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at ur t w ttruiori uo mr w a dntntui c4 uuntitl at hjna ith hu punu iti ami hn ltxrr drnniai oir uv rod ur curm vclnt h bfm torndlnj holid at ih homr of hrr uiir ur wluum uirthal o 0l rvj alio t- twkkxl utr cnmlryduidiklf mtdlna at prruon p o oim ura linn jann ot prtnrv urud blind an tnrruuns a uair mh ur and ur k it uu- ekcuceiavs ur and ura oorg tyus o btmsantoa uh to announor ue en- twbex ot thtlr youncut disjfctm- alcu baraa to toamlty william ro om btijijji cloru uxotur and un twadr broraxiank the mu rtact to tiit piur tn uuttonvllw ucuud cfc jrn on jolj tri ctijsvit at t cnoacru hisd v gunrunt bsti uontf mr and lint lljmt c luuock tnrw dorotn u wngtiti enrutrn- id in ht 0jrvr church ol glnd by the rr woo tbompujci hurda jaru soth ttir oodoarmu mrtr aunt and unrlr uf tnr baltf itt kiihlrm 1- lljjad omnrlwn and ui r0rvoti llcrvard c huiork ctnp bordm alter uir chrutrnlru lnchaon va invtd at the- oorfirl0ftn calr mr and urt miunrr c tktto rant in toronto on tuetaiy jun jlnd ims wuiluo v oram b- 1ot husband of zintl ult sullivan in hli isth ar tbe tuntral win b ntld from hit ildmor oiea road oaortmown to st otorgta caiurch on tbunday juna ztui lor aartrlc at i oclock inurmcnt in orsood getntury oaorgxtovn ucccure in oulob otneral hot pltal on sunday june sstn 1st buanrtli uocturr dausntfr of tnr uir ur and ura baibivi uccsun jh hrr ttth year iwxd in brurptoo on prvuy june f8ui 1mi rufua w rwd belottd wrlspwkrtmirte uuuand of tnr uu tr ttd 10 yrara cnrtsuna tro- tioe cavujtan ditty ruo thr ditty bag bring to uu ullor rrund uldu thr rcu ot thlp and uir 1uu- luiv alnd a firmhoui nntllng baadc a ood ibllock and i or pjrurm trook tth kludr cry cuurhirr dunnr rrcriitni tiirl gut or bu tirtrt abrrr with irunda ha h uulld un icathlrrn bludd taxl nd dauivtitrr uirlrnr lltirrourporal iiu mjturk ul ii wright uik p c hukxk mr knd un thomv klin ura i ilirru mr and un w ii u mil ii nd and ur o brandfurd ol ororvrtom and un lunbrrt worm and tlauahur itofjrna muk rvivncr van bljkr and ur uor llu o hukick toronto a hrld cl vrau that mrru thr iky a tjilmmrrlng ukr 1tb thr paddlra drip hnomudrn tir and ur trcku hit hujrm ckud that bannrr oxt moun talni tip a chrutmaa fraat and th candir lltht roaurs llr hmn u carou u mrrry inx uiughur and vttn of thoar to dear llr luin nu namr vhrn thr food u blra ovownvrown aov ntaicn at atarrexn gcmanv hirt jack funltli itsar only ion i c ur and ura vrmon a bmlth ol hu mojirra rj and thr tmnn- llamlltoo and trandaon ol ura oofbn i ung tear rr at oirrrtoti u ofncuuy lutrd aa c achra with longing to ur again killed avtitlr on atuir utvlcr and 8nr of hu horre hla kin hu frlrnda burled at krwrld orrmany word camr june 3ut the whole crrw failed hon john bracks hon john bracktn to aooroks iia1ton puh3tation of aoiucwtum an aniuxmcrrnmt haa been madr bf tjw pitadent paul pahrr ot thr kaj- iwi prderatlon ol agrtoulturt that arramirmenu lave been oorsplrtrd to hatr the hon john draefcrn addraa a nut meeting of lulton farm pcocat tn the oenlng of thunday july tat tn victoria parv ullton at pa lion ur bractrn in hla addraa wffl deal with agrloultural problrtna tn r utlon to thr war effort and alio tfcs pou war prrtod thr progtam wtd alao include an addrru by alrx ucklnnar pmldeot of thr ontario fadrrauas of agttoututt dut knowa for thrm it u not tn that he rurht on uu the ogtiung 3 r- davuon ur ii wilion haa returned home irorn norwood ont where hr aprntto rrtum to their buar followtng a thr wtnlrr monlhi with ur 8 8 brmbtnn raid mer ixiaarldorf on hetx is ittt and hatr been lutrd v nrarkon i un charlea ntmon and diugnlr mualng alncr that tlmr with thr ea- aurbani of toronto are aprndlng a ceptlon of one john needier ol hum- taoallon with hrr parrma xli and brr ba who alio anu burled at kjt- ura i raohtln leld the rrbrkah work meeting awa hrld j b m amnion but at- at the home ol ura dmrr dron lait tnara nu h at oronrelcean rundy night when rood pmirw nd lfcrd park und runnymed i waa madr on the aork in hand ura fi ccllevlate lie waa emrioed at na- uackennr un jack arnold and ura lon rml cjr rnllion at time of harold clrae acre the hoateaiea for mlltment january 1041 but in rm- l plojed a thr hamilton elpoctjtot and rirmtriptoii lljinl pnrlouv he train ed at ouelph and jania and went nettra april ot 1m2 and took pan i in many bcmblnr nald a a anrelev orieralor m cbcopy i t h e a t re friday june 25th chetniks fighting gueriuas philip darn virginia oilman dixie dugan jamra elliaon lla andrcwa fox news saturday june 26th matinee at 3 pja slightly dangerou lana tamer robert voting canada carries on new soldiers are tough cartoon scrap for victory chapter 5 king of the mounties tuesday and wednesday june 29 and 30 white cargo iledv lainurr walter idwm world in action invasion of europe pete smith fala disney disneys army mascot thr cttnlnf uu vvrnnc ouot ol ttwonu nd ac3 uan- xurkmrir irrm vlctoru- ltlr turbrx mrrr rknd bator lth ur and uj gldnry ucknxi llr and mr ptttj marxhall ttj t uir hoitw of thr utirr hitter mr ud ur u lftr tcr a trw dh tot ink i mirtn helen btwriaui ha iuctt41 tjtutliiiia dkjuirni ol lhr tnrnn ocnrral hpltftl h1n- rrcrnti n m- plrtrti hit thud tair lit toivrhold brommlf tht ti wnii ol torrn- lo ih k clev itojioun a in hi 1 ill i miv kirn cur- tu map rntrrianrd at n mls luntouf- tvhwr on monda nmhl b lhr mon- da might knlltlns club at the homi of mlw dnrls kran atler thr jnieft of honour hid openrd her iillu thr ba lance of thr renlnff a prnt plains 1 court whbt thr homnv mnrd a dt ltrlnuf lunch nt thr ronrlualon of thr rrnlnff mlv iut vnpht colllnkvikl hom jjmarniipr to mr umd htidrnun ooorvfioun takr p icr thr lattrr part of june uaft compllmrntnl on mondn rvrnlnii of ioa urrlc at u inlafrhan- roiia 6hocr held in hrr honour ut uu homr of mri j o fitoutrntrirr 8 xtnrtr htrrtt colllnirool a bride book oa madr for miv wrlfiht mnn loxelj nltui were prrfrrntmi to hrr thv orln contntnrd in a prrtttlj drcornufl wlnhtnp rll tionr in pink mid mtiltc durtnft ujr tea liour mnv stoukn- burn and hrr daughtrr mls5 mrtlt sioitt nburr utrr alistcvi b n num ber of frlrndk in looking after thrlr buthtft mr george ljlr uun fir hotemi to the home llrlperh meeting of tlte w m s nf knox preiibjterinn church held on june 15th mm w mcfndden o milton wih ruest hpeoker and brought a vrrv inu renting and in- nplrauoiml mrhaagt musical numbers were riven by urn w cromar and 8mnv l devrtm accompanied by mm h orahftm there wan an expectlonal- ly good attendance nnd the home helper served a dainty lunch at the clow of the meeting aw3 jean mackentlc home on week u end leave from rockxllffe was ffueat of j honour at a presentation on saturday ij afternoon at the home of mrs j mc- douffall when the staff of knoac sun- il day school and members of her former fe doss the pnaldent and treasurer of the w m 8 of knox church irathered to show their appreciation of her ser vice in the sunday school nv o o cochrane called those assembled to or der ulsa jean martin read the address and miss janet ucbougall made the presentation of an electric iron notice a kangr ail fee aua in paaaragn trala hrhrdalra a sunday june 27tb 1943 and other specific date ranaanl inurmrttana al lhr tramsart cmtraou errtaln amlea attileh ii a prfare aram atratr darlag ifcr wnwr mniri artll be llhdrami fr kimeuljr nuh to ticket agent canadian national railways enoaftement the enbagement la announced ot margaret helen daughter ot bin 8u- therland and the late mr b w bu- uurlsnd barrie ontsho to wlluam ivens newton son of ur and ura john newton umehouse the manias to take place quietly in july lue cyivcse tlicnaojut of f- hirst thousands of yean ago the chinese used a form of gunpowder a flaming chemical of defence dumptd otcr battle- meats upon an invading enemy and from this ageold beginning has evolved smokeus powder made from high- proof alcohol like the airplane it has done much to further the progress of mankind but in evil hands it has meant tyranny and enslavement as the tempo of this war for liberty increases and our armed forces in sll parts of the world swing to the offensive more smokeless powder for our shells bombs depth charges and torpedoes is vital necessity and because we have vast fields of grain and the facilities to convert them into highproof alcohol the united nations shall have an overwhelming superiority of firepower to pulverize the enemy into unconditional surrender thus chinas primitive powder of defence has finally developed into the weapon to drive tyranny forever from this earth in a way it is the hand of ancient chins reaching out in defence of fn men everywhere alcohol or war u alio uirj in lh rurufaclim o spuhrlic rubber drufj anil majirtau photorrarfrw fum ltfrjurri and vdrnuhll drowns irui comjuwi and other viaria itutruhirnli rloiftfi sjurfrrjvofi glow and many other ftrodurtj every scogrdwt hbal fti canojaanjlluunilrjsulriiieiiiajmmrkttwaaiioniihijiialcohcjrbewar the house of seagram