Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30, 1943, p. 7

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tht gtoagetowo herald wdraeday jung 30th 1943 cars bought lor- cash 1 david saxe phone iss utktbjk ute crpt skew jswd l gul su hay aa otaaarta ui improved urufotm ihtotwattomal sunday i chool lesson i gleaned from the past ylaw no 438 sxvwm or omjwtnwow i i tka aaaaaataa a arrtt ctotu of u by avsruoo st ru s uoo u and atactica s s tar s t 111 himhf ac tsalse bbo utt chapter he u i prortlee that tbn may ba pijmfl by lha oouncua of local huntrtcalhu for p ad rtulaun lha a of amoae within tha lamia of tha oorporauoo awd whbuub a raquaat baa bo jih to uu ooundl of tba ocrporollao of the town of oaonauum to paas a by la oontraulcg uu t l of amoka within the umlta of tha town of oaorfatovn and w1iz31eab tha ooundl of tha corporation of the town of oeortttown baa deemed it adrtaabl to accede lo una request now theretom tide munici pal corporation of the town op oeonorrown by ito coun cil enactb afl pollow8 i even ownrr iburf trnar1 arret bxanajrr or occupant of any premlaea in or of a itm boiler tn connection wtth which a ore i burning and rvrry puun who oprralra uua or caiu or permlta to be used any unui or fire ahall prrrm the rmlaalon to the el bvojbhrre from auch ore of opaque or dense amok for a period of more than bikwr win la found a brief aysofka of iujnff w- report reoatiwd at tha head orfloa of tha back of uontrral from ua bisected uasr data of june hlh iso obiaul- in thr pnarta pnwtoka crop eoadttaob ax taerfjy fswar- star altltouas the eeasoa r amawnaj uir than nomsax bart- roc wrattw brometad sturdy crowth and raerot rjfehrr tastpermuirca pre- f orr boat of ue prairie bat tmilaled owaaopenaot groi i rcnrrally s rlociad and haanhy ad rarlreocm wfcrat l retrrai the ho blair ttasr uoutur mrrnea are aa olfactory tn and mam of hatauhawus but food rwlna air ur rally nudad in tha bouuwaet ana of albrrta wd are pmtlmt tn icanr dutneta tnaecta hair rintrd drbt damage paauirwe are tn food oondi- fton in tha proclrxr of qurfcrr thr mvq u still from two lo four weraa ittrr than ncrmal and wdna ani pianllna hair not rt brm romnlrlrd itriry ratna hair cauwd rrku da- magr lo rropa and drlard oprratlon gmrraly pajturaa and liar und lock promising orrhtrdt are in utu- factory condition and mail fruiu tjo promltr warm dry wralhrr u urgmt- i nadacl tn matt dutrlru li onuiw hrtlrr wralhrr ha prrrailrd ilncr tlw brrtnnlnf of june and proecu fur 11 crop hair tmprcnrd matrrtally tjt thr traaon rrmttnt about thitr rr tarr than normal eradlna of lhnnt aralna u pracllrwlty romputtd and liunlinj of com and root u wrll uiwlrr way recent urowth ha brn cuod hay and cloir crop and ptun- hair maoe rarrurnt proarr in th- marttlrm proilncea aevdtrul and plantlna arr tul uncompleted but hay land are ihowlnn rood oruwuu and ui apple orchard ther u rstdence of a i tiood et fulloalnd heavy biorm in illniuh oolurrbu all crop are ute lnd in trrneil below normal illoom in p orchnrili wui followed or a i ilrl hea- dmp and the outk i- for a crop so per cent to per cent of an i age prahnrr of onlaru paourablr wfithrr conclul nv leivr prtxalled ditrlni june nd familiu 1critliv while much utj r than liual hair piocedci at i hrlv itt tn recinl unki italni o ilil b l ion in a few nirthn unci wimimi jr ktill wheat had mad rapid pro rr and i fllllna and colorrln t w 11 twtv veahb aoofb tik- ooq in rauon far th prortntltl bouae rcalud in a rtrory for otomr hu1- larr of owkrlsa wer labof dale the laorrsj caxodadalr in icon4 pare and pnmjur drury in third plaor rre w l davldwon wtto for thr pu four yrara haa tern the paator cf thr ctkjvhoen and aangroi unhodut cnojchea preoxiad bit larrwu arr- muo to both coazrecauona on on- cl ricrlryj laa4 rei and un rild- ton will to lo part dwrr pfrtnlre today la incjjprtdanc day vh urn a e4imih br aiotiunrnt ti much of tha soiw u in bondaj arcljfcaid l vurnabn of ujun aa the rft of it tn a ktrugla to pr vhrrtff to ixxrs knetff webxur of lent travadom from paruhlnj from nonal pmra uomawhat u a boomr- 1h aarth tana tn thr elenkjiit in hljon on our laaaos too im about nation in uonday ooitr i n tr rr acccan- bondax but w iaajn from ii that urord our bail irwin to btmvuac thrr i aay to b frw crn ao on hturf wren tnxn u drclar tha way of prraonal lib- nr train in a uur ol 1 in the lawful fr jaly 4 fill i rllru aa4 jb taau aw- r r i firf n av ir0te dw bawkeia tataaob tmlifai iml usaa uxhan turtraa artaa sua tuar rer coma 9 rsaa clcal try eaaaaw f taa bhalhalafbllalaialbabllwlralalafalalhahhalalhalatlia thomrsohs quality chicks all mlnutea in any one hour 2eieiy uch penon ahall pmentut man field n- palchj bfdlmr o the emlaaxn of opaque or dena unoae 8pnn icrnlni 1 compeel hi ni at any point other hhan the opening to 1btlcl and recent srrmi hai b n the atmoephere ot the hue atack or i 4 pamurnk is excellent a i n jkjj err of tool quality in is in pnis th provulo of this dlaw ahall iect cuttlnn lll be irrnirjl althm tin not apply to a furnace or fire uaed in next few days plmitlni of corn and oonnactlon with the reduction reflnlnti roo is well adunied and the crop or ameltlng of orea or mlnerala or the nre mskini satlfactor procn- or- manufacture of cement or lo dwelling chords and amall fmlls uein ralh sho bouaw except apartment houiei premise althou lunch returns 111 any peraon convicted of a breach of i r much below normal and the lrld of ny of the provlalona of ihu bylaw herrtrs is exp tej to bt huhl tran- ahall forfeit and pay at the dlscrellon plantinn of tobacco is practlcalli fl- of the convlctlrti maglatrutc i penalty nlshed planus have ilmiii conslderabli not ewce dln tlnclualve of coaur the improvement recently ulthouah nome aum of pipty dollars itsooor for damisre from wltewoims ts rrported each offence and on default of pay- ment of the ald penalty forthwtth the penalty and coata may be recovered under the provulona of the surrmary rot pom hlleeth oonvtctlona art mvht be moved no penalty ahall be imposed under this bylaw until ninety daya after homewliex ire reminded that deal- douo from the corporation of the ers can refuse to accept coupons for ejdjtence of thla bylaw utven aa pro- rntioned commodities from an unalsn- tided by the aald ml i ration book nation rroulatlons this bylaw ahall lake effect from state clearly that each pare of coupons must be firmed bl the person to whom the book ts made out thla 1 meant to protect the consumer aa well ns the butcher nnd the latter is quite within his rluht in refusing to uccept cou- twns from a sheet of coupons which doc s not bear the proper mimauirc and after the lat day of june 1943 bylaw read flnt second and third time and paaaed by the council thla lar day ot june 1m3 joseph oibbon8 mayor p b harrison 4t oler notice txcredrfors mi notice to creditors iv the matter of llv rui ot ioiiv vewton rfindiclx ulr or the township of ekqandnir in ihf county or llmltan fannr arrutrl notice is herkdv oiven thii nil penona hmlni nny claims or dc minis nuiunst tht into john niwtoii riicitlcu who dlowt mi or nlmtut tin oity of toronto in tho county of eleventh dnj or may 1043 at the cltv york and province of ontario are re- i f oudph in the coun of wflllniiori tn the matter of the rtute of george e nirse ute of the town- p of ejjuiih in the coonty of alien farmer tvabed notice is herebv oiven that all person hatna any clnlnu or de mands offninst the late oeorve e nurse who died on or about the twentythird day of march 1043 at thr quired to send by noat prepaid or to de liver to tho undersigned solictors for harvey e nurse nnd fred morrlson the exec u torn or the estate or george e nurse farmer deceased their mes and addreanea and full particu lar in writ ins of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by ulmit and take notice that after the twentyfirst dav of july 1043 the said arvey e nurie and fred morrison 111 proceed to distribute the aeseu of ald deceased anions the persons en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they ahall then bftve had notioe and that the said harvey b nurse and pred morrison u1 not to liable for the aald assets or any part thereof to any person of boh claim they shall not then have rocsr n hatsd at oeoff ontario this twmtyseund day of june ad 1043 dale awd bknns7tt itahthow p the aaidharw it k rrty ahich u open ifii fr the lord jhui chsux ofna4 it at calvarys tr and aoyoaf wtu la tl h bond ilavf of 8tab msy make this grst and slortou in tlrpftdrnr day by now declaring tn faith in the drlirtr of our ult we brgui today a wrlt of ussorts in thr book of tiodus wtilch iwral it r high and mighty hand of cod working on bthalf of his popl thr family of jacob or as ik 11 btr calli lham uve chudran of la- t jrl pfotprrvd tn egypt particular l a long jotaph and the rulrra vlvo rrmrmbrrrd him wrre allva hat ihry toon iramvd on of llfra btttrr lraorva that t prmrtly la n4 always a fueviiag i silt the hrbrewa were a peaceful lav abiding people they vrervooda rhown people and aa he bleued them they proipered and thus inno- i ntly they brought upon thrmwtvea th hatud of the iuiplclout fgyp 1 ta nil pnip4nty la never an unmiird iu kaing vv ot tt nation know thut i i trut nut only dora it irud to i t k rtun awjfti nlng of the hint uwi i ut all too nfttn it rrftulli in a a kt ninr if thr moral fiber vhich nuikt t nnin ai prey to the ottnek f tht nt njy of our aoula l it not btruntte then that vp itic uld ri n in times of all out uur f n m fw rogrr to chae the dol i r thit wi ore twilling to neglect iur childrtn furfiet church live un natural livrn jutt that vc may mattr iiuirt ond morr money tl i egyptians had humanly m iking rrawin to fear this gn nt n iiion vkhich vwoa growing up in th it midt tho m v rulrra did not isniw jomph and lud forgotten tlu i nt in which he had brought hm fmiily tnto the land the ti adrrs of tht fgyplianti thrrefore mndc plann uhlch oppealed to their bril liint leaders as politic and uiae but tin y reckoned without god and the burdens and affliction they placed on the israelites only served to bring further blessing so israel learned a lesson which our present sorry world can profit by that tl pcnecatioa is no always a bordeo w 12 u the people of israel did not appre ciate it but the bitterness of their bondage wis a blessing in disguise note that 1 it kept them separate as a people affliction often serves to keep gods people separated from the world it is doing so today 2 it disciplined them and pre pared them for the hardships of j their wilderness journey we too do well to remember that whom j the lard loveth he chastenoth und that if we ore properly exercised thereby our sorrows may yield rich fruit in our lives 3 it threw them back upon god many are the saints of god who huvo found that the fiery trial the burden so hurd to understand or home ifll ictlon of their body hus caused them to bring their burden to the lord we have triivelrd fur on the nmd of faith vuun wc luive reached tht place where we learn that mans extremity is gods op portunity they hod only one place to turn they were hemmed in on every ride but us ever they found that the way up no man can close they culled on their god iii prayer always brings deliv erance 2 23 25 does god really know when ills people sutler does he really enre yes he docs they cried nnd god heard ond remembered thats all wc need to know the groaning of his people had already stirred gods gracious and tender heurt but he waited to hear their cry before he answered such is the law of prayer may we not for get it far too often we turn to we kfce few baaaj oae and two t nrrv eu white leriora pullet for aaje we e rwvaiwg carriers for bramd rock gad ul sohes thick for jury abo have several hundred white letbora s barred roek ad bjtj rock s white lefora hytrid cbitka for axle doriag jcrae thompsons poultry farm and hatchery r r no 3 georgetown phoa 48 r s 4i u hi ul rvjr trj un niu inronia jara arnold waa hard i fir wa lndina en ukr htrr plil- antf had lo rrllir iur lir irt or tlv i nr ttir iwjtvlwn twlury wa fjrtrr ivira arl luacajtxirn turrr wrrr mnrjr clni4ui 1kji too aprirau brought bhorr liir m cfuplin cojrt ol llntoon djr folt rlon 1tjj 1juu at u ot- 4 lard on ualn and uu1 n mraurr ol orrartown vrruilr ii p lawion ulatr luumit 0 fuu ral mamrd 07 rrr woo ttiimpars juht last vxajlji f j dub- ar wtll br tbr nrw mtnlurr al nonal urutrd crijjtti bui bthulta uu lu uonday fur twonlo wfrrr ha la atav- uoord wllh u arm brnln oorpa jn ivjriri paiilr ol uurida plir uniarif hurhr cuwirr niadr an importaat jrio nurmxi llrrtirrt u trr- axldrra btforr lh llouar ol oobunona nitiln iur laac walton or do a pru wrtdlnf waa m tr l rhl a napalm iivmi lialurda at tht homr at tha brtd1 trkhr lan w1u1 hrf charwr brolhrr a ii urk bas id lrrtll da o hurrxir riyifrt kalhalrrn urkanr wu marrlaj to irt rjrd ljlr thr lad u p trorr llr norman ucllllan trirjr wul ra wjii rrr ul alnr utplial adlo in calkdonu crrj4d uir unir rardrn fw1 at 1 uo arid itrun vhrr auiri iratr prlda for rria lnd afrrr thr will irnd a roopr ol rrxxiuu ilr j d uirambt u ttmdna isr ntimal itrtaj c1 titrt oivrntkvi at firrantoi pa ixd in ircrinove en turwla ji i mlh i jul dartd iturr plitrtn veaju1 actw trt 1 ir ft 10 ut that rr minill air un bur tn rririrvrril wr wtth lrr iturrt in thtlr w a immbrr of ljln i 1 jobura crueratton in ihr pjirmrnt hatr brrn fulrd durixrd l uaitatooo baai on wrdni inr thr nut rk ril iflltr nf ihr da jurr ji 101 atir nvkian tuhatlori alm ti urrn tltuiifrrrrd 1 o rl ulr lair o c itor wawtt ix h4tat to be bcotvtb8 i ivr vaiol ackothr trlrphonr n jwui hi nrr bring nvnrd in krllh hwnc n ojkul r arroittr tlwr utirinjm thr wrvlcr in ronntxtlon with thr mavrlf ilkrltn ur u thr lomlj ol thr ii i rr mm 1 th iii ll- parnwnt lli i it willi 11 m rrtr wlllon ut it mow on n jrnl n mr nt mr w t llrn art mr h t ml vtliir s nk 1 1 u t i 1 i w 11 mr r t mrv h kirk mr nnd mrr r v lurrttrlough mr 1 mr- j ii will mim j- 11 1 1 m r illji inv d is pi ml mr- j an nt ht lulhir iln ri wan thrown nrwl nd in a mill 1 ullh mi a rrkt town umr 1 itintl ik klt tumlndon nd or o tli ir rwmr town whrn iho 1 fir t prlr in cb a t ihr watrr m 1 ir i mlul drlrau tth m kl mr iln1 ht r tl tllrn william li thr tfrnr 1 xlllnj n priday rmtna whrn rl- dn iw 11 and plod urd wrrr thr hotr purpcmr of mrat ratldntbat l u mihr morr mrat aallablr for tha unltrd nallona thr armrd forra ahrs 1 h r nrllw partirlnant in thr war according anthlnir in thr nalurr of irwn tiu ftiir f mrat u rtlrrtl cantrarjr to 1 p in ol ritlmlnii rtnd will b rt-cinrd- uld k w talor pooda admlnlnir tor of thr wartlmr prtoaa and tradr noard itr wat rommrntln pr 11 lir rrrfcinr from utnr parta of car id lh undrr thr prrallln mrai alban 1 i vur tlrn thrrr ha brra tj rurd bnln of auatr brlura par trvi nink wt h rrvillanl rhhoaj up of thrr mrala in romr rrtaurra rnr ilt nnrt province ot ontnrto uic rtfiiilrcil lo mmui bv ost prop ut or tn dihwr lo tho unrlersltrnrd solicitors for hitu- nftli rtlddrtl tht riu executrlrtnf the estate of lonn newton rmlilill farmer a ceahl their names and ttlclreases and jul pnrtlctilnrh in wrt- inct of their claims and auumonur o their accounts and tho nature of the ectititlofl t any held by them and take notice that alter the twentyflrst day of july 1043 the aald j tii- 1 j rjjjii rfii jij mtt 1 everyone and evcrythinu else and hannah buddell uiu proceed to dlstrl- flna ln dc to ood why bute the tuneti of the aald deceased not lurn t0 jj g nmontr the pcnions entlued thereto docs aj hoor ond an prily havlnb raard only to the claims ot ort y but rem that real which she shall then have had notice proyor is the cry of faith coming and that the sold hannah ruddell will from the heart of an obedient child not br liable for the aald assets or any god may answer other prayers but part thereof to any peraon of whose he always answera such a prayer claim she shall not then have received his answer may not ba in accord notice with our opinion of what it should dated at oeorgwtown ontario thla ba tor hla wisdom la infinite ho twentysecond day of june ad ims know batter than we what ute on- nat ant naimurrr should be lat ua trust the lwelitefl j ol ml the earth to do right aouotwrs nor ttw sold tnj igts hannah hoddell

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