Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 28, 1943, p. 2

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the georgetown hcram wednesday april 28th 1943 h the georgetown herald news or itoitoerown kobval glev uiujawu uuuioie stewasttoivn akmgeove rmuivjsrju thu cotta actov bjtamptov miliov subbcnrption rates ciutdi unleu sjlfc ai j 0iroa 12u0 a tar binlr com 5 wfrrluini ilitn ill fcr wu4 w iwlkjum ttxmiose no mai 1 li c bu3u ivuujur ilhv ii u1uin tdllor oawield u utoilvray j oouy rju iuu i j ciiui an vac n pa i ii ill ad uit- o ttjrau ohjc diui no ll r cm h a felre editors corner fourth victory loan monday began canada fourth national ap peal for the borrowing of funds to finance the war for georgetown the objective ha been set at 250000 and for esquesing georgetown dutrict 160000 this mutt a grand total for georgetown and district of 410000 this i an increase of roughly 82 per cent over the combined objective of 225000 in the last loan the new bonds will be issued in two maturities those maturing in 1957 will bear three per cent interest a lower rate will be paid on the shorter term bonds we are still paid for tending our money to the nation surely we need no cajoling to induce us to subscribe to this loan to our full ability as usual there are a few who alt whether the new bonds are a sound investment our national debt is mounting they say andmavbe the country cant repay these obligation there are many answers to thi skeptical querie the first of course is that we would lose little if the bond were worth nothing if we an keep our freedom but the pecuniary person need only look at the market price of past dominon bond issues which are selling at a good premium to see that our people have confidence in the nations ability to pay about onehalf of our war and government costs arc being paid by taxes this means that if taxes and na tional income were kept at present levels each year after the wor could pay for a year of war if our peace time budgets are not increased over those of the prewar years we can repay all war bonds including the forth coming issue in four postwar years whether we choose to do this is another thing but our ability to repa the bonds is beyond question k we should realize too thai the era of high in terestrates is passing ordinarily one mirnt expect that successive dominion loans would have to bear increas ing interestrate in order to persuade investors to lend but there is a strong tendency in the other direction pure interest or the return for lending capital ii always low being now in the vicinity of onehalf of one per cent the larger part of market interestrates is made up of a premium for the risk of losing the capital as our country develops and becomes more mature in vestors take less risk in lending either to our govern ment pr to individuals this means that market rates of interest will gradually go lower and approach pure interest so the investor in a longterm bond stands to reap a premium on his investment in future year what will happen after the war if a large num ber of person decide to market their bond in the first place the holders of the bulk of the bonds will not want to cash bonds to buy consumers articles the bank life insurance companies and large investors will wish to jceep their bond for the income which they yield and even most of ua who are small investors will try to hold our bonds for times of old age and sickness so there js no reason why there should be any flood of dominion bonds sold on the market sir wilfred laurier foretold that the twentieth century will belong to canada it is for us to see that the twentieth century does belong to canada and to the entire world the bonds of the dominion are a first charge on the entire public and private property of our nation we need only to win this war and ensure a peaceful world back the attack subscribe at least three quarters more to the fourth victory loan than you did to the third civilian blued with tne elimination of the smaller inckajcrn or cigarette and uie dime package of pipe tobacco on april 30th with meul ratlunlnir probably becomlrui effective durtnir the early part of muy with aoftoltne butter sugar tea coffee rationing and with shortanis in many otlier lines peo- ecp mnv somelmis nve wi i vmrhiu jem in saturday nibht culls orvujan blues o cuptulns hhtiithrd in lc spra o banners faint with tronlr 1 eat iri our imucc bv nuiht and dny and toll your brave ounit lives iifcuy wrop for us vlvlis hhoit of men o pilot neighbouring with the starv o pinner cramped beneath the tall driven of ammunition cars o soldier men and gallant tars our butter has bctun to fall o steenman rolling on the deep all in n sad gooscplmpim state consider us civilian sheep doomed or the lack of oil to keep our llvlna room at slxtyelghtt tub farmers hundred skills who said that farming is unskilled labor to arm a man has to have at least a hundred skills he has to know as much ss all the agricultural colleges professors put together he must know not only how to milk a cow but boa to feed her so the will give muk he must not only knew how to set as midwife to a litter of ten pics but also how to row them into selects he must have a working knowledge ot machinery irons ettasbrng 40 feet la the sir to desqueak a windmill to lowettns him ssu 10 feat into the well to nnd out why the darned thine hurt delivering water the trough at ground level he must be a motor meohantn a m4tawmk a carpenter sad a wood hand with the ihotcun he mutt ftefct laatt ha ot euamles tram bacterial blight of potatoes to the coyotes or avam wotste which want to feed on his turkeys and velvet he is ex- ns5ze to he able to ousts tits haw vote intelufently serve on the eourt- snsrssmcjtoam ani in some easts ut hlmaelt sorted to partita ant uffe gleaned from the past ju yaar traaa la ru sf uva frirua urate twenty veaiu aoowhen w ovtutry horw ran a lt uaturda mr j o clark mllmuin aa uiron iruai thr rtj ind d hi irm free- lurvd miiter jim dobblr wtvo uu in uir r a ui tlrr luiktil rsrnrd in- jury mr u v csmrroii muj mr ii u hull aindn uir pruvlnrlal wo- mriik uwlcnar lclriy omrnuoo at windsor uiu a at u urrfl riidd ronnu on ut coriwrtum hrld at mllkin 3i ltun1 mr ofontr hllmrr flrrc of 0klllf mis the uccrvfiil nomliut and u1 ijixm- piimlrr drurv in u v cdiiiih tru if rial rret mis two iijndml drlrntc rrr pfthii ndudnu mm 1 ii ft kiison at i iii fi ctinirnt m ut tic ami juiict t m oil uu tn ullrvlii thrlr iiamrs to t- 1 rii in fun itn iitt ntion is prooublr calidlrtatri ro dalt mani of oorrrlomr p t rnbtrtmm of mllloti charr read head nflson ind s robtnvon oik lilt dird at home on wednes- aa april 2th jturt s moon in liu bim kiptten tar3 acio- file cop f herald for this ww missing will runtliue net tk tfn yfars 00 a number ot farmers in this uxrulltj nrr bnv mfdlng uastrr flmer hurt srni nt mr and mrs larencr burt has re turned home from peel memorial hos pital after ft vicce vsf til operafan on iturda april i2 the llapust pai- sunaitr ins the srnr of a qultt rd- dinn hen mi olive laabel emmrrson ytaa united in marriage to mi albert e to rv mr pliui oficlud council met in tpectai aeomon un tu day to comlder lnturance polictea with maor j d mackenzie in the chair reeve cleave and councillor iiurnev cummlno qlbbons uaclarm and parr present mr joarph llraumunt intend leaving foi enuland on satur day where ht vil njiend a couple of months a spring t0nk tiw victory un communlum contrt uunched bv the national war finance committee ahould prove to be a gooo hiring toni or the rourth vlctury loaii campun uosu of ua carry around a air ahare ol enthua- turn fur canada ar ub but the trouble with moat of ua u thai we keep it bottled up in a placid form we don t ahake it up often rnough and allow it to influercr our artiona as it bhould let uke a homely ulmtration to amplify hie pulnt onmown evpertence telu u that he 1m phytlcal el fort ae make a a rule the let e ant lo n jki tlir lev e ut our muaclea uir arukir they become out hen we bi i to utk into ton to church or to pu ne lirnr into live piiyalcal par f ir day acra r htlr up our law nt btorr of hmcji men and c ntl irlnifft to do note uid inote ttii nitnuil uipijrh in uui dtillr us iltltits ut ar time ls koxetnrd b similar condition the more nr think and fitl abmt hlnns miould u to hut r our lcu r aualilm opp rimiin ind to bin our but buck home as soon u w sibli the ttnrjlrr uur unre to inert isr and htrengthen our imtmjnul part of the b when i ruprevi unr frthn llintutfh pub lic kjthrrlnjs in our communities lurintf iht vhlory tan camxilkn ftnvrrunw our tt mili into act km mid worls wi art bound to fet like buylntt more vicinrv ifainds than e did ixlorr tin re no pntcnt on idea held by iut particular fraup of rltliens or by anv one community in the country thr victory lan onntent should en murase the prodiictlon of excellent rtimnalsrn pnunurn in ivery section of err prninc and it aould not bt urirlslns if tt e urmid troph err won b one of the manv mnall tonh of canada ahere lntenult trro- aboundantly as in any lame city five years auo ernie coir wait elected president of the georgetown tbtebuu team alt herb scott vloe- prealdent c denham aecretary-trea- hurer it mcmencmy coach ii wel ter jack beaumont harry woods and c walter on the executive rev o w tebbji of burlngton addreued a meeting of the horticultural uoclely after uhlch the orsanlmtlon tt com- pitted with a maclaren r evident n h brown and rev p c overend vicepresidents ralph roar secretary and mm j u miwfcerrle treaaurcr a telettrum was received on tuesday evenlnb telllnr of the naulrm in brun- don hospital of mrn john t shankn formeny ida wrlitrllesvorth of pet- i a piece man just last year jlalton county wits ucll in the foietrnium with 0004 per cent of the votrs replying ych in uie government plebckclte vote mr c o brown norvnl was named orand superintendent of wellington district r a m at the convention of the orand chapter jack kmshend son of mr nnd mrit j kcmhhead hnn enlisted with the canadian navy mrs j riddel hpeakh at knox wmn thank offcrino tlie wmfl of kcnojc church held their butw thank of fertna meetlns at the uanse tuesday april 30ui mrs wm sinclair prealded the ovvotlonal part waa in chanie of mrs c c coch rane and mrs o sinclair mrs coch rane save a snort report of the provin cial raster meeting which she attended in ouelph last week guest speaker for the afternoon was mrs john riddel ol uutoa she gave vary teuolred baster meaaage the theme of her talk wee love mrs ralph rosa in veil chosen word thanked un bbtfelt mr outwiaiw and all enjoyed soeul horn whloh mlevetl nlh sttollatlosh ou dcpcndcntm allowancch iaajl paynunu wiu be c a unwed far 81 mania after a member el armed uervlera la reparttfd mtatdaf e killed national defence headquarters at ottawa has jutt annhinced important neu resulatlona affectina poymenu of deiiendenta allowances when a member of the armed forces u reported mlsslnr or killed his dependents who were receiving the usual dependents allowance and assig ned pay will continue to receive appro ximately the same amount for a period of tlx months there a 111 be no rcduc tlon of these payments while efforts nre being made to discover in the cuse of a man reported mlvslntr whether he ls still alive or if confirmed that he died while adjustments are proceeding to settle his estate and decision li be inn reached iu to hi driundcntv en titlement to pulsion commenclntt from the month fol lowing unit in uhlch the casualty is re ported the iu ii a 1 a noimt nt the d4- imndcnta allowunct and the assigned pity then belnu wild up to u maximum of 15 days of rank will continue for six months but if thr regular monthly pen ion rate would be higher than these monthly payments then the pomian rate will be paid should however a pension be award cd during the six months period and thin be leas than the monthly depen dents allowance and assigned pay the difference for the remainder ol the alx months will be made up in a lump cum should an officer or man reported missing lurbseqiiently be found to be living payment of the former am ounts of dependents allowance and assigned pay will be resumed and his account will be adjusted as may be ne ceatany these new regulations are designed to give dependents a period of not less than sue mouths in whteb to make financial adjustments nude neceaaary by casualties xi war workers you con help us lo gel war worbsrt to and from their work by avoiding rush hour hips jy ffeeaefl gray coach lin j 5 directory p it watson oav hoars v to s wsuf dr j burns milne dbftsx tusabom osortstovn ptons t am nielsen u tssr st msuss c xray dfuflht tbtwsspfat lt ikssitl ooe osr nntwrnlwi bims or c1jftford re lm ojim pbaos 10 luln blnti 0orslon leroy dale kc m syfaq bennett b jl bifruurv us bslkiun ullbuwt oortton phons if keanellt m lsutfdon burtjtar sbttur nstarr rasuc pint uortftts lloney to loan offlot orrfory tbestr dld uui btrstt pbon a ocorfttown frank petch liccn8eo auctrovo sad all classes op dj81ts1anc prompt service phone ssi osorfetown po bos 419 monuments uajudrs and lettbuno pollock a ingham oalt destfnj an rsqusstptions 3mb inspsct oar work in araensnod oenstsry gray coach lines timetable now in dayllcht savtnc time leave oeoroetown to toronto tm an 6 44 pjn 44 ajn 034 pjn iu pja b 10a0 pjn to london y 10j8 ajn a 119 pjn y mo pjn b 0 10 pjn 4 0 pjn a b 11 ji pjn b sun and houdsys only a to ouelph dslly to kit chener est sun and kol y to kitchener s to stratford bssdsbst pbsasss every cent counts no amount you can lend your coun try is too small steel helmets cost ims but are not complete without a small threaded washer costing one cent two cents will pay fsr a ease for antlcas eyeahlelda three cents or a large ow ajo button our cents or a oamb and to tt toes rlfbt up to h cent or a belt m cents or t twoquart eokee pot m esttts tor three pairs of antifat swltrtttbs sad ii or a vfttat shirt hoars t i tjo j ctostd thandsy s radio repairing we specialize in this work 19 trtrt ezperlenoe j sanford son phone oboroetown s4w elmer c thnmnswn cnsttkance 8ebvi0k ptr auto windstorm c p kaoway and ablai 8uasatlu su1xuer exouttaioks phone llw or j oeorsttswn ssears ralph gordon the verts uie entertainer or your nest progrsm illustrated circular free toionto address 8mb crawford st oakville monument works w r edwards menanents cemetery lelterlns snd markets designs submitted oood display of monuments oe hand your patronage solicited phone til oakville b c n r timetable daylight savins tune gain- east passenger 701 tun passenger and mall 1003 ajn passenger and mall hilt pjn passenger sunday only ml mb passenger dally dj4 pjn this train was formerly the flyer but now stops oetag west passenger and mall us ajb passenger sat only tl pjn passenger dally except saturday u am dally except sunday tjhbjsi patsenter sunday k usssj sltstv hb dally baeept sunday ixftl vaa aswawsmwl oeltwiurisi paueoter and hell au aja ana ostaf paueoger ami lfb tj4pjm bepsi nthtt ofbawakea war

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