the georgetown heru wtfansfay june sfltfa 1943 as we see it ay j- a sou nti enmvino us rj jus srtar that w bsw ten hartna recently w hat almost torpottrn uir loc wtntr ml tt lt ipnnj that w had tii to fad up with show last monday m to br uu wfest b had few tociai or to imta up wwytfilni end to tf op thr ttrawberrlee to uutr ftmj ef fort for to uuul tfery n li et ttrm wood euiitty aurary uu war and uim trgntd to b firrity of ha iry were mi mouth to prtor though and nouovj whrr uiry had ma been tallls or u hltb umt caart box last saturday wtotato u man thus thy er worlli umdsy tbowsr would l btlpful to tnr rupborto bo u thy err now fonwd and c1 soor or on th marart trt wrra was an ideal ww or hiytn and thaw butt hair brn a rood dal of it her- vtatrd durtnj u wtwc rt temad to w a hraty crop ynulng by any 0d ttat vr nollred at in montol it loot aa uvxsrti uvw may b mora bay than straw trd yar aa lb tat gain dostnt look to tu aa it so oftn aw at thu him of tn yar fetatoc took wrtl and may br they will not br co tfarr anotbrr aptlne aa tnry ar hgtrt now it kxj diittctxt to undrrtlend why any on would want to draw umwlin up tn on of ln oothoo uiat r trad of tna day ttuj arr ijxhuif bjl oral and whan tnrrr rr aurh nkr khaki or air rorcr blur vill to br had for the tiunt almott it trmu itrangr uiat anyone wo ij ri look uir ond tlmr at a zootboot it lint bream ttiry arr jtetonabti- in prtre nor would thry bt tool for lumrr wrir rlllirr ever sine thr istt nr me hair brom ued to chanurj in drrn or rren to thr lac of drrwi in many raart but hard at aomr ef thr nrrr idru in dm wrrr to art uud to coo of thatfl i to th aaaw elau aa thu latait idea tb zootooc u iml aiitli 9cou that tfeay baaa crmtad a riot in tots of tn uiw uh and we would think that ta vajvr torly rold juat wbat caa romlns to tbast- tui aeulffs or tb laat victory ltu orlr wrrr a tblt and tbr grand total waa glvn aa on p and tnra bun- drrd and rlxht irmlwvi atilrb mrana a lot of money thr nvubrr of aubtrrib- rr err glrvn aa two rrininn and bit hundrm tnouund ifat of u wonder- ad u our twnrilnn would null tu ob- ixv tn us last loan but v mwkt bat eaird our worrytni hu douta tnr nn1 uian will br rtro larf and hi all tb olbm will pas tu oberut aa nd tb bom front u dotnf ut part aa vru aa tn otnrr tronla to tola rond vorld war one or tlb eawiea irramtl to frt undr way it trir on aa to hlrh ww aoiold prrfrr to ut tn tnr city or to lhr tn thr amalr town a far at r arr conrmd tnrrr unt any nrummt to it taar tru paat rrk for invtanrr vith tu jonr hat llttnr in thr rttr j mlht want to tltll a balhuia braih and to v thrrr from many potntt in lb city would mran an hour or prrtiapt mor on tar ttrrrt car rut auppocr ou wntd to tai thr pluna hrrr prom almoat ui point tn torn tou rould arrlr at thr rtirr tn about im mlnutra or irat nrld lht yoj wouldnt br in dan- srr of hattns your frt rut on brokm bottlrt ai to many did ual wrr rnd to thr dry thn tnr frrah cool au for tlrrptna lint an ihr job in thr rtty ilk it u around horn which would you ptrfrrr at ar trr tt thrrr it no room for araumrnt at all ckak a sweats ajur bavla bald their third suc- cui blood donor clinic ailibtfy ox our wtks rjw oottoea fctn averred tiv csu of hut r cfo for bood 4ckauoa ut wrdnciiliy mars- tiv in lh veioa iuu vbeo fartrnlq rrportd tc glie thr rauchzledfd izrum ttre ir u bv in tur tad thr usual itmlt o auru and local doctort ooor more fair of their tlmr cod u imu tn fitting thr domtiont ulu palxm n w- vas tupcrvlur tn chff tw rorptoo commlttrr rrcutran and rrfrnjimmt coaaniu ixln oi hand to mt th oprralioos of thr runif tmooth ranalna and erflrtrnt fuawtng arr tin nimu of thou rrporttnj ccu dowc cwnc croat llmry hrfiio cnirt hnrs qor cooprr fvrcy iiu1 joiin wlluamion lilrpri luwjfi prank krnnrdy n- uut brrr wiuum lnu orrald uc- callum ii mulr ptj wrrr waltrr hu3jr jai ihcldifkuii lura uaarn- ur alb hill vlncmt hrpoum km tifin lanjidon junk orattam cyril rtrrdford john ilarrtn flmllry tihar wilfrrd fvafiti wufrfd llino cu wiltwn mirry iuu john cuirr krinrili ditdon roy ward intu llllti hrnif hill jounli wi iv r john krrr ctiartf dy junr valriitinr nirrt jrpjn otxirff huuth hrrtxri llughr llr yojnf oortion ufnll waltrr ctrprnlrr ttuiim krlly jrk tut tvtamlri vojjig mr rvher mullurn urt tiniiir iwjiim dunnji thr 44 d rndrd 8u1 uv allird fronttlnr roof- ind air fort in north afrlra turd up 39000000 round of ammunition of all callbrr in thr latt trat ballr 100000 ton of ammunlilon vrrr madr ivjiliblr rrr day active service holes rs arnntt vaiy rrcruni a ratlr rom hr n urji rttb on monday to vi he lud utte1 ofrrii rvafrly a nunitxr of thii and motjirfr hrr mm mtfr in the ut avirnr ftfou dvmirjtinriit t iril lllr rtxfhrd ritlr n f ina them of a aafe arrival ofrrai l0almews tb ahowers on uoaday pf aur bppradaud by tbany victor kida- ert and t arraara ahk 1w0 tftoiato cabbu and riliry plants for u chhlp- piuxv tl prom all rrporta it ktoki as though thr mrrchanu of 0orkuvn vtu b lotfd on uonday july uh tnauad of tburtday july ut sir john brantrs u1 accoznnany hr huaband lion john brackrxi vtus hr maara hit uahoo tour iprivinf at ulltoo tomorrov night hv ulmi hoow school party vlll bt brld july tnd proftus atarts at tfo pnx aharp ftrrworfcj and danor booth en crounda if ou can glw thr farmer a hand- il with hi hay crop jou arr aiaad to tt tn touch with w ii uses farm commando ilrajlqaartrra for uua di- trtrt um pird ucnwoly waa tnadvrr- irntly mtairxj from thr name of thotr udl lltrd ut wrk a forming thr ixmiuioiu of lit orovr ladira vho aunwjrrd thr marathon rurhrr ur h o wtlaslrraonh prtnctnal of oir lublic ilctvonj u u br confra tioatrd on thr fart that all hi candi dal- vtltlng it titi flctiool entranor caatninttimit vrrr occctafuj talf abtatnrd hunuun out of a total of tl tttlnf on dliplay tn the 11 raid vtodo uiu mrrk u a hrd of aprtnir vhrat ttitii a mlrtn enraaurtnr v tnehea long it a broutht tn by mr waltrr t lan himr vhrat for junr and after lmrntyfir rar lltnx in tovn if aay mr irrn ttui knerva how to gto hi whrat july ptcnlc for wocnrna initltutr aui br held on july mlh at 3 ocloct instead of july 7 at the homr of lira w o ucootll a aprcul miraker from the robin flood flour oo vtll glvr inrclal war time rrclpra thrra mill b a pot lurk picnic upper bttry- tinr wrlrornr a uprclal oollartlon vtu br taken fur thr institute- for thr blind ball1nafad thr junr mrtuw of thr wilrt ai held at the iiuim ul mr jitnlrj uin- tlair rooht of thr nimbrs brm prr- awnu thr tofiic fnjin tin- tudy book oa eticn by mj fbt mcknrry and the puicnhui j kit ls the truth about thr japanese canadian in the form of a comtrtwition as made vrry tnterlnp by mn j mccnrrj mm klrfcvcod mra f j ahortlu und mra 8 sinclair rev koremjui conduted a baptli- mal service sunday momlna four chlldrrn ft err bapturd joun uarlyn smith iuney frederick while eddie leroy while and gordon sherlock alt en the two sr sunday school clauc are having a sunday evening service july 4 when hartley c anderaon of mil ton will be the ffucat apeakar rev and lira a o w pbrwnan o- irfaratrd their 15th wcddlnc annlver- aary wednraday junr 33rd umehouse the ijmrhouve irrsb1rr1an ittinda school h1 elided lor hr aujnmtr months hrv c c cfhriiir twvii ilia aenrn of srrmoni jn uu- vwitmlnnirr con- fiin of faih on sunday laat mum ivjio 3melnnt m home durtn the neekrnd trs t l cninb 11 and children jjsti and dlllii are spiidlns ihm seek 1ui trr panntt mr and mm a w norton r kmnear u pendlntf acme tlmr with hr vn mr olrnn klnnrar i1ihth notu x koari to priii v hid mr- rttrinald ht croufirs ciiircii ifirr i on jhn 4- in ptel bov urtlt mnmii hmi ilriujiton on i junr tjnd tv recent ouuundinit merunpt have bem enjoynl by the boya i on mttnduy june 21 the boya ware i entertained by mr nd mr and bui boydin lovtiir mitiii of a dear menally at tiielr iwrnr on market at- a very enoabu rentcf wax axtcnt tb mm your eyes 0 tb rifht laaaaa fltlad win anaal jwa to in fraedaa af jwathfal wtthlaf yaw d taar rtyi fal bacu yaa wffl and icaatlifaf w btnaoaa war wark nay a pnltlnt ertra barden aa yr rycalabt ray aa rramlrt yaar erea nowt com8u1t ot walker r0 eyesight specialist who will be at his offloe over tha 11 tclephona oo ualn btreet orsotown the second wrdnaa- y of each monlh or you may liult o t walker at his vn in brampton fhone oeorifetown 67 ha dnunpton boo iv hornby mra oeorvje bailry of toronto is laltlns relative at hornby tht vrrk a number from thla community at tended the anniversary arrvlcea in borton prrabytrrlan church laat ban- day several local farmer have been for tunate in arcurtns aomr of the ex perienced young men who arr ooenlrui down from thr wrat to aaatit in tiaytnj and harvratlna tn ontario before ro- 1ns back to rather in their own erona we welcome them to our community rev j o and mra twtnn left thla week for their annual vacation which they arr apendlnir at jackaon point lakr aimcor and fitoufmiie rev oeo o webber ornaral secre- try of the lords day alliance of ca nada will occupy the pulplta in tha hornby charge next sunday and on the following sunday rev a j o cantcadden of the canadian institute for thr blind will preach in all three churchea at thf retrular time oo no fall to hear these men school lioa clowd drn1n for thr sum mer vacation hut plenty or work will be found for both teacher and pupil lurlntt thene huiy day the womens association of tlfr umteft churrh met at thr homr of mr btrlriker on tuesday afternoon of thin week tlie aicrnment of the irfinln siipprr wus olervil in all thne churchra on hornby ehanrc itiht hitiuluy with a fair iitteiktuner in aplti of the extreme heat t1e of mr i a i rmnt of the elmnie met in hornby clmrrji on monday even- inif tliere wns a rood nttendanee in ml mori am ut iii htximl and fauicr uavid aboer ami who died june 2tn 1837 hr tadc no one a hut farewell he vili iroodby to none tl- ifrivrnly rate werr opm i a invim voter aald come lirond the irstea our loved onaa i rind hipplne nd rest and thrre ia comfort in the thought a luviiur nod know best sadly remmbered by hla wife and family ha wis in lovlna mecnory of our dear fatlier alexander hawea who parsed away june 30 t043 only a memory of byyone daya and a lion for a face unaeen out a coniunt fee linn that ood alone knows junt what should have been we cannot clasp your hand father dear your face we cannot are but let thla little token tvu that we still remember thee ever rrmrmbrivd by the family mocreioht in lovtrur memory of my wife marjorle who poaaed away june 3tth 1034 nothing can ever take away the love a heart hold dear fnd memorlei llruier every day nemembrunct keeps you near karl mccretirht windsor ilkfco in luvliiii menioiy of a beloved nutlier mm ftufib- itfthl who died june 3mh 1041 ever remembered by her two daughter winriiuin lovuur metnory of a beloved iiuihuki uiu father ororye wlnnlhui win fjtinl july 3nd 103h htdly mlimd by wife- and family at thr ccmduikm of which refroahmcnu were aw ur and un uckally and bui wr trlven a hearty vote of thanks by tha boya on uonday june tt at thatr dub room the boya had aa their ffuaat able sen man ronnie uendham who tots them of many many tnteraattna ex- perlrnces especially of thr great raacua mork of hla ahlp and crew a halt had to br called by their leader aa there seemed to be no end to the queetlona ukd by the boy a hearty vote of thanks together with thr beat wuhea of the elub were given to ronnie lll wmillkmtrt of nkinn pahs away iimuvni m tt dont miss seeing this is the enemy j an onlilinrllai flrture brlnr fealnred at s gregory theatre georgetown monday july 5lh e wo mo bhowfl im pjo ana ms ml hamra wat l to aid to rustia fund imo or nru4in tnulinlillth old n ilillls illi 1 on tuikilily jillli xinl wll limn iml u llltlmitc rrnliliiit of hul inn illitl in a llmiillton luihpllnl in htn iijliil viiir llh rnrllrr llri wiih mull niiii niimiii vlllum uuil in luier mnvtti tn milton uliirt in uuil lilit bruthrr liuil okmtiil ii frull farm ilt was a inriiitur of st iiitir prrabyterlan cliurcli nf nrlson tnwiishlp fhinrral hrrvlcen wirv heltl fnint tnrnira ftuie- rul nrlor oil prldny mid inlerment was in st paul church oemotery mm nathan dunn dlid nt her liomrt near lowvllle in her mill year the pre vious tuesday bite was bom in naau- iraweya township coming to kelson bhortly after her marruoe ah was m member of st oeorses antlloan church survlvlrur is one son james living at hams glen williams june promotion list the following u the report of the junr promotion examlnatlcsu of glen will lams public school name appear tn order of aandliui s1mor room cindr vn t clrada till honoirns ruth preaawood cath- rrlne bingham louise roblnaon ua tioit stamp donald flchenk betty ijlckeiiaon imh3 llemlce olww laura davld- vn robert norton john ifmncock ion trial grade v to vi honourfl carl brhrnk norton pait iran iiniunuiit htuinp junior beuumont hill- iallr ntirtou runatii rohltiron leiild inulu beth blnjiham tn ta i punlnutes if war savliuin htimit ror btilh ctumut iv421043 amount i34x hlnf 1040 7mtk tlunlor red crima donatton 7 b0 navy uuttue donation 1331 kiwoon a flxtrnii teacher audrey marlon loulu iltwmlhwmlrfwwha 06dens hmnlht ixr junior room flradr iv to flrad v illllli lliiiiiii xirln olliirn olmrlm nnrtnn clruitr iii s flrad iv triuhii ontrundnr ohurllno dlbba oiirnut iiiiiiich gary cooper dlate iiuiiu clraile ii la rirade iii elouiior bchenk sylvia norton tied ivtiidrrd norton david oooper rarpln deauniont lillian norton mabel devans and n b to n a oarl hui billy barelay bulle momurdo oraito i to ore n kenneth oohank lotaae ltakar richard hatmook ulan tuiwen oral ib to oraj u dotttlas 1i6kar larojr bttla mw to pjuupjonr llldr40 whoa tth blfthday eomm btsom jan 1st 1mi win ba aeowtod u in icitarahar a p lots of summer ahead a good selection summer suits reg to 595 now 3 shop with confidence at silvers dept store whew good ctotfcm cost hm phone 375 cbomsstowll c