Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1943, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday may 5th 1943 the most we can lend is the least we can do buy victory bondr fftiffttitiea abstain by stftattvilt fair imrd maod and nrujhboura th gutau of tta 4jotlty galhcied at the hcmrof ut and mr- wo png1uy usaoow wir uu wedneaday anru tor in special nowuru tua fllit to itiing idas on bod lo lmpro tin junior dcporunr nt ol th 111 uu and tne uound lo honor a fellow director eo bis raoent minul th am irt ol th airanlng w sprul in pyln prugnle auchit th folluwuttf brimr drclarrd prtar wlnnar ialn t nwnii ud hw ftmjiuii oniu ui uuulat rcrr 2nd kni xukujuk iullr travelling pm un ivr i lu uatrluim pfu w o awwnvlge hour prur ik un wit lri ivd lrlc ixvili ul clitiii un uiuil jufreahments werr then rd alirr wtolcfc a short ptxiram wa glvcu wllh air tujr irwduu at the plajto uu kidua duil m read uu- addict ejal uur urrarnltiliue aua made b the frcaldrnl uf t tab mr wm pengtlly of ait md lalilr bud oumfacne rack air alan ouuar made a vary aulla reply thanking tjw durtuira uf tbttr taoughutiilnfai w o llrownrtdgc chairman ui the program cumnuture aitrd at chairman tor lb rmolng ttwr va no ouuactlon thr metujig closed by tinging ood guvr lb klbf auction sale hoi mliiolu ft tlviribx iv uiovrfclalied luu brrn hutiruclrd t to u twjttr hi 1ui un wm tthara b public tiucuol ut lirr ttuuedfftwf wedding th wtxullnjr moo wemniid in th church of bu uruutnuufuldi oo buturday vetting april 2lh of eud- or ocrtruo ruu boy point crei daughter of mr aid lire charles iua and laal ecennrtb ruuklge earl at klnskun on ol prof l- t juitiecwt itv h- u iuoo offl- vulnj tji brtd rflven in mmime o hrr fauifr w a gown ol wuiii plwk mtin wia tiilrrwi uoditc uuiiitf uito u uruli ulrt 1ji augbt umln the ru ol luutkiii net vu cwuglit lo on tirlloum iur coronal trimmttl with mj ifvru lur ccul bouoirt i v itilrn rl lokia and oouviinli hrr to -l-mfr- mu it ij uartutu iiiutiun ol h no uiul ul jujur iuia h brajiiaud jrc jfowiu ol crepr iiuulr oji linra ku llur lo uial of uir tjihlt k thr iiuitttjii ui qurrn liu and junr lit 1 mivrn bun hwy tiad bwiinrt- i m mi in 11m11k4 uf inuutiliik ma il rtj ttiid ittiriil ruiridi ol mutch inti iun uir turrr trl ui14 lhannr jitiiutdi nir ot tin- btkl4 tu- in a ki- lrtfuwwy frock ol tmhy uu uffrt yiul rarrwj a noruny of pllik rrt pru litut rlfvcr kemrtt cai- t k orivt man at uir homr of tlw bftdra ptirriiu uu llou irrrlvtx in a dm uf dual rut with matrtuiitf hat niul cotmiyr ol nuflta amutln was u hulland i ilnur of uw utimtin 111 a ulmii ink ure naii llh nut liliau ltd mttgr of inn m nt urn tlr horiryrtujun gruuoi u to uin ui- it c a k lvr uoiiik away uir brldr a r to ptrrr milt if iruf tirrru lui urtkr aolf collar iliku htiuw rvtt ir hl nd lhniatfe tan tii rvjrlci public health notice active service notes irtj vvll lunut on hjttlutv mv uk mi at i ockxlt uir following ajritric willlntf mat hlnr ui uood condition ittiifrul orclrlr mantlr iu 4u0 oak e ilir dliatitf tootn tiulla buijrr bralnu mj t uir bidroutuxl extrnatoii lublr clirtrrnrkl sultr orvan itiiuora iuiii aum itullgr rrtfuj quruv ii tui jiul lublr 10 kjuhcii choir kitrhrn cmituard kitchen tablr ci uch lvriirry 2 rucklntf chi in j w krr chalra 3 mall tuhjcift ciurm of druarrr nra fvlto nrrr umh urtvarr 4 llrtu opitim and muttrr j whit dreu- re ai btandi ouk ltrrr x htand picture oardrn ttwil 1ia1u out- jrr pnul urulrra foer pwa failon crock 3 uih tob coal ivuttlr and other unall artlel termh cunh vaanv lltcu auctloomr maalcluly af oaarftuw lu comply alth uil icdulc d of uir iumic ifrailh acc noute t hrrrhy glwn that all rral- drnta of ororvtimm axe raqulred to ctcaai ihelr crllam jartu and prlvlro and othrr pnvnlata and lo remove tharafrom all suhitanrea which may endanger he pumtc h faith and u have the ume completed b the lt da of june next un wttlrh day the sani tary inaprvtor alll commence a neneral uispeuun ail clutini ure urjed to keep uietr prwnue constantly clean and free fronl nuuancea c v w1llxaus mrdlcal ofhcer of ileal ui for oatnyrtown ptr clarence ktiuitily irooi nuuta- r on -the- lake u horre on uck icaw ptr walker clrur ot camp borden pent the work end at horn et lartncr tuu union t of ht johjjfc qjpbic prn uir ittk end with hi and mn w h utaumont aci ixtffic wuiula ct the oalt aircraft iruhiinv txlioo h lunut for uir utrk end i lit a otfxvi itit hliiwjit formeily uf atton uiirt fll koitmi her haa brrn pn4iiitrd u tht rank ol kiyuiy littuutifr huiiin liul uu 1 ulo hun brrit tloird iui thr it c acs at klng- ftort j a kltr li wmri lut airk mr ftur in txjitjlunltl tj mpi lahlrd william on tton lia tnluied in uie urulrry ujxt is vutlci rd ui toronto at priviit itlor lj olnlti4t up he aorkrd ut mlun aikjthrr kiiiujii mn iiuji c11 uavlduun of thr hcahc is on thr sii il wr irr kirn hrur he h tonriktid hxarlit rrl ujkj wtll be in the illation urd for tktrrul rk et fir auhm rc 1 ol toru lit n hii in th ml ntry uul uur luat irluiiii hut inn nlullylitn ut cwnp ibxiltti fr u u fonirr rmployee of alluimv paprr muh uus ann iknuin khki ml- f hiirur run ituh hiihnii anil iwi ntl 1 ni ploim try uit ojiifrdrrut in uft iii miiuiht- o lorcitiu hua joned die runks of thr nib in blue and 1a thfw u riirtnuri of thr ii c a r w u hlir is uikliik allele ofwrutoi t 114 in monti 1 but in ikimii at pre rm on hlk irate cdliurumjl it li uri in 1 itlrr to lajl juimt 1u1 alit ttrluuul lut aeek lnn u fvia attfc cxirm ul no 4 a oh jmu n allat thr runk o htfi ildr jan 1 i ioim un iruw ut iiumiit unci atll iu to ii ut ut it trrmliiulofi itrin hlinik tin itcae hi ildr litillh aui rnipl vtti ut cmih vullry ai 1ih n a drtartunrni ol 40 men uf thr 15ui ihuluon d lumpun of drumpton uiulrr lieut h l flrraune 11 t c no 34 enud a hurlal evening at the lrvkm hall on tnrtiduy evrtilntf alter luniplrtinu tlirtr uulnliiff at drumpton urcral mrmbrrs of the lvvton enter lalnrd ur platoon und a alrm wons of the old army number wan tnnrd by all ute aohllint piiarnl tlie enu r uunnirnt waa hundled by j uolr und a lunch wua armd to uir boyn b mr t i- cjrkrve aufft4hta mi a nil is hiir iwi 11 111 it omm 1ut i ih ut or tut t alluitl aiuk im t n iliiiii v you save more money by using watkins aa fly spray it lant tba coat par gallon that oounta ifa the dumber ot gsllatia tou unf it rmjt ubit 11 ho u wj rrnu u imllmt for u hfavy oil pray bu ii talus on gallon to take cara of ana animal pr in inn ooa gallon of watkdm flv bpiuv wbfcfc b a light oil a a fly hpray u1 taka oar of animal prr aaajon thl nuana thai lb cost of apraylng par animal par aaaaon i cbaapar whan you ma watkdj8 fiv wiiav rgurlnf buttarfat prlca at i oanta par pound a farmer would iota 7 tl during tba fly aaaaon train aacti cow producing 30 pound f in k ii hy kohv lruvy uil may llravy ml aprayi reduce th n jc tun a mucv aa 30 ptr cant you ojlnt kwkxoi to ixuk iiv ubjno 11kavv oikap oil awaiay8 ua yuir wataln daalar gordon stringer rrr cotta om houses for sale 6 acre winding up eaute town water and priog ta lower comer for cow few traea hydro frame houae bam garage for two cara make offer bat opportunity frame hotne on paremem 9 rooms residen tial aeetion new furnace hot air heating hardwood floor new cestpool price 3500 taxes 48 frame house charles street 7 rooms hydro and bath good garden beautiful location overlooking park immediate poateation price 2100 brick house wonderful bargain main street north two lots best bargain in town easy terms bam garage price 2000 400 cash down apply tom hewson wioadughby representative fmone 332 georgetown box 2s7 i c n rmaii lit tlx it nth v li if ufrr brink f t lllllkwt 10 iiiontlo ust purt in tht imrtli ikh his rorvrttr hat- it to umiiu uctlon it tins fftin hud t ituikt for pon fnmi ilitnikt tuiisid b thr tertlflr morm i ikiiuiih rr ctilrf io llrrbt rt hu imhi nn mir sunn rotittr rve mn r it us iotiwuivionid tan ca utio whili un irnvr in thr old country lir ims nut mmni uii from clrorurumn he llkr- th ii j of urtllfr in wiih- brst of itny h iuls ilttil und spruit vi r lukhl n the urjuh pite nor- miiii rnlisitxt in marih 1041 and ufter irnlni iu in tonuito for i mnnth wua rut to the roast a i4ihr ht ut ilnrmlli from on- hmi on tin miumimi of thrtr ninth anldlnu kiiiii tmii tmnirrht iiddl- tlnnul irtuxl nrbh to mr lrx hchrag hlnir it lufniimil lii ul thr hurnt tlnu that hit iiunjmimi hud won hln com inlulon and in w lulda the runk of itetileiiunt unit rlt htau riitlatetl jan intr iwi uiul iiiiiithl ul knhlhltlon luik fuinli ibintru unit lkiheri nt lirfoir luhiri mkitl ovrrtitut lit heft ttmtrr iu4i with uir rank of laaiu vfinihl mi hull lut n uttuthitl u u mi it hili n mi nt nl im un i i1u i h lliilll liih iiiilm im 4 uul nuintl ttn iluutlnu lllol wik ibiin iii liumlul itii ut mihiiiit mow it lo itrii xitta aa a ijilld ifiii huh itvtd iu latiupuui mm mil of his lift lilii lo hlm inltjiunt he wua u roputi on ihr hlulf of the icvinlnu tbleitrujn loi twrlvr ytum ha inarriwl ihr fnmiir idlerii lliilllvaiit wtiii willi htr duituhlrr putrlwu now llvm lirrti with hrr imreiiu mr ami mr win hulllvant hhipmknt ov iiaoknev piinith aorlvr in town one of the buveat ahlnrnenu of pure bred hackney ponlm ever to reach canada from the united butw arrived in awrtretown lut week thl ahlp- ment ooiaalsttnts of two car loads ar rived over the o n r and wen de uvered to the olen dronaeh mum oo the atb line ut otiag oubeh jr of toronto it the importer of these pure breti uacknesv having ptirohased these from the dodgw vtarau of ro- riteater aticb borne of these pontes hare been iwrahased by horse ownen from toronto while m oeotvetown the hatourjaiw under the oareof ur sun baiwaji of toronto fao faaa been ftouamm lin uie offitam aiablee for cww hyttm and it mm kftoim etesiulvr op ahhgtove wrh waf dkau did in ujuoltoh atln un timet of tao montha du ration ui wullatn drak a realdem of the auigrjr district for or 0 jrari olrd lait thurkduy april isth at hamilton the ute un zraat vu u mrmhrr of thr unlird church and will be yrratly mlsard riot only by her rimil hjt by her many friend in the ourmriun t in alilcli xltr lived tlir iuj rral vu hld on ha turd jfirnian frorn mcclurea lanaral ifomr in ilmmpujii with thr rem at in brink inumrt in tr family plot to iioiojii cemetery ilrv j o touon uhor of the ajnrai honfi fri- itftid thr hrrvlcr t1r isallhrarrra nr mrs r- krirt mori win clayton fbi arthur u1drll i p wrhlht krtd wriaiulrhwonh wm ajenncur mit urikr 1 urlrd by hrr hun- birid und one aon lowpb cf aataptwav ulso itii bru hrr hn of thr 4th line cmiimmroi ri und thrrr autera mrs jonh jthjiaon uuden bull mrs jamto htrjjhrn tin punrtalk nd mn jor nethrrtui orainpton tamlfl sl mhuu native fir tbin tut dixm hrfdiurl it mrclure urn of the utt mr arid mn homuel mcoure of gin lit1 in oarlph oeneral ltoarltal on sunduy may tnd in hu mth ar ur moclur had ben 111 finer last may and tliourh in irreat pain mont of the time us a patient iutfffw a nalli- of prln tbvnihlp he pent uit ht life there for thr past forty tturn hr h brrn riitcadrd in fanning and led a lifr of quiet induatry he wa a convrtir in politk and a men btr of the united ctuirh rei a o w foreman of ilauini fad oonducd uie funrraj tvervtoe frotn th home of 1 c ucclure oftcrue- tnwn and interment was made in olen wllloanu cemrter iltraarm henry huta william wrtht fted hhortlll all of hrtn m j t mcclur k j mrclurr of lirumpuin and arrhlr fu id imn aerr pall bear era tr airk clray f oalt frlrndf from nrampton und u urrut number of old inlrfhbnur ami ocxrmlntnrvcea attend ed thr funeral church news m 2nd itotwmr uir urd with lii niitvtuiirr nnd with uie flnt fruits ff iu tlilnr inrraft- m ahall thy bams br nlhxl a1th plenty and thy preaara jmll bumt out with nf atnr pro 3 9 10 r ii gaarrve oiurak woo nrmpbon rcor ftmtnd bunday afuw kuater lbu onm- munuai s am 8un- day tlrhnol 10 am matin- ii a m fyrraonil 7 pfll 8t orprvrii olrl ouldr 11 hold a chujttl paradr on sunday morning tiir hnod of niacarn alll mrrt nrxt mrrk brylnnlng with aarvtcc in th uthrdml on monday vrnlns and xaitlimlnu n tumnliiy and wrd- naaday ml tlkani i hurrh llrn hllllaau hrtiuul huntlit aflrr fttxtrr llolv cnvniniunltui 0 30 um hiuuluy school 3pm 1sritmuik 1 i m riial iupll1 i hurrh mlnutw lln j e tvinun hiuuluy may 0h j lo pm humluy s4ltonl tl l p in honu hrrvlca 7 mi pni giniliiu ttrrk uu- kullhful ui4hr mtutday lltr youiik ivou mt at h pin wihluaailay lltr annua itnalneaa iiitvtliiu at s oclock mr oalnini wll auk and ami our uirrt roa pmu th dead tune to worahtp nl jshna ehurrh nlcwartlawn kkv h it oolrnraok rector ruhmind snnduy ulter raausr j pin huiuluv boliool 3 pm evening prayw hi pauls church nsrval tsopni evening prayer m huphna church llsreby ii uiu holy omnuinlon haly craat chareh rtav v j morgan uaaj at 100 am and and 4th bun- day 11 00 am lat tad and bth bull days th vnllsd church at canada rev r o todd ulnliter 10 am mouiors day open bualon of the sunday bohool ba rents of all pupil sw oowuaur tsvuavv u ajn puhuo wonhtn 1 pju pubub womtilp btnlngeni are arwajw yktqpv bonos wul help 10 mjkt 00f fomf itmir lets push it oyer the fourth victory loan in georgetovvn and dfsnuct backthe attaak w oaf fbca oa ml i hull artiv servie offer their live to preserve all that wo bold dear so long must we at home do our part by purchasing and holding victory bonds victory loan space donated to the victory loan committee by the apple products co glen williams ont fft7 jinnf the etaence ot many rare flowen hsa been ulfully wended wy one of the world grett perfumer im sn inimitable fragrtnee adrienne perfume eiomtee- chanllng like a promlae ol dnrsms come true a gift that flitter her and your own good tad mjui30c ivtbcamoo eulujrmry ml masu caaawrv c robbs drug store phone 76 georgetown the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor ah luttnutlohs dtlly nru iuvr i truthful coattnictl unhuuad frw fntai scnuilaaal iim cdltstlalt ah tlauly and iiutructlva and iu dally faantrat tsgathar wuh lb walu maaaiin sactlab uak th waaleo an tubal kawaaapar far th haaia tk carudaa sdanea putlljiini social oa nanrsy stttt bauan mamacruumm prla diroo yearly a hi 00 a manik auaaaur l including magaiui saetlaa u1m a yaar wmdamaqr obar 6 saturday imum is cantt naau aiurm ammfueopyon afflqutut t m ivjcwlbi

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