Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30, 1943, p. 1

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j the georgetown herald strtiiih year of publlttikm wecfeewthy jtttw 30a ims 200 per aaaum 5c per copy present 500000th military vehicle tl eddie doyle acdowatiy killed oa activt service mali f onqiliw ul mmttr w awr ota ctark tseorsetown public school june promotion lists y canada rialfenqnanth unit of no cqulpmnit a battery charter ni completed to natiibt fat- above lelt to right dtfcbm col j l rslrten manltiooj icnwrr o d ho pord president w r oampbed general motor pratt- dent r a mcteugtilln chrysler presi dent o w churchill colourful de monstrations marked the pwwnhtvw including pinoi of fifty military vohklr tod serle of spectacular manoeuvres tt lb test round th war added another casualty irora this dtttrkt on monday when rifleman edward -wildi- jotabb doyle ni areldroully killed while on manotuvrat on th east oout it t buvd that dor it who would htv been it halt august ni allied from bullet from tommy gun trained lth unit it cmthtm until transferring to the lome bcou ftt camp borden if has been in th army sine february ltd eddl doyle iu born in toronto but had apmt moil of hlj young uft in oeorgrtown ii attended school here and was mrmbrr of holy crow church burrtvliig are hi mother mra- lortt- u dojls of toronto a brother prank and four sisters rita owjto brampton and teresa joan tad do- rten ot home 111 father mlchttl doyle who operated a garaf bustnta hrr for com tun died about us years ago arranmmi are bstng bad for a military funeral to 6 btld from st michael catscdral to the soldi ijt st a seminary ung- iton road toroeto etfel luddall h jim iride hu tsuhs high school entrance examinitions the high school entrance boards th announce th ntult of th t wnmlnitlon thou atadent under part 1 war treated t on their yetft work that under part 3 wer euomaeful 00 written examination part 1 addy robert ron bailey ronald blanehl edith bon boyle rota ron burn clare bon broomhead delorea cain hemic chapman virginia ron cheater jean bon cofeu june bon oonnely elisabeth boo olaxler orace bon hauplman infaborf ban boken june boar william bon kbit tren latimer douglas bon 14m joan uacoontld wuilim bon ucouj raln muckart shirley ban netherout prank preston flfhlrtty ben rattle mary robinson rose marie hon sheoherd violet smith eleanor wela marianne widett margaret wuuama david boo wyu btajh partt beaumont jack blancht waller boulu clarene can philip oouuna oeorw oavlcuon rarald durham rom otbb olenwood balnea john howard hilda eunter alma ma hde eleanor jamea albert moyer olive newnj muriel shepherd june bpeam manraret touiden doreen wamea frederick y the wardens lahertt e summer doys are her one more rellttuma waning fast r consretratlons just a teort and all of it wont last a ermon has been cut afalll rnthem now we rait jppers win drop to un and stick at that tome day we ahall dwindle down to ft three aouli myself and yotti t aoma of us win not enrrl the torrid aeaton tbnujtl parson it just make tt ff as ttbok yotl oon bstts ttfi lut mo woaub bd owh am uad enotajli to thl o v a fat t fahiimw car satuhup saturtjay hrfflt un alrtn burnt and coo victor vert injured on saturday nunt about b pm- whn thrlr car driven by llr btamt oouklgd with one driven by andrrv ixacoonald of mono road on many atttntj funeral el william v grant ujnaxer pmlsrul paaar ltd brer ts vrar rttyd pnaslarat part in caauaobliy uf spider island plays to ftilf house bj oeortes ctuikh otorfttown was prrttlly decorated with pink and while peonlra on saturday jus mth for the weddlns of bhrl mary only dauhitrr of mr and mrs oeore rid dall to pi donald jowvh arthur lcamp oordm ton of mr and mr wm arthur drampton rev woo thompun orbrltted and mut lulm rlacabum played tht wedding music the brtd who was lirm in oar ru by her father looted loty in a ttreet length dress of white silk jersey end while picture hat with shoulder length rrtl itir corsaf was setter rime ratet uarcaret johnson of toronto ttstar of th froom tttended th bride in dree of turquoise blue with whit at- rrcsoriea and a coraat of briar curt row dick rlddaq brother of the bride eu east man th mention was held at th horn of th brides parents mr riddtb re- relied her fueats u dree of nry blue and wh1l brmted sheer attb white aoreeesfta and ortf of duirrfly rosea oh was aaalsted by the irroomm mother la a drat of ice blue crepe with white aorirs and dot terfly rose per her wrdcunf trio north the brirlr wore powder blue dreta with mtiltc sprjklue small whll halo hat and arauorles nd eortatw of rosaa mvhtcrv duama tiirlxm afbicnct zlnd ui the private patients pavilion toronto oenrrl iloapltal althouth his hrolth htd not been quite as good a usual since his ulnees last fall ur s v u 1 h mu orant did not became critically 111 until buir luaiiii t on uon- li 1 lelit lo a ful housr ui ul orr- itic community lot orvr of iu moatj tlrjtrr by uif ujii1 c unrh prominent duirru in thr paaalng of william v orant wiuiatmmcmmlrin wedding at nerval graceful atanda of white peonies n insiirtraironi and iris made a lovely the passing of u oucuence apii- m al of mr and mr f n j tuesday june f m jarchlr mcmerun norval on tuesday p xj oradc i to ojubc u hon robert allen donald ctes leon conn edward mjdcsttob pass mary barber ksenttls bar ker arttehea brtdlty mtrcxr brp den darld bark robot oifilsfl helen chtciln edward oca stark davidson rater dawhuret doberty robert pfltitoni olbbs wilfred kardman ronald nr- rtngton dorothy illller donald u vuwttone lynn macneale mary us- donsld margaret mooukmn jlmissl uudle billy frruon marten rao darbara thompson msrtlyn warn oeorv webster robert wtejatar jv mle wilson 1 recommended oradk ii to orade ib hun james buck deanor burks sandra bftaw pass martin armstroni marten niudd audrey bradley ronald bratbj annie chsitrr oerald oot aub dsrtry betty lou davis charlene da- vi john rxhrrty marina etnmtnorj joan plddler billy pus jan olattetl dsrothy ooodchud danny luwtttj joan jentms ernest kornets bjtrta lambert robert lucas rot uachb artiuir mcoulfan jtmml pratt lawrsdce raynrr ronald rttchjak richard eirnko murki bpenee d na thompson keith tost bffll wm ny jolin vvlnneld grade in to oradc t9 wonourt blrbara doyle david do- ble bob rvrry ronald hulm ds rulhea lane joan latimer billy mas oormack oeorgr ucclure bch mo am norma olncy paba allan itiur paul barbers jscqusline beaumont trrry bruddi junr douiklll brock bradley harrf brandlord fihlrlry caseley owena conn joan dobble donald pordi klirlam grace joyce herrington jaok hullrr douglas hill june lusty marjorl mucnrale betty mudl mra ivevng jud2rrfov7hcdlngofl elmjon p tyr all he plajers ere girl- escept dsughter btenyi mu ooaf jiio man ho mode in appearance on fii nu dorman he sfge tor ubou three aeeend and fslsz oudt iv to v pote one word the action o the play w 2 i honouraprank anderwm david wood thar wer two other paaarn gars in mr macdonalda car who es caped injuries and mr and mrs star- ret s other son also was unscathed the etarret car was about lo com onto th highway from th aide road at wudwood when it collided practi cally headon with the macdonald car which was travelling to georgetown mrs otarret received the most serious lifurlee baring sustained two broken ribs bruise and shock their son victor received a gash in his thigh which recrulrad sevtrsl stitches both cars were badly smithed chier w o marshall investigated and v charge have been laid yet the cur ctloii and the suspense were so norval prbbbttcrian cbvrcb marks imtb anniversary services commemorating the 10th anlversary of the founding of norval presbyterian church wen held last sunday rev porbe thompson of acton preached two very inspiring ser mons which were well received by large congregations miss mary carr soprano soloist sang at both serrlces rev o l self b a is pastor of the church two weeks ago and his unjmeiy death ww that one didnt even notice 1 this absence of the male element itev r c todd directed the plu the vene for the entire production came as a shock to the dtlsens of oeonretown he was in his both year mr orant was a great worker for the community and never failed to lend his organising talent and a helping hand to any worthy etuis he wa in strumental in the organizing of the lions club here was it first president end was charter member of the georgetown club he waa a promoter of the arena company past principal of halton chapter he waa also an af filiated member oi credit lodge mr orant was keenly interested in sport and fallowed the activities of th hoc key and ball team vary closely was an enthusiastic curler and waa one of the clubs tint members- he served on the high school board from 103t to 1030 and for two of those yean was chairman mr orant waa an non ary member of pott 130 canadian le gion b e s l in oeorgetown and was was one of th auditors ot the branch he took an active part and devoted much time and effort in victory loan was set in the living n isrters of an abandoned lighthouse 01 the coast of maine it waa the evening of an octo ber day and a howling windstorm without moaned an accompaniment to the mvmerlous events which wove their wet around spider island the ntory centered around the uayo family almost sole inhabitants of the island there were only two aplnster rulers irrj salem kathleen lyons ana abate miss a palrbaml and jj i their hired girl duule peabody bar bara param abbtr la obsessed with thoughts of her brother dent who had been murdered in the lighthouse tower forty yean ago the night of th play was the anniversary of his death the first disturbing influence in the lives of these two old spinster that wtld autumn night wu the arrival of mag crosby mrs d harris who was the sworn enemy of the moyoa f dimlov ofbclstedmlsa jean lam- p ptf t j i lu rouln of th bride played the l d fton cddlnii music and ulss olive ran- 8 pass mary arnold jean badtoj oert carry marilyn chaplin bttlw clarke ann crebtree owen davta jlmmle padow jtm- mie fbrd pearl olttler corey hay whlteflow7ntnd b j by benny lontman john mcklbbrn sine of norvtl sang because given in marriage by her brother mr t l mrurekln the bride wore a frock of ny white sheer trimmed with lace her z jlrl shoulderlength vet or tulle wa crest ed with tiny carried a bouquet ot white rose at tending the bride was her slsterlnlaw mra t l mcmeekln who was be- coming attired in turquoise marqui sette she carried a bouquet of pink rose mr stuart snyder or brampton was groomsman the reception follow ed point of interest being that the same glass stand that had held her maternal grandmother wedding ek was used for that of the bride after thr reception th eotmle left for thttf honeymoon the bride wearing tur quoise silk jersey dress white coat and hat mr and mr williams win make their home at norval station drive rvtribeerchalrruuiot hated especially by salem meg was an old crone dirty and unkont tsho had rowed ovrr to the island but vras first two honorary chairman of the third loan and pint vice chairman 01 the pdurth loan a member ot the continued on page 4 member of air transport command georgetown man sees enemy action les- clark farmer berald empleyee ha made many trip ts east un plane oot home in cate gory d condition since joining the rcap in juno 1041 st leslie m clark con or mr and mra mark clark of oeorgetown and n former valued employee on the herald starr has seen plenty of territory in the par east and has also seen enemy action while a member of the air transport command letters and card to his family and friend her tell of hit comings and goings between england gubraltar cairo and the belgian congo let clark entered th rcap in june 1941 in the fill of that year while taking hi basic training at no i manning depot toronto he tsi chosen a number of the percision druj squad which entertained bshlwuon goers during th twoweek how prom manning depot he went to ho 4 wire less school at ouejph where flttt u ft win ejrgutmef 1 gtateajavai flbjavaya gauaaval ofwauwuiiv ttmn ma uoaapn ocwooi h want to ho t aktnbtox ot ntjw ohool it jtort to fsuksir ht eawftw froawwhul kl tkvglaw wtwtolwylmawwwjrihto hit cits following a month vaca tion at hit home let clark entered th perry command and epent the fan month at dorral quebec upon gotng overt he was later tranaferred lo the air trontport cnmrnand wotktag from briulb to thftrl ob one of that trip 111 plane 1 env kb which law hu bean h met of with nemy w tad onjjr taj ahear luokw they tbl to whoc thetr entt book hem a dtostaf from on atojrv 111111 ppw r wtttli fm hdbtwt f ha 0omaawa av fuga unable to get back due tn the storm she hhowed salem gold she had just found on the island events ucre brought 10 a head by the arrival of star mayo north cleavn their unknown nloce and piiisv cuacv 1 alma meenciy iier girl irlend star had junt been informed that she had inherited th island through the will ot her and danl alio hid it it everything to her father the presence of this young girl who no onicd everything started th cycle or imsurlous happenings which led up to tlu mirprllmt denouement danl the mipiuwdlv murdered brother had been hll in the tower all these years by his slsflrh whom he held in terror ot him ulul his horrible disfigured face meff pretended uiat salem tried to hang her with 1 flsh net in order to overt sus picion from herself tuition mounted ns the shadow or the murder fell flrat on abble and then on salem in the final scene tlio tower of the lighthouse gave way in the storm and both meg and danl were lost in the ruins the truth finally comes out meg had tried to murder danl for the gold he had found on spider island she had be lieved him dead all these years that hit sisters had been hiding him it wot an excellent play and all those taking part either in the actual acting or behind the scenes are to be congratulated on the performance costuming wa by marion oatrander lighting by june bum ouad ef fect m charge of jaok mtfltren tag manager and properties by bed ley show ortham faroeu wi bnat- neaj monagtr ihas w tattoo did the mth up tad mr w tided the rauttc en the 6len garden party another success the employees of beaumonts wool len mills are to be commended on th wonderful work they are doing for th olen boys overseas through their war 1 rrort oi friday night last june mth they staged another auecessful garden partv on the grounds or mr llndley meaumont and quite a considerable imount will be realised for oversea parcels when the totals are announced a rrrnnd array or talent was on hand to entertain thn large gathering pre- rt including oertrude coin and her rlns1 oi dancing pupils archie oun nlnaham or radio rame harry olbbs nnd ed hnthaway the lome scot ftnnd entertained with selections throughout the evening the refreshment booths were well patronlred as the evening was warm and ideal for such an event winners of the lucky draw included 1st 1500 war saving certificate mr o herrlngton arorgctown 2nd wool blanket mrs ruth woods oeorge town 3rd moo box of aroeertes mr r haines olen williams mr w schenk wa the winner of th wind- breaker everyone present was more than pleated with the outing and look for ward to future event put on by this enterprising organisation in th in tercet of our overseas boy oerald morrow mart roe bob ro gers kathleen stocklay dean thomp son ptoyd varey annie vlvttn cy rus wilton grade v to grade vi honours margaret bradley do nald bums albert carter joan chap lin margaret oolden donald ilum- bentone moire kelly keith king shirley thornnton pass eileen allen eleanor an thony jean colman william oood chud richard orace billy hewitt donald herrlngton billy hyde jottpb larutto booby lavolc denis lie- sartney joyce mcmillan john nod- well wesley diver gloria plattow ross preston alfred bpenee bht tennont jack thompson ronald vi vian earl walter s grade vi to orade vb honours donald drill joss buck marion dickie jean oocdchu linda olnsburg pauline herrlngton marie hulme betty king g mendham margaret muir marloa ritchie george roger keith thomp son pass bill arnold byron bedell hoot bousklll blllle bulllvont henry chaplin nettle conn root dolan lorraine emmerson oeo parmer jos oiorjer jas oolden june miller paul hilts blllle muir rots norton dorothy olney gerard wilcox mar garet young grade vii to grade vtr honours ruth brondford relay cleave josephine cox shirley har rison doris roberts margaret bar- cent ross syket emery thompson kathleen thompson pass joyce bedell sherman bulrj nancy brown ruth olasler beatrlo hilts doris hilts keith huffman b- sle hulme ken hulme joan la- vole ylvla lorrlman douglas mao- laren wesley itcleuan alice mur phy cecil miliar ralph rvck otaud held marie ritchie iieoiiard ten- nont billy thompson ruth triomp- ton once walter john whltneyl mary wood starat wfloox there an now w canaetty omott of the mmtttry of frocbouon la cafa- tlon trdvmkthout brlbim and other m to opuitd thortly th attt 6f th aantehf offlow i to htto to rwaswttkt dwiuuoa of load at wwatawrf fawuulbwoaibrlflf lwaatj vt afg p tjoblor miiiibs is toa rw tttmti wmr uumuo tamamoto uibaio ariewveraion of tht dwott of aow the jap are a drrtn apfrtntoi 1 and other meet bhh or ittt wm aypatr in th flaiulm with tht iniiim oaroym ti nt kftt ftaowar ttaat bmwii atatoeomtrelolwa wtu

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