Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 28, 1943, p. 5

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the georfiftown herald wednesday april 28th 1943 4tfa victory lett fttt atrioihiiral ceettttttea bhattmm period w p watson assistant director ol the ontiro livestock branch ww lb specul iokn at a recent meeting ol tha hilton agricultural war service committee held tn uikoo on thurs- cay evening of lui meek the major par of ur weuooe ad- dm pertained to the question ol meat supplies the ipeskcr polnud ojt that in prewar days two thrd of orest britain a lsuwrts of bwii cam rom south ol tha enustor today staled tr watson while rai of thru tip- plies arc going to north aim utile ii any u finding its way to orrel art tain under prettn conditions he siet- 1 to per cm- of both tha 0 a and canadian meal oroducuon u finding iu way to orrat dtltaln xu wauon listed we are wrty producing moir meat lhan in the previous hltlory of tha north america continent and consequently have lo optkanselllrr to corsume more oui wives than ever brfujt or thsre whet wr liave allh those on tha first urt ol drlrncr it u my opinion staled mr wauon that u u economical umound lor ui in canada to attempt to compete lth south americjin in beef producuon once peace l restored consequently our aim in so far aa deal is conccmeo should be to produce more beef without increasing our numbrr of beef cattle on tha other nanj from the stand- point of pork we thould o able to compete with any country tn the world ft may mean he staled that there will hare to be tome further adjust- tienu in the freight lata on grain from the weal he further pointed out that we can increase our production of pork much more rapidly than wa can beef an addllldnal ton of perk can be produced 10 months after breeding ur wauon olio pointed out that while our marketings to date arc somewhat lower than lor the sanir period last ear nevertheless the retfxxise to the sppcal which has been made here tn ontario has been magnificent and added that he had no hesitation tn staling that marketings in the las four months ol this year will be up 30 per cent over those of the same period in 1m3 our objective today hr tutted thould be not icorc unlu of production but mare producuon per unit reference wis also made by the speaker to the shortage of protein concentrates sup plies are higher than a rar ago but people are feeding much more meat be stated la jurt aa plentiful but more baa been slaughtered in places where much of the byproducts have been lost black markets slated ur wauon have been responsible for the lota ol a tremendous amount ol tankage the speaker discussed alfalfa flax aoybeona and peas as crops hating possibilities of producing a portion at least ol the protein required for 11 c- atock feeding mr watson reviewed the labour situation and made refer ence to the various typea of labour which the government la attempting to make available paul fisher ooonty chairman of tha agricultural section for the fourth vic tory loan gave a brief but stirring appeal for farmers to increase their urciiases of the victory bonds m the campaign which will open shortly it is essentuu state ur ptaher for agri culture to use its uraolt if tha loan u it be put over and in order to prevent inflation it must ha put over victory bond provide the beat collateral which a fanner can have said ur fuher since he can borrow up to the face value of thevhond and for a period of i yean at a rat of 4 per cent m aa much aa the bonds bear s per cent it means he is getting hla money for i per cent in other words a tiooo bond if borrowed on to it face value wtlf only coat the individual tie 00 a year and that la a small amount for those of lis who are at home to pay when we consider that many of our boys wld give their uvea others wtto tpoke at the meeting which was presided over by w e breeton chairman of the war 8r- vtse committee included amos mason county chairman for the victory loan and sir ueomnls county organiser protein concentrates scarce and likely to wmnsre boarcer halton dairyman poultrymen and bog feeders are all very moan alarmed ewer thu scarcity of protein eonoen- tea white federal officials are en- favouring tn distribute available sup plier as widely as possible it is be coming increasingly difficult to secure requirements in so far as possible authorities aro endeavouring to con- servo available supplies for poultry and young pigs and it would seem as ii dairy cattle will soon nave to depend largely on home grown protein feeds tho best osurces of home grown pro tein rich feeds according to agrl re presentative j b whltelock are found n well cured alfalfa hay soybeans peas and flu dairymen and nog feeders would do well to give consideration to soybeans and peas and tn u much ag seed sup plies for thee t erne aw abort source a aad etjotut b tewatsfeted at ones further information en these crop can b secured by ewrtartmg the local branab of tha ontario depert- swjent of ajrrtaltttrw at union t t ontario have done well in her eotitribulloa of manpower and reoureea in irte proaeeu- lion of ike war ontario must do alill more io providing ike elnewe of war by supporting ike fourth victory loan io ike limit of ike ability f eterv ritiien our men in i he figjitina aerv- lee will ajive all they have our people on ike hnrne front ran do no let lite fourth victory ixtan t your opportun- lly to join with ike navy the army and air forre in an allout offensive you rannol be there in pernors bill your dollar ran be there for you and will provide the maliriau and munition so vital to ike tlireew of ike armed fores- the eovernmenl of onturio is iwlirut the loan by the inveotment of mmmhm in ike new virtory honda this ixonturiohoflirial rtin- trihution toward trrnitheninf the hand of the dominion government in it lremrndnu taali of hnanring the total war effort that is net drd it is the tansjible pledge uf ike ontario ihixto- senl that it will roopeeate to ike f utlevm yaitlbtw eatrnl with ike dominion eovernbscbt la das drive for final virtory rite action of the eovernment of ontario u deaifcned to arjve praetiral leaderskip to all the eitixena of ike province and skould be aa eaample and an inspiration to our people ta aeeept thi rourth victory loan aa a personal rkalleiutr to do their part to rack the attack and hasten the day of virtory a the old parih hector aid at ike close of ike remarkable film mr miniver thle u ike uoile war it i our war we are lk nphler ri ii i ben fifth i it with all thai la in ii we the udc of ontario must fight it with our dollar inur purrhanc of victory bonds will help tn end ontario over the top again in upmirt of our fibhling men they will do their part wken ike lime of attack roam wa nud do mir lisday i d conant frrmirr frorusrw of osristrssv rm0kf zmpss ublished by authority of the government of the province of ontario brampton publishers airman sen is ho overseas plight bergeant robert burns char ters son of sir and mrs clarence v charters of brampton was awarded the distinguished plying cross in an anounoement released last week by air force headquarters at ottawa his rather is publisher of the brampton conservator and managing director of tha oanirtlan weekly newspaper association the citation of fit 8gt charters follows ono night in march 1m tueae airmen pit sgt charters and sat coupar were captain and navi gator respectively of an aircraft de tailed to attack essen on the outward flight one engine of the bomber became overheated but sgt coupar flew on to the target and bombed it shortly after crossing the dutch coast on the return journey tha alr- crar was attacked by an enemy lighter sustaining much damage the wireless apparatus was rendered unserviceable the intercommunication and hydraulic systems were put out of action caus ing- the bomb doors to open and the undercarriage to hang in a downward position th stute of tub sat coupar easily and awfully evaded the attsiokani and let oouree for bast durma th remain- her of the hooicuurd lllklit fit bgt charters alio had been wounded in the chest ihpnljcd great lortttudl it- malnlng at lib post to continue his na vigational duties sat coupnr eventually leu the damaged bomber to un plrnrld when he effected u successful cnifth landing both these alrnun dhplued grca courage and skill in harassing circum stances top ranking htlkentm announced for ohh spring term j m in the recent spring term exumlmi- tlonr the following students hcuded their forms vorm i mildred eason 1 wullam long 3 form 4 richard crlchton 1 michael beer and bernlce alughes 2 aea form 3 mary mcciure 1 jean lindsay 3 form 3 doris brownrldge 1 velma lsno 3 form 1 kenneth har rison and doreen mulhollond aeq patsy robinson 3 as port of their wur effort in april the students made a contribution of 11000 to the red owes drive stu dent council executive have decided to sponsor a tag day in the near fu ture on behalf of the chinese war relief fund w pitching tent at lorne booth hkheitvk hummer camp one of the most exciting times of a lome biilncscnc training camp at niagara is the pitching of tents on nrrlvnl if jon go for this aort or ufa tenting out in the sunshine and training for the defense of your coun trythen join the itfr army now while the drive is in full swing c c p hold closing meeting the feel ccf riding association council together with delegates and alternates to the provincial convention met in brampton april 14th ims this was tho efoslng meeting of this years council fnal preparations were mode for the annual convention of he organization which will be held at huttoiuvlue orange hall april 38th 1m3 the agenda for the provincial con vention was discussed amons the in teresting resolutions placed before the oonvtntlon by peat is one that introduced by our president mr belt p hardy ettndsl ft follows whereas we deslr gov machinery to be democratic tn dure and practise in a oof ment therefore be it resolved when the cop cornel to power in arlo the members of the cabinet be selected by the elected cop date by majority vote using a of proportions rspresentauon join in the march to victory 100 victory bond will buy stoat and holdalls for 30 fighting dlans wool growers organr woo ship collect to oar registered warebeu x weston ontario reliable graititsflf prompt settlement omam sseks and twine clsuw wsloit oufajthtah oookasav wooii riswwstsu war

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