Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1943, p. 6

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jthr georgetown herald wednesday may 5th 1943 payrall savings duimaa r b focus tio f am rrd ow psjrcu iwclon cj tfet fcunh victory usui ur mull fit been nrtlv tn al ixad crrirasfnk milton dr o p huttr of tb defiurtmecit of national rrasrirch ottawa u vwt- idt u nwoir un wb hun ha u on hl y to albert lor th faimrrr d c twuliervor of hornby hu purrhitrd thf lvivid curfc psteeiy on vuioru ate abc the- hall acre of und brrau trf jw a ebn frmrr u to be pfwwrol of trie ontario educational axtorutlcui lu un- raaiuy tar hfuu a cudj- bru ci hilton ho lt un farm tuh brltled u itoo b hu great trwrjjuurfr puur iiwlcriildirn noa tivs tn th- lnti air tike tilth jrrr uiku ii u i he ruxm tn ojla to hja ui xrrwito lj j jvr njrd u turn lo the four irtteea of irsr ota i lmikvi hrx e r u ttir truruv lam i rr mr ctnutrll hi brrti fnji of uir utt4 and rate- iti ttkji mid c icr of ukr esjj an tji jjjniil ufrwul oka ojyi lit it f1hr fcrtir nsw n in tlw i v l0 ji d is a ul pttildnt ul trie hjiuii uura avvtutioii r l an ildti it lur united ciuirri nnd a laa- nl u mrr 1 bl rr lliat thr ir duij o rihfiifhlp u use rvumt in iiutijl aitj d vi 1 i mrnt vt jujui r jr csuiijbrll muton oaniikui imhoved unifoim intfshatiowal sunday i chool lesson b habou u uudoiu sasbaeisiesi 1st dd lcuoa for may 9 bfcjfct r4 tk ct r4 trfrtpj ull f rtit4 t la r r iksmj rirrtb and john txadtas in tbi karlv chikch irtanw tcktac t r4j i t n un colocm tcxtkov tly ub urn ttvior ti lxr and ma an4 ptr4 ttl uy i hjwir44 and tticrat rri tt7 atvrtu4 j4 u lt hrwiua ci tu ual ly fca4 k9m ttt jaa lir lxx urn ajr all t back the t iitack landing barge to beach to berlin thats the double play uerc letting up to uiuuh the enemy thatt the route of attack the way paved with euro and plane and tonic and thips bought with your dollar you are earning more than ever now on war work n those earning for victory buy bond to lunk the attack buy bund to pro tect your own future buy bond and bet up a fund for yourself to spend when the war a over wvicroryloan if the old soldiers can invest 100000 in war bonds how about you branch 120 canadian legion georgetown ont dors thr oiunh trnvr meamagr fur our da sometimes one uon dera bit but little lhougtit uvji rntta oiat if it dork not it u rx brcuuw oirtetioni ho foiled but tkttuubr chlitlun xoplr huve fllrd tu dec in re the 1 1 rnal inrt poutrful truth uf cod the primury repon kibitity for un uch uilure mutt n at upon thr iruilrra if the chuuh it is instructive to rr the quutitirk which murfr ttr irudrr if the mrly fh rh fttttir for the uurd in ur ltji ue find prur and jthn doinf thn e ihink i deiirta cod hard acu 2 j7 41 ittrr hul ju 1 hrnhd the nrt rrm n pn ut hed in the church hiiii um rfelivired at pentecoat tir diclurutiun of gk truth in tre out r cif tht holy spirit brought onictirn n in it ulwnyft doh lillhouich uie outvaurd indication of ith working mo not t at marked lit it uui on thut day thre thou und akjuli urre under conviction und unking hut to do to b aaved whut an opportunity for thr frreot her and hl fellow worker jhn how did they meat it by faithfully declaring the ned of re- ntunce and faith and then of frl- tuubhlp ith other in the church one murk of a real leader for god twll aluo u thut he preaches and t m he the menage of god without idu iter tit ion u ithout modiflcotion end with plslnnen and almpliclty the kind of iradrrthlp which t f l n mogninrd in thr church today und ulmh is lorrly made up of rt nnl mognt ttsm p p ond fust i ilk n not r al irudt mhlp ot nil t st ur leaders b their fnimul jnd inlliknt dtilarution of g d s word ii coflvejlog goda power at j l h channru oru ti t uf th k u ki r in his t mtixvmll w ii put osuitr jou fir ooud uxa and tlh all ti t u tl it is tl i fur i for christ t lurth at mi it 1 mtrr cuorgetovn ort apru ulh 1m3 wj k4uk4or fvrt oolk to to me in a boa tifcr m o rifutiw ivan ihjoi hotiji ti- cnr tu uliir a ita itctrr ui lhjj li of fair fanw 17m- rr wutj pwwd jfiry ttreaxru ltr buan hair lit r ujjl wattrti here aid tfarn tftiltriix tinlr w ailh it liiixi clrvcritod ofwr motr ajttl djl u lointrv kituthrd iglln at r mli cnkt- wjfi n unr n alird at u aikd ro hrr uirl4t a tlljr ml be lo 1j ii u iriny atul e lrar f tie ocuu iu ilrittirht in un f mi li trle iitm w toat r ktrw itid fui rfi l j r tirfi tu oj t tiir nj odnrrdt lutla t lluttabr mubfkt uwfa caakaaillea wr mlijt to irkjkualftltr with lhaiiau 1100 fiuoj un t lfton a rtft of 13 im oh from thr ioot- and utir quut from t r orortetoan wo men s institute mrs mrndham rrport the ihtpmrnt of 12 dtt mi 15 pra vuntn vx as j jrmlnka taatfr 3 pr uuboit uuk 2 trauui kiratera 2 u mlrirrnrrft mitts offtrui tribal lit hon w l mackeni kijiy prime uinlstrr in iu toronto prch ul area had this to ui in part thr canadian nay h drwloped phr- nomrnajh i spirit its nrrantatlnn md it trainlnti have all t retard the nred of smooth and elfrtie co- ipr ration lt thr allies ttircrurh more than three jorur bitter rar ahrthtr on dritrorr corvettes mine- mftprn parul irls mibchaier or other crnft mn of he royal canadian n- in eep rominb number liu hdntxl krep tht ft lanrft opeti in cent months oiu navy haa been khur- ina nrarl h ilf the burden of ouno duty on uw north atlantic w ioui ttils l er irdous und rry dnn- rroja ttv it ti btnr carried 01 an appeal to yon the government of canada haa requested the navy league of canada to supply 3000 survivor bun dles to be placed on every ship leaving canada the georgetown branch of the navy league has been asked to supply 35 of such bundles clothing ii possible should be new bat good used clothing cleaned or pressed can be used it is ur gent that the bundles be supplied as soon as possible so a to be ready fot the battle of the atlantic which will ensue thi spring each bundle consists of i pair trousers i belt or pair braces i pair socks i long sliv- rd sweater i pair thor running thoes preferred i nuit of underwear i cap or woollen helmet i pair mitts soft shirts and handkerchiefs may be added we earnestly ask your help in this humanitarian effort if you have any iuch clothing or with to donate cash to procure such article call 35 mrs w mend- ham or 327 maccormscks drug store and your ar ticles will be picked up or you may leave them at either of the above your support is earnestly requested georgetown branch of the navy league of canada through every kin of mrather in paying trlbir to our merchant mimrn ur kin uuj our merchant sramen operate th thtr tn tht eev oii their ruirurj endurance of the mjm lift- of the mo and um iu war time dangrra is enuajud only by lbetr com tam rvjlutlon w bring tltoe pre rlom tars ex of kum lanka plane food and othtr munltons of mar to uitlr defttinatkjn ou merchant -ea- men are making a notable oonlrtbutkin to thu vrldmtdr fisht for freedom v band na ufc hccnd in command of the cuius- iirtn orettr we hum nunk b mine jr t rprdo olf oilbritar urui pa trick mil son rcnvjl told thr to- mo kimunli ci ibcrf hiv shlph um tllaot da hi urcd on behalf of mr i0 rvurvura cilr u another hip ve can fluht lth it und that a i coniblnation th jerries cant beat n a hurry tin slnn no no bond i m not understood by the boyi feo came baca hr ml corvette ctevi ta the liediterranean trt not only aboffi of tea coffee ard auth tbinga il timrn but even water waa rauonad- yet wwir at rvne ay no bcr no bundj tru them for thoaa toya ta north afilca lis no bendn no ilfa tliryrr giving thrli uvea thalr uofcav you re aakrd onl to lend tn burtfif victory doncu baaaa vagailiiea oaaaea nrmtinbrr tht shljrrckrd oake of milan i prle boc4ui abova mf dukedom also rt member wir gob on tht tor netl- d corvette riking hia life bgtnf bark to ins bunk for a book x hat to think i might be cooped up on ft raft for a couple ct montha with nottk ing to rt ad also remember the navy leao0b und stv yo r magaines books etc for our nest collection victory gardens 1943j for vegetable gardens flower beds rock gardens and lawns there ia no better quicker acting lower priced organic manure than meadowglen compost you will be delighted with the quick healthy growth of plants that results when you use this compost phone i43w or prices delivered or at the mea- dowglen plant the larger the quantity you buy the less you have to pay per ton seed grain aaaaabbbabaatawaaaaabbmaaaas-sah9absbb- american grown hybrid seed corn government germination tests 98 to 100 per cent fancy quality and no 1 alfalfa 1 4 mwunotb clover alsilce timothy yifttie or phone us for delivery prices win couse son streetsville aii miiaa siki r and cold uus i s n ii dit uith pl r mi i j in it i is tn t n witti n in iih l cii iirvnnts llir utti tin untu 1 ts itut the fliillivi tin lll pniliii of beirm cliiinni is tliiouili aiihii thi hcnfink rliinmiij n ilicminp pottit f c1 itmlil how irid thut wim inflnitiu inttrr tht inmc mnn had lunk sin i kivrn up hope of nntluni htttir than the lew coins ho could tit it the temple rate hr uoh like mum in our hnrd nnd practical nje who stc only the valurn thnt muniy enn civc nnd thus miss the real bltsslni of god god has for men today nh jiq hid for thin dckuar that whfch 1 fiir bttttt than nold deliverance frohi sin and liberation from the itmltn tlonn of spirit which make them con tent with the paltry alms of nun peter and john were ready to tn used of god because they were nit n who were not too busy to pru v 1 knowing the compassion of god they sought out the one tn need ond by faith put the unlimited dowit of god to work on his behalf god healed this mans body tint what is more important he healed his spirit v 8 we need that kind of healing for the weakkneed lame- unklcd spiritdarkened individuals in our communities and our churches we will hove it only as our leaders are men snd women who are cleansed ready to be chan nels for the conveying of gods pow er to a needy world iii doing gods will acts 413 1821 the way of life of gods leaders is not an easy one but it is a simple one they do gods will nothing less nothing more and nothing else what could be more delightful peter nnd john had spoken the truth and dcclnred salvation to be inly in the name of jenus v 12 certain easy talkers within the church who tell us that we must not he narrow but broad enough to sec nulvation in nil religions had bet ter read that verse again bccauso they had preached christ and for no other reason they wcro imprisoned then released on condi tion thut they would nnt mention him again what a splendid op portunity tor a smooth and comfort able compromlsol they could preach but just leavo out christ did they do it nol vv 10j 20 obedience to god was paramount with them and it must be with svery genuinely chrlstlsn lesder 16 the church nothing else will do nor will it have the hlssslng snd ap proval of ood fitsstfo afttmunitit tk fat of hfltla t t el plam tosh sum alp ad tult predacmon dteemt i cuihwy paving i ammunition it lakes money to di iii thatt why we ot horns ois electricity is a war weapon aitiwd to buy vict ory baiwk way wtoonuilamttaaohaca and llt worth avary aoctiftoa wa con molia to pravltla aiora aohling dollon lo bock the ahock it will brlaa victory tooaar awwa u will ova pracioui tlvat buy aaataae wrttwy bond rwayl and raataaibar ihla i wka wa of koaw buy victory doadi wa ar not only doing our pottlotlc duty wa or nvattiap in tha future our furuea loving moaay wwi whldi lo buy im thlngi wa 1 wont whan th war ii ovar sava for paoc dayi now i ba praporad to obtain whan owallabl naw uptothamlnuta qulpmanl for tha hoata that will ptovlda on oilar and bahar ufa it may ba o naw alach te uova a naw rarrroatoror yai avan o complala alactrle hlkhan it may ba any ona or a numbar of naw atactrlcal aopllancaa it nay ba o naw hoata what vw it ii u will ba aoilar to buy if money u invaitad in victory bomb now buy vmary baadi tadsyt taa p i j now napfay to pwuca vait quawiirja af wmw for our hgutlng maw wli ba wfcaa vccory h win to eeatrjhut totwa gnat pactlmm futurw of ontario back 7 hi attack victory the hydro electric power

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