Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 28, 1943, p. 6

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bm chick oes thetrick order now for summer hot brush sad lots nasusbweu iwirrpsacixnt iw bui it jut stand ad njlnuoi of wr bneau sawmt at o poaary lie man tea bininis sad sfcod p- bliia to out kitcb of th ctytowheiwfedwday april 2ha 1943 toe bomber frcs in britain ti a fn itfii ta wittwi another ta a ark ot art btuub hy w a u sad c v charter who ricntd tlw of rtawtcaptr tunclitwi t3 a reetr1 lour otnti ibt walter u- 10 lul rjthim lu th warimpr ta yr hatw bn kjis changed alto haws ix lav laxta uuu- leu on nag and you ww dona tax ru nuliac sea urine now ate dm tumd rum uo to full atlai epa- ot han no to bat tarn wphaxnon aomin alasa to ua uu watim tpar brsy cuusx ttsud or 1b sennktuav u growth tatr tartr steady tafini mafc tad lt tb klaa wan want bray hauhafwa nil hr tunutoa uuta out oa ta sumniat hi ahau rata your 0jkr no for later tfeja vrnt itbob c mcoivn lm7ax tat r fnturnl not only hat lb p bfo inroad to rtduc tit nmnhrr ol page to a traction ol tb usual w ltm but lb ctrruliuoa b had to be drastically curultad- id many ua lh urn ol lb ps and th width ol tb rcjirmri hate been reducad- our party eclerixlnsd at lb daily trtferapn lb dili exam tb tib and ilrutcra agency wt by th war ikaatn w usnd whib ahown through their plant and 1 at anchor chain asfta tars tb 6 euytn all let toetary hwi cui not uj you a cranpaper imtiin th adteruiia minum ot rm- papars bud court tr thoi fcho art uvtaj to bjy a blue ul th rpar atail at oa ot la urn prwrc ax lh na uxnd to our loodon bol w has hrard rvaaou ot lh dpix raid atilcb tot can uit a a laatirs a aut r had not md anlhtt about it wi r ainlogi i aw a araaapt llor thr or aand eouid not tu ui on unlru u aa omnad ra duut yu abruptly irartinj to app-t- dau a prtltoav mjh a do ul ftuna aaon brrr th prlruf ol hrfna abb lotxiy a mtntu at anj lum poar or own ar do uo to haw any prr at ali th tnivuc ol having a rw drunmcl t it to a nthy pttid n a ouuruilij who aw or a um olta bad 00 hli rbtj that in fit hat taae lh rtrjrt to ft m datjy papar aatt aary dtabartf talk to tt tata m th aooj fag at tfi papar b9y bob uatain4 on a tna u1 naslty alaay pat thrtr n ami i to lh oths paaptr n th t afur uur aaa read it u vftttf shro nery oourtaty al on of lb oratpapcr lound that th paprr ha hwo cut dxrsh irom an aitrai l w oi 2 pact to lour paxaa in irtdiuon h rumlauon ha baro out irom u3o00o dally rrax to tbaooo brtral huu- orrd application lor cuburtptlona rarh day hate lo or ruuioxl thi u tucj ol lb italjkuon on u ura- lpr all ol th pzaota havr dupucal points df in th around wry outn- lortahly and cozspuuly nud iu tj that th fhtlr orfe ol artunt out tit papvr can br oarrtai on allhout to tarruptlon durln raidt aorror ivral ol the paper haw cumtwtr plaau tn othrr ctu ahrr torn rdi uttra ar prtctrd ry day ftor tn- itaao lh dally rsora ahlrb hat dasy etrrutauon ol rbout tao and ball slttjiona u prtntrd tn thrr plat lryon uanrhmur and olaatoar tsr ar to rocrdmauo by wtr trr tr that although thry ar art up uul aaa up tn aath clt thry ar nanlv altfc on moat parr atfwrutsng ha brn cut to atmott da ana drtrw a th rat ol l pjs th dally tviasraph a r tem ivruaa about ihlrty colunra ct admftjatag afy oay dtataay adver- tulnf utuasy ha to b baokad av- cral sno in adiaset and n thru without sxy ruaruu that u sill appiar in rati whrf lecl adwtia- ln cjit artvar bdor a oartaio duli car buat b lallto lo adia th clim u u cacot b prtiul in crdr tha ai man may b aud to tiw u pru- clwwhtr ajjieruiifflequ itr bxr and kji i may ujl b carrud tn th pn ppr allbjoah lby ar now barrrd tn canada with o ruch cilfirulty m obtainutf adwrtulng pa in th nretpaprrt 11 u not irpruloj to u a nr ccl- rnmt luar lelnt ol nouora ht cjoiartly um 1 or want ao tn i paprra aj nuw duplat on ouj caicu jl thop wuuiav wr taw a airat oany ol auch ad trruuni jd not jjtnlrd but f ud by hand pard on duplay in utr hop wtmww in mad ol th cluia r uj w du l aiw wluthrr thr hcpatpr maa a cltanr lor all hrr nolle althouab hraid that ujezw thotkarprra chart 5 ihllllnzk and wr aondrrw ii lhu pracuf l 1 cunllnur llr lh r la owr ll u mat aurpru n willi cuitallmcfit ui in uic and numbrl ul ptt ot v r rwipjprra that thr nwa u uo wv1th1 thrlt air a twal inn horl ircnt making up th nrw ro lunjii tjt tlr into ronurdrratlaii r dillirulltr undrr whuh thy air oprnf ihr uniuh nrwicaprn nr trry imoablr and i a aurprulnly luod ia txntng in la ipac at thrtr durxxal kw ol canada apo tn lalaarood tohjn and u rll trr- arntatl wr lound that lh canartlan aoldirra ar quit worrtrd btcaua it la no krtfvr prmru4 to amd paprra or s swhalat af fourth victory loan i datoal aai liralni inlrml fraaa tat vary rms ul mbrrrd in two mat aril tv thr atoir of vhlrh u apllaaial arltta thr mitmrrotrr a follow i my i9s7 caluu la a ata mm iatrl wayau la may aaal nawaaba ba tmoailattaa tsa um tsa tiaa hata hmm lum prtr a u id fitflflf yr 1 bmim la 2vvajir lf naa raltaalr to amaturlly payaau tat may aaut not taa alaavsaaliiattavaa ijas mae p4ei 199 arinripal anil intrreat payaktr in lawful monry of canada the principal at any aitroryaf the bank of canada anal the inlrml armianniutlly without charge at any branch in canada of any chartered rank bonds may be rrplatere aa to principal or as to principal and intercut as detailed in the official proapeclua through any agency of the bank of canada waanrrlf itii ar either ar kaali abbaaahtlas al ua laaa aaay h patlal la fall at ax ha a at ppmeall at law laaa peieo la aarai r awlaoait a l maa aaai with etap wrlm it available far araaap luery k aay alaa k aiails aayaala by lartalatrata law a latit aa fauawrai aapueattaas aalm jaal13t aa 1st jaly lia ib aa saal aaa4 ifm st aa lat weptaahiar iim lao1 aa tfce 3 taaaab or lij h tb tv liaail aa lat oetaaee ifmi last aayaaeal aa lat a at3 rmvrrm late ftaal aawaaaat al prlaelaal plaa af 1 c eaaa al tha 3 kanb aail 37 af 1 la ike raw af tha h4 siaaala rrarraaiallag aee lateraat t tint aaa slates al tint re l the minister of finance rear re the right lo accept ar to allot ihr whole or any part of the amount of this loan subscribed for cither or both maturities if total subscription are in eacess of 1100000000 the proceeds of this loan will be used hy the government to finance expenditures for war purposes subscriptions may be made throualt any victory loan salesman the national war finance committee or any rirrsrntativn thereof any brunrh in canada of any chartered rank or any authorized sutliiru rank trust ar loun company from whom may ite obtained application forms and copies of the offirlul prospectus containing complete details of the loan the lists will open on 26th april 1913 and will close on or about 15th may 1913 with or without notice at the discretion of the milliliter of finance departnient finance ottawa 26th april 1943 s tugs go to sea by rail vi vh m af to rw t o 1 1 era bf lartiuijmaaponalipr u i jvtd a iul la r i trarcml kaa t art if otwraitsa oswer ol ik t mio nial ralway t it mtri trfl paonsiitat of 1o uier bu lr talaad to tkr tflraitl vtaid ad malik antalrd dfc altip ar lu tv fcr i cicsvm a ta hty ttm cm is l c ik national syu to aa i cut sraport kr tfcry ar arm ta war wo tw oi owrll tr em bwill al tlw 1 r 11 tiutt ibrw lllrw frwa la watr aitd kl hoard tat tar tad ualia treat a sfcwtfy and ruardaa l sasm ol laasr tara lnjrcn1 roaa tkm to brgui s railway ikaammsub that coaxb atstplr j tat ctsael k tastwrd rtsww or toldrd ap pwlirauitt u lata uataar ware tit a iu ar ldrd llnafcl aad brravs ef is kji proiidrh rtarmal lw s t ol oejrai u kradaran w laand iror ioil lo lb allaik rtrl oaaaroaaalcartalnirl ikr haul an it l1 1 w ii top ol ik rail thr alu hram ol tb lua i lerl hmio so iw vmw1 it f ik a11 protsrtad two hryoa4 ifc car da oa on tlr tb asaward poat- lut bra du lo lb amawbiy lor maj a aal castr a rty ovnhaa comimbta s prchwts as aay pan c arajaay and panmdaily co a rwrw ii waa a t l ik kaixauj syaiwat wfim depart- aaral ta fhatk th plaa ol rm rsia belwwaw ta tarauaal potata a ta taaa wasa ramd owt owar i wo aulas finat caavaar war f ik amatia ma saajual ht wr a u traaa ta lea at to kid a aalat wtar a uty i over ik a tfc ao a s fciajar ii ira laaa ik hwu sad m ww n i i r rraf lor iy trat u wa tkla load wa tarlwaad t ksww at nwtnnwd spm whaa ike snd iratk waa wral th rata iraasparuiiaa lvold a amsa af cuhany plawud moirmntt ta traaaporlalioa aaramdowt asrrcalry ad warwt aj -walrk- ar aow ta aak w rerlowtuc ik laia of aaal rar ta iu caaaaa naltaaal lw am waaa daily tdl irral nuaaintr ol caocjira i ad war wuimal ulvw iro ik rail irrattal 1 traatlrrrrd lo caret tualtarsonlolw ltl n by mail ratrpt i 1 mlrtpkm thry apprrclat th horn papr now in a aay ui r r ji they left boon ln na rwi til rl n onr olhcr remaitrd thai hi conudrred a bna unto el paprra irom hum aa a bojuuao 01 moral otie rtmvj at i it i lun a paiexl on caxuuiiuii papriv tna horn pubuwtci lud brn bunding it thru- owrriutv aji i r mi hi m o i to be dlaultrjlrj tai anr told b un irrdct wbrarr uuil m uti iut at um lim coo tt rf i 1 i nt anil nljripl did ik t in a whul lo do w in hem tmrr i p ojb t at the pub liori who irnt tlrm were anxkjj ij help ttif thnui1 l ii wu a kuu thin to i t bil it utiiall wa a ml buldec etlmt it waa a pica i iram rr lo be able tult on ol lb tiadnc weekly newt paptrv thr bntrii tmaiiluui wh waa the paper en whuh mi athrr t r lat ortirso lrppr nrd hlt upprm ucelp thlf i uric of the o ocr wrfi bra ol dirland unl m been owned b the am famll inr a creat tnav trttra it th lnurclink o romia prearntclav iralnlnf with that ol tenly tar apo in hu tnrmolra mr clearer lerrr d thr training 1 pot in thl rvtiibllshmri i covrrcd i mu h wldrr rrinre ban the tefhnt krhoou i f today mrerp ns lloont building for waahllir rotlrra nortlna type lelchln- tn beer ilii rum ard anulf varlfil bt nn orraklunal buur ipent on thr ol 1 cnnnl btiuk cnthin minnow or thr foreman n next flshlnr trip wceklj nnihi hate increnicl thrl price irom two penrt to three prnci per uaii nilvrrtlhnp raia hate in created about fifty prr cent nine thr atart of the war ann the pipcrii hav decraaswd in u in knpland the pre l mill free the nrtipnnerh ore able ta clorf what thev rhall prin and free to crl lieu unvbod anrt nnylhlnit in thi axlh lanli nnd in the rountrlri th axla hate nterrun thrwr who print the unhuifed newa and offer nny crlil- clarn do o under reinntant peril ol denh lotov wordt suit ptut ni oy and appi taucn liri irrmci cl tha crew till lit iamt whn thry aak a t d l ez aortb while thry rly at worthwtula ana tn m t mpui utrj vojra htwj it v wn or hucs chlcouumr c llccl alall cwftt halifax n 0 apil it ims d ic i it if lliruul r drm kliiam 1 w n id like lo roirrt a ttatrment irdilaiih loi prtmlrrn drury it cup rmntrmd in acton free prrtu ot so jean im th it pokilllr clr never drbat ra it il 1 aiittj c in emlfmala for prin ii tlriy k rip wh ch wai woai ircm vii nn cl a b un henry wlltaa and lira jamc danir and waa neer out of ur wluon hotiac until aita her tircch january 3rrh lt43 and li at prcaent at alr jamca dame a home itmry wuaoo dm our mail bag april 10th 101 tile oenidfurwn herald dear editor a emr oaomentji ant i dus into my locker and brouvrht forth lour buck- dated iterajdj having followed the aoccomiful move menls of the cleiiyrtown branch of the navy leajror i noticed a paragraph headed mtity ai are they worth 7111 a lew days befotv chrisfjmta htfore chruimna mall etc had a chance to come abroad we went to sen before irolnj to tea ave lute carton came aboard and when apmed they were found to contain ditty bass from the wavy league there waa one for every member of our cret which compli ment at that time wit censored i received one donated by a lady in oaltvule on openlnji it i was stunned at the quantity slid quality of its con tent thlf was my ohrlttmu present from some tbouttitliil lady i did not ms f tviulubon bah ik au aaaa a alrk aa aa aar isaya svwt su liiailti as a saar itav wak f casaiaa uraal sjsaf uw another big dance in the georgetown arena friday april 30 sponsored by punch preat war worker doris hull orchettra modern and old tyme proceed fior naw league lucky draw admiuion 35

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