tk gtataetoya rjersjcl weafasacfay april 2sj943 hetftovfd uhiroim ihftthatiohal sunday i chool lesson lnisfi fee may 2 cbwtculqewkfft lsmob tsar- n ta breakfast tor hungry fishrmsn feat u whet our loving end thoughtful lord had provdd 00 th share dalli u wanted to talk to peter but h icnew this was need ful trst- there i not folli who lhtaa out following christ u dols- ful matter devoid et every pleasure jesus never taught any such thing h ctteadsd wenvttngs ud dinners cvca to th boon of that tfspisd by mm but nntmbn thst lit al ways ildufcx their sptrttual good not merely tar hi osn eajoyneal f4 that he ejwey brought th gsth- swing auhiinra spiritual uveu rrffia ftp buj 9 erry worldly i iterate ted turn wtts glowing br uuwfeka bb t bretlta ud fnowehlp thee who serve him drew up ta it ere cnrt friend whs art standing afar 06 yea may be ao timid that uka the hliftelta you effl not dare to call lurbfeyaame u but u you wul com you will sad that us precious frbgwahio wtb soon warm your with the meal ovsr christ turn b ftr end la thttr conversation t find th tattar required to t l faaa tsslilrhy w 15- id wliji kindly persistence our lord crsugm peter fata to face with his responsibility ct fufrhtarted devotion to hlrn tutor mrvlca can ba ren dered there mujt bt a right relation- ship to the lord thr limn peter waa asked to declare his love for christ such a public confession waa qulta to pine btfor the man ho had thrice de nied hl lord waa restored to a place ol leadership the worda more than the v 15 indicate that jetua waa asking of him a high measure of devotion it ia no mora than ha baa a right to expect of u the conversation after breakfast that morning waa a very profitable one one ia reminded by contrast that few of our mealtime discussions ur very useful uany perhaps most afterdlnntr speeches and conversations yield little profit here is an occasion when such waa not the case one wendera wheth would not be wja lu aestion anri our thoughu and thnsv dinner guests to splritu- ttronrs surely it should be ao among chrtstlaa friend and to christian home u- faeillsg christs steak v lslt we review the ssme verse to point out that an expression of love to christ means nothing except aa it manifests itself in service like peter we are to be diligent about feeding hie bock whether they be the young and inexperienced lambs or the mature sheep of the fold w tend to spsctollre even in soulwinning aotne give themselves to child evangelism while others resch only adults and would hardly think of dealing with a child true it la that w have varying gifts and one doea ona type of work better than another but let us avoid over- specialization every needy soul is a challenge to us aa w present the gospel the word feed should be stressed hera again the church ho frequently failed men and women are won to a decision for christ and then forgotten sheep must be fed if they are to grow a teaching ministry must accompany the evan gelistic effort they belong together and to neglect either la to fall at lesst in that measure m fallow bias t the eaa vv ltte endlessly ingenious are the de vice of satan ha who had sifted peter uka wheat luke 1131 and had rejoiced la the weakness of his denial of christ now saw him step ping out into victorious living he heard the prophecy of the martyr death of pater 80 he put into hie neait question why ahouvi he uffart what about tons what waa the lord going to do for him when our enemy cannot trip us up with temptation to personal sin he resorts to the device of jealousy uany promising christian worker have become useless because they have taken their eye off jew and put them on the parsons and work of other christiana doing a work which was difficult and unnoticed but very important to god thoy hove felt the urge to quit because aoma ono else beamed to novo tho cnuior task and receive mora recognition the answer of jesus in verse as plainly states that it i not he place of ona disciple to judge the course of ufa of another nor to gauge hi own devotion to christ by anothete place or sswtloa tta word ofchrw to ue to the aame aa to pttar wallow me we have alt we can do to live our emw twm to manner weupieaaing tlod hornby abater awhir s eite ist afur u carry bomb 4fcover and fn wntom tn bomty efcsefca sw wil tuated eitotia youof j- sdsett- ted u church 8meufcs9 to united church on bene ttarm- twcher and papu of the puuit utoool ue ewwlo a ws tv mm iurtim spmeinf nr si tar dobv tn brbuex oelirli nsl esdrad outon ol urmuon to ipjodual u3 hcusst sh ta ulirr ur w- ototit un cuuord wrurwurth ntjjtm tuaat from hcaptul on mujrtoj lui- sr pleated m rseort- un 4j ui al 6atsbi dou ol toroota t iet rulio sun uvtr sjnt ur uawh- ur sad un wiiur uoouo u u euarr r- itn urojrv tuur un ywij downs ur uvl ui btva bfudm hair ol into uvlr ww houi end ur no un uuit orudro h tcoa uiio u l uorre blourr bru- ui sd uj iumj pulro tnrot kwon 1u urt rixto dsjtou u tot iln lurrr llobtiuon vvr ooarujr jul canulon od uamj bimtsu mrlns nrafij- ij nuw4 tntu hu irtj rmx- itoro 10 permit uun 10 rovr tn laras the avpa ol buprms chuttt w h to p naa 00 yrtdsy nmvs ol ihu ur lurry robrruon u tors cn- wr lar the ourlh vmw oerjr on rwpond to thr usfl ol bl sbullr u thu nnsnosl eppasl and bomo icurr with bcndi tn ohiarrsnce ol lloly wee utim of three strrtcr er hld tn ooitd omit in lh hornby chart u tea as fooowi on wednesday rwo- inf tn th ttothtl church alth ar ii b unertnt tei neaarr on tburvdjy rrenint tn aihxrwe chiuru with rr r c todd a sum ipessrr nd lb ptur nrolns in hornby thurch witn net j uooie a url iprsser glmwmiastz ui and ur pfcifflp tounc of dun- lule wi ulinx io nliuv btre on sttdsy ur and un p cydocotsn and pt- ty vett v ad lxiuv at in hotbr of un hslsas 0mzr joe ucuresbj vho u tts- uonos st ivtsamss trct th wns vai tlh hu ibrcitt ur end un- 3 uruecmy prohauouo wm uvb hlk nd trwctd from rvl iirct sud srlb brr psncu ur oi un oorsjr baca un flrrcr jjtait ex damhtrr un tto juu sal ton u outi ur axjd un wb rkrnkia jr cl to ronto uila hotr lruuo of oeliftv and un a j wumrik ouitfiti sfr ta rad rtjiun t thr tiomr of ur and un cuyton aum un ft j urustr u ipradins tlidjj 1in her prat in wljrton p- llntvrt rotmuun mml tr ea rod cnih t0 psjrnu ur and un lij rrftacon ulu uaniurrkr uih cl uir vtrv u sve end 111lor st thr bomr cr hrr frtmd oeftrdr otn ur sryl un lurry rtd ol outtpb r- rtcudajr tbuan aiih un rrtdt nurtitv ur and un e bjjdd ur and un ttoubit and daughter rnlitrr and ptijlij arsiu of toronto nrnt the w erd tn un caswron ulu uuv urcualr and p o tnw wuku of tcranto ttm- on on frtdiy st the hoenr of ur snd jjn harcld mnehtas norval the annus mrung of norrsj branch of in bate bortrly was rttld tn th parlih hall en wednreds april ttst rev walter ufclrsry shoaed iplrndld ihdm of union tutor snd after th botnbtal th tleritan of ofaorr fol- kid cub ur a l kjlit uiu r- ikim prtudml vic pre ussi p uaxule br un turctd lyozu ttt ur uam laird ur l j c bu bit tut tuaday iueh on a trip u the waal un jtr kxlui ol oaaloru nsurd hrr axohrr un uary uwth tut ur and un c artsrsood un chsnpru and afli wirt o tltiud nlulm tn thoreid on oend prwitf ur wui plddlrr ol toronto and lomntj of norva stto ha raosntly otnrd thr nstt apent btbtdsy wtm hit brother str wall ptdeser ulu jn dart to ben4toi bar cailrr rersuon st bienhsmras th tueatof rr and un ufgeu hottdsy vlalten in th vtsaa tn- ttudtd uli usru kirk of toronto 1u u ii ull id ilrud umi on uclaoshlen si her hoaw bar itu bars nikwrr r iicuf un oaujind ur oors qcoop si th hoen of hi parmu acta uat- rrt rmull st tier ho ur and un k oum menu ana stanley at dad- nyt autre icrrr who ta atauonad at osanp borneo st rut bees contest uluon to orsss out woo hat been promoted to th rank of corporal the rtear rhunhre were denarefd ctlh btajufu nowm for tn wb surrtdcd etatar armaa un praia utter enmt a camay few days with her uat txraomeri aafjux roaucco rirstinaal apnl loth u the dradhn fat tae ucatter prrtiaw of nnnlut and the cess ntfssa ol ptm tohsoao ttuort toj to an offictal nw froa th t buro adauntotrauen of th board thee hat barn unml saade ctnnr th ku as rnrrtt ttada effartre haste at rut tobsoea sssy net anat apru t be told umra th wajtgos al st least onasmbttt of e i ortalnal order at out ontlfctrtsanm at a pound a th estntewan th saaabrat paraaaas of djsreu aud far aaat tn canada will eoettatn u ptaas and twist teesaaa wb fee aaauthl only in wtlrhts of en obm or wnlrtnta tharsof and new brands t tobaone paodoets sr not to be s ashgrove a aru attended ijiter wnk a itoed on bimdy iaomln mltb our potior rn j o tuuon u chsnte the choir auutrd in the itrvlor allh imo awropnt anuim doru dnn-n- ildt vlou brtjocn itarvry nun and oeoear wuion rre race it rd nr nwrnben into ute church il- p j dunlop ot nortej at guru ipsakrr at the ypu batter ter- tut on aunday etrntna lu addret u burd on voutn proolemt ol today and how therr prtblmi may be orot j with by the chrltuan uri trv an- thum acre v i p cnolr tilled by ulu florence lald- iaw and ur j ctnr ol nortai and ur hartley andcrron of uilton uul laldlaw alto tang a much appreciated 10i0 aiu uarlon dlca premldent ot tbe society vat tn charge and led in the responilte reading ur ward brownrtdt read a beautiful easier ttory concluding with prayer the acripturt was read by ur jno bird ur and un n c wrtaxlatworth and family vltlted among frtendt in the community on sunday we wen pleas ed u welcome them at the morning and evening services in the church ulu etfle bird snd ur norman bird are rpendlng easier vacation at their borne here we are pleased to aieloome ulu isa bel coyne back to aihgtove for another summer miss ruth uorrlion spent easter week end with her father air p mor rison bonnie csiutl of buvercresk is houdsytng with kit t j brownrldge during bum week mb dona adanu is spending easter vacation at her home at mlirhe1 school will reopen may 3 trie mumps an still visiting around i wonder who will be nextt ur jos hulls for soma yean a re- rident at ajhgrove pasted away at his home at southampton but week we extend sympathy to the bereaved fa mily about alxty young people represent ing acton balunafed georgetown and milton yvji had the privilege of hearing rev norman ucaxurray den- forth united church when the rally for christian voting people met in the united church at ashcrove on monday evening april m milton ullton snd district are asked to sub scribe 370000 in the fourth victory lout mayor dawson and dr martin are joint chairmen for the campaign at a general meeting of branch im canadian legion held on mon day apru 10th comrade po bruce macnabb dpu wan our guest of ho nour results of draw in aid of holy ro sary our lady of victory and bt fa- tcra parishes are as follows 1st prise cow cedar chest or their cash value was won by donna harrison buncos ont door prize one gal maple flyrup was won by cecil moflsnn ohsrie bums king bt was rushed to wamtismi trnpim on eamuiay morning suffering from a raptured appanctir he took twrmwrl and planet away the same dayyde oa- r fra3rarv3r x c i profession of foith jzglq have fitti ia qanaja lsjodehav fairit in her pasfcv feitk that tbf couraoc f thr piont et oxa tit spirit wtects atirv corrffifratioii and linkeft a continent unth the flttaina ptvel of mluhjj5 have i0j0 strong founba- tionft for national greatne anb unitt org have tilth in her preoeutvjrtn laliaithe part- she b plapingto eavt the wotlb from tyranny in her vounamen anb uhetnen uho serve on lanb ano ea no in the air in her urorhere uho la- hoar for more than uage0in tvtry tnaa ano nmon anb ehilb striving forx7lftry tlth have faith in her future heliev- mjingthat she it beatineb to exert an everinerealna influence in tvorlb af fair anb in me ottaplngof tomorron uthen tnanw wiii torn to heiirlthauwltefe her tttstoppcb reoouvcc0 or even the atoriottv tvar recorb of a people num bering lest tdan twelve million0 rjjlurfiihi ta a faith in a lanb we itaulovc ivhofle aoul opeaka to no front evetyfree acre of qanabian aoil in the oplenbour of the octties at eun- etvtfae turn mvettry ef a iaureatiaa baum theanietof on ontario uwoblot the far call of prairie hortarona the eounb of- furfonthei3siniichere anb the ivash of tite fiaciftc tibeo it peaka to ua front ehurchvarbtf where qanabian leab he heueath the tribute of gnoish boaom from the poppieb nelbsofhranreamb lanbero worn tne unngcb anb era- futnaanb wecaantreb epics of aneuuar lajog faith ia a filth in her people hssipeople aoteb anb obscure with whom we batlp rub ahoutber anb bu auhoae nnlteb efftihvtmicrifice anb creative riapur j q have faith in wore than the ata- theaeatiryctapoftwndt hotictj of qanaboa hanh clearinaa pssl anb her eartoabinaa the vattnese of- eajue have faith in oanaba gvcvk7ictot3onb uubuis an fftt of hoith in ofanitfta canadian pacific canadian national