the georgetown hm wednesday may 12th 1943 carrolls hkkieiwjj i 9c3c camay soap 3 7c jergent soap sfa14 javx ci bleach 14 cleanser cmjt o a 5c tluom ihmim eatv cismlsa riitrtnfcrl auwtltmtt pasts ii4 it- 19 gslfea cottnmkal ft m caaa flu wax w s f ffrimi noosuw 3 1 rtkwaawssw oathee wfcca cfmffi ow9 g sa m 9 qaisai qaaw o ats ljc cheese bruuuu t9e c 8 coffee 2se 4sc all- wheat zt z z3e cocoa a mb 4e mustard es ew 9c we wm tfce rlgta to fat sjaaasttt fa samtaaabe i soup v a igoi florida jw oranges asparagus em posted carrots 35c d 30c lb 9c bunch mjk imrortlit u tack lettuce 25c each tcxah kfujll s si7f m grapefruit 4 for 29c phone 357 georgetown seems i cant save anything w e met on main street jim had his usual ready smile even when he got telling me how hard up he was seems funny he said im earning more these days but i just cant seem to keep it taxes victory bonds and all those other things coming off my pay he paused then went on slowly at least it seems as though i cant save anything actually of course those war bonds are my savings im glad ive salted away a few of them and you can count me in on the fourth victory loan tool ihb adftrtlwment eantribated to the ravin vtelery ia eanpalro by dominion teitlle company limited mmtnal improved unirokm irtyebnaylonal sunday i chool lesson leuea for may 16 ou4 b tftfn sddtttj uj jbrtetur ca w sukctab uuiuu w pctcb and john pbeacb to bamjutwans uiion ttirtamo lt coumot nxrurt y tm hetbltl uic fcw im see m ir u karrjaa etl the church as it rows has prob- irmt and so god call leaders to wtvt him la meeting and settling ihrm for 111 gtorrand the good of the church philip had gone to samaria a mult of the first peraecullon of the church and there he hed been urd of god to bring many to faith in christ now that the new sruups f trllrvers needed guidance end in- structlon peter and john were sent to help them v 14 a proper understanding of and at titude towerd goda groclout gift of jketton le of first importance nrw lonvrrte must recognire that h i j tlift that it cannot be earned or bought and that it issues in a life nf service and testimony all three of these matters are cov ered in our lesson l bplrttaal ufa aad ewer is gods olfl la bslleere w 1417 the holy spirit was receked by these early membere of the church by the laying on of the apostles hands belt later he came directly into the believers heart the moment he had faith in god thle la now our blessed privilege and the pro islon for our every need as follow ers of christ to recognlie the in dwelling holy spirit what a glorious truth it la that the believer la indwelt by the holy spirit he who ta a divine person not just power or influence i cor s 10 thus ever believer includ ing ue humblest as well a the greatest has in him the one who gives spiritual life and power who gives grace for holy living and em- powera for service the greatest power in all the uorld the power of the infinite god is thua available to every true and irlded believer as gods free gift gone then is all boasting of our un strength and gone are all ex ruses for weak and careless llwrg the power and grace are hi ond he gives them to us as his gift christian friend are you allowing the holy spirit who dwells in ou to infill and use you a he will ii spiritual life and power can not be bought by operas or money vv 1814 men of this world are o ued to putting their trust in mono that they come to think that one can hu onythlng to them every mnn and every desirable thing must hoe it price let ua be clear that th n are men who cannot be bought nrd that the best things in life irnir no price tog a mothers love friend- ship fellowship with god priceless they are but not for aale above all let it be clear that eter nal life and the power of god the holy spirit connot be gained by pil ing up good worka nor by payment in the coin of this world simon magus wanted this power to improve his business as a magi cian he made o very gross pro posal but one wonders whether he was any more to be censured thnn many in the church today who ore doing the same thing though by more cultured and skillful methods not only are there those who are trying to buy their own woy into heaven but also those who by hold ing the purse strings try to con trol the message of the preacher what about those who by their finan cial gifts seek to gain control of church organizations their efforts are doomed to ulti mate jllure god will see to that but in the meantime they do much harm to the cause of christ many a church and pastor would like to rise up and say with peter thy money perish with thee iii spiritual life and power should result in testimony v 25 peter and john set the samaritan christiana o good example aa they went back to jerusalem by permit ting the holy spirit to use them to testify and to teach the word of the lord in many of their villages one of the great hindrances to the carrying out of the great commis sion has been that christians have received spiritual life and even spir itual power as though it were some thing for their own gratification or comfort god saves us to serve him in testimony and in life the holy spirit does not speak of himself he guides the believer in all truth john 1013 particularly the truth regarding christ the spir its primary interest is to glorify christ john 1014 it follows then that the spirit filled believer will be busy about spenking for christ and glorifying his name the holy spirit is ready to teach even tho words to say that christ may be lifted up and men be saved peter and john as good icndcm of these new samaritan bolievers gave them by word and example a good foundation for growth in grace and usefulness to christ in our mail bag here are few extract from a re cent utter written home by pte jack brill who ment oieneu in the but comoy it la dated somewhere in england uarch 19 1m1 we had a well trip to theroait it wai really fcomr thins rare for me being one alio ha done little traruijr our boot tnp wu tomethlng tuperto to be more ajvpolt thin to l it wa one of the moflai urgttt tuid mott beautiful luxury limrit mould probably bring the eeruur blitk mark cown on me the food waj fu tu was the weather u through the trip duvn below e aiept in haunmock to pjeent any ira- ticknew up abtar the boji toept in four decker btdi mhlch mere very crowded and umomforluble ordinarily a boat llk- e mrre jun uould not rock but tt zjgrurkrd rn few mlnutrt to eeape djnver from turtom apoa- leiilly jt tuke utnttl nilntitrrv to aim h tor4dc txj by etraturtnk frequently ti tub could never ftt mtf- on one i urute mom nur on the boat but could n i mull it till jrl tills murnuitf i ddfit tell her that id met a ft- oti tit fi uh uiauv i jiy1 mrl him j iuii uh it i i u nick nphn und jo- imnn ruon tvm vauin j 1 luni til jrk btirtir 4intl a few other itr dote by but i humt trn tjitin jt um of lai bu uri quite fontut und jmtiik heard hut 1 tolu ti in about utir fr rullonlnv in d tl r r dull lit da of tliliiirt art- qulir tud u be oer here in fjikiund pilct lire llkh und the equhalrnt of tioo in unyluli morie lia mo ml tie bvln pomer but uier agulii ihir l- rvit a ceul of a lot one can mone on even if li rre u inclinrj finiun aire a purkae of 20 for about ic in our money thow ol us mho hud ttlver mtne could not get it exchanged o it i intele to us in oiniii u re in the food i ery good but im not jure h loiitr r mill be here you krvou mhat the army u jutt imj a diluious dinner and mit llntck llarle and jlmrrtle oumnilnl of home tomti reroie iv ukiklnt aril and ubme all happ n te ls m mitch to ttl joi nuout ijikland und it- peoj li i e be- n htre but a brii f fern dur und et there art miih ir1oua thlnti u arrhitecture nnd lindcipt- chiirnctrrlmkf hedpe row niv more common tliun i had prmlnu- picujred thr ccud be nenon firnn fkime er jumr iuiiir rondl tloni ixm in fmr pirt- ol laondnn tot notlrcnblr in tl ronct nimtton ot pulitkin in certain bloclo houses ire queered in hrrer there it- rtvm victory garden nrr planted on er ajuare inch of iurd rtomb uiel- tirk uhlth are pujjih tniikwij of ai mojndft of eartli een iae victory garden on top tn f j vo much to 1 ruuld arlle nteodil for thrie months und itlll hare abundant ffubjecta on which uilk the fjnall trains and boi ran are about one uurd the lentith of mhat canada hut what impntjud me matt wo ue ncitne of the urea or buildings that had been bombed alt debru ia cleared nua und the holch an iquared off w that the emeriti appear- rtnc- l- ry good b 1jm31 pte drill j no i c n r canadian army 0eruu bray chicks tae bray cklek doss las tjbk george c brown norvmj photie 382 r 21 national selective service first compulsory employment transfer order notice to tektain employers kmpiovees lllan rnaployment li iter national selective lallon must report for 1913 at an employ ire office 1 i a objective i he order nulai aeiilitilc for cmntut enipluvnicm the services of men in cijwc jlrrjil dcmgtiiirtt under nitiorul sttcttnc scruc mobil iat ion ripuutumv uho jrc now cinptoxcd in ipccihcd non runual rniplovnienu d kmiiotmknts covkreu iiv this orilkitt mrn of the peejfletl eatrgnrlr are eoreetl if now employe alt i ta- een or liquor ulne ami beer toervf 2 retail mate of randy eon feet lonery tolweeo twtot vtalionery nemt 3 bar- bee kop ami brant parlour 4 retail awl wltolettale flohitu s eee ftatloa aaollaefillliui tatiani 6 retail ale of motor vehlelea or aeeemirlei 7 retail aale of porting good oe mnsleal inbtnt- aaentt a u alter taal driver elevator operator bolel bell boy ilnmelie aervanti 9 any oeeupalfon in or directly asmoclated with entertalnmenl inelmling bat not rewtrirted to theatre film aaenele motion picture conipanlew elulw ihiwiing alley pool room i 10 any occupation in or there ly amclalril ultb ilyelng cleaning ami prefting not incloiling laundry wwrlii bath guide kcevleet hoe thlnlng v auk and marital xasnks oe men covihkd iiv this order at every man born in any year from 1917 to 1921 ineluaivr who ba rcarhrd age i9t h rtery mnn born from 1902 to 191ft lnelulte ubo at july is 1910 wa unmarried or ilivoreel or juillcially rparatefl or a whlowrr without child or children t e every man horn from 1902 lo 1 lnclulve who hn itecome a wlthiurr klner july is 1910 anil wlihnul child or chlhlren now living every man born from 1902 lo 1916 incluive who rinee jaly 15 1940 ha been divorced oe judicially ceparaietl d proredore to be followed i all men a defined jlaovr niust rimirt to an employment ami sclrctic service otnc nor titer thin ij 19 1941 men resident ouuidc city or man hiving an riiiplomcnt and selective service office too fjr removed to call per- mrullv nuy wrne in the nnrcit ofhce and iwiit further directions e onijcatlons of employeest when directed to accept employment awj referred to in paragrapha b and c aboma are required by the rrgulatlon to follaw the dlreetlon f obligations of employers it will be illegal for an employee lo retain la hi employ aflee may 19th 1945 uy man referred to in paragrapha b and c aba unlet peelal aeemll hat been obtalnaj from selective service g tramportailoni provision will be made for transportation of men moved to a new place of residence ii appeal if objecting to tranifcr to other employment uhen directed nun may enter appeal with a court of referee within 7 diy i penalllrai penalties arc provided for cither employer or employee failing to comply with ttm order j authority this order u issued by the minister of labour under national selecdfm service civilian regulations pc 246 ol january 19th 1943 and amending orden it council mat reurtfil co t must present documents at the employmtnt offiet iudieathix compliance with mobilization regulations department of labour humpiirkv mnnirit minlntr ol labour a mscnauaas dktmf nmjuhui sri tmltt am mmmm