Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 19, 1943, p. 5

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the georgetown heraid wedoday may 19th 1943 tennis club meeting tonight s at 800 pm- j st georges church sunday school rooms j evtffyom in ceorglown tntereted in tennb please atteatl a full active eawn l planned own it u totemtlng to note that u tht w4 ftt older and lv their pur- ticuur borne and commimltlf at evtry opportunity they lute to return and rtntfk old aeqoatntanee- tnu in itself we feel sprtlt veil for their earlier care wiin increased employ ment many of our older wardi have tecured quite fine pojjuorta in indus trial plants milting prcntslon for their own board and lodging in private homea in thue particular caw they tire naturally more independent but r enjeavour to keep in touch with them and advue vhen pouible it u gratlfyln to know that when these older children art in need of advice or assistance tncy turn tt ihe society lor buldance a rlof check lv vpt on the tchool atumlince c ihr oul chudien llnlr rrluiktut tuinlntf and a cum- lilttc mi j leal ard drntal examination is nqulntj rarh rat with any rrce ary treat men nfovlned the ex unlnatloiia itr iriuitd through the rooiiemt on of the footer mother and the family pi tvrln cljtliin lo the rhildten l procund uj the luur nujui he making the dfciuir purtlu 4h ind in the aur ol special holiday dancing huttonville park this saturday 830 12 midnight jack macks orchestra midnight frolic sunday night 1 201 a m 330 ara gibson boyd and his orchestra admission 50c childrens aid sorfaty continued from pace 1 energy in leu of the many new war tn- duatrtes in our district we naturally have- had a treat influx of people rrora nery province in the dominion ttiu is creatlug a serious housing pro blem which is ulnff overcome to some extent by a wartime ilntnina ptogrsjb- families ue been forced to live un der very crowded conditions renunji cottage originally built tor bjmmer use only and most unsuitable for win ter habitation other families are mak ing their homr in trailers which while reasonably comfortable aie not ronduslvi to a good moral situation nor proper aupervtsion uany of tjiew pro- pie alto find it roott dlfftcuh to rvot suitable homes mhrn thc have ouag chlldien riawjnsble pofc4bl on tlw iart of the landlord but the fact malrs that the children are entitled to a cctniortable home and the partr in most case are not in a ponltoti m nam j 11 to build or bi thlr own homea rlru haidler usblur vhm r rralc that a ry urve nri tviulttnu 1ui the percent at- of our fjniilti hc a if- clii d uter briru ftlmburted by rwitenlaine in um c brunch of hie kjrt lor tie tidtum mad inrud ftrnv it r ituril follov tliat ahbsisbbaabiaabb8sbibasisiasiasiaa hear s illustrated lecture a m a a a a a a a inside spain by rev zacar1as p carles spanish refugee minister in knox church rooms many uf the caw nfrrred to u hst wjcnr connection 1t tlie artn funcr the bectnninf of the war the i pendrnt- aikrailnree board and nam alto the dpendert hoard of trutrrv have r frrrtd many rat- to us for attention we fl that our rervice have been beneficial to the farrulles concerned and that srr olso have the confidence and trust of thrte cknem merit budlfa our society during the ear hse been entrusted with the administration or svmm on behalf of soldiers families where it was rorul- dered neoesr to ensure that the children derived the full benefit of the allowance ttd has added treat ly to our social and clerical service but there u a uiutfajtvon in knowing that the children a intnenu ha been ml1- guanlrd bin e the ojtbrrak of war many married men have joined the armed orces leaving the 1e and mother with the full responsibility of the n- thursday may 20th at 815 pm j silver collection for bible society a iii daneing every friday starting may 21s grand opening wkthngsgh may 24th udllcc stanley park erin gibsonboyd band dairittff9 1 admiaaion 50c mi i run expris m pernunal itunkh ol the ho- let to ull our foster lurrnt lor thrlr tuntlnutd intrmt in trie rlare of the cl lldren placed in their tare it means so much to thm children lo have the ferhjuj that they n all br untc in the homr and com munity driii of ju bok air fcjrvlnjr in dil- lerrnt branches of the armed forces a well as one of our mru bring in the women biamh ol the army we can indeed be projd that the young people are ready and wiling to assume their rcapunioimuty towards their country brill cmuj gwsu there are at the present time twehe children under our supervision who came to c arm da in 14g under the oovrmmrnl bchrmr an increase of one ovir a year ago he having moved into the county with his luster parents an htated in the report of a year ajrt a i no n ihl allowance of 70 u now paid m the t twite r paitnu for the care of rati chill in their home this money had actual residence in our oountiaa the remainder havtn residence m out side points in which case e wee re queated to interview the man involved who had local residence the enforcement of this act entails a great deal of time and effort but we have endeavoured at all tlms to assist and advise the young women and their families- while them young wo men have made mistakes they at this particular time are in need of encou ragement and some incentive to make a freui start in life with increased employment a number of these elrls have obtained positions and with the cooperation of their famuee are assuming responsibility for the child ren in their own homea the formal ajjj cement have been obtained from putative fathers making provision for the firjinciaj maintenance of the children a total of 162000 has been collected through our office dur inn the year under the terms of agree ments and oourt orders and forward ed to the provincial officer under the act for administration whlu nr are to often ready to con demn and erltlrlr in these casen thi fact still remain that the child bom out of leatul mullock u entitled to place in the uurl 1 und the opportunity of living a normal home life in clwi nr 1 t imttonally and r orhalf if the horltty to thank lib honour jud e munro ills honour udge cochrane a o davis kc ivel crown attorney w i dick k c ha i ton county crown attorney the varloua police officers throughout our counties and all municipal au thorities for their continued co-opera- t on and i also wish to thunk our president un w j hood and the hoard mem ber for their interest in the work of the society and their loval support also lo thank lfr d w ilelse provin cial superintendent and icsn use fleming yield bupervtsor for thetr adviot and guidance throughout the if may i at lhl unt uk the support and interest of all on cllucn in child welfare work respectfully submitted adflunnt olatarthxly xubw ohd 94u choote your uuti from the adrienne colour hsrmony chsrt sold evclufively t rexsu dfi8 store ntnclal manurmrnt ol the homr ncli uirjum a irwm laiui uiui as ihr uprrllon o ihr famll in mit mui p n ti dilltaii lor lhl pur- rr ihr mothrr acrp thl rripon- p t lrrnu m hit old land ut ubillt nrt dor hrr brrt lo krrp thr ll coiunliutc a lunhtr fmuy loorlhrr ultlne ih uttunilr i xlh l rhlld u m u unun- lurn ol thr fmhrr in olhrr rlal puitlun lo do m nrrolru to ty thr mothrr dor not lully ttfrpt thl h miant a grrol dal to ihr lo- ddrd msoonxlbl t prtr into tlnn- plrnt u manj if thtm hi cl dlfflriiiuni brcrmrt dliuriud aurtim iib irponwbulty nd thrn lunu t unpronrr tnmpnnlon ulti- q mr hr indrnj mxxt ol uhlp nnd ronriilion n an outlrt to thr fliildrrn urc 1th rruur or drtrlmmt of rt rhlldrrn hint u lnndsh or tu t ronunrndixl mo hrr ttbo irr mrklnp mmtnt rood lr cotiunuixl run und ultintlon nt in riomui of thrlr ollowanrr but n lung thrir chddrrn hlirndlni thlt mwn rn ihimwhn i ro ir n thr mrr br uir no rk- o f thompson fiupertntrndrnt robbs drug store phone 76 georgetown mew apvertisemehts fop hlt a nn pram aitl jv iftoald oppice healthy chicks to laying hens with golden harvest poultry feeds order today ia chick starter j calvin clark rgetown phone 86 c5 rasturx wamttd oood puhturr for u hrad oi jraunf i cuttlr apply u lip illitalx or-fiobt- aauak- a aa gbsjsy 3 3 a t h e a t re friday may 21 sweater girl edr brarkrn juna prclner siege of leningrad russian feature fox new saturday may 22nd matinee at 3 pja stand by for action wlhty bt hw of ihr ir ulth t liurlnt luuihlon rslwrt ijw supermnn terror of the midway sport back to bikes final chapter perils of nyoka tuesday and wednesday may 25 and 2j for me and my girl mtutal cavolrodo wllh judy uarund guifr msmto canada carries on fighting norway cartoon big buildup ralhrr thin nprtlwtu i ti thr rnrr utut binrftt of ttirtr t umi imrt fnrnlltrfi thrrr howrvrr npprarv to hr n- othnr rldr to thr oldlrrn fhtntlv orrvt mim of mnnr urr rontrlontrd to pro- lrtr romfort for thr mm in thr nrmrd fotvt ind jiilh w tn t ho ilfl r not lflr mor- timufht to thr wlfr mho l lrft ulonr hh m unr to ooonrmt with hrr tn ihr rarr of thr fnmlh and prratu tlrd rvrl ill nhrrr thr chlldrrn nrr rmnll hhotild not our inml caratdzationt dttrrt sorar of thrlr uctultlri and tntrrrht to thrvr omrn who are cnrrvlnft on ftlonr not nrc miniv a ftnancul lntrnrt but ratnrr clr thrm thr frrllnr that r apprr- rjatr thrlr mtuatton ind ar ready and lutim to cooprratr with thrm the drprndentit hoard of tnuttrr with hrad olflre in ottawa nnd 8iu commlttrra ftrt up arrow thr countr are rmiiowerrd to rrncrr rxtra onan 1al aamitanor to sololrra lomlura in thr cofce of idckltraf honpttolustlon drath and ojirr rmrnrrnrlrfi our ao- rlrty works throuat a branch office in hamilton and dlrtnc thr paat us caim wrre inveauffaled baled on our eport and reoommrndallona flnaju dial mulstance ha been rendrrrd in thr majority of ih raiea wr hate olo been requctitcd in ten different cum to mihmtt a rrpnrt on the home ttliubtlon where the mjldlrr apnllra for irate or dlscharrr from thr army on rnnptalonnte urounui thrsr inqulrlrti dimundtery carrful intemtiratloii un hlnsed by peminal feeling in ur time and space will not permit a full report of thr many cnu inttiltrd but am endeavour tuu bren madr to rx nlarn home ol the actlvltlr of the 6o- drtv m child protection work and we do feci that throufth our efforts the lltlnt condition nnd environment of many chlldrrn ime been improtrd nttmera in rare thr kuprrvlidan and uxrk ulth the children in the rare of the borlrty la one of the very intermtlne features of the work ntttlntr their development and advancement under ihr kindly care of the faster parents it will be lioud by the statistical report that at the end ol the year 121 children were under the rare of the society an increase of ii over n year ana then brlntt 39 admit ted tn care and sa dlscharned from care there were 41 wards in paid boatdlnrr homes the same number as a year auo but n considerable chanco in the actual personnel seven yours ago the society first put into operation the nnld boarding home system of caring for wards in private foster homes without a doubt this programme or child care has proven to be moat satisfactory and beneficial to the child the child is readily accepted into the home and soon feels that hr belongs to the community and to iw- oogrtlbed by the cluaens si one of their inn und prottrii uiroimltr to br mom capable ard rrhublr and tullt ppn um t4 tht c pportuntt they ire rrcrlttng it b intrnmiojr in bpruk tn to tluhr fj dt r imv uupcclally utulc they rxpn thrlv detlrr to return home to thrlr fustllrr mill in prucu tally itrry com thr htutr thrlr intcn- tlotu ol rtrntually ettltnp tn cunada lrral astapuani twrntylhlrr irtnil axlopllon en oamplfteft tlinnirn our county court duruik tlir year an incrraie of two over a yrar jui tlirn atr alu fetrn- teen chlldrrn in adoption probation home awalurt uit rxplratlon of the wtjrar probation iriioil as required b thr adoption act wr so oflm hrar it satd thitt a cer tain rounlr hntr udovtrd a child when thr child has only bren in their home for u short prrlod white they hate takrn thr child with the full in trntlon of ltftal adoption the final or der 1 no completed by thr judge until tnr child has bren in thr home for a period of two ynn a properly executed consent to the adoption of the child is the first re- qulremrnt in tht preparation of the ictral piperr when the child is a per manent ward of thr children aid so ciety the consent of the society is all that is required but when the child hus been placed privately a great ou of time ind iftort is oftrn nrcetisary be fore the partnt or partnts can br lo cated und thr nrceftasxy consent ob- uilntd ho often the earlier arnuujre- mentt are mmle hrtwrn rrlautes or lendh nnd whrn the foeter parents nnallt dieldr to hate lemtl adoption completed ihe oilpinnl parrnu have dlsnpim unsd and thr consent is most difficult to obtain it is rratlfylng to report that tn spite of tht ir and the many de mands on thi finances ol our people to nrr still rrceltlnn many npiillcn- lons for nlnnt children in the ma jority of tnses these applications spe- clft n biiiy plrl with of course a sa tisfactory nunlnl nnd phslcnl back around tin work under this act is not only mast inttnstlns but also kites one the satisfaction of knowing that the child hns n pirmnnent home in eterv sense of the word with every expedition of n normal home life and eventually taking his or her place in the world ns a capable clllsen clillilren of unmarried parents aet iii spite of wartime conditions and tenons received from other parte of the province it is most gratifying to re- iwtrt that there has been no particular increase in the unmarried parent cases icferred to us during the put year a total of 00 cases were dealt with 41 of these being new cases and 40 carried overturn the previous year there was on increase of seven new esses over a year ago of these new oases only twenty of the young women tnvolred masted hllih bchol ctrl to tlrrk in store on mefc end apply in utltlod lo i1eoald office fc end apply you male a strong onrhorre wagon also tonkin for it a used buggy one dou ble trun eau- 2 tioon barrels in- umillona crrum separator apply mjih jab caiumsu silvercretk ont wanted a buy to cu lai once a week about u mile from town apply c v pickett ii 381 r li ron balk 11 head wora horses apply au1ert noiuue uot lb 4th unt etqueslng 3t 1 ovle from lunehouse por rent a small ttuu tit i smith a stone ltd low rent apply b a appleyaro 3tp cturch 8t acton lost a durk grren parker fountain pen between high sri ool and main bt by way of post office reward apply it brrndu robinson james 8t notice to trespassers persons trespasslnc on and damas- lns property in olen williams will be prosecuted to the limit of the law jtp e a applevard por rent a seven room brick bouse corner main and ewlng streets furnace bath and heavy wiring possession may 1st apply- j w luatrfledy tf cthurch street phone 1s3 por rent modem clean housekeeping room with kitchenette and bathraom contin uous hot water and every convenience apply lata watt tf queen bt apis or phone 3u wanted lire and dressed poultry highest market prices apply a barnltrt 4c boh phone brampton 343 r 14 reverse charges night constable wanted night constable for town of moo must be healthy and reliable applica tions to be made brlurc may 34th 1043 to employment nnd selective service office brampton betamin vitamin bcomplbx tablets proper food makes nil the difference take pagearltllths nftamdj b- complex tablets once a dav maeoormack8 druo store robdfl druo store por saxb or excnanoe six brood sows due june july and august one young boar at for service 10 tboats would trade for good work mars in foal young esttle sheep or feed apply stfnua it kjl f clw ftune aju rou bale oruln olndrr ft mccormka deer- ini spring tooth cultivator set of heavy diamond harrows 4 sections corn cultltalor horse rake beefl drill 13 disc riding plow panning mill disc harrow apply ben youno ltp r r no 1 terra ootu por bale wood s electric fred ortndrrs milk ing machines ullk coolers qectrso fences also mount porest tnrehlnat machines district representatltc wll loughby farm agency t e hbwbon oeorgetown phone 3js tf p o bast 3ft flowers por your victory gardens gladiolus iris and delphiniums tn endless tarlcty at bargain prices apply h lvhott ornrles st por bale 18 head of percheron mares good work horses cheap apply albert norrde stp 5th line 1 mile north terra ootaa wanted ft widow lady nqulres three rooasd tniite consisting of living room bed room kitchenette and bath replies should stati full particulars apply ft herald oppiob 0- por sale mosseyharrls 2 h p aasoune en gine suitable for pumping or mtiiriisy machine etc also btratton brlggs holf h p engine suitable for waabjaf machine scooter etc both nearly new i jock suitable for truck apply a tfrodleton 2tp edith su oeorjetown bvenlngs tenders wanted tenders will be received by the un dersigned up until june isf 1043 for so tons of pea anthracite coal for oeorgetown high school walter t evans 3t secretary tenders wanted tenders wttl be received by tbs undersigned up until june 1st utt for 5 cords of good body hamwaod for oeorgetown high school walter t evans h becretarr iii pf bleadirsg and totruo rllcsj eiisetars itooasi talmminbtlsbi afotsr ttsofc tf not smuaflsd at ah loesl oitw faorss sj7

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