil ovrrmas ii took nls trilnhu it kiniftnn wiih hts bn- therlnlnw sgmn enri marrh merit mn mcdonild s tmploed at uie chatcrs publlshlr co brampton n- ore going in the unn laat september himn harl munlinunt hon eel corn i d tils 3hth blrthdiv some where in krmland hr enltscd hist one year np n hu blrthdav the 30th of april 1042 he took his signalling course- in king ston and then went overseas in de- david and rihari welcoma hero brother home 111 1 ik fun ciniiu up he aas rin- ploed at alliance pjprr utlu ltd ttie boc oversea iun into lrnt ol tratik colnndriuia ur lave no doub and rc dlaak ititriented in hearing uuout thtm in hlv labi utter iwimr hl otrjrrr eaiit u icuren over- mm since the al told of how when he wu granted a 4 hour leave he tried to get tn toich with oeorge uxik almost a ear ovrreaa with the rcak after h- had travelled almoat right across the breadth of rngland hr found on reuchuu hi autlon uiat oaorge had jutt bren moved uu- ptmjiited fteaart headed back to london and thought he wool pay the beari club a thl he was looking around for the entrance ana had found th- exit whtl aalung there for minute to mak- rnqulrte who aho ild aalk oot but ids pal oeorge wrll ic r mas a great reunion fomchtrt afvcal bjunch apfucationh for over i mate trej div nmiorue to the joint appeal to nxira- true pi intlng nt out to ihr hjblic sckkjis ol the county by i l skutu publl school inspector tind j y wlittelok amrlruhurul re- itr fiitiint- hit bmukht 11 magnifi cent reixdim as a it suit f the aplen- did roop ration teeivcd from the public school tiolers of the count to d le luhtl ovrr loonorj trees have b4n onl n il th hilton county council his 1411 ed t pi the rprra in the utfi und dthvrr them to the rrm tlve s h mils plirtn the oiders it li tiutllipjed that the trees will be drllvtid to the scl ools after the kastet h lilr t nl lu mm hot cross buns kerr w ball- beetling malt air are baxl canada uunadun burn pilot offlcerbe linked with the defence of llalta otorwe srrratmili liuerllng of the 1 he ahot down 28 enemy aircraft in 4 it a k holder ot thr d bo dfc and months und on one occaalon destroyed ui m unit bar 11 wtlcomrd home four axis planes in a single day pic- by mr muckencc king canadian lure rhomn a warm welcome for an prime minster it parliament build elr hero divld aged 5 and richard lino otttwa lir nl tent and h uid 10 trreet thtlr airace brother one ol the mitmnnrtlnii flin cn-on- i snaiiau buerllr p after hla trans hu f h t 111 iniiu ailloliuvit tlnrtk- illkht home to canada the weather j b ii l butt tlie weather has apnurrnll tjlpped tut onc 1 m 1 h backward this pring nnd the wrntlier man is pet- ini nil kinds of ubnsr borr frlendji but we are dolnn thr best we can for vou hni are evin naming it on the moon siv1uk hhe was flat on her back iode adopts navy ship the count rss of strathmore chapter i ode met mondaj everung- april 19th at thr lrglan hail for ita regular monthlv meeting mrs a orleg re- it is un old sun ol an olo tustom practised in iund of having a hot t ros bun hanging lu the chimney pud on oootl frlrtiiy mid of leaving it tlur- ihruuyhout the year thus insur- k loiki hick tl e bi n wa apposed to r vi nt t d spirits fron di scendlng the thlmnev and bruplnlf ruin to the lion c wife s bikitu d dcimestlc iron- ble in tact the widow son inn at moonlight nlfthu for llrhtlng up his initial outlay of 92s was mso ilmmliv fuitluihl slll retains the old foctorles and maklmr them bright rustiiin and hunun n hot cross bun up tuch oood ftldiiy tliey o thla in uienioiy nf a former owner son who went to va ind who hnd promised to irt urn to eat a ho crovs bun the fol- owlng oood prldiy year after year ins pivmd and the son his never re turned but the bun l atlll there wait- inn fur him the old ciudom is prae- ilcuiu foniottin but the hot cross bun is still a favorite nt eater the other nlqht well mhts her right kcm waa in the chair and twentyax for peithw in such a jnmton we dont 1 members were present tike much suvk in the moons effect a lfitcr lrom uie depart- on tlu weather bellvlmr the nun haa m of national defence naval da- fir more we imadne however hitler nwk the chapter to adopt ft is riirtntt her ftood ind proper these bp- he motion waa carrieo d an nsox mrs 8am mackenzie was appointed nnd mnnir tlnrgets for nltled bombers i extant secrtury replacing ulas jean to shower down their block biurtera on mackenzie uho has joined the rca rflmn ormle bud carter was honoured by the members of the united church choir norval after the hcrvlce on sunday april 11th when mks florence latduw on be half of the choir presented him with a handsome pen and pencil ivct in ap- preclatlon of hl faithful service tlie following address was read dear bud wo your friends the members of the norval united church choir wish to express in a wamble vu our ap preciation of your services as a mem- i or ol the choir we have found you faithful and mnrert lu your effort to do anything within yom pewer to 1 elp rim on the work of the church those with whom m have lx en so long asot latul felt that they could not let you leave our comnvmltv wlthou lr rome measure showing the esteem in which vou ixxvf held we regret th it ue are not likely to sei your smiling countenance sun- dav nftcr bunday and enjoy your com panionship as wo hive done in the past we ask you to accept this pen and tveitcll et and wo pray that ood who guided our fathers lr the pam may continue to guide and blew you in uie years to come signed on behalf of the choir florence laldlaw every time you lend 1100 at good in terest for a victory bond you buy 60 hand grenades for a canadian soldier vou buy them ao he can throw them i target for fourth victory loan one billion one halton objective 2400000 georgetown 225000 eujueting of georgetown dutrict 125000 9 cunndn olonit ullh ttu- rvst ol the uultrtl nulons h mill rniiuiinl iii tin- bln st nticl iikis iucnt uur nl ul time a uut in uhlrh the inltiutivi no it loii 1m u yn our milr nut a wh mltlrh drrplte a limn itkoiiniklni oiitltwik we in still 1 r lout vt i from uiutilntt 9 in nirr hi- nulil illrivtls oil 111 m nll ultin tin- html united nations victim must ik- nun 11 unat tit al more moiev ulll be needed 111 tin n xt ft u numttis tltm 1ms tien riilhsi fot in am hlmllar lterlnd ro r ir i ills war is alnath eostlmt canad 1 in ire moue eer monlli than the 1 1st world vm tost us in a full veil tinlon alone can not pa tin lull itlttht novi can ida ueds oncmiiii n-oue-hundred- mlllloi dollats tills sum must lw txirroed front those who ltae it the pan ittian iwsiple thtmsihes h means ot the fourth virtor unan 0 mori und mote canadians hue been huwni vleorv bonds with exert ishtte uut miiliv more can liuv who hatent liouitlit et the rotent- ment tells us tor the six million people kulnfully employed in canudti toda more uun thiee million still do not know what it feels like to buy 1 vlrtorv bond l hnlton county the otstiritttown dlatrlc hate the nlkttest job ahead of them they have ever tackled in this war or tiny oilier uur halton county has been isked to raise 3 400000 ns tliolr shnre townrdu thin onc- bllllonone tlie cleontetnwii district quoin is fur in udumrc of any pxcvlotm loans at 335000 for oeorgetown and u2sooo for lite esqtnvlnr district of aeomelowii more ieople must buy victory jiolkls most people wiu buy more victory bonds 9 thp local war finance commlttoe ore puttlnn tholi house in order nnd n ttrontt cxvutlve hesded by chairman ralph itou have things well in hand to start the machinery in operation next week nnd get uie hlugest task they have yet to tackle over the top let the slogan back the attack really mean that we are prepared to sacrifice in order that our objective may be met there will be a salesman at your door buy aa many bonds aa you can cheer up friend thew april snow- falls nre like efntle dews from heaven compared with whst the axis are get- ting taillouinff are the local records pate it and l prert-m- temp tatlon ar 30 8now rtur 30 35 43 48 35 tuef april 13 wed april 14 thur april ii frl april is snt april 17 hun april id man april 10 30 30 17 34 30 30 3d flnow flur anow flur 35 snow 75 5 0 rain lac bill armstrong tells about alaska amp lac dili armstrong left last night tue- 1 lor his rcaf station in al- uslta after hpendlna a furlouffh of a littli over a week at home with his pa ir nth mr and mrs fred armstrong tlie weatheiman tuted up so badl while he was home we felt rather fool- mi when we nslcisl him what the wea ther wiuh like up there he wild that luruut thewlnter month the temper- ittuie droixl ofien to 2a below but that it hicmcd colcttr because of the lnetratlnr dampness so fni theyc neier fccn a jap plnno up there but the station had a until when one bom ber crew elest roved nn enrm subma rine wlieii on leave the boys have to ito by boat to the nearest vlllaitc for recreation they see plenty of indians but no csklmon in camp uie re is skat- lntr in winter and swimming in sum mer thev ret movies fresh from hollywood dili said he nod seen random harvest now current at one nf the bin theatres in toronto- several weeks affo celebrities visited the camp to entertain the boys and not so ion affo prances lamrford and bob hope appeared there the ymo a sponsored by the canadian lesion war services is a popular spot for re laxation the camp is strictly male f iwd and will be leaving shortly for her new duties mrs a beaumont ulll represent the rhspter on the sol dlers comforts committee it was decided to make the draw fof the quilt at the lefflon bingo this sa turday april 34 as the proposed band concert has been poftponed until tjl a wool afshan has been completed and is betas ftent to provincial headvroar ters to be forwarded to an alrrald shelter in britain knlttlnir and sewing ts betnb done snow by the members on layettes for the red crow the maffastne eentcnor made a request for more magazines and the welfare committee reported that sis and one half pints of milk are betny supplied dally to the public school the provincial iotxe annual meeting was held april 30th 3ttt and 22nrt at hamilton it was decided to send a bale of used clothtrur to adopted northern school the articles to be brnuirht to the slay mcelntr an interesting ducutkm on pont war reconstruction mainly local improvements followed with mra b maclunzle educational convenor in rhnnje mrs k d barber mrs j armstrong and mrs o mecallum were the hosv tcsr for the evenlnc with wellequipped hospital and staff ut so ranrornunn to the rule it ls supplied with electricity made from their own dlocel plant just now the whole layout of the rtatlon ls belruj re modelled because it ts too conspi cuous as it now stands bill has an excellent picture album or the country up thar and the rugged terrain to tern poles etc which he has pbxto- oraphed takes one back to stories about the old pioneer days bill graduated from the oalt air craft school and waa rationed at rockcuffe and tn british obluubia before being sent to alaska about tea months ago 1 jolnthe lprne sgotsreserve

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