Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1943, p. 11

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the georgetown hereld wedaeacuy may 5jfa j943 back the attack buy victory loan bonds litos vwtj more cut of aed 1d- tlon of wtmu fstom ted trade board orrbra tm rucc ncipectlng tfc ml of sd prtatott u undt to- nttigauoa ta the toronto dwtrwrt by th trdommra dlvtaon of th board otd 1w nxrru wd potato froa tha provuctl f the prlr oriona the board hu rilad out uwd pola- tor t cnljr exempt ahrn cold ta aftnnal contahirr with tat at- tatted oerufyuvi than lo be uwd pota- tow when imim b nxnosad thry must be told attain in mjdmim prtt structure a provided tn oeder sa oomrjamu he been racafwd that one toronto de wr buytnt potato rrprtinc iarb wiiriout ufs into ks of ira die to it pound cdd wtung thatn it prtna shot those it tn order xm rn4 w iuj aamact tfmetor of mall oodt erpletned that iiimii seed panto may br rsfcd for aheaa the price eeduuj pfaavud as in- aptctor of the domilloa dapartmeet ed agriculture is pmant to mar and u theea tom tomkiris says itls betteo to try to make enos merf twian to simply meet vouq end blu hea0im6 victory loan hihicty oaiusxd u uronvrav waxtb carpcntcr who are tn htnr ot public luucton and puburtty for tn pourth victory fjoan ur uroutray as on th same oammlttea for tut third loan ulr vu carpenter a nrroaner ta town to acting on trie rcrrmu u chair mu tor hi fir year annul meeting haltonpcel chrjdretts aid society tn annua aweting of tn children ajd boclriy ot katl and lusoo own- u u held tn the sunday behool room of hi fault united church brampton on the evening of april nth the president lira w j hoed of brampton eonduetad the matting atuch iu openad with prayer by rr j b uoor ot union un hood brief ly reviewed the plan under which the oounue have jointly carried on tha sort ol uv oaclrty ovfe to incle ment vratnrr the attendance not tla lanfe a uiial thr treasurers rttiorl waa aubbuft- ted thowina tout ifolpu ol llajo 3 of tniji amount t3av1 vaa recernd j from uir tvrndrnt a auovanc board at ottawa for adminutrauon on the part ol botdlera fntllra thr superintendent o p thomp- ton aubmtted hl nort on the yfara mmtkuuna tn paruoular the inereaaad cork peuuntna to aoldiera lamutra and tne admtniitraiion of al lowance in ipeclal caw a total ot m child protection oaie hd dealt vllh incjudmi soldier famutea with a total ol ml chudran involved ul children were reportad under the care ol the gortrty at the end of tne year an increaar of 10 or a year aso the rueat apraaar of the ernln ur nlram fletcnrr prealdent of the wentwoftri county boclrty choae at bl aubkct the value ol municipal support lor the chlldreni aid ooclety kfr plrtchrr atreaud thr ffrtat nmd ol etilld welfare work and alio the nrcr- arty of fireater cooprauon brtwrrn me uunkjpal bttfira and thr ooclrly wlui thr joint obkt in lew of uw by jove i am mot eoavtfasrj fer cold rwir art i who doth feed upon nry oort it ycarnt me not if mem my garmenf uear such outward thinf dwell not in my de- tiret but if it be m tin to covet honour i am the most ogenmt aouf alive kin iteaury v part 4 act 4 scene j isaid king henry v of england on the eve of an invasion of the continent of europe five centuries ago at agincourt the arms of england won a victory that lives inscribed for evermore on the national croll of honour today shakespeares words reecho in our ears as we canadians prepare to offer our wealth our goods our blood in a cause more honour able than henrys more honourable than any that history has yet record- ed do we too covet honour more than cost more than gold and out ward things let it not be said that even the least one among us has failed to back the attack i awfc praaldant and oanaral managar masseyharris company limited back the attack- buy victory bonds that boy of yours buy bonds so hell hove th four freedoms look at that carefree boy of your it hit future you ore ftfthtinj and working for hit future you are paying for when you back the attack with war bond yea your loaned dollar are needed in the fight for the four freedom freedom of speech freedom of woeihip freedom from want and freedom from fear the fight to win for your children and grandchildren the kind of a world they deierve do your part end luxury buying curtail on neotitie lend your money for freedom lend now and reap the reword tomorrow out the 1ct0ryl0an and back the attack sponsored in the cause of victory by georgetown lions club bulldlnk ol better cituena a votr ot than vam rxrntfdrd to tnr peakrr tn mr j o lloopr- malton clrerunan acre cxtfndfd lo mr duma ol the hamilton eoclrty and mr c u flatt superintendent ot wcntworth county soclrt the follualnu olncera fre oppointed lor thr rnsulna rar honorary bollclloni w i dick kc mlltjn a o dbvu k c bnunpton president mre w j hood bramp- lon 1st vlrrprcmdrm mlw mildred jurvis oilnulr 2nd vlrepmldtiit e d mwtulre cljrkhon hon secretaotrrasurfr a ma- non acton trrnrturrr and office secty edna alrdrrwn milton enrrutur cummltter mm r u moaely brampton mr j j junleon cooluvtllr dald wllaon brampton mr p pillion oakvlllr mre m e- nlon mlllon ret j b uoore mil ton county council rrpreaentatlvea w n oubrrt bruntr j m campbell oakvllle alrulle sherman mono road j o hooper malton thr bull may cost us ihr tramr kreplnft our ec on tfir ball b rc- snondlne u the appeal to buy victory bond make ur reasonably aurr that ne mill win the pame more tnan kcplnn our n on the ball u required wr muat ruue team flay nn tfpnt dc corn that take each individual mind oil ita own pro- bletna and turnn it to thinking about what u good lor the team what could we do without that cotton for one thlrur we couldnt very well ilvrlit n uir our livestock mluht alarve and flghtlnit planca wouldnt have the rlvtit kind of nomn read in the ame rican weekly kith thin sundays may oi kiuc ul he detroit sunday tune how hlim cotton plays a highly im portant part in our dally lives and the war elfort art sundays detroit tlmea transfer please transfer our idle cash into hol- dlcrsavlng and interestbearing vic tory bonds invest in victory continued their part in the cruwulc involves tho risk ol dentil or terrible injury at any time are prepared to tec it through what is our job why to provide the means whereby they can bo supplied with uie equipment required to win if we talk about total war and arent prepared to do something about it bevonil spouting then we are the worst kind of hypocrites mr churchill advised us recently to keep our eye an the ball and not take it oft for a moment oood advice too because we all know thai falling to keep our eya on in this case it ta the came utf ihnt should engage our cnure thought the man or woman with neat egg put aaa for after the war is going to be a sholr lot mote independent than uiwc who just cojldnt see their way clear let us be determined to put oecnga own and canada and the united na tions orr the top its our job lets get going vjctory ibhht t- twn sponsored in interests of victory loan tyy j b mackenzie son georgetown out

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