the georgetown herald wednesday may 5th 194 the editors corner no stoplights on the avenue of mahnmmtd ali the story is told that needing a general he summoned the most likely candidates to his presence and showed them a choire apple placed in the centre of a larqe rnr i vho picks up the apple without setting foot on the rug shall ht- command he ruled the concentration among the aspirants was ex treme until at last n cousin of the hey exhibited the ob vious answer by rolling up the rug from an edge toward the middle the answer to the danger of inflation in canada is equally simple it merely requires diverting into safe keeping that portion of buying power which is presently in excess of the goods available for purchase when purchasing power thus balances supply the danger of inflation will be cancelled such balance can be accomplished by taxes or by savings from all angles of course savings are the best channel good citizens have for fighting the war against inflation there are no stoplights on this avenue it is wide open and with the current fourth victory loan drive with georgetown and districts combined objective of 410000 it should he all the more easy to find the way onlo this inviting highway the local vic tory loan committee under chairmanship of ralph ross is swinging into a vigorous campaign this week buv all the bonds you possibly can if you love children the childrens aid society of the counties of peel and halton have completed another year of ser vice to children and in their annual report die presi dent mrs v j hood points out that only those close ly acquainted with the work can reilie the hours of careful thought the planning the miles of travel and the labor that have gone into the work as represented by the figures contained therein and how vry important it all becomes when translated into the simple joys of decent living and loving care brought to these little children in their charge since the beginning of the war the society has taken new burdens with their service o soldiers fami lies during the year the society has been entrusted with the administration of jss5h7 on behalf of soldiers families where it was considered nccosary to ensure that the children derived full lcnent of the allowanc when soldiers with families enlist the wives and mo thers are left with the full responsibility of the financial management of the home and the supervision of the family in most cases he mother accepts these burdens as her shure of the war effort and does her best lo keep the family together until the ultimate return of the fa ther in other cases the difficulties which sometimes arise make it too much for her she gels into a financial morass and turns to improper companionship and re creation as an outlet thus her home and children suffer in this connection w f thompson secretary and su perintendent of the society throws some light onto a problem which is present in every community today mr thompson says great sums of money are con tributed to provide comforts for the man in the armed forces and justly so but should we not give more thought to the wife who is left alone with no one to co operate with her in the care of the family and greatly tied especially where the children are small should not our organizations direct some of their activities nnd interest to these women who ure carrving on alone not necessarily a financial interest but rather give them the feeling that we appreciate their situation and are ready and willing to cooperate wih them at the end of the year i i children were under the care of the society an increuse of i i over u year ugo there being 39 admitted to care and 28 discharged from care there were 41 wards in paid boarding homes the society is also looking lifter 12 british children who came to canada in 1940 under the government scheme it was interesting to learn that a monthly allow ance of 576 is now paid the foster parents which comes through a reserve fund built up in great britain for the purpose if in a financial position o do ho the parents in great britain also contribute this has meant ji great deal to foster parents who hve found the addi tional expense quite heavy twentvthree legal adop tions were completed through the county courts dur ing the year nnd there are seventeen children in adop tion probation homes in spite of wartime conditions and reports re ceived from other parth of the province there was no particular increase in the unmarried parent cases re ferred to the society last year mr thompson says while we are so often ready to condemn and criticize in these cases the fart still remains that the child born out of wedlock is entitled to n place in the world and the opportunity of livintj a normal home life the childrens aid society is an incorporated body operating under the childrens protection act of ontario for the protection and care of neglected child ren it b a most importanrandesserrtial organization in tjbe welfare of our country which merits the interest and cooperation of every one who loves children or who kw the future of our country at heart honmahy will i heil emomsqr read illst as mamy a thts load v or hoss will j ysxi m m wj c brampton mr willlun millridr ul llunumon tm ttk ftntoird kiillun hn 7tmh ulr ol xkici fur mmibrr of iiw rnitj rvr mr- mcnrldr ha- urii knitting mxk liner uit ojtbrfuk of ar vi junior ku in jtul tlic juulur luitltut in1 omiit lur organlrd junior rtrm vi or uin gum- muttt in linr l tilth ivjjtvuvr the ion of tlvooo dramjiim trimntmi men can b rjrn in cirr incrciiiliikc iuuiwr- rldliw bu- rlrft ilinu d n- doulit thn iuh it tnii oixtii i irmitt oi i hurriid 1 it i mi ind in aa dtctfoo khli n llvi n mr in i mr- air irin ol notil was miittito- fill in ikliii in it ittiinjttiiit- ai tin- ill 0 of h- mioim ti jt uvr onailo auncuhuirtl dtll iuilptt lth ul tin fin did in ul i lonont ll 1 talon j hi nil 11 aniniil ii i kind rv mi- tmk 1 ki jttrl n hr anl- ii i hi iutiidt in- fvm hivlmiidn jurtxlnk iiitittri vl i ii u- m uril oili- rm lh ii i ncul- ui uiiirh tjiu vr at thr ruilrtir a will a- th- utniuri itf loot a rr fn lnurt in iibllr trsk tug and prt- lit ti ijirs w fuiwi hu couiw ilnnm tl f ncxi ii uri iv 0- the georgetown herald nfw8 of reoboctown nobval glen william umehov8x htcwabttowv amicrove ballivapad tebha cotta acxon bkamtron htlion sunscrotton ratts cinailj unltfd stjti- aid ovrrvas 2 00 a tar blnglr cop se adtrrtltlni ttjlr atll bt ialrt n plkuui ttxithovi no waltol c dintn puuljwr uaiiy h dic1in eilltor oawield u uioilvrav j douy n3ij iu1j mrmbrr j ttir c niidan wi lc nv jatr airtrtavjn and ihc ontario- quwr olvlvlun ol th owna acton wr in- ninirnxj on unotiirr ad- mlot at ill- jilimt ol amiiltocd ltd itit lo pnixtj- r ilir jrrovui of uie iiuiutiat-tun- tif lit producu ol thli umilkin mr it liaiuf ncfid aord rcctmt- fiom kiuiiiij unit hk brouier ijiut tiliii nitt- ii td dlrj of noumli hhfid in hf b itcrfruit of tuntlla tieit iluv j urutrouprr and a i mi- ill to inlut ui thu iltvtiti miii it v- urxuiilrd in 1m0 lit- i ul tn in atilrtn cajniiaurn nc chritmat m will mi mlduvlmti nnuirn nf tirtr it am vi it-tt-iitl- brrrawd li li- diiii in lljniltun i tils ulhcr flirl- y tilf v mih lit tu i ii in ii it hi i is itii at uin pr llfs aiki home security has utwuys iwen one of the foremost objectlvih of hmntfird uonlinfthpnuliicl inn etm protect ion hftiiinnt the mvivs of lire time anil weather hut us thin siildlit typilien men wht usetl to help llruntford koofinft hulld for security are out battling for it now lltvcaiini- llrantforcl koofina prmlucts have a petroleum haso anil nil in htrateftlc material j nnwiulayis the supply of urantforil knuliiiii for housfs is limitetl any quantllios aviilalle for civilian use are rationed to dealers to ensure an eiiitalle share in mull cojjiimiiily to stretch raw materials as far as possible all llruntford ididlinu lines have been staiulardied on a minimum rane of styles and colours if you are faced with rnoliiifi problems ask your llrautford konlmil dealer to assist you he will help you make your present rnnf last longer nnd i life t uriient repairs with a miiiiiiium of new material lie will also help you plan now for a completely renovated roof after victory braritfbrd roofs brantford roofing company limited brantford ontario uhi i for tau bv the georgetown lumber co ltd f r watson djja uj owrrttorn oa iloun 0 to exuot ttmrailir alwrooou oft j burns milne ocntal sumocoh iuf oorovn ptuu h dr clifford reid las dds oomsr phoaa 410 umln strtft oorvunm leroy dale kc m sybil bennett b burum a luuriun ubi btrtrt oonlon phon 1 kcanetfa m langdon santlur ushur nufy rvkile ptnt uorwiffe money to lean office orrffory theatre dld mill street phone u georgetown frank petch liccn0ed alcttovtjni and all classes of insllbance prompt sentee phone 301 georgetown po bos 413 monuments markers and lbtterino pollock a ingham oalt detlgiu on requeatphane 3048 inipect our work in greenwood cemetery nmmtbu gray coach lines timetable now in effect daylight savins time leave georgetown to toronto 704 am 044 pm 934 am 034 pm 224 pm b 1059 pm to london y 10j5 am z t1s pan y 3m pm b 010 pm 4jm pm b u 35 pjn b sun and holidays only x to ouelph dally to kit chener sat sun and kol y to kitchener r to stratford baa depat fbane 89 a m nielsen km raarof ptwtle chkopnctot ray dradew tahfit i lar taat offlee ortr dominion oaoriatevb radio repairing we specialize in this work is teara expanenae j sanford son phoca odonoerown m elmer c trtomrwoa in8ukancc sbbvicz ptre auto wlndjtonn c r ballway and allua staaauklb 8uuuer excursions phone llw or j oeorjatawn lei vb back our navy hon angus l ucllonau minister of naval defence in a radio address last thursdoy evening in aid ol the fourth victory loan said that our navy ttnnajth must not only be maintained but increased if we 1 the war by aea we cannot hope to win it on land or bt un air secure ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next program mluitrated circular free tokonto address mb crawford st oakville monument works w r edwards monument cemetery lettering and markers designs submitted good duplny of monuments on hand your patronage solicited phone smw oakville c n r timetable diyllfilu saving time gelnr east passenger 701 ajn passenger and mdll 1003 am passenger nnd mall 654 pjn passenger sunday only 831 pjn passenger dally 034 pjn this train was formerly the flyer but now stops oalng west ptisscnscr and mall 836 am passenger sat only 115 pm passenger dally except saturday im pjn dally except sunday t pjn pmifnger sundays only hjo pjn dally except bunday 13j13 am oslagnartb passenger an mall am gala aatts psasenger ami mali im vusa