Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30, 1943, p. 5

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street dance and bingo july 1st lucky draw for two prizes 10 and 5 vouchers games band refreshments active service notes ft bsglritl hoars ha bsa tosu- ua tram cfcippavs fsba to cvlkp berdob pue cltrcc rwtbi tram sbigx- raootblax s tea on week ted cpl w hrasy lro anrirrir lo- rrr outer ictt bet wataend lass at fees- pu cfcxrk law at4 hit parcels lac wotaasshiy ibh fa had arrlt4 sajiljrr snas pormrttr cojtipjd at 8zith bus fred joh etliiud to lit hcajr lu mi at ui aioccfjn bkhaclr lie it taeepcroroy au at usrirlng djpc toronto otorpr pwuoa can of ui ecd un frank fvqkan trft or uondaj to mar training wtlii li roajf oaor will t stationed u manning depot lor hit ur robert w losnv ol acton rtfnd word tart 4 uiat mi wo bttrort lowr usrairacsutvra ufa tnsurenrir co rrprrarolaut at runga pore u brtrif btld there ta an tntrre meet rasp hr had not heard irons his ton far rightee maotht and did m know wtvmhrr h was dad or auw pe ualrt4ro brardlord ho hat been oocflrm to bed to cttnaur street llosvttal alnc laat february wa allowed ut i and around or hit soto btrtfcdty which h nltbraud aaondty ibt parrots mr and ur otonyt bnndford want down to m him on that day and report that mal colm la itftg along fin now and thmt a poitlbuhy that h may bt horn to a month it una the fighting masons hat climbed lot laddrr of promotion since last rr poted sgtfuot a r v uaaon ha tm mad a puucbl 8trtant and u with a torpedo bombrr squadron tn patricia bay d o uvumrman j ic b uatos u now a sub ttbttnarl on uw eavtt skh th 8joj 3bl d u c uua it cow ottjstr ooatnand- tag ko i tftuait oaep at 0n sond ursiunant a a tlea bthrtz 8 c oc lorbirrlj of lit pwtlr ttiaenua raeeziuj ritorind a ejeeuion owr- arc- lra rriiitd on janjary u lu i titrcicto arj tnlnad at ttttrvmw para at can boifim and vat n 8 rnr nnuu tn bcpueter of a aw tr a a banr oamcral 1u qiitftd or an osto traltln coorw and apret aos m attarh ij to a brthh ragtmrnt eradiating ttb lb roirirlhton cl ftnt urvt- rriit uil apru word aa rwd thi arrk trtt hr had b ap on tnr canadian laiuiary itraastjir- un iitf ttjb branrti at twifvvi erund po on jli bartmt tt ctadonrd tn inttand at prnnl and h ertua naar to ul of tht tran of a land sbrt you ran a a rainbow at it vtln at tuant and kabrunt tso tcnrur tod tvo wjiati to ont day polkjvtai tt an rarrpt from on oi hit irutr ankn tvplatni how ht chanrd to u uttrr nnmammon 8o it itotnd that thr othrr day whllr njtni atw ro tunwu and ta ujnrut tn onr day hrrva how tt htx- prftm juit a attur brlort wa took off lhr aun trt whn f tot up tn thr atr t a air nrtim wr rould tt it aialn altrr had bam up a whl it art afan him romlns bark at aaw thr iunru in tht air whan t landtd horrr tht crrat ball ol fir had not tt rttra to a tiutlr hrlit aotnr thr mountain so w wrf uicjqr to i n mor nuh it ru libiiii its june the month of weddings and youll want your wedding announcements to be juit right i our new pork avenue script odd that modem touch and ha proved popular with dozens of bridet drop into the office next time youre downtown and tee our tamplet the georgetown herald main street phone 8 a a-a-ta- a bbbv cksry e a t re mbbsbbbbbbbbbbbsbaaabbbbaaabaabbaaaaiibbafibbbaiiabbaabbabbbaib aib u4kmhau bjkhop vjc dorrrat u utr blr eoaud llru tk cnalrtttn of thr ntliorul a- uo liitu vl ttt balttlon axtr dominion day specials at brills thursday and friday july 1 and 2 two nights my girl sal in trchnlrelai with rita llaywwth vltur malar novelty at the stroke of 12 cartoon impatient patient fox new saturday july 3rd matinee at 3 pj they got me covered it all a 1st of fun with bab hoot dorothy lamaar special beyond the line of duty cartoon lonesome mouse chapter 6 king of the mounties monday july 5th this is the enemy russian feature a nation dances russian folk dances don cossack chorus sport california thorougbreds wild boar hunt entire net pwmrfa itlultl tuesday and wednesday july 6 and 7 reunion in france ttutuini alary af nndrrtwund ttronv with jain vawfara ptiuld darn javin wayne pete smith sky science traveltalk land of orizaba tbttrufub la clau c stkl fit emtifh uedtf kfwhtn no tiaajsdk fm tun iratlvtlr lot ij untf bwwrtu- itry bd brcn piat in mtlifj ftrvur c vul vkm tr mlvifrd u fit to to tfot drfrnrr hrtuscuarurt i chu iulr3 ttie hni u thr rrtaiit ol lhr dav tku pi ur pujwrou fcjmirm uf mthl- rat fu4inruao vhlcii puc w jur on ctruln tpr ui phticj 11 tniuucn fir rtftupi fut fret mill run b cotuldfrvd u aflrcitni mini ftbtllty to dtivr ft true or rrn prr- fip ijwl dut in unvrml tfnfc uirifiau utd mrn ho crou lhr ph- icul bofdrrunr tll tvot br liontluir ctxnbatanta twt 111 bt in box ju i uidjiaiicr sjtopst uid tuppj dtpoti aj ittuaortant chajfr undff tw ihjahfin trm lil br ihai mun 11 io lonitrr br abjt u tnlut la the bran h ol arm unit hr prfrll 111 jlntna ikixfllf wall be the drtrr- muiiii i ik lor ol hl aurnini h- us rcdioii oinclajn iil will mul in utr irjiujrr of mni aiud in tt rm from oni tlrpantnttu to anourr pulni rllit mm in hr rht tab kirn llbmtaa tactm tniltr um iulhins rbtm wrn jnniti i r tor air lulun lno orjw- dtull m th ihua1 ut lnr4- iiulorn pohlt the iiainir pulhcm tli jit t mqir upinr bod untl limt unii- iui iutr limb licaruiti tjibl mitmll and imullonal tulltj in ftrh dm mm i thtr ui tx iut in numu trd irum arn u iir a nun rciudrd r or liw in om n m rt of ttit divijoiib avuld no t acftpnblc lor mrvict a mm tn prfit ywutinn nould be rradrd tbu r u l l e m 8 1 1 1 t 1 1 m hi ith dut let i b u olrrw noreul mtyht cl huk irradinb pilhemb 113 1111 a in ui ho v pinttlh drat ftinl whose cmntionil ftnbiln uis sluhtlv bctou normal mlkht br cradid ihu p u t ii e m b 1113 112 1rrjtrlv in i sr the tni lsilrrtd in ur in uic ctaiuottn nrm tvtrhoj and drttam and the united stntrs it ujih under thm1 mn adopt it mwrtu loi tiulr armlr lnstrud of tir catrpoo mi- tliod not num nit n prm louh re untrd outrtklit bj hip rn undrr the old rutfitur ihtrm lll no become ell- nlblr n medlcnl officer ald hon j i nnlitnn minister of in- tlonal defence refettlnr to the hmtm in ho llniise said i uoum hae the effect of ntlttrins more borderline clei the ftyntem he nald provides tlmt i utcaorlmtlon will depend upon the effect which a physical defect like lo of finger or bad eyesight mlottt hae upon a man performance of certain military lunctlniu under the old trys- urn his disability might have pat him automatically in a low category mr ralston raid the new system will be used both for men who are rail ed up and thofie who volunteer it la a more aclentlflo and precise method of cataloffulntr men according to their physical abilities having regard to the needa of the army he said mens swim ming trunks skarkiain sluntite s195 and 295 bos slack suits 2 prr diffrirnt ihodrs tie 10 18 250 295 brills dept store m m u m m hi m h m m cob miu a main wth rtmjnc 1st ntabbwabbbabbbbbbbbbbabbabbbbbaaabbaiaabbbabbbabbbbabbbbbbabkl with the army itnr ami artlllio unll lnn milltr dtatilru sf 1 3 3 ard 4 t111 hii jt i umuurm auabj pat- ttmm alltr thtl mltrftl b attlr nn amlurn mirmj 1 prtrmtmn cini h s nun t r iru 600 tdilff f ml itoj otm ri k iir inprcrtf to t iiul tainp i tli li ill ttpcra t br- i lit lru j ji truiuu 1i br dl- iitll bj u col t ii i01t htinr n c nnt cnnil tl r ltrt arm blnil- nnd army s lit co i tl t ll ptimilt iullur wrvkra trolnjt nd d- niii t imi t i hi cainj 11 l titi in b ilry ti arm tf ii pi it i i ti rsmnitt i ttr lulttlc- tlti i hi hit prti tiklni amitiii t till t it li nkln ami orvt itirmutlon i mildlrfk chot to rfli1oal rr ui utanoti uol ulcr rwrlort nnttimiar cl thi liilit walt du nr criaitctrr irfnl cntnlrll bu bauc tralnlro 1 a chalham out ann rrntrr udu tua litticnrd at an anrnuinl cvjii ruliiltk labiuh nil tt uifk t 11 r mmi i a ilrr bimj ai d bain i imltur rnl injt id uir anlir ami iut mtnrh mwl atnm iimjia1 ok william v okant s c lnit itwi i icnt pain uict ih tt nitud mi ii um n lor a oratt vai numbrr ol tint tht ur a wllt i ill attend tlio 3 i it tni i li lil beventy railway engine were im ported into north africa from thr united states and others from dreat britain movements along the rooda are demonstrated by the 108000 vehi cles which pessed one checkpoet alone during the campaign supplies far wrench cltulans in north africa sail for rermln the tench array there have totalled s80- mo tons 1 tmilll it c a it illhiol illll i i 44th titctnti 1itm himmrnt rca kliumon whit wit i tn enmp turn jib to if nut tin 33itl iltr- rc rilit rromrnt rca ottawa from jul ih to ant i 0hrr itrnr artllltr unit intn tortinlo montrral rniilconk qtir ctrnnb qiir llamll- ion o iiljih ijimton ind wlnplnm out will nlvi nttdul l lit prtawn iiimmrr camp lulls nir null ivoitni to fill their i inkt- lx orr movln into numinrr tnlnlni rump tmpvnirtittni i pnll hltll is bclnr tulltwril b nrsrrtr ion units arrive canada nrw rt tralnlns ki i n nti nsi ts n um jshown in thr hot i cninilliil anm cad t con which no number mnrr thaii ooooo and in its new sulabus of trnnrni ac- tirdlui to statrmentft mndr b lt col ii f vnunlit adc amtlsltillt dl- rcclor of arm cadcts ottnua iiuliidlntt surli tltjlt us mrritri precautions flrst nld hlmuiulnu ntlil- craft ondcraft tuie of mapa jtalinc suliiiiuliiit mtlitiir mutlumitlch u-i- muttliiii intrniil ct inbustlon i ruitncr principles ol flight mctrorolotry and iw 111 tliltlneerlni the new mllubua of tralnlnt ls deftlfrnrri tn reach rver jountrsttr no miittet whnt tjpe ol hchool he may br attendlntr there tire three typr of ayllabua one la patterned for school with minimum incllltlra for training an in- tennrdlnte ayllabtu for cadet units in mhoola lth more ndvnnred training tarllltlro nnd for whools with maxi mum laellltlet and trained tnatructont n third nrrvanred sjillabus hu been avrked out the new training programs will serve to ittreamllne cadet training placing it more nnd more in thr same category as hi basic training given active army persormed mot drill rifle exercises formerly msln activity of cadets have been relegated to the background with introduction of more interesung coursri smart new uniforms for members of the cadet corns are new rolling out of the factories and it is expected that before long canadas cadets will march the streets resplendent in splen did khaki tailored tunics t private denau dwk pte donald duck ib el part main ontario now trammg with a oanadlan candun fun of comrorrnr ed afo whiitti ur and aba john d kuj jamr atar and lurone grant ait n iksuo ur and airs w o wrjnclds b v duncan prmuvdal innxr o ltd jorin duu thr w uradjr thr uccumbrrt erma anej limrr thr tiiltrra orucr drown jo i milan oruniruran uoru club lit riionn church tdna wula dial iurr tkilnft alri utrtln dd hutirrl and nell uoarr dranch iso cti djit lrvlcn mr and llr v 8 ilibrr lit and un 0xdlrr djntta hi d co 11 cor b cnulr mr and mr train mr and urr harry o idham rrma and tnrfl imblru mar and walter dlrhn norma tl omiin 1urnrlu vui grant and iinl ivtrr oram and famll alc- krrthcr lamin ui tom arnuirocuj i famll din and mm rtirkarl surh uav ma and iklt halton chaptir no m t it a m rsd croat socltv alllanrr puicj mill edna anil hart id chair ttna and dlclt ucta cittl and marie martin una 11 un i and ri li 1 i heck mr anj jhr e v mccormack mr and ur c ii ilatbrr maticl and fm nowen and famll clincr weary and jnud limit mr llirold ningham itta wlifiwt ilcskc mn herb clrava liit and florin feller ut i jk mr or nit win born ut mooix ccik ont winch lt abo it nudwj bilwnn oiliw i and monliial the son of tin i ui mr anil mr angus grant lie alindrl puulu hchool thirr and re- ttlod his second ir whoo education at vtxndna out hu commercial iducatlon was ootiitiusl ut commall and fmte iiln its coiniilitlon h entered the ociric v a victory loan com- ffui ol tin old cmwall puivrr com- miller and baliamrn clionrrtown vts viiin it millt- itochts m ik08 he rr- tor loan committer head office and tnilmd with the rompin after it a hlail pmlnclal paper ltd onv liken oir b proilnciil paper ltd staff of prmlnclal paper ud tnorold an wai later trarirrcd to ther fmpoiees protlnclal paper ld coat- toronto hi id oftld while there hi inc dh fmploee provincial paper inarrled hie tomr fihel ma tiullnan ltd paper du offlcr stall of pro of mlle roche in 1014 alter umng in mnclal paper ltd promnclal paper rormitii for a m ir the nioied to tlio- co ltd provincial paper ltd lold hire mr giant wut qrntrat i milliler o the provlnclil paper ltd plant in 1918 the came to oeorgc- town and linxe lviil lure nor lnce iakmerh can noxl apply i ob m irml liis bun cltnrril manager l help for dlhv hea80m o prolnclnl paiwr hire for twcnt- if jenrt the fiineml was held from his rc- sldinre olen roul u st coorkc r church on ttuirwlav june 24lh he farm commando brigades are or canlird in ovrr iso urban centre rial lulp lor ontario farmers who are suffering from n labour ahortagt woo thompson conducted the li in right nnd while lt may not bt si nice tito follow un were pnllbrarers i fully experienced help and is mailable o w mcllntock j d piper toronto j onl for part time periods it can be a h filler ed mcwhlrtcr w p rrj decided factor tn gathering in tht nrndlej l e fleck- he lrnwit to mourn hl loss hbi wile and daughter mary elisabeth and sev- i ml brothers nnd ulsters mrs thomas armstrong ottawa peter grant of idiiliith minn jnmra d grant of ot- tnwa mrs emnt novell and mrs william blair montreal mrs daniel barker north bay o w orant moose creek those relatives from a distance able to attend the funeral were w o orant moose creek james d otts- wnmrs daniel barker mr and mrs harold barber and son bobby north bay harry mekercher moose creek mrs w h murdock mllle roches mr and mrs ian stewart toronto a great many friends from thorold cfrlmsby owen sound and toronto were alio present thr many beautiful floral tributes testified to the high esteem in which mr orant was held they were from cllve and mildred snyder john par mer and family jean keith and mary barber ur and mrs 8 o macken- rje archie and haul held ian and annie stewart ur and mr j o mitchell hamilton credit lodge no 310 a p as a u col and ur oor- don ootiahu oeorge ubtsttle staff hn nnd grain ciopa and doing other sraonal farm avrk farm ctornmando brigades are now organised and ta operation in over iso cities towns and villages in ontario and volunteer willing to spend their spare time on farms are bring enrolled ready to res pond to the coll whenever it comes one of our problems says ales maclaren director of the ontarto fnrm service force is to get the vo lunteers who are willing to help to fit in touch with the farmers who need help farm commando help will de finitely be available in all parts of tht province and it is up to the farmer to make their needs known at once so that they can bt supplied wmb wor all the farmer has to do it to notify his nearest farm ccmraando office or his county agricultural npfeaestaurc that he requires help stating for what kind of work and the day or day when it win be required and ajatitano will be sent of course added ur maclaren commando help wttl not provide farm- en with experienced help wanted tor long period par that tjv of tuu tt ls necessary for him to apply to ths nearest selseahw berrlas ottos or to uk county sttkulsun riwblirtlr

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