Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30, 1943, p. 6

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wfaday as always the solatia u label is your guarantee of a uniform blend of fine ttuality teas salada iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii farm commando help farmers who need help by the day for hoeing haying harvealina or odd job should telephone to their local farm commando headquarter or to to ronto farm commando headquarter adelaide 7171 local 35 pirate telephone by noon of the day previous to need in telephoning bie number of men needed concession line north south east or wnl lot num ber coneemon number township nature of work and day or day when required if you uant help by the month or lon write your neareit employment and selective service office or ontario farm service forte parliament building toronto phone please cut thi out and pin up beside your tele- georgetown fare commando headqiarters g but depot wm long phone georgetown 89 exmxt hirrtb raootrnos i to hit itak hoov haw is your memory ovor twenty tursqmanir maiaum- i matr el hhlppln rettrlrllmta ix vaai bfamnt u blf otunic suraa aa decrtasi oar jamr ima j c ttlp wartlmr pnwi and ins trade hoard ordrr allowing cream pickup onl three times tn tao trftaa our memory li still clrar enough msiead of l1cr a ie during thr to look bock taenlj ear afo and re- lmwi month the quality ol cream cau one ol thr aorst storms ol a o- supplies to oilano emmtnr lia out their duties clonic nature rer to saeep over his been aell maintained according to re part of the counto this itorm will i port ol err unro instructor ol the probably lnffrr in the mind ot most dalr branch of the ontario depart proplr becsiur ii look place on the mint of agriculture the chance ap- tame day as the drury djtol oovlpear to have been general ell re- celved but as there has been as yet no eiceaanely hot weather it cannot br said to have a complete teat producers milton of low telling cream are belnu urnen by the dairy branch to adjust their se parator so as to produce richer cream hews from the pubic school list fnday jun 35 uw that officii rioting of uw public ufeocj thr children recjved their certificate of prexnotien and procd4 to forfrt books md ifuons for twe wf aj- thougti thry wlu t pencltitd to mam bt iu with usthrr nuirr nd lore up mtiualblr hraltb and mrrgy for thr iocs sinter gonth hvd ea thr psjtic tarhool chlllrra art- cctsciaa cf thr part thry cad play to can eu r if ort and will k vtut thry ran to tarip ljrtnj thr itnilrj tztoctha orccxtr thr rry coruidnx amount c tiinrti and tfr ritmnrljr trtit v4autr hrcvugttojt thr vii trr rymf tb rrr lutidmvrtr lutr ur ithoc4 jrr i to j pw enit thr cwtr- lion of parrnu tn arrtiaa thru chili- iw at aahot4 lmrrr pouur u appiruird tr thr tlajf lufular ttttrrdlnrr u fvarntl to kjttrr thr junior rod crou ha bern tjultr artitr arain thu rar in it wr ort i durtir thr fall lrrra tn vat rrallsrd i ifwn thr ulr cf batlrta vtiur i ihnjiivjt tjr v ntrr it7 u raited from ut ulr of 10 ton uarr i 3 and enr half u wrap mrtaj and ihrrc qjartrr itin rubbrr thr folkrvtnf darlatkm vrr rradr irom thr rrrripu junior itrd cmasv prrul fuivj t3o0 jr ftrtl cnu wr ivnd t 00 crtpiitr ctilidrm a jliikl 114 00 itf iwnkr juj ci t7ino unfal jturr cwnfon rtind 300 n uanur li00 chtnfcr war ftrhrf taoo thr putlir whonj alio ralul fxco for thr ruulan rr- lir tr tluntar donauar4 war hjtlnra talr tnulr3 tlj77 for thr bfhoul rr or an atrrar of hj pvr rr tjnig thr ttnt thrrr arraa tn junr a tprclal cffirt a at martr tn utr rnouch in avmn to purrnahr a irih charr thl am motr than trjllrrxl a thr total alnf in junr amounlrd to iisi fljrtyfr prr cent cf thr pupil torkk achantarr of iivr rr fmtar ttrm of handllnjr thr war fuvlrvpk in thr mhool rnrtdrntatly thry arr irarnlntr tn build for thr futuir and at thr namr ttmr help thrlr roun- ir at var thr rrand total for thr urnoo tdncr jan io not niand at tavvo 1 trtr etaff nnd pwplj artxh to tair ithl opportunity of thanklna thr f lomrff vho pair of thrlr aluabtr ttmr to prok to thr rhlldrrn on vjif- rla orrn1on hmtiboit thr rr mrr otlrr ol cciyrn ptnf hutt nd mr if c mrctnrr 1 hr mu 1 irrx of thr twn ho rrr m faithful tn thrlr vrrfcl rrlldloii lntndloti prrlod at thr kathonl thr hlfhmm pnml hrm for thr rar namrlv rviucla iitlmrr albert jathjr philip carnrv rnv rkr f5fnry thompon clarr hum nr- to hr xammrndrt1 on thrlr falthfulnrv in thl work pnnnnrt1 bv thr ijortu club omr- rar uac ttir whool rhlmrrr irom io rrfprrt thrr txn and to rrl on them to irr thrm mfrly arm thr htlttiway mmvamb uxttwar t was wvwxncb cotttcky ago uodrro la vry nwkl duicvd cor ttrtaittllc fcaovrurat and fiiud trith tuturtous mar hint and eadfru for thr eobvcdrior o travrlirr us eculparst of thr canadian national ralway torn orntral atation inrluflm oar luo vhkh mnalns unrhangrd unor the foundation of attain trant- pcktuuoo bore than a orntury ajo it u thr cairtiboard tlokrt vnth a dcatlna- tion prlntrd thrrron which tn alir and forta are curtly aa ihra lnrnltd tn 183 by thoiai- bdjeorulwin an ttuiu eoot ho fujnd no rrur tn nrrpartng rarh intuvtdual tlritft by hand altlrd b many prn djpil tjjmondan ia- uon maatrr at uuton on thr kracat- tlr and caiti uauatvy rntird hu i if art to do aaay with thr arrpinc of xknlrrf all and thr vntina of thr pat- jwnf rri- namr ar5 addra llr alto atatrd thr paurngrr to rarry thr tkrt itrg tt up at thr rod cf thr oumry i than hr ajjcm a arrtal number to rr- jfuvat thr ordrr of thr paasrnsrra ad imlmiun to thr truing and after aid found that thr trrtaj ninrjbrr ftrljitat- d rrarratnt and kept account tn crorr i i jn in utr today hnm aftrr putting m ijm in i taprmtfcon fvlmonduun ttandardiird th tire of hu tkrt at l inrar by retail merchants an important meeting ovvoted to the interest of aq brampton georgetown and duirict retail merchant will be held in the agricultural office qucea street wet bramptfia ora tuesday july 6th at 8 00 p tn speaker mr j w macleod a wartime plan for the retailer management service diviiion wartime price and trade board s a aaa mm i 11f inrhr and 133 inch lhkarra tnd llfkrtt cf that standard ilj are tn dl uv en ihr canadian nallonal liallwarr bubirnbr to our local paper arc 1ta the nevs from town yw katav crpllcei in only tjbb a fnr aiaraiaeaahaiiiaiaiaiaiaiiiiaiaiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiign abbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbat abbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb tnuaaot at ouated from power in ontario by the oonrvttve partv irhlcb later became known a ue howard o ferguson readme tt was on monday june 3fth 1023 between nve and lx o clock that the aklea darkened and the terrific wind hall and rain cut a wide scathe of destruction through italton county for those who would like tn read over again and or the younger generation who may have heard and perhaps mls- bejleved the uriousneu of the storm we reprint the following from the co lumns of the herald at that time the wont ttorm in the history of thl section ni experienced on mon day evening between ave and six oclock when a heavy thunder ttorm accompanied by a terrific gale done thouaand of dollars worth of damage tree were blown over on the hydro line and light and power waa off for twentyfour hours telephone line alio suffered severely many poles be ing blown down and the service badly interrupted the fine bam of mr thomas bird on the th line was blown from its foundation and wrecked john ar mours bam at stewarttown was un roofed at was alto d wrights large bam at aahgrove pred wrlgglu- wortha bam and james mcdowells bam at hornby were totally demollaa- ed and the roof blown off the school house and the store shed hundred of tree were alto blown down chimney demoulhed and much minor damage done in the course of the storm it timhii mr john newtons am was wrecked and many other in this locality suffered more or lea da mage but the telephone wire being down tt is at present impassible to ascertain the full extent of the storm large piece of corrugated roofing tav armours bam at stewarttown were blown quarter of a mile at cheltenham two bams of mr hutchinson were blown down and bun belonging to d henderson j trouton snd aiken helton were alto badly damaged in town the storm was severe but no aerkw damage waa done a email por tion of the roofing on the oeomcown coated paper mu1 was tern off and llr wesley oaokw chimney was de- ptea james morle art perry oeurvr iliimi jud ol mllwm and ed countering difficulty in obtaining qua lined help and that thu it becoming a serious matter at some points in most sections of the province the peak of butter production for the sea son will reach the peak before the end of june in the bellevllleklnttaton area many patrons are switchina from the creameries to the cheese factorlea rhe unfavourable weather during may however waa reflected tn lower pro duction in tome sections in that month due to delay in getting cattle out to pasture thu applies particularly to northern ontario points aa well aa to the ouelphbrampton area weatem ontario points look for a decided in crease in production for june it tatja of oar oustmed jmi tbajr attnat good ratuhi preferably betaken 3 and 3 per cent newell milton height har lindrd buiter fat in knuud oood luk boya the monthly report mentions the i milton high eknool if losing one of act that several creameries are en- lis teacher thl year mr a k leo- acton council proclaimed july 8th a civic holiday for acton rather than july 1st in response to a petition from a group of acton builneu men at a special meeting on saturday afternoon of acton school board mr e smith now of rookwood was chosen to be principal of acton public school work will commence next week on another new addition to the plant of the wool combing corporation in ac ton the new section will be two sto reys with 1500 square feet on each floor a total additional 15000 square feet of space word hat just been received from headquarters of the national war pi nance committee that teh ceremony in connection with the naming of the acton bomber will be held on mon day july 5th at the dehavlland air craft factory many friend here shocked to learn of the death last wednesday of mrs charles t mclam of toronto while in poor health for tome time her condition was not eon sldered critical she passed away at the home of her slater mr norman ifaiale h dewhurst blvd toronto bom at umehouae mr itolavm was a daughter of the late robert and matilda garvin free kress hard who has taught science and agriculture for the past ten years has accepted a similar position in the plcton collevtate institute plctun ont croan attorney w i ukk nrttrrril an imrhtiirutlon into the suddfn dtalh of 16monthold joan andenon who was t icken wednesday ailemoon of last eek according to the child s mother mrr allan anderson her twin sister june became violently iii about the same time joan did on biiturday june 10th at 3 oclock pm in the chapel of christie street hospital toronto thr wedding of corporal jack mclean hcjip and dorothy carey wot solemnlsrcl champion brampton ltcol r v conover v d who uncording to a cable received by his wife mrs r v conover has arrived safely in england brampton will receive only 2so0 gal ions of oil for oiling the streets this year according to the report at pre sented to the council on monday night by the works committee bramptons scenic golf course open ed officially a week last thursday large number of members attending showing great enthusiasm the oarden party and pair staffed by the brampton branch canadian legion no is in oage park saturday afternoon was a great success the sum of over 400 was rained which will be used for war work one man was fatally injured art eleven others received severe cut and bruises in a crash on no s highway east of the oth concession of albion township saturday night major and mrs banford who have been tn charge of the work of the sal vation array tn brampton for the past three yean have been called to the fairbanks district toronto- oan- tervator and oawtte herald new advertisements bring results week after week the herald bear tt gntifyiat report of the reauhs obtained froea herald claaaifwyl from people who have mwethtaj they wish to aed and want to find a buyer for a rety naab aian you can tell htrndrerk of prapectrw buyer you hare ccetrilng they an tnterested in the aame apphea to an article you with to buy make your withea known through the herald and it wtu curpriae you the twmber of eneuirie you will obtain new advertisements pave the way for easier living they help to qukldy ach trade rent or boy whatever u the rm mediate concern or worry the largo number of people they reach alwaya aeturee the beat pouiue deal on abort notice acquaint yourself with the many services they render regularly read the new advertisement column today a h l awbhibi pajbalbl a

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