Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1943, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfifth year of publication wfevesy may 5th 1943 200 per annum 5c per copy own purchases 25000 tajhvfelmy loan bonds 76800 subscribed by georgetown and isquesing district in victory loan drive georgetown lions club j78 from gwigetown buy victory bonds krtalsr hm4iu ktu ls mrgleee fama oejsruw iwkh tutfway hut w r oml t tatai oetstlt eeasfctt the combined 41so oblrtuir osorgtxosrn end biqutunc oorr- dutrtct 8alea chairmen k u trfnn reports that on fiaturosy may tit a toul of frresoooo had bm udtcrtbed tb victory loan oimialm started en april at n luu tor uum ending flaturday uay 1mb oo satur day uav tst third of the urn sllot- ttl tar attaining our eftjtetrn ted stern rl tad only u per est at ob jr hd bmb rwcud it it ptrull payroll bilm chalrrnan kporu thtt of tlirlr oblertlv- ot-0- 060 half luu hern suturrlbrd true b tew work and tn the urn lift tt total dl for this particular section going well over th top gome on osarftownl we cent let cur boys down thlt time thy need sll tfce tanks guns plane end ships e tan poeahly give them tht hi push u eobunf but they cent win with bra very end iridoratulble courage elans the tpwi deep trulde them no oo can five thnn thtt its going to mui them fight to thr ult ditch tor us and in many nw give their youth end their future far the folks el home bat they have to have the tools of w cos estre billet from thr enemy een silence thr nnest spirit thst net lived owe our hoys an even break buy sll thr victory bond vou possibly can with he cash an hsnd and lake out another in instslmenta ooat tall thee boys we oversubscribed thr tan toon by ncarlv 50 prr cent wr can do tt again 10ah vicechairmah ltfnbr of the gtrieiown lion club lnld their rtvular monthly dlnner metlnit 1p thr uthbbon itouae on monday evening with lion prraldcnt uu brtj peewmtnt durtnf thr dinner hour thr nrml 7otqn3 dy vout troop tunr in for dlscluiion and lion jam rauarrunr tred wmp of the finer point of hnoiumt tht mut hr ttvamn thr boy and thrtr coopr ration jm in mak ing thl troop aa outstanding an thom- wtxkt haw com before thr annttti zone tbrhlng lll be held in burtlncton nrrt tura4a and thrrr 6lvat were appotfttrd lixuw run long ta ucwhirtrt- and walter carpenlrr um llalpti hows ctilrman of the kxml victory loan oanmlile addrvi- rd thr lion on thr importarvv of up- porunr the fourth victory loan tlir club supported thr loan by buying victory bond oungrmtulauont ere in order for lion ctaicncr dentiam who now liaa a ruiuir lion in uu family tin club unantmomly uknfd tu run an ajdrurttkntf in the 8peclal victory w v oraht vicechairman uf the tourih victory 1 loan edition of the herald in sup- army loan ur ormnt hu brrn act it e tn all tort 4 ui ctunpaitin ntuik- lixii and ii nhj axxutlng mr ilov in thta campaign milton and acton join reserve army th lome licols rvcrulung oom- mlitw hate been having a buay ums of u thrr lut frw meka and their u houra hae borue fruit to dale 1 men f turn oeontm uuton and ac- ton have rruuivd a th iuaer army and men who rel it thel duty to know tun to property 4ol c4 th finati ukry loe ar atill ooiouvg foxvard and add ing uvelr oaawa to the lut llrailquar- trn fur enuatsunta are at th traou- rtcft the rwcruha are training ery tuaa day icatng and now ha atuad viwr to a program of tsuic and ad- i vanoad training offlotra of the oom- ituiy are anticipating a irndid ahow ut iha oamp held at magvx from july i8u to the ut of august lorn scou c oompany retaane u under tht rommand of ottptaln h o uxoure urut j li uacdonaid acton uruu wrtgttlraworu tad wddru oaorgt- town and ted uaul a armatrong uqtfin lat hiimiivijf vvmlnf ew tfclrty ircrulu ffob lttiao came up and ware aworo la and outfit ud prom oaorg town alone about 16 men have volun- i leered their irrvlcra to the raacn busy evenins with deputations town insurance adjusted loah hairmah rmpii robs wtk doing a iptrrdld job an chair man of thr otonjatovn war ptnanca oummittot- for the rvxmh vklory in tl rrcrnt n co athool hrld hcrr ulj mr ltinj unllrtnf m tl nnt reuular mrrttnn a 111 be i held the fit motidjj in junr wtun i ilknlnaton nd rlrtlci will bi ht ul os victw millir safe and well motwizml unit here to advertiselvictory lean m veblclr parade town an mtndar a motor rd unit rcahc no a10 from oamp borden under uie cum- mand of 2nd lt w d lrach and 2nd u w o wuuhire ent througt the treeta ut oeorgetomii on monday adverualng the fourth victor loan the oonvoy was made up of on olocen claia which were about to receive their next rank the 20 vehicles including truck troop tranaport nation a- jorv and ambulance were heeded in the parade by traffic offlcpr raj ma gna and chief w o marshall the convoy waa alw acxjmpjnicd by iaif it umpire lt col coomb oapt oray lt chappell und lt fttor- key the local victory loan comimttee car wai alao in the parade with cli air man ralph roqv vkechalrnian w v orant k m lanpdon r d foulls and walter carpenter the slogan was back the attack aa portrayed of the vehicle the convoy pncredrd liter to quelph careleianeaa in handling the casualty lh broilit ne11vv viinm lru hr imu or mr and lrs wiixc millar ahrn the rrcehed a ctturattain trurn ottawa imi month ago to aay that ilxtr sou 0- victor mil ar ol the llol cuudltn naw ud twru killed mr and mr mllur lurd in oeortie- toaii at thr time their son intisted and hrr the cable came here flret aato- nun trand hr fumil tmm oruikte- ton to cookjivllle fiom cuokalle to i lake view and flnullv to pun credit whrre th prealdent of the port oedat letrlon woa inatructed to ntvc tlie fwtd i tklirur to the family victor had been horn on leave onlj a ivort time before i and ur ond mm millar cmild hardl bellew that he wjm dead but for tao monu a the heart absolutely nothing from htm and finally forced thenuarvee o face the fact that be had loct hla life in the sen ice of hla count r in the mldtt of their sorrow he ever cime i a iritml ot tic lit raid run into 1 mr j a v llloiwlvb out insiierunk ifii thjlf unt- itc on hunch ma hid mr wui h in lorn ml mil- per- miii that romi dotfj bclornjlnff to re- ldent of ofometowti were runnlnj at irw- on tin pnmms that du und hud kihm a butlful sulfola black in j in umb cloe to the bama all it randldatea lucceeatully paaaed the dbtict euimmauona and will at tain the nuita for which they were try ing tih lorm- 8cot hold an enviable record in thli nco be hoc 1 atnor on 3 of the entire rrotmental achool failed to pan the dlatrct ckamlnatlona th tiik me are aaklng you to frre njr every spare dollar to the victory leoan drle we aak you at the tame iuih to join the reaerve army and gtve a small portion of ur time to guaran tu iut the lnn over the lop and with uie auipnrt of every cltuen it can be done the weather d h u hult deputy game wardens appointed by township fq letsjim tonfjiip oouncil held their itntular mrttnk on monday atter- ttnn deptvhreve o w murray oourmhkr cjeorur e cleave oeorge currle and wm a wileon were preaent and rerve c u may prealded mlnutea of the last meeting were read and adopted a letter from department of high- 4 ay mm read which approved of by la no wlln rpfrreoc lo road ex it cabevnun last mk indlture during ims dated aprtl 21th ln bem aivhes letter from amoclutlon of aiaeeautg 1 of licrr to all at home wrnlim love to ull the fnmilv and r tuned vic millar someone hud madr a horrible blun der their son ii aluc after all and needlcm to nav thej ere overjoyed at the nemh prom othe lourte alnoe mr and mm millar have teamed that it vvua a harold millar who woa mlatlng thbt unfortunate char had been killed lb- lightning rhortly after hla ahlp had buv victory bont3 today harry c nikon who received the leadernhlp of the ontario liberal parte at the liberal convention tn toronto last week in a statement following hla election mr nixon aaid he would give the ottawa oovemlnent all pomlble support in the praucuuon of the war with the scouts the local troop of hoy boouti are mm meeting every monday evening at the toun hull due to the backward weather oubildr ftcllvules haw ihrn impractical but the boys are learn ing aomc of the hcuuu ruler etc while indoors ti ijnn- club ulio uminlmd mul u slmnvrlni the bo son in umu tn i iking i tfrrit inurtst in llitu utw indlour nnd on mnnciu rwnm vult the boyn to tee how they are pro- urcvmnu munttin ivnink iioiu jiunrs n tiin itiin- inn uiu d nun mil it hi iti mit wph llii- bn mui mr di- is uhi linn ikillun ini aiulrrsmil llii- iiixn on tlir fundiniliitnls of the iloy iscouta lilon dill long nlso ku snmi ri nilnlmiiw- of hb experlem e oh a ljo iicouts nlule the other lions also spoke or the suhkfstlon of uon long uon ohimes ballantlne uus mude honnrury brautmanter of the troop it is to be hoped that the boys will reitltre the time ond effort the lions hnvo spent on organising tnls troop nnd that they will knd every assist ance l their scoutmaster ta buod up a boy scout troop of which george town will be proud if every boy will live up tn the scout rules they will eventually make good dtlumi and fu ture lions able to osrry en a work the lions club ire trying to do today utliit that the annual con tention b belnit held in june 17th and lath letter from department of national defence with refrrrncr to disposal of land on ahlch drill hhed has been re moved moved by clae tnondrd by wilson that relief acounts be paid ttmo carried moved bv murru kreonded by cur- rlr irut road account be paid si 5tj 03 carried mvrd by currlc hrconded by mur- rn that accounts be paid bell telephone oo t8 si a e wil son oo renewing policy re wbrlc- menv oomiieuuitloii act to march 9 1944 go carried moved bv wilson wconded by mur ray that houixl of health account be paid dr c k stevenson treatment to pal int no 10 sept 2d 1042 to mnrrii 27 1043 t 2rtoo c f 8mlul tolclnk indlrent home from ouelph clenernl si 00 carried moved by currle seconded hy cleave unit the following deputy game wnr- ni for the tirtinsmp of fsquehlng lurlns 1043 rxiuiel mlai r n no 3 milton- a w benton umehouse ray crlch- lon nien williams tame l mullln itllnol acton hurvev nunse it r no 2 oraritetoun nellson starle rr mo i cieoigetown fliencer wilson it r no 1 norvnl alfnnl brlgden it r no 2 georgetown george leslie rr no 4 acton wsley iiitth norval w j mcdonald r r no 3 acton meldrem stark rr no 5 milton wllmer watldns k r no 3 acton george woods r r no 2 norval moved bv currlc seconded by mur ray that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to appoint sheep valuers for wards 3 and s in the township of els- queuing and sold bylaw be now read a flrst time carried moved by wilson seconded by cleave that bylaw no 073 to appoint sheep valuers for wards 3 and 5 for the april tills imr has been far from en- jovilble as u spring month the dally mean irnp ruturi for the month was tee the wfrt uf cnad and back up d whw t if be monr invrsunent ne y of ecai miiu alth a total rainfall of about tao inches about twolhlrds of an incss urlom normal but utrr were sis days of novfall with s total of t inches or iniliv above normal and only about 150 houn of luntfitne much iras than nomul consequently vrgetatlon is very buckuard most farm and garden lands an mill too met lor work upon them wlntrr is itui llnlttrtng in the lap ot t here is hoping she will chuck him soon towrvshlp of rsqiesma having been read a tint time be now read a second and third times end passed and the ral of the corporation be attached thereto carried moved by ourrle seconded by mur- ru i list the letter from mr oeorge tuwnsrnd be filed carried moved by wuaon seconded by cleave that we sdjourn lo meet on monday june 7th at 10 oclock sin as a court of revision and 2 oclock pa as coun cil or at the call of the reese car ried spanish refugee to speak in georgetown a tlir people of ocorvtctown will have tin unitnual opportunttv tn hear aome- ihiiiti of the real storv of spain ton thursday evening may 20th t when the rev zamriiu carle presentit an illustrated ddrrs- inmde siuilu in the school room of knox preabytertan otmrch mr curl a refiuir hlmitelf la well ciimllllrd to deal lth hla mibjert bom nl orktiirt poople he livbmirrd in a tin tnry in his curly youth purmilng htt studleti nt night he won n scliolor- shlp in the spanish bapunt hiihiioi- nl hi mliiir nnd later wan made spa- following ro the l cal reoo rds for tlie niwt wtrk dstr h and l rain temp fall turs april 37 m 38 xt wed april it so sj tliurs april s7 prt april 30 so 39 bat may 1 so 37 sun may 3 7 34 15 won may 3 u k nlsh srcretarv o the british and for eign blgle society in madrid further itudler won him degrees from the uni versities of mudrtd and barcelona and a thousand dollar spanish government scholarship wten civil war broke out mr cancn became nn nffuer in the repub lican army and saw action on many fronts with ptunoop victory he be came a refugee escaping first to eng land and then to america with his wife md four children mr carlisv lecture is illustrated throughout with beautiful coloured slldrs graphically portraying the life eustonis nnd wartime conditions of nodorn spain nsry lraiar gruud tu st water- us rallslai arraaaits urettng in rrvular session on mon day evening georgetown municipal council sprat a fauiy bury evening in terviewing a numbvr of deputations the liru drpuuvtlon of thirteen or uuttrrn residents tram king fmrsat dutnci wsltrd on oouncil in retard t uir smoke nulasnor i ram the ci producu co ltd thou sddrreslnst couoctl were bdmcwhlrtrr d p crlcnton mrs itnton and mra utvnrr the deputation said thay had no intrallun of trying to put this bra out of builncu but asked council for torn- decluon on thr matter of smoke nuuiiice which had been discussed oo previous occasions alter considerable discussion ooun- cu passed a motion authortung that a smose nuisance blsw be prepared und said that if pasted would see that 11 ass rnlorcrd msyor gibbons ho-w- rvtr pointed out thai this bylaw did not alfect any one rum but all places la loan from which smoke became a nut- tsner a recorded vole wss then taken on thr motion snd it psssed unani mously a deputation from the local victory isu committee composed of mr l r fleck ur w p bradlr and mr w v orant addressed the members of council in regard lo puroluulng as targe ii bond as possible in the fourth loan fttie majority of council thought this the patriotic thing tc do but there was uch discussion before s moton q- iwll carried to purchase 133000 in victory fiondi a recorded vote wae also taken on this motion with coun cillor ifsll casting the only dissenting vote ur clarence bain treasurer of the local branch of the navy league asked for the use ol the waterworks building certain days and nights in the week as a work room this waa grant ed v ttawn insurance came in fur re adjustment and uessrs evans kersey ond wilson sere present at the meet ing mr wilson addressed oouncil on the public liability policies held by the town and said thai georgetown had been comparatively free of clslmt due to this good standing i14w had beta saved on the annual premium and the protestlon at the aims time doubled the readjustment gives each of the three local insurance men ta eoptvl share in the towns insurance a letter from the towns solicitor tn regard lo tlie arena oo said that ap plication had been msde from the arena co and mr reld the holder or the second mortgage to reopen tao cose which was now in the hands of judge uunro a letter from ur bruyna toranto stated that permission has been givers bj the oil controller to use oil on the streets again this year and that appli cation should be made for some u once oouncil requtslttonsd for 7o gallons ot used oil in order to curtail the paper and debris being blown sround the park from the municipal dump the george town lumber oo have been awarded the contract for building a tfoot board fence at the dump the following accounts were passed georgetown war finance committee fourth victory loan w r llratilfy lloiomrv clinlnnnn uault rous chnlnmin w v iiiant vlnclmlrmnii pay rom savings section r n foulls chnlmitm general sales section kenneth m uingdnn chairman r d brill public relations section walter carpenter chairman lcrov dole k c howard may huron cleave l meollviay p b mcnally county organizers u mcqlnnls r 8 isunpard oulcvlllo acton county chairman amos mnnnn artnn a c wclk w w rebate 319 k m langdon legai feee 11 j mra e otton ww rebate 3jo remington rand ltd 109 dunlop tire and rubber oo iso 09 canada brass co ww 134m w h kcntner son 3j9 armstrong garage 1443 bell telephone co 3120 richardson hardware 3 is georgetown herald printing and advertising 1739 j b mackenzie dc son coal usa j r murdoclc 1770 stnnton evls 6 54 p b hnrrlson pobtoge etc 1304 hvitro electric 34a9 w g marshall 390 r luiluis sts 8909 a e crlpps 3003 wehiuc accts 157j council adjourned st 1140 tlie airls pipe band reallred a good sum for their fundr from a large ly nttended bingo in the legion hall lost thursday night mrs hsuen an num won the sptclal a tin ot maple syrup and the second special a boo voucher was divided equally between harold scott ond ur ulfllere ume house mrs william anderson won the first prise an m 00 voucher in the lucky draw david bryoon won the moo voucher and jaogtmllne harlow the 1300 voucher back the attack buy victory bonds

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