Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 23, 1943, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sevcfityrftfa ye- of pamifrtne wedrfay jua 23i ims 200 per aftfjiiw 5c per copy girls pipe band debut evening ol thursday ju 1st gala street dance open air bingo and other games added attraction f lb oerftora otru ptn band organlstd ttct tut octobtr wu n tbmx ftru public uruwn nro w at a aim stmt dux sponsor by uun uul held on 1b11 uutmc com- traetng at ojo pa doris itiu f hartra sill prowl lh danf nvailc th ihjm band coniuu of thinrro fin and two men thye all sorted tum ib paat nine m u run notify fur tfcatr equipment- through atncn lucky dn and blngos lhy managed to nt oser 11009 for this pur- pott mr d h- maalougblrn instruct to pip section and ut juon c valentin u the drums instructor all member has attended rruiar prw- uoe each monday nlgnt in lb town iu11 1th unabated enuuulaam and a result hair on ot the flnrrt ptp band yoj would nn wlsb to hear tbutl hie uiat opportunity on thursday ouhl july u for the gut will or playing at half hour interval and will hold a full dm parade in their sery alractrie unflormj at 0 o clock- a added at tract torn tntttll b open air binge and lucky draw gunc and refreshment booths member o band r a fouosr pit- section mary cummlu oram beerman alice costlgan tnra scott bertha bbelboume mary apple rd btty lwt june hullrr d iv mag- lougttlen ethel kmuhrad drum section muriel hesrton baa drummer martorle harlow jerry tyer and james c valentine mrs a hear is president of hilton institute annul muting ibid at brny i rriday uit 0d keeort fram branen halfm counts vomfna institute held their district annual tn hornby uat pttday with a large attendance mr merry was tn chargr and gae the president s address she urged the branch to u the central fund a a clearing place for our patriotic dona- tiona mri slay of hornby welcomed the delegate and mrs lush ol camp- dellevul replied cnoouniglng report were pmnted from is brunette un t d cowan ol cult the provincial director gave many intereatlruj items on her impree on of w i work n a member ot the provincial board ida charlotte mccullough ot oeorgeunrn outlined tn girls project work and gase a thrilling account of her trip to chtcnso to attend the h convention in that dry this u her award presented by kalton w i to the hkrh girl in achievement work mlrf lulu rowe from the depart ment dlacuasod the cooperative pro gram and the district decided to take up the clothing project mr dowdy of limehouae and mnv crawford ot campbellvllle led in community sing ing hie hornby school children delight ed the audience with a rhythm band and sever choruses by the choir mrs t d cownn conducted the election- of officers which resulted as fotlow president mrs a near dub lin flmt vtccpreldent mrs craw ford campbelmlle second vlce-pr- aldent mrs mluuan durllngton se cretarytreasurer mrs h boulton pnlermo representative to federation mrs merry and mrs cowon delegates to conentlon guelph mrs craford and mrs a near jam contenor mrs mllltgan btirltncton arrlculture and canadian industries mrs clnley mu- t in citizenship mrs webfiti r dublin historical neirch mrs win oody umehotusr homi rconomlcj mrs a cownn pauimo sooltl wolluri mrs a benton llmehouse publlelts miss norn ollbert burllniton war work mrs l p clarke scotch block scrap liook editor mrs j e gamble acton wartime prices and trade board mr 3 whltelock milton mrs mllltgan was asnln appointed as jam convenor she reported that 1393b pounds of am had been sent by th ootmty last year those attending from acton and district wen mrs laxenby mrs johnson and mrs gamble of acton branch miss e russell ana mrs mc- baohern of bannoekbum urs an- demon mrs vanoooaen mrs barber urs somervilto ua steele mrs bracken urs webster ml venut webster of dubun 6i6ffttwb hrjrs scavdwj ivoraitioas hmaw ftvfluu ul law tvl tm im1 bubecu tn parantheal decote a rrpeat rnar necesiary all name are tlhbrurelly arrant ed promoted to puu form lorwd xiii amuuouf d beer u brul b brown 3 clm ft couwna b jenohtn b param b 11btim b llteu w mrfallin d uoscr u jnuum l proerjoted to ruru purm torad xii alnanewr o bradley u oob- ubu phyiicat enrtr j parmer j lit pr hepburn u unduy j imaln j usths a phr urclur u mclrllan u itlcli h umlui it wuuunt j i promoted to third porm orad jo i booth e brut b brownndgr d couaetu p cunningham igcteoce loevrtnt ii dtcalr j grace p liurtcnce orirv a lab ai pr kelly 11 klrtpautrk u bane v long n mcallister a luiua lab cluir j ujckart j math labi ostrandrr u i too ruon b uaijlh j van vllrl d i promoted to brctmd purm oradr x barbtr o ilri bamr ujriu j clarke j crawford c cunnlrur nm w curtis t br pt ry b in fryrr u uaths be i ollmrr ii iu11 it illaths sc lljmron k munngtcn m hughe o hunter t hunter it lonlrran m mrmnm m tk- mulltolla id d nir n p parker d preston o imath pr l iloblnon p birverft w prominent citizen passes council to cooperate with ceaj beaters secretary resigns from ration board w1xju1 v unt a pnmjnrn cillirn u minunhv all wlr m or rvrlrn lor uir pt msrnty nr rar who puj y m 1 r nt ii i l i uon tt 4 jin ut in uu silji ir mr cjianl i i rral m t air t tro- ltr jl ip r i id ic1liie iliwn vrvf 1 1 in jntlnrrlj dnlli lo pt mtxtpo the june mrctiiiu of ihr ojunu-v- ol stmttimorr chap rr lodi ntv ixld at ihr lctfun huu monday rcnliur lih ihr rotfrnl un a orlru pirmdlnu the mlnutrt ot the may meeting venr ridd by uvr wcirurj mian uobel mc drrmld followed by die uravurert rr irt by mr- j curbrr mm h c wrtiklctmorua mool con tnor report td 4 alrrwlru pulloer and 1 child aejt r tftmrd in to the red crou and m children halter 10 palra sqcaks and 3 tcane to be fonraried lol o d l hradquuttf mil ann lkk reported u re- allzckt on the uue of prnnle- drive for june mur wont- it dicldm to cancel the jul meetlnff the fouvinji donation were made 35 to the chap ter adopted northern school to be luaed for guasea for needy children 10 greek relief s brtuah women war ouc4ta and 10 lor ohinrae relief the meeting cloaed with the stinging- ol ood save the king the hoatetuea for the evening mrs j barber mrs r barber and mrs wallace thlmpaon rved lunch st john ambulance brigade inspection dr j 1w11 tomnto pruv mu cji mlv iuni r of hip ht j ihn air bsi 1 iiht htidjk n prrviit at hit un imil li st i i i tin in tl 8t j 1 n llnradr ut moudn rmiiinjt at tin armxitmi an 1 liitihlv commrndrd the n rmbrrs on ihr rk lh irr dolnn mr k huni in uffi rr of ilif torn to c rv i si vioki tdllnk hov laklnw mtt in tin drtnnntntlon how plriimd m kviu irtcra wrrr with their lipodfrv aimi prfent vtrre lr c v wlllkirtv- dmi nil 8 iruron mrs t orlm uul ohklonil hupt m i ral visitor to mirnbrri of en mcll und maur olhbntw iho made a cr timely addrrftr the lnirpcrtl in conhlatrd of l flrt aid demonatratron in apuntlrur me thoda of earrn pattentn artificial jiffnirutlon and an on all thrse thlnrn were done jrjliriily and qutckiy and bmpoke the fact that the udlea of the oeorgetorwn st john ambulance brt- itade would be able to render valuable aervlce to the community if the need should ever arise after the inspection urs david i brill mlv dolene mcenery and ura t orteve served a delightful lunch 1 f ir aln i uniud cl urrh and isj n m q rt lift hr nauro in i ir tl n tl 1 mr fl tl ln mi children fini n hi allti alivita n w no ii ii mi ubl winn mi id u u 3 ii m kiirland l r tr ii minid 0tnnrrlllr uiy j o nlt n ound icuxl the fu i t ril m ntt r iich held from the ioou o hiv d i jithtt r mi msble whklxld on j m totti ind ashnroe uni l ch irch rnolr aviated in the tvlrc piall b nrrra were llodtfe llanxs malrolm mrnibb ruwl hep- bum uilfrci bird bert palmer jimis flshi r inti rmrnt iu made in lluirn tcmrtrr nonal w c t u suliaoriba to your local paper rd the news ftvjm town the wsaptionrntstfittftyw thl montiily meeting of uic wot u uu held at the home of mrs w c marshall on thursday afternoon june lotn mrs a reeve presided and con ducted tm devotional exerclacs th jruct speaker mim rosamond duff toronto field tccrctar of the w c t u ruc a mast lntrthtlmc and informative addreu miss duff uho has bein speaking in ehool in numerous cities and towni ihrmichout onturlo meets and hpcaki to over 50000 studentn each ear our scliools were favored ulth lslti from mlv- dinf durlnr ir trip to this dis trict iocu rorvcria of mown the closing meetinff of tho local council of women was held on friday juno 18th at the home of miss anne stnunton the bpacloiu lawns looked beautiful ulth blooms and blossom of tvery description the biulnesn meet- jlntc uiu held indoors the well filled ditty bags were brourht in report were read on the national council convention held in toronto at tho royal york hotel mrs j b mao- kcnzle miss he t tie lawson and una r paul having attended part of the convention the truest speaker was introduced by mrs haves and members moved out- hlde to hear the rev o o cochrane his subject waa rejwous bduoauon he dealt with the aulbjeot in a very interesunir manner and hie vloauv re mark waa the ohurohee are chan nels thrauth which the christian faith haa been banded sam altar utht refreaiifnenta the ladies waiiderad around tha avounde itvcral hervroc for i rtpvb m rcd rufus m reed a lifelong rcmdcnt of qtquealng died sudden in brampton an friday june 18th after having been ll only a week the son of the late mr and mrs thomas reed rufus reed was born on the 0th line bsqucnln and lived there all hb life he utunded ahhirrovc hhool and flftv years ao marred the former chruuu troyer who prde- rened him tn 101 he ua a membe former gecrgetown girl wed at kitchener rov f o arjrnor otndated at the marriage of mlsk mildred rllxabeth maltby to lonce8tt john edward bullock hcfi june hiji at trinity united chunrh at three o clock uu maltby li the dauuhtrr ot the late ur rrt mrs r a maltb of brampton wie was n member of uie brampton olru sofiball tram and ued for hone time in oetirgetown with her aunt and uncle mr an1 mrs r tripp le bt bullock is a aon of mr and mm l c bullock frederick fit kit- thener mrs oeonre sturgeon ulser of the brldi wnt hrr attendant and mr clare fetch brotherinlaw of the bridegroom uoa best man following a reception at forest hiu ourderw at four oclock the young cou ple lift an a weddlnjr trip to st john n b ovtr 1943 shcw to u tuu ui yru ai yirrrr u aaj llta cer hfur u brlnj fj bsrth by ur oeoi fall lr ruard u krrp up fjar tandard of u kmsj arwv uiftmh sew ktitriaam a uauw tkr board freu tha lie tktr u jnr ol n- tlni in oor saj of uir uiat ttosud t rnrtir jrd at all jal arnj letr d- riiion u bmwjtd up by ibr dbrukrat airrtsr juj wro ijm 2 bxfrrft ante vj milnutf u g tte fwl fat at ihlat time alrcting at thr urorbbon liua on tumjtmf astselnf uaa fcxaj boanl with mmicwnt crat rtd in ttae chair rrld rry enlhmiauie nwruat report wtfr flirn try the duwrtors of the vic tory oardm displsra which brui th rural and loam public athooaa wtd fatntrtr in poor prtiam hae been nvret to rural utioou oomprmna in tru- contet and the board further dnddrd jit ceparwte prtsr be eirn tn ororkiioto fubbe fkhoo the dlf- frrnt tudr in the school compruntf ttshuikt one nr thrr inmrwd of r-nitrt- in ilmt the rural a hooia thl ni ms tht oirr 300 in prlafw will hrrtd for vicjiry oardrn firrt- tb r dimuva it the fulr b school hlldrrn to nr dirrrtor wttt also itpfiolnt oi mr 0n lirda rrpacuw mr orar irriah who moed rrrntl to ftlln h ot and mr frank prvh h up arm mr cirtlrtd l mcoj m who i a taken orr ihr dutlr o vrrtar of the fair board crou reid snd j bird wrrr aiiootnt- j a a oominlttee to arrange for the xlr nurht dance to be held on ftldaj spt 10th oillrct m fo donationn to the fair wn ulvi named in thi dtlfirrit dla tnu of the town and townahlp t ii ad inatton handed to any menibrr t the vklpt or to the ttecret in will br graulully receded aovrrttaing simce will svjvj be avullabte in the i rtr li t for utoae wlhlng lo aupport te aliow in this maner donauona of 160 00 in cash and numeroua dona- ion in ruoda have already come in inc wrrr announced by the secretary it 101 decided to offer a apeclal nrtie llat to the hilton jersey breeders i club to ahow at oeorvrtown thb year and the secretary was instructed to i write mr j e whltelock agricultural repreientauve to this effect it is hoped that thu year will be george towns turn to have this ouutandlna jersey show riijt whan lu ma- iorlty of the breeders come from this end of the county the meeting night was also changed from saturday to wednesday tn order to give directors a betw chance to get to the meeting due to the early closing n saturday mcnlng the next meet- lnu of the board wlu be held on july 14th co ivu avmiurd at a spinal sa- jw uui uorkday r tfht to mrrt a da puuuun ol coai dralrri of tovn to curur wars and asarans of bringing u tir atirotason trf u ntliraj ths wtvtinnni of tl cosi lhcruj tn the cualna wtcwr tsason 1lr usi drair i rtusuu that ertry- i oox wuj navw to ito pay coot mm litjuie far the uufchjiir coal aaw thr p the coprucko of 1 ojtncj to httpirwi trn worfc towards s lair claanbutioan far eeeyone aftir ute rrvattrr had been dlsrjasj at i ururth ll was moved by w f thaear- um aj3 wood by c isratuey thai tiw futjwir reauijuan br rimnt 1 that thu council hartng had the i uytouanrta of the furl alius tion jbeought to their stunuon and to or opersuon with the locml coal djaufif male rrvrewntsudrik to the furl oon- truuir c cwnsds whereby a fair 4ia- nbution of fuel for the town of oeojwetown may br made and that jcgtxunlttre cow posed of messrs w p thjidfrcj jos hail and c bradley i be sppointed to work in oanjuctloo with the distrttxjtora a tmuilon aitnved by a nujnber of mrrchanu was presrnted to oouacfl ajonr trutt a clrtr holtlay be pro- dammed monds jul iih instead of oburvlnit ur nations houda july 1st council wrr of the opinion that to corn pi with thu rroueal would const drrabi confute mattera and therefor drrlded to take no action n wrritsr of the ration board f b ifirrtaen trndrred ha mlgna tton thl racorctrrowv ncsu3 baftthii war 1cttmh itnd furmsidrd to toronto rsrnlng truvram jltt39 cilau on hand acknowledged tj junle cam sprncerds from aelllng bouqucta of aprlng flobxrs 400 8 ti no 0 eaci ndna proceeds tmm euchre and raffle 1u0 proceed from ball game at park church boys league baptist church live wire lf total june rd s32m4a a week from thunda july 1st will lx rbsirvicl a i public holktn halton farmers require help to take oh hay crop primiit prospcrus stain afrrieultnrnl lunrrwntatlw j e whllrlorlc point to inrrs ilsltik fiiotl shortascs this com- liu wlntir hi pointed on unit ha hnn io per cent at our 1043 arrcnitcs ul cuts and bnrliy has in rn own this print and nlth sredlnit hlx nwkh later than a jear ruo it is clirtlrnlt to sec much hope for nnytlilnrt like a normal crop even on tho acreage sotrn hay nn the other hand is almost without exception a heavy crop in order to nave this feed halton farmers are go ing to need almost unlimited help with prospects for a short crop of train in ontario and with the dlffleul- ty of retting grain from the west ow ins to transportation difficulties and with the shortage at protein concen trates the hay crop must be saved if we are to have anything like enough milk for our urban markets this com- inn winter ttils means hut the help of every available man is required be- sldent of this town who aw prepared to give the add dayhalf day or even i few hours per week are requested to leave their name telephone number and when available with vta m laws lhone georgetown 89 in addition tin county agricultural gninmlttii is hoplni to secure soim n ip tuiin mich laibtr i nitres as to i into and hamilton i imnrs requiring tint rat m labour ire requested to get in ioinli willi thi local contact ofllclal miutrouul aunc mid maki their wanu known if ixisslhlc at kast a coupk ol days tn adiauco of whun holp is ro- tpilrod in the event the local supply will not meet the demand requests will be forwarded to the agricultural ofllco at milton where an effort will be made to bring out commando la bour from toronto and hamilton for tills typo of labour this year we un derstand there will be a minimum charge of 34c per hour men who are physically m and experienced may expect up to ioc per hour if you are nn urban reader and prepared to do your bit in this important wareffort phone the local contact official at once dont delay fellow eluaens under pfment con ditions the question of food supplies is no lancer tin fanners problem or job it is your job tad minelet o mim asnra marnhall former member of parllimrm for ore- bruce was nomlnatd ccp candidate or the proilnclal constituency of york east when a nominating contention va held on saturday june 12th hon oeorue a henry nou nits for the rld- inu a h gibbird diss in vancouver principal of oeonrtlown kloti school i from about ism to lats alexander h iqibbartl died tn vancouver d o j ne 4th he mj wtllknoam and hard by many townspeople and nil paaalna will be noted with regret after the ute ut otbbard left joeorgrtown he rnt to whltbv sihar he edited the paper later he novas to niagara falls and taught tn the tollegtitr for a number of years he aas librarian at moose jaw gri- chrwan while he and hi wife uvea there they celebrated their nimni wedding anniversary three yean ago he retired and they went to uiw 1th their daughter enid tn vancou ver d fc mr olbbard was burled at ocean vlen burial park vancouver and be sides hu wife he leave to mourn his i lorn one daughter enid and one son will in alberta mystery drama after their hureess in produc ing- laron slick from punkln trlib thr inllrd church vp i player hesan looking around for another play equally good liut different ihry found pl- ller island from the pen of joseph bpahllnr written in 1m2 and breught to canada last fall by samuel french ltd spider inland is a splnetlnghiur mye- iry drama woven about an in- ane new england spinster an abandoned ughthsose hidden geld and an axemurder the murder took place forty yean ate but the action la ims the- players showed uat year what they eoeld do with comedy their prsdaellan in the gregery thea tre next week will shew what they fan de with wyatery dra ma a ftm haase i expected to see the local aitee de their staff and far their aak we hpe they are at their aast if the otvudeal bauywesd talent aett an twossal la u nov is the time to check over yoor iirtrtlng needs just phone mo 8 and net an estimate on your next prtnttruf order chaum juratnk whowul isllhshdj ppkj o 0 f- candidate in tha provincial 1in ur vsai j tn the hotral diatrist

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