Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 19, 1943, p. 6

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trie georetown herau wtcly my isa 1943 rililwaymep train for air raid emergencies tlrulasds of cuudon n w iionjpttaila rmplum hfthj ut t jniilj hjr turulm ihrtrimhr into locjl unl ximn tarffcwni vjtioxltbrnjif r l cfijnujtlio tjrc cmpl luxe been pecull iiauml in it v vmk ol ait i ridy to mnl llir n e lrf lj tlir ml ttulm nl the r n vjn it f1 i mt- hj tuun ami fur ffctiint are in i he rnjjt my an t imura ta ihrw r apt nui an i a adeovutc nun i rr t i c jium ir- i dm iia4 atitr jn 1 rn r hje ala mturd tlt- n tniiw- f tnn arvil arc awut lc at ul mrairc ckim inttlucltoa tliw ar ng vmijttti rruuily ami the awtx- lg aumtarr cj rjil nef at- teadtng ittw clitt lhr ur kle- ikeartrd in thru fauppurt ibr iu- trrlkwi plan the com paq y hs provided aufhornt quantities of quipmrtu arcruiry to combat lav cmaiury homba and ottwtr fueraa ol posufclr tlirmge by fumy actioa the photograph sho oioty a uanim rruly tisurd an au rt 4i he tiinuturr hig iwn itl the tif i f the slm hmltuf1it ijui tiling in montnal h le a firr frfhtrr ir ira1 to put out an inccn tftarv tl t11 hi lrn tolling the to a rtitur wtr nhjjk fern aid group at tt rvac coast hu fflsced ft casualty oa a frfrrtther fikh hia tpeclal impexnttnent ileveloped by charlea manill cnr taitding supervisor at anrouvtf lemrr fi4l a grutip tj t isdian luntrrf orimcmi 1 at mww too practuucf al ajryliha cm pump tlitatrof pumpum fjretry 4tnl tu u n rnany nii ul k 1 1 1 kitionjl s ti u the tjintiin ni i 1 aaci tlc iiijl ta u vr l tk mrvioav i fer i y clod j penonal ood o py to as x will in ixuy street or vorttinf hour in pere and qulrtitca 44111 i thank the ood vto tends me slee to rest and exe my mind that gle toe memory that put fcrenea acaln i seek trid find rmjr to mr when er i vtu and oh i lhjnk thee ood for out jikh tn my emithjy day on- rrta h from a clod- tin ood vho md the heu and tjrth u ood rnouah for be tin coj mho rnr my sputt birth u ciod wij irh for itb ut lhr o mp hhahty wlu as i x as i tar brratr 111 tiunk hini far t i lir 1 uvr and i hm faith that death will hr m xiirlt irtaur joy thfcq it oji jrtli hi kivowti anl wil trust trittt i may lite vaau it h4ll jinx fl vn a lui ut u it- ail uriuirald to fr4j tu i nir iovn cajipe dnat uli lrmibh talk acton lire ajm k xlann acton rrcclr ord durw ar vrk that her brathrr mbcrbrnl krnnrth 1 buck u telnt alter air ocmtlonj over oer- auny early thlj month 7vnden for puatrrln uv ctuluk fat the tbvn hall auditorium vrrf rr- eeived from i tan walten and j a afcmullen the trndtl of hanry waltara was accrptrd at a contract price or moo 00 uarc air activity waj ntnnard in the itlda on mr it n drowns farm a acton on sunday uhrn a plane toroufht a pilot to take back th machine grounded the trek before and came to grief lutlf the other machine which had been rrpalrrd dur ing the meek had a perfect takeoff mr ard mri john sinclair ninth use eiqucalne towtuhlp celebrated tt golden annlvcraary j their wed- dmg on monday april 14 the duke of devonahlre chapter iodi met at the liorat of ura p a smith on tueaday evening with mra w j beatty regent preiddlnii the donoert group known aa the ouelph ojdtyme plddlera played to a capa city botue in the town hall hen oa tuesday night receipt of 1411 12 and expenditures of g2142 were reported at the meet tng on thurtday of acton and vicini ty war service ijeogur oord beatty wj elected president of the tennla 4rrulon of the acton bowling and tmnli club lost nlttht acton free for the balance of tin term priulinc it prrmanent mttlrmcnt thl v tnimrr the cpjt ui l n at mi k1uau aa trokrn into irl mdi muni- injr and thjrvis rrmuud the ca am- talnlng the tlcki- unl tin til pit qaztttr and ci iwn i w h omb mnx hmrt- brampton in an unexpected overflow of the vtoblooke rtver on tueulay owning tbouiandi of dollars doiruure was awrjeed the buslneae section and low- lying district of thla town inundated tv the alrtyooolured water of the rampaging river it was the aecond flood within fourteen months to in flict aerlom damage in this town and it was a late hour yesterday before merchants had licked their wounds bd business waa operating in lta us- oal dry environment cfcarles roy magee prominent brampton pharmacist and optometrist coed very suddenly at a late hour tuesday evening aa ha waa returning to his home from his place of bust- mm during the flood which inundated jet buataam section of brampton colonel oonover waa elected orand third principal at the convocation of orand chapter on thursday april at ian smith youngest son of mr and mr j d smith brampton pupil of glade a central school advanced to the province of ontario quia finals to be held at slmpeons on saturday brampton town couneir confirmed the appointment of john baldook aa are ohlef at lta meettaf monday night janea herbert ingram who cued in arampton friday night in hb tftth fav waa burled tn ohunhvuis ot tnty on uonday- ur ingram waa wall known aa carpenter tn brampton m hit iwttremant a ahoh while ago iwa kom to nomwi 2 wsm rtiahiil by laoal edu- odiia loapmtte memmy i ltalton milton mr tuiii mr ah mai nut 1 t fmday lor thrlr nr horm ut ull iifla quchec a lanfe numb r ol mrmu i if th- ciuuuhan club atrdpd the rrffua mrctlns to hnir xntitor ojtu ivn- brother of tm tt rmrr prrslrtent ni cncholo akla the annual mttip of tlie fllton lftdien lnwi datuhrik club vn h 11 on prlda ernln at the home of mrv n a sinclair prraldrnt of the club on thursday cvtnnit of lam k the mrmben of st clulr uxlur a t rte ajkj mere plififd to hear as their buemt neakcr mr c v charter of brampton up to date the earl of giambi chap ter iode has knitted and presented etch boy aa he joins the rcat 1 fweater 3 patrn socks 1 pair glove and in ome nue rxurln and wrlatieu so far thrre hae bwn 47 boys from mil ton mr and mra gordon xfckenzle re turned home on thursday from a very pleaitant trip to mexico fulllna tn line with other towns milton and dlntrlct opened the local uslvase drtc loi friday under the diivintr pouer of the hal ton onrokc opera ton john thomas oraham a lifelong re- rldent of hal ton county died on wed nesday april 28th in hamilton gen eral hospital after n brief ulnes ttu centre of altnutlon on our main street thcae day u the wlndowi of the belli t store h rh duplayii the pho tographs of name of milton and district youna manhood who have ffone forth to fbtht for un mr poster prlnclpai of the milton public school will move into the home of mr mckochnte when vacant on court at canadian champion iftrmi vnimk mr histmrrtl ht rth i irt ivxltl wilfin mrv a w benton ttli ltd ufrr p rnt slue lu- li ut s lunri txinn kuntr at the ln iik riitl t ttn v i prarr pin irijdtn mrs j l jjlrrtn pre- mlro haul unu nl t t roll call by piwnk rin tn tmnr rind the an nul in ti it n t mi rmv ml 3 60 i indict tl nii i i i ir iihi u balance iiiniliitl pril i of iuj aeroge ttttdinri i i ttu rrvuur trmtlnu a h iimi n numtxr of v i il ut- iiis vi r ils hrld in the utm f i m hil mrs wrbht read lun it 1 rs knlllni rnmrt showing 111 knlttt 1 itirlc romplctrd durlnft the iar sinl 81 arttrli s of sewtnt sihaimi aniiv lit iftqu tri r recehed 08 ariiis jnhu and 4 quilt nd ctnad in ai t kusmit punu ftrn sent 140 art n it of clohtng and in us o i 1m il infi men s knitting shows fl ai tti r- 1 pr sox and 3 tuck- ins on hand jr goud convenor of programs for li443 give her report of haunr ha fmr speakers and a numbt f mt nun at regular meeilnk tlte prsidint mrs k euertn gae i er full mpo of hir w i wtirk duiing th er she then read two papers menbt r 1u aponslblllt and the orurn rt the w i ode the prrsidtnt and sicretar were ciuiihl fonnird and eurh prented w1ui n cui ui1 murr in appreciation of their ffiiits h the pst tlie mu- tloiuil antiun u is sung at uu close the june mtln nil be htld at mrs ellerbj s otd fatrmrth meeting t the corner rtole twlk if hrlr cro of ruipprning rh s at hand of ttmtiinatlmc end spring and clo- rr fltkl die ntrtl of rain upon uvr seded un tlirrr 1 a qulriress about their toll the vare of ralnrweet irvrmdowa in thrlr talk thr btjrngih of netds u in their quiet hands nr patirrue of the little nomine tuxk forth from the pood cn earth they bring their food pruh of thrlr ubor tymbol of uveu toll thrlrs the bj weed net of wovk well done ttie alowinv heajthy kinship of the mil and mben they meet the tojk ut com- man things thr rwn i hip lhe sound at binls in flight rhey euro 11 the world in their trong hand and u thtm riomr to q net fjerp a ntgni edna jaque inoltn mhttir of the rea the fr ttlder man mvktejies trange surr of derrlin fjiips frlgtit- ful mutlnlt suaogc futittng mkjdtr death some of the hi range t most i baftling of three will bi dcrribcd ti msteres of tii ge tttrung in the amrrvmn weekl mlth this bun ria a mj 33 usue of the detroit sundav timi he sure to get sun days detroit tlrre j is still the keynote in war aa la peace brnnrford roosnfta full factllttea are directed toward your aecurity in peace brantford rooflnft produce asphalt ahlnttlea roofing and aiding to protect and beautify your borne in war tbe tame high quality product contribute to tbe natlona aecurity in training campa barradu and war induitriea becauae theae producta have petroleum baa and oil la atrateglc material nowaday lb upply of brantford roofing for bouaea la limited every effort la being made to dlatrlbute tbe available production on an equitable baala in all communltlea to altnpllfy lnventortea and increase aupplle all llaea have been itandard- ired on a minimum range of colour and atylea when victory 1 our and hoatllltle have ceaaed brantford roofing product will again be avail able in ample aupply for civilian uae plan now for your home renovation when the war 1 done with brantford roofing producta for aecurity and amartneaa brantford roofs beanrfeed rooting company llmlfed sranrford ontario for sole by- the georgetown lumber co ltd move 2i geobotrrowh umehouse proaldent mrs j u fllerby 9nd vteeprealdent mrs 8 klrkpatrlck and secretary treaaurer mrs a w benton were reelected at the anual meeting of llmehouse w i held at mrs a w bentons on may 6 other officers were elected as follows 1st vice president mrs w mitchell district director mm a j 8methunt branch director and visiting com mittee mm j jamleaon lira r nor ton prat reporter un a w benton pianist lira w dowdy and un u norton audi tow ura bpttaer mr smet- hunt oomenor of bid oram knitting ura b l uuler convenor of w i wmln and sswmt ura a rntpattlck ootwonor of quhllni ur a wright aoneenoni of hrar ftisiiiiiillfi a tl am ally ntivri prbmitten a profit a li ttnr nrltten b ii c moon of wllor omti out nnd publbhed re- centlv in thi- ol oh- nnd m ii is un- usunlly worthy of reproduction i h tv i tft n shocked to lrurn from 8 diincjin s letter in the aiobe and mall thlt morning april joi that some canadian farmerh nrr actually being liermlttetl to mnwc inme money this sort of thine must be stopped if tt is allowed to rd on canada la in danger of lofclnc one of lta morn potent urban tridltlons it wellgrounded oivlc faith thnt pome hell or high water the farmer v111 somehow or other contmr to feed the cities at less than cost of production that aould be most uneettlng and damaging to morale carry it to its lmtlrnl conclusion nnd the food pro ducer would actually be expecting a much income comfort and convenience os if he were engaged in a nonessen tial industry which is manifestly ab surd i doubt however that the problem eon be soiled as mr duncan rather implies by some good stiff jail terms if we put too many farnun in jail it may be difficult for the remainder to feed both the prison and tho urban po pulations even as it is some farmers have the effrontery to claim that they are working extremely long hour aak war prtoes on any job printing you may nejulre we guarantee tatia faction at atoderate prlcaa canadian pacific goes all out in war the phases of the canadian pacific railway war effort are manifold and farreaching on land on sea and in the air the company la making a vast contribution toward ultimate victory trains haul untold tons of vital war materials acrosa tlte country and carry and feed troop on tho movo to and from training centres and to embarkation points company passenger and cargo ships garbed in drab war paint aro on admiralty service plying the perilous waters of tho seven seas many of tho companys vessels have been lost by enemy action chief casualty being tho famed luxury liner empress of britain canadian pacific air lines besides flying passengers freight and mall also operates six air observer schools and ono elementary flying training school in conjunction with tho royal conod on air force as part of tho rrttlsh commonwealth air training sehcmo to make a major contribution to the empire fighting air power at company shops tho sinews of war are manufactured at one big shop valentine tanks were madoi at another naval gun are being turned out more than 14000 members of the companys aaeetimo personnel are new on active service and to help fill the gaps thus created at home women workers are coming increasingly to the fore in faking mens places they aerve aa carchecker and callboys and some haw already invaded the roundhouse onoeexcltislvaly male territory a engine wiper and asm even nana ambition to drive engine ona day and auployae an ttaadfaauy upholding th heatreat ana with eluas wpport of victory campaigns red cross dhvwarirauf measure bleed aonatjen and ty the work of ns service organizations within f

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