the geocgetowa herald wednesday april 2 it 1943 they pull no punches w as we see it fat j a stfifi villi ihj milonjm l lil 1 1 t j i um ill 111 v v l 4- v sjh h i 1 7 o l 1 t a i t ur r m- m titj tvjrts howaltoutwjaj c ohis year hundred of thousand of canadian will risk their all for victory thi i attack ear trained and ready for the sacrifice our fighting men will pull no punches how about you these men going into battle demand nothing of you but they know bow much depends upon those dollars you earned in jobs that have no risks like their arc ou going to pull your punches now ma be jouve bought victory bonds till it hurt in preparation for the arrack you did a good job there but attack is trill more costly than preparation more canadians buying more victory bonds v that is the pries asked of those at home for the drive to victory in this year of attack when so many lives arc being dedicated to victory are you preparing to dedicate your dollars to the same end m mis s neeotp nations war iinanct commiitfb bylaw no 437 town of feorjttown tv lesulata the collection and dispo sal of mitotic ashea etc within tb afmrlrintllty or the town or george town whsreas it 1 deemed advisable to rotulate the collection and dlspoial at garbage tehee etc within the oar- p at the town of georgetown tuhtepotus the council at the ootpotmuon ot the town of oeorge- towo enacts as follows i on and alter the lath day oi april 1m3 a system tor establishing and maintaining and regulating within the maid municipality the collection mnd potml ot aihei refute rubbish and bags ihall be put into force the collection and disposal ot said ashes rubblih garbage etc within the municipality shall be put under the control and management of a com mittee 3 all household refuse und garbage hall be wrapped in paper and ail in cluding ashes shall be placed in suit ably covered receptacles ot either tin or iron properly protected against th entrance or files and satisfactory to the board ot health and shall he placed in a convenient location so that the same may be readily collected 4 all necessary receptacles for the collection ot ashes refuse and garbaw shall be supplied by the owner tenant or occupant of the premises to meet the requirements ot this bylaw and en filled shall not weigh over go lbs i no owner tenant occupant or shall within the municipality suffer the accumulation of or deposit of or permit the deposit upon his pre- raises or upon the streets lanes and private lands adjoining his premises of any garbage manure filth or other re fuse of atmllar character or which may provide any unnecesary causa fur urea or ths spreading ot urea nor shall ads owner tenant occupant or parson pannhuw fbthy bsjuu matter from any eats pool stable or pit pb to now a drain won web streets unas or prl- atlab4a hmmoouneu of the mtnupalny shmll enter into a contract llh a pervoii 1 to be called the licensed collector t- mid in the carrying out of the provi sions of this by las und the said li censed collector mnd all men hone and vehicles and outfits used tn the work shall be subject to the regula tions ot the local board of health t all ashes garbage refue etc and other offensive matter collected by the contractor shall be deposttel upon the town dumping grounds tho site or the dsln dumping grounds to bc spproved by the local board of health 8 all vehicle- used in the traiupor- tauon of ashes refuse garbage etc shall be constructed in such maner us to prevent the scattering of such ashes refuse etc and all loads must be covered so os to prevent the spread ing of such material by the wi 0 all deposits on the town dump shall be made in such a manner thai all decaying and ofunslve matter shall not be left exposed for a period longer nan 34 hours 10 the conti actor shall collect at shes garbage etc through out ths rovvn with the exriplon of certain districts as siuclfled in clause 11 o this byinn ii the collector shall not be obliged to collect garbaitt ashes etc cast ot the oth lino except from those pro perties fronting thereon not from those properties north of ontario street except in the district known a- college view 13 collections shall bo made twice i week from juno to october inclusive and once a week from november to may inclusive is householders must place the containers with ashes garbage refuse etc in a convenient place at the en trance to their properties on the days which will be advertised in the local press 14 householders must not deposit garbage ashes and other rojuse on streets lanes or private property in the municipality 15 anyone wishing to deposit sight soil and the contents of oast posit in the town dump mutt tint obtain per mission from use uasaaew osllseur and fohaw kit tuttoiriiaiaa 14 the rniirictor shall be paid rom the orjinarv rrvinuu of the mu- i ixiv in a ten manner as may oe arranged between the council and niniselt it any person convicted of areach of auv jf the provisions ot this j rirviiui rlltoiiiik ot mu- m l mr diem in actom alti ovlaw shal forfeit and pjy at the brui lllitiv- mm a full on mr jtilm vv akitl iiassed uuuv ul the home ill ins ttiiiiililcr mrs urotk at acton april kill discretion of the convkttng ntagls- j akm uav rw u p hu dy o apt r joskph oibbons mayor hrin 1 mrcnli lhp wiiird on a p d harrison cltrk arm near daduialucl una komc uim liti i nthid t ii furm near frtn ffrtnlni uirs to tic uai joined in holy ttcdloett to avnc n shortlll tlio moved on to the old hum t tenet where thr farmett or n number o iurs tiltci which he sold the homrsteutl utul nioed to n furm aboe onprlnke farm- inic there or neoru lvmt euis and on letirlhk test tied in acton beside his sorruwinj uli thrre r inittn to levere the memory of n be- tendkrs tor com andookk ttdeutl bulldlnn pioinrc o ontiirlu tmlh ttndei idtliistiil to the imdersivtitd und eiuluised linder 01 cuil ulll be ricelwd until 3 pm llsri thuntinv april 2fl i1u3 for the supply of e ul und coke for the dominion ilulldtnu tlnttuidiout lie inilnei o ontario fvirms of tender with hu tfwullnns and miihlltlons aulti din im- ohtuln- i irum the piu i has m aititt i4 part- mint of public wtirkv ottawa und uu siifivlslhk aichlort jo adelaide bt si rnionto out i tiiidi i s sho ild ut made on the onus suptliid h the opoilmint und tn nr- roinmec alth lep tnirntal hivtvlllca- tlnns and ronttltioiut nttarlufl thereto coal dealt rs ltruee numbers mnttt be tflien when tenderlpit i the depnrment reservcs the rlvlit to demund from unv miceessfid tendei- er etore nuurdlmi the order n necii- rlt tlciwihlt in uit form of a certified ihefitie or 4i chartered bank in canada mftde lavnble to the orttrr of the honourable the m in inter of public works equal to 10 per cent of the h mount of the tender or dearer bonds of the dominion of canada or of the canadian natl on ul railway company and it conntltiient companies uncon ditionally buaranteed as to principal and interest by the dominion of cana da or the aforementioned bonds and j certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount buch security u1 serve as a mia rantee for the proper fulfilment ot the contract lined huvtmiid und lather lour dautflv i is und unr ton two tiurv urs m 1 ncur ut oeoruttown and ui lhomis orajium of culrdon cucn tiruncirhddrrn und to great grand- children to all the brrraxed kmpa- h ot mmv friends goes out at this tn ihe family rrmalnlng are ur u lyavoj nlitfuru folu lira r allin and robert o ouelph mrs ju i i i i j t j tind i ii a tii jj t- t i ttjt h h t rn u9 j i l t tvid wo j i i u i tt jliiur- t u ti ttj t 1 i 1jl j uji at ihf i n ti t ti u tojrsr ijl riliull 4a u latta is u lc i iijjr iwitr u4 lil lh i iwxi u n fjbtlbi bvi sj iu1 nt vll h l l l trrin 1 ul t t utlut- nourr hrn ihtw k unr tfaiiaur tlrnuod aj itj li m llr tl 1 i n m jfjisr uiom i rj in atr iri lttrt i kp itfn nm t- tjuladrr lvu iiiist ii trd t ix tt pu- of tn troliti tm ru no rtrrr nd umf tt fk katr tu ftra or uatrxnuiicsv ln o i i r irar ut hsuhlnf ot i use rrxyirt fri vatc tuxly rontirt of of vihti dokfm ciikav htitsu jr tfurdrr of rsxlnf wfts vjij trmirrly br praaubu tf ttkt floe dldn t ojhum rf at lrajt tq hundrrd rhukt iny this nuater 1 in ore flora lio h lu divdttn lofts t u u ir spt to crumtf into on par i ikuur wmrr nd prr1ip motht one aiiohrr djc to inrrwttrd t oaplorirtit i n nrtourl of sr tndutrr thr iiir4trf dmind fo- rti rrr in os- iud tlun h ttrrn thf ej tn formr cr mu brldf tht the drfnand f t t ir rjw lor jilpmetit to britain l rhrifrd te tjtualon in rrtrbrd to rrwt jrj hfnft hr poprlt of ltjb rjilt k und t norrnul oindltlont rhlcfc lirn h iexl are ubojt tvu pilut mod it iv nun poblr to par- r lmb wick kurontrl ninety xr m n p jl r thrrr re dlff enrol i of drtermlnlnr the txx of thoe 1 1 1 1 chick but nerhftpt the most oom- j in hi i u bv the murkiitg of the i chirk v und i a r iu the election of thr jmllru u near prrfect wltn the mtmint frr chlckrn brollria and luin on for routing the cocknrls are im si a ptontable aa are the pul lets rite feeding of tub chlclu u um- p ifiid by thr makrii of feed and u i possible to purchase feeds that or fomiilrt in thimsehrii and all that the omnrr lias to do l to ae that the chillis gri ptent of these oomplet feeds and mlth the addlton of drtrislnf uater the chlctu ratloru are eompuus of courv cleanllnesa la another neces- urj conulbutlon to the baby chide mrllbetnfj and ptentj of freth air and hunshtne all help as of court yoa know chlclu have no teeth nor any mne of taat and food that wouldnt be healthful for them has to be kept out of their reach happy cnlcfcs keep up a continual cheep cheep and their proftram is comparable to a food many that eeu much more publicity the new victoey loan gets un der way rftit uonday april the 26th the objective fur the dominion this time t one billion and one hun dred million we are not tery familiar with that amount of money but ww ku mh i sum as i t i iiinrml uf hrld on wednesday iilirriiimn irum thr joriruione rum- lr funcrnl home ahrrr the service us in clmrve o ills mululer re firtiri tnonuoii ijilcrmrnt srns made in puhvlew cemetery acton the pall- dol t very ume we are apt bi1- crc ms lephew oordon 1 n there hae been antral loans put on the market since the commen cement of this wsr and as most of ua have subscribed to the earlier loan and as all of us havent a thousand ami llojd smith hubert and ray mc- irr crll keelrr and brt akttt a tioo victory itoud lll maintain 11 miltlitr in canudn for nearl three ueekn or for two weeks overseas buy ill nti can avttt by order 3 u soumvsusv hecretary ottsutiuot of buklla wmka ottawa april ib im i chitdrens aid society 8 the annual meeting of the childrens aid society m nf the counties of peel und hnlton will he held on the si evening of tuesday april 27th at 8 p m in the sun- day school room of st pauls united church bramp- j ton annual reports will be presented and officers h elected for the ensuing year b mr niram a fletcher president of the wentworth county society will be the guett speaker mr fletcher has been interested in child welfare work for a number of years and his address should be most informative a very cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested in the work of the society mrs w j hood g f thompson president secretary anil superintendent brampton ontario milton ontario to think that this time we will pass up the opportunity as all that we could dit up this ume might bt only a hundred dollar or so it might be a irood idea to remember that every hundred dollars is needed to reach the objective and tf everybody who only had a hundred dollarh to invest didnt invest it ths objective would never be obtained one thing about bonds that is import ant ns we see it u the fact that ones r have them we are not very apt to chh them or spend them and that is just what the dominion expects us to do with them harur on to them and enjny the benefits of having a stake laid by for future needs if you have never purchased a bond this might be a good time to start the operation u very simple now merely step into a bank and buy them over the counter much like you would buy n chocolate bar alter you have bought all the victory bonds you possibly can with cash taka one for tioo on the instalment plan it will buy o000 plastic buttons far battle dreatl yromthstnbrtlwrwrh ogdehs t t c x i 3vt tic vrt- avsj