Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 23, 1943, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wev june 23nj 1943 the georgetown herald ttxws or obsborow bovii gum smusju uaaata co acton bsuhfton whom scrascaiftioh rates finite oelud suk usd owuu j year sau dya u 9jm 1 felbwokz he walts a rtehw pbustfc iujiy k siskjf l usoovba yar ir el ub s wuasy hicnr atiociiitjn led tfc oettffe qr dliutta oj u owms the editors corner make it an annual fortyfive halloa county public school children atin al county coo no last week the trnpioru they received them by aclually seeing a government body function will hay with them longer than any why vhen where and how explained at length in textbook ue nevex had the opportunity of being present j a session of county council but can remember very clearly the time when we were in first form high school and attended a town council meeting it helped x tremendoutly to understand municipal government ind thereafter election and council mewling held a lot more interest for u than they hud before this to our mind is where our schooling achieved a definite aim education ha one prime pur pose to mould young mind into the right channels so that when the pupil are ready to take their places in the world they will be rood citizen this phase of educa tion i every bit a important a the cultural advantage learning bring an interest in municipal and civic affair is paralleled by the tense of public responsibility it cannot help engendering we think it would be an excellent idea to make the school children visit to county council an annual vent vacation time our first taste of real ummer weather came over the week end when the thermometer soared very appropriately to lead up to the official first div of sum mer on june 21st warm weather makes us holiday minded and were not ashamed to admit it while we think u long holiday has no place in wartime living when the whole world is in such a chaos of suffering and turmoil we consider that every person who work hard and steadily at a job all year needs a little rest from the daily grind it enables you to come hack refreshed and attack your work with renewed vim and virour even the men in service are allowed a short vacation each year the vnhir of the break i realized your holiday may not be long or involve much travelling or expense in times like these the simpler it is the better but we dont think its unpatriotic if you are oble to get away from it all for a little while this year one way equalization last week the acton free press expressed editorially pretty well the way all citizens in george town and acton feel about the manner in which county counci 1 dealt with the question of grants for fall fairs this year well let you read it for yourselves the ways of halton county council are diffi cult to understand fall fairs are held in three munici palities in the county milton fair is given a grant of 200 acton and georgetown each are assisted by 100 each all municipalities pay into the fund from which the grants are derived on an equalized basis but perhaps because the county council meets in milton it leans doubly toward that town the representative in the northern end of the county made a good stand for equalized grants but were overwhelmed perhaps that old gag was pulled that milton fair was a halton county event if council wanted to find out otherwise a glance at the complimentary tickets would show them that its milton full fair and out side the grant appeal time the event is seldom referred to in any wnv as halton county fair incidentally the equalized assessment of the county remains unchanged this year there are also other outlets that are known as one way thoroughfares besides county council perhaps many of our nuisances will depart into oblivion when the postwar days come we can stand a little more socialization anyway in this democracy which is worth fighting for bonus of four cents per pound details of the ontario wool bonus policy inau gurated to encourage greater care in the production and better preparation for the market of ontario wool have been announced by officials of the live stock branch of the department of agriculture or ontario this pro vides that a bonus of four cents a pound will be paid by the ontario department on all wool which meets the requirements of the policy with the federal department vejfritiunlttff the provincial department to the extent of two cent a pound wool from ontario producers only a s a government registered warehouse during in which the wool ia shorn is eligible for wool grading statements wul be atamped aa the wool is or is not recommended for bonus recommendations payment will be aaade direct to the producer without apfjirarifta oa kb part the bonus will be paid only oa wool grading fiae and fiae medium military style felting style outbdowa style ordinary style or special a of very fine fleeces and where the whole clip is msrvrtrd ia geenl- ly good condition it is efiaouaced that boaus will act be paid oa wool grading rejects such as strawy and buny seedy and chaffy grey and black dead ktapy musty toothy damaged cotted or tags washed wool wool tied with binder twine and wool arriving at a registered ware house in generally poor condition wib also aot ejoalify for bonus paymeats in making the announcement the deputfaeat suggest that all wool should he free of seed chaff straw burr and other foreign material and ell heavy tag locks should he removed at the time of sheering aad not rolled in with the fleeces the short fibred hairy leg and face clipping should not be shipped at ao aa they are of little value black fleece or those containing dark fibre should be kept from contact with white fleece but should he shipped separately and all fleeces should be rolled aad folded with the flesh or shorn side out anyone wishing to make further eatjuiriee should contact the wool bonus division oalarlo department of agriculture parliament building toronto r national selective service important ioii to 4 tlittain iiioytiis t iki itiitimi fur tndtl tniumi 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ia inrr jlil it im intinnr a wiilomr illi nut f tat i or rhimmi now timitu km r man i mm from ltrtrf to mid itirtnivr ho inr jnl 15 mio liat lirrn ilivorml or jui-i- all urlol mfti t drm nlanl tuivr arr rovrrrl if in any of ttir rinptoinriili 1 any ttcruatlnn in or aumrulil wllb rrull ttrr f 2 tavrrna or ollirr rulillaimrnu arlllnii iuuir win or lsn 3 llaritrr altopa ami hauly parlurt i x olrul- florlu iuaolinrfllllnp uml arrvlre atallnnht krlall alr of mlr vrhlrlr anl arrr mirlri 7 any orrupallon in or dlrrrlly aaawlalrl wh ritlrriainmrnl inrlutllnn litil mil rmtrlrlrtl lo thrutrr flint ugrnrir niollun plrlurr mm- punim rlnli ihiwilnp illt mhi roomt h n orrupullon in or itirrcll unorlutrl ullli ujtlnfi rlrunlng uml prrlun mil inrliitl inji luuitilry uttrli liullmt fiulilt rrlrt nhtte olilnlnii ai rriipulion in or llrcll umrlulrl with tlif maiiufurlurlnfi of frullirr pluinra uml artificial flotrri rlhwhtp jiom ulnri lurr pimmi brrflhifx rnnu jrutlrj 10 any orrupulion in or 4lirrll noriutr4l ullli ilutihiitft ulrolinl for imwriifir 11 any ore it put ion in or lirrll uhaitrlulril with llu furlory pnulurllon of mlutuury uml url komi 1s any orrupulion in tin- oprulinn of ire rreum purlourt uml himiu foiinlulnt 13 any of ihr following orru put lorn t iium itoynt rliurmrn and rlranpru rumlom fnrrleruj unrlng learlirrut illnli waahfmt tlomralir urrv- ant iluornirn anil atarlrmt elevator operatort green h beenora r round a beeperat hotel bell boyi portern olher than in railway train er- vlee private rhouffeurat tan driven waiter 1 in doubt a to fa application of flwia ordmrt contult tkt ntarnt employment ami salocilvo service ofjle but onto agmlmt if you hmva mat already compiled do a vukout furthmr delay a sfisnsiuu svikir immmi irinkwamuwt iljafwr yae tmm hs fc aflat toeta maas to- lays by uryig y tuw smh nlitalnlng aal asa lafafaisaa y a ilfou t j cvn l j ttw gtajajfrvjl laav awv w a who raots s gray coach lines h directory rr watson osm mean to s ftensar srunwb dr 1 burns wlnl agsrral avmoaosi sbav ocorgsbm rue a drclbtord rod las dja dofltit pboot 1s ustn auwt c dr s e magwood virmunaby hvbocon rtwo u ofrre brliwn dilalon oourt clerk offlci nd tin nrw uunj- clpal diudln uie corner of mn snd ulll btntts a m nielsen istb tssr of rrastsa jmuf0fum xray dwtglma tttnif lil t stfltsl osa on ritrtio boon 1j j mattel tfctmdaj tea lcroy dale kc m sybil bennett bjl burbtin sas mktun oorttton riod t kenneth m langdon burwtr sssdur nstsryrakur rtnt uoncsc uooer to loan oflloa orvforr thtr uwa uui sttmt rub ss otorifbnro frank petch licensed aocronesat nd all classes op nrotntancs prompt aerrtos phont ssi georgetown po b 413 monuments markers and lettbrino pollock a ingham oalt omihu oa reqtiutphons vms inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery gray coach lines timetable now mi dsyucht saving time leave georgetown to toronto tm bjb sm pm mam utpjn an pa b i0m pas to london 10j6 am a lit pm r uspju b aiopm 4m ass s b ilh pju baun sad bohays aalr atb omsjb dskr ta ktt- tto sv frr rm art1 bnnoil radio repairing we specialize bl this work is tesn eipentsos j sanfordson phone georgetown s4w ebsar c tbompaoa dracranos envies ptre aut windstona c p ttillwr uu uu bulotrn exoursioks phone llw or j oeoraetown seeur ralph gordon the veruttle tnterteiner tor your next prosrsm ntuitrsted circular pre tobonto addrai 8b crawford st oakvule monument wwks w r edward 1 1 hramiou ctmeury lsttartof aad hatken deelme submitted good dliplay ot monument oa hand your patronage uniutted phone cm oaktille c n r timetable daylight saving time ootaf east passenger t01 ajn pauenjrer and mall 100j ajn passenger and mall 6m pjn passenger sunday only sjl pm passenger dally 94 pm this train was formerly the flyer but now stops oelag west passenger and ifall ut sub pasiengtr bat only us pm passenger dally taespt saturday tm pm dally enpt bunday tm ass passebfltr sunday only m tua ba dwjusy fa

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